Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 496 414 Trazin wins first time

Chapter 496 4.14 Trazin wins first time

The breath of death is hanging over this place.

Macado wore a heavy gas mask. He stood in front of the ashes of burning corpses. Countless corpses with their throats cut were reduced to ashes under the bright green phosphorus fire.

The dark eyepiece of the old man's gas mask reflected a drawing of hell in front of him.

The poisonous fire was raised, and the suffocating mist rose from the flames of the corpses. Countless aliens and human traitors whose vocal organs were muted by the poison had their throats cut in silence by the Death Guard, and then pushed into the seven blazing fires in the hall. in the pile.

Dauntless Karas is holding Mortarion's scythe mistletoe, standing in a circle of seven fires, with seven aliens of different races tied up in front of Dauntless.

People waited quietly.

Finally, as if he noticed something, a strange light flashed across Malcador's eyepiece. The old man lowered his scepter, and the golden flames on the scepter were dyed with a layer of emerald green.

Malcador placed the head of the scepter into the phosphorus fire where the corpse was burning in front of him.

Seven seconds later, Malcador suddenly raised his scepter and chanted an ancient mantra loudly. Green fire rose up, burning violently, and billowing smoke spewed out from it.

Like a wizard priest, Malcador's whole body began to twitch due to the spell, and he shouted,

"It's now!!!"

Silent in the center of the altar, the fearless raised the mistletoe, sickle sharp, blood splashing, death, death, death again, death seven times, calling to their Lord.

In the firelight, twisted moth shadows twisted on the walls of the Endurance. The monsters of the subspace were summoned and revealed their true forms from the physical world.

A hoar-like death sound sounded in the silence.

+… fuck. +

The Pale Lord's drowning curses sounded feebly. Mortarion, who was lying on the ground, slowly stood up. His drooped wings began to close again as he stood.

But Malcador saw the pierced wound in Mortarion's outstretched wings. The Pale Lord's armor was broken, revealing the ferocious flesh and blood, and the swollen and oily wound was exposed. , overflowing with dark and sticky venom.

Mortarion gasped loudly and closed his wings, now completely hiding the wound.

Mortarion took a deep breath, and white mist spewed out from under his poisonous gas mask. Standing in the poisonous mist, the Pale Lord stood relaxed, as if he liked this environment very much.

Macado, wearing a heavy gas mask, walked over holding a scepter.

"You were banished?"

The old man pointed out unceremoniously,

Under the hood, Mortarion, who had completely stood firm in the physical world, looked at Malcador dissatisfied, but after seven breaths, Mortarion still spoke,

[I took the initiative to be exiled. 】

The Primarch said,

【He is competing with me for authority...I cannot defeat Him unless...】


Malcador said calmly,

"Stop thinking about summoning the [dead]. Your spiritual power is too conspicuous to the [dead]. Maybe others can think of him by chance - but you can't,"

"Unless one day the empire doesn't need you at all, you can die anywhere you want. At that time, you can summon him however you want."

Under the gas mask, there was a muffled cough, and Mortarion frowned.

"Shortcuts are always tempting, but you have to know the price you pay for taking them - Magnus is a prime example of this."

As always, Mortarion ignored Malcador's preaching;

[Are you getting weak, Malcador? 】

Mortarion frowned, [I don't think summoning me will waste too much of your psychic energy. 】

Malcador coughed and shook his head.

"There is no time in the subspace - the future can also affect the present. I am getting closer to my anchor point. This is inevitable."

"What is about to happen, at least I know what I am doing, Mortarion."

Under the mask, Malcador's eyes were sharp,

"You should also know what you should do."

【……I am clear. 】

Mortarion said dullly, but the old man hunched over and walked around behind Mortarion.

"You're still too anxious."

The old man pointed this out calmly,

"Then let's see if your urgency is worth the price you pay."

Mortarion was silent for a moment, then spoke again,


He said, [Horus betrayed, I fought with him, and he was slightly stronger than me - but it’s hard to say after that. After seeing Khan, he seemed more willing to accept the power of Chaos. 】


Malcador said, "Go on."

