Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 503 421 One-day trip to Slaanesh Palace

Chapter 503 4.21 One-day trip to Slaanesh Palace

【Emperor's Pride】

Amidst the sound of high-pitched bugles and under the brilliant lights, Fulgen, a handsome man, stood on the stage. He held his head high, and in his eyes looking down, he reflected the figure striding towards him.

The dark and tall armor dragged on the ground, the scythe splashed with sparks, and the expressionless mask had sad cracks.

The one-horned man strode into the theater, and the nobles in the audience stood up in surprise. Beside the original body, Lucius and Eidolon drew out the swords from their waists, raised their swords forward, left and right, and made original movements. A loyal guard dog.

[Step back. 】

Fulgrim said calmly. He stood gracefully on the high platform, but behind the eyes that no one noticed, there was madness. The corners of his mouth could not help but raise a satisfied smile.

Lucius turned his head sharply. He looked at the original body in disbelief, but the original body did not look at him. Fulgrim's entire attention was on the horn at the moment.

But when the guard refused to leave, Fulgen frowned.

[Stand back, my child. 】

Fulgrim said softly again,

[Get out of here and I will help you. 】

Lucius' doubts stuck at the corner of his mouth. He tried to say something, but his body had retreated uncontrollably. He took back his sword and took one last look at the original body's body, which reflected the light and seemed to be glowing. 's back,

As if in a dream, Lucius ran towards the stern of the Imperial Pride after leaving the stage.

Not just him, but all the Emperor's Children were retreating towards the stern of the ship.

But at this moment, the theater was still bustling with activity.

【You should have come long ago. 】

Fulgrim looked at the horn and said angrily. The original body stood on the stage and drew the sword from his waist.

The Onehorn ignored the Primarch's words, and the noisy Eldar remained uncharacteristically silent.

Seeing that his words did not receive a response, the original body turned his head and looked at the hesitant nobleman standing on a step beside him, holding up his crown.

Fulgrim laughed sarcastically, and the original body stretched out his hand, snatched the purple and gold crown from the hands of the great nobleman, and put it on his head.

+Applause for me! +

The original body's words echoed in the grand theater on the Emperor's Pride. Under the stage, the audience with different expressions suddenly all stared at the original body. People stood up, began to applaud, and began to cheer.

The Primarch strode off the stage to an applauding audience, the spotlight following Fulgrim's actions.

With every step Fulgrim took, a circle of purple ripples appeared under his delicate boots. The ripples of lust were rippling, and the splendid theater was enveloped in an ambiguous sultry heat.

Space began to distort, and at the interface between subspace and the physical world, the curtain was pierced, and the Queen of Glory began to sink, sinking into the realm of the high heavens - those strange, Eldar-style carving patterns emerged.

+ Come, my dear. +

Fulgrim smiled, his eyes darkened, and the corners of his grinning mouth split open to reveal the white fangs between them.

The primarch stopped, his sword pointed at the horn that was walking slowly forward.

+Come on~+

One Horn bit the tip of his tongue, and the Eldar's ears echoed with endless screams. The echoes of the screams from back then still echoed in the Sixth Circle of Slaanesh, lingering for a long time.

But this also means that now, this place is completely bound to the Palace of Slaanesh!

"It's just a puppet, not worth mentioning."

Dujiao spoke coldly, calling out to the Lord of the Underworld fiercely in his heart. Behind the Spirit Tribe, his companions also used the summoning circle. In the circle, there were many figures praying.

But this is not enough.

Unicorn is clear.

He raised the scythe, which he was completely unaccustomed to, with determination in his eyes.

For Asuryan, for Xigaoqi, for the Eldar clan, and for revenge.

For... Hades!

Powerful psychic energy fluctuations exploded around Dujiao, and frost climbed onto his scythe.

"For Hades!!!"

The soles of Unicorn's feet exerted force and jumped up from the ground! Drawing a beautiful arc in the air, he turned his wrist, and the huge curved sickle blade rotated, heading straight for the original body to slash!

Fulgrim raised his head, looking at the clown with eyes that were completely immersed in mad joy, and an elegant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In an instant, the original body raised his hand casually, the sword in his hand flashed with sharp cold light, and the tip of the sword pierced the clown who was slashing towards him in the air.


A little bit of blood splashed on the beautiful face of the original body. Fulgrim stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on his face with satisfaction.

He pulled the clown closer to him, who was pierced by the sword and was unable to struggle after one blow.

This brave Eldar is still struggling. Look, he sacrificed his life, his soul, and his faith...

The clown coughed up blood, laughed brokenly, and cursed viciously,

"We have won! Puppet! Both you and your master are finished! Hades has arrived! And you are stained with my blood!"

Following the Harlequin's words, the theater trembled violently. The deafening applause seemed to be disappearing quickly. The black and white crack climbed up from the corner of the door and extended rapidly.

"You can't escape!"

Until this moment, he was still trying to struggle, and his whole body lit up with sparkling spiritual brilliance, adding a hint of victory to their actions... How touching...

Dujiao, who was cursing, suddenly froze.

The original body hugged the Harlequin as if hugging an old friend. The words from the subspace dripped out from the tip of the tongue that was leaning against the Harlequin's ear.

+My good children,+

The youngest lady said,

+Thank you for your gift. +

Fulgrim stretched out his hand and took out the heart of the horn. The Eldar in his arms stopped struggling completely, and the pupils exposed in the mask were dilated, as if he realized something extremely frightening at the last second before his death.

+my good boy,+

Fulgrim swallowed the piece of flesh and blood,

+ Come on. +

He looked at the darkness coming towards him, raised his pearl-embedded boots and strode towards the darkness calmly and impatiently——


【Six Rings of Slaanesh】

You are trapped in the heavy curtains and gauze of the bed, and the singing and dancing have stopped.

Your favorite dancer stopped her steps hesitantly and horrified, and the silver bell that penetrated her ankle also stopped. The clear sound of the bell rang twice for the last time, echoing like a ghost in your huge palace.

It's coming.

But you have already chosen what you are going to sacrifice, what you are going to sacrifice in exchange for ultimate joy.

You yawned lazily, but your inside was not as cold as you showed. Your hot, sweet, and trembling inside because of what happened next was screaming feverishly and panting fiercely. With.

You felt the cold, greedy, emotionless eyes licking your exposed spine, and you gasped and let out a cry of satisfaction.

The beast is here, it is here—it lingers outside your realm, watching you with the eyes of a predator.

It's lingering at your door,

Death and annihilation go with it.

Having experienced the little fights on Cadia, you already know what this process will be like.

The beast has marked you, remembered your breath.

In the midst of shrinking - none of your servants pursue the true perfection like you do. They try to shrink themselves as much as possible so that they are not noticed.

You slowly stood up from the soft bed, letting yourself bathe in the eyes that made you crazy,

You think of the power that disappeared directly, death. It is the real death and you can't resurrