Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 493 411 Tamousin: I think about it, I just really want to

Chapter 493 4.11 Tamousin: I want to, I just want to

It would be a lie to say that I am not moved.

Trazin, the ruler of the Tomb World of Solemnas, the curator of the Solemnas Museum, the king of figures, the picker of figures, the history buff, and the ordinary passerby.

For a moment, he considered the possibility of collecting a Primarch.

The purpose of Trazin's trip is not the original body - he has a more ambitious goal. The sleeping Lord of the Underworld is waiting for him, like a tempting piece of ownerless gold, a huge and bright rare diamond.

What's more, Hades's value is more than that... Trazin has his own agenda regarding Hades and the other people he implicated.

This cunning space overlord is standing on a larger chessboard. For the undead that have been sleeping for thousands of years, human history is only a moment. The great rebellion will tear the galaxy apart, but that is humankind's business - he Just make sure there is no imbalance between the warp and the physical world.

He is righteous. This galaxy needs order. Subspace should not interfere too much with the order of the physical world, and this world cannot tolerate another subspace god.

The Lord of Humanity will never become a god. With the subspace size of the human race, the Lord of Darkness will once again set off an unimaginable subspace storm.

On the other hand, out of Trazin's own will, he was willing to help Hades - even if he didn't have that special physique, the interesting and deep soul in him was enough to make Trazin's heart move.

A funny and honest interracial friend who needs this collection.

Of course...it's more than that.

But this plan will be longer, taking thousands of years as the criterion, and taking the rejuvenation of the race as its ambition.

Trazin, who claims to be still alive, hopes to give it a try.

He won't lose anything. At worst, he will fall asleep again as soon as the program is completed.

Trazin thought, the indicator light on his face flashed imitating the flashing frequency of the human mechanical sage. He "looked" at the vigilant Corax behind him, feeling that his love for history was burning. .

Each Primarch was unique, but there were always those that fascinated Trazyn more than others.

He had not paid any particular attention to Corax before, but as he came into contact with the Primarch, the subconscious equal-minded Primarch attracted Trazin's attention.

The Necrontyr, the predecessor of the Necrons, is a highly centralized race. The overlords enjoy everything, and the leader on the highest throne has the power to determine the fate of the entire race.

It was the arbitrariness of the Silent King that caused the Necrontyr to step into the tragic river of becoming the Necron.

The Silent King listened to the deception of the Star God and converted the Necrontyr into fleshless Necrons. They have no soul, cannot die, and have no rebirth - as a race, they have completely failed because they no longer New blood has joined.

Trazin had little memory of the day he was transformed into a Necron.

Did he resist that day? He must have resisted, but it must be useless - a highly centralized society cannot tolerate any contrary words.

Trazin once thought about it, if... if the original Necrontyr, the original King of Silence was a being who could listen to the suggestions of other Necrontyrs, or if the society of the Necrontyrs was not highly centralized, then would their ending not be the same? So cold?

He didn't know that Trazin could only touch his hard fingertips subconsciously, and the touch in his soul had long since disappeared.

Trazin's sensors were faithfully transmitting Corax's actions to him, and the primarch was even subconsciously willing to help him. The primarch was trying to cover Trazin from the enemy's sight as much as possible. Corax might have Thinking that this is his battlefield, the battlefield of the Primarch.

Trazin was acutely aware that Corax would do this even if it were not him but any of the Raven Guard or one of Corax's men.

Trazin felt his own thoughts that were about to move, and he appreciated this kind of existence - until now, Trazin thought, maybe this is why he respects and appreciates Hades, he is the same kind of person as Corax .

No...no...Hades is more interesting, but the historical value displayed by Corax is enough to make Trazin's heart move.

This is a person who is very suitable to be placed in the center of the human exhibition hall, illuminated with spotlights, standing on high ground, and posing as a collection of objects following his charge.

Even if Corax itself looks pretty gloomy - maybe Trazin needs to make some adjustments to the lighting, or put the Raven Lord in a dark corner? Trazin struggled.

He'd better gather some of the Raven Guard, the mortal auxiliaries who follow Corax, and place them next to Corax.

The sneers rang out, suddenly pulling Trazin back from thinking about how to place the new exhibits - no, not now, not now.

He cannot randomly pick up and take away a chess piece that he likes from an ongoing chessboard.

You should be a little patient, Trazin, the Necron thought.

When the chess game is over and the lights go out,

He does it again.

As a passing messenger of justice who helped humanity, Trazin believed that the Lord of humanity would not be so narrow-minded.

Just borrowing it back for show.

[Can you keep up? 】

Corax's whispers fell on Trazin's red robes. Trazin recalled the top speed of his body and shook his head.

His strongest body could not disguise himself as a mechanical sage, so Trazin only chose a body that was closest to a sage.

【...As expected. 】

Trazin stared at Corax. The primarch almost bowed like a raven, ready to attack. Corax was very nervous now. He subconsciously made his body expand as much as possible. Like some kind of demonstration.

This posture is also suitable for displaying as an exhibit.

Trazin thought, he knew what would happen next, his sensors told him that everything would be in time, so he was not nervous at all, and his exhibit would be intact.

Intact, enter his pavilion.

Unlike the leisurely Trazin beside him, Corax swallowed subconsciously. He stared at the opposite side of him nervously. Corax's eyes were splitting, and the blasphemous scene made him almost cry tears of blood.

He saw his brother Alpha.

In the pool of blood, the pitch-black claw that could hardly be called a hand stretched out, filled with soaring blood energy. Scales like rough ore like brass climbed on the arm, and blood slowly flowed down from the ravines of the scales.

Corax didn't understand - he couldn't understand - this was a picture that no man of conscience would tolerate - that of a completely depraved soul.

But deep down, what Corax couldn't accept even more was that his soul was vaguely resonating with this crude drawing of hell.

The original body's black pupils dilated, Corax used his own reason to suppress his instinct, run away, run away quickly, don't think about anything else,

This is a hell that magnifies the ravine of desire.

The tip of his nose smelled the smell of decay, and the rotten monster behind him was vomited out of the cocoon. Corax felt his hairs explode one by one. For a moment, he seemed unable to move, and the original body was vomited out. The pain in the belly pierced by Horus was sharp, and Corax was convinced that there were forces here that he could not see, staring at him, pressing down on his soul.

However, the sage beside him moved, and he watched as Trazyn took a slight step back.

Corax, you need to cheer up.

The Primarch thought, you are not the only one here, and you are not the only one who needs saving.


The primarch let out a painful gasp, his lips moved—

【three. 】

At this moment when the original body's whisper was spoken, Trazin felt that his body was floating!

The technology from the Necron didn't even react at this moment, the sensors beeped, and Trazin magically found herself "flying".

Corax was running, holding the Great Sage in one hand as he ran, fleeing, trying to avoid his fallen brother.

The speed of the original body was indeed beyond Trazin's imagination.

Trazin once again strengthened his determination to collect Corax, and he recorded this rare scene - the experience of being carried flying by the Primarch will be the only one in the galaxy.

Corax panted, he ran, he heard their roars, his vision began to blur, the road ahead became hazy and blurry, the primarch let out an angry cry like a trapped animal, and his other hand Holding the three-headed power whip tightly, he listened to Alpha's wild laughter behind him. It was unbelievable that Alpha was faster than him.

[Go to Khan! 】

Corax roared, he aimed at the long corridor in the distance, and threw Trazin out. His eyes became increasingly white and hazy. Something happened here that Corax could not understand.

But there was no time to react to this, Corax suddenly raised his hand, and the power whip made a crisp collision sound with the battle ax flying towards him!

The long whip relieved him of a lot of force, but even so, Corax still felt that his arm was numb from the huge force.

【Your opponent is me. 】

The Raven Lord spoke calmly as he stood, waiting for his enemy, the power whip in his hand arcing.

He stared hard at those two beings - were they still alive? Can he kill the dead? Corax was silent.

Just a little longer, the primarch thought, and then he would find another chance to leave.

The white mist obscured Trazin's direction, and Corax gritted his teeth. If Trazin was trustworthy, then he at least hoped that Trazin could leave.

A sage would never be involved in a war between primarchs, Corax thought.

He raised his whip and looked at his enemy with a look of death.


Trazin, who was hit hard on the ground, struggled to raise his head——

He saw a pair of feet, stained with the ashes of dead leaves,

"this way please."

Trazin's electronic voice spoke dryly, and his calmness seemed to disappear. The Necron pointed behind him. Mortarion, who seemed to be in a hurry in front of him, stopped. The Pale Lord looked evil. Staring at him.

+? +

Mortarion made a confused sound.


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