[Alpha, two Alphas, I can't tell which one of them is the original body, but they both fell, one fell into the blood pool, and the other...replaced me. 】

Malcador was silent now. The old man remained silent for a long time, as if in deep thought.

Finally, Malcador sighed,

"Alpha was raised by me myself"

"I misled him," he said.

Mortarion glanced at Malcador without trace,

[The part about fate and secrecy? 】

Malcador nodded heavily, "He misunderstood."

[It doesn’t matter,] Mortarion said, [No matter what, Alpha’s adoptive father is stronger than mine. I only know that the next time we meet, I will bring death to him. 】

Macado nodded,

[Also Fulgrim and Magnus,]

Mortarion continued, [Horus mentioned them when he lured the Khan to surrender, and it sounds like they also betrayed. 】

"Has the Khan betrayed you?"

Malcador suddenly asked,


Mortarion replied, [I felt the same aura as mine in him. 】

Malcador paused, and then the old man managed to laugh,

"Hate the Empire, but hate Chaos even more?"

【right. 】

Mortarion said nonchalantly,

[At least he is loyal. 】

"Okay," Malcador nodded, "Khan knows...this is a good thing-"

"—Where's Corax?"

Mortarion paused for a moment before answering.


Mortarion said slowly, [I threw him towards White Scar's ship at the last moment of being expelled - but my domain was suddenly cut off. At that time, I was fighting against him with all my strength. I didn't know who he was. Which corner of the physical world have we returned to? 】

Malcador was silent for a moment, and then said simply,

"Okay, so we lost Corax in this battle. How is his legion?"

[It was dispersed by Horus’ fleet, but one third remained. 】

Malcador shook his head,

"The Raven Guard ships will be merged into the White Scars, and then we can no longer consider the Raven Guard."

Mortarion seemed startled by Malcador's answer. The Pale Lord lowered his head and looked at Malcador in disbelief.

[The Raven Guard was not important in your original plan? 】

The Pale Lord asked,

"No," Malcador said, "The Empire is just prepared to lose and sacrifice any legion, any primarch, or any person at any time."

"Is there any other news?"

Malcador said, the old man was silent for a moment, remembering the emperor's last instructions,

"For example, a mechanical alien, Mortarion, have you encountered a similar existence?"

Mortarion looked at Malcador in surprise.

[I did meet a mechanical sage who had no soul at all - I'm not sure, I originally planned to teleport back and question him. 】

But the plan failed, and Mortarion was forced to choose to be exiled.

【he still……】

Mortarian paused for a moment, as if he just realized something.

[In the end, he was swept away while holding one of my family members, but now I can’t feel my family members. 】

He couldn't feel his power at all. Each small Death Guard was an extension of the Pale Lord's power, but now, Mortarion couldn't feel it at all.

【what is that? ! 】

Mortarion shouted angrily.


"One, Death Guard with slightly changed proportions."

Trazin said that after a brief rest with Khan, he returned to his private room in the Silent Order. Trazin poked the little death guard struggling desperately in his hand with interest.

The little Death Guard let out a slight shriek, which sounded like a war cry with a different tone. It pulled out a small dagger from its waist and tried to poke Trazin.

Trazin thought it was funny,

"I have isolated the subspace, it's useless no matter how you call me."

Trazin let out a haha ​​of mechanical laughter. He lifted up his mechanical god's robe and stuffed the little dead guard into the shadow of his robe. The little dead guard's voice faded away, and the stasis in his robe made it quiet. .

Escaped for now.

Trazin thought that at least he didn't have to face Mortarion. Mortarion was more difficult than he thought, and it seemed that he had to prepare again.

It was a pity that he did not get the dagger of the primarch, and the dagger disappeared with Corax.

...Corax, Trazin's thoughts dimmed for a moment.

Hope he's okay, the Space Overlord thought, he could now use the other bodies to find Corax, maybe Corax would need his help.

The physical location corresponding to the subspace coordinates where the Raven Lord finally fell is——

The green indicator light on Trazin's face flashed, and his eyes buried in various parts of the galaxy were acting simultaneously to find the original body he hoped to find for the space overlord.

——Near the Emperor's Children's fleet of ships? !

No more, great!

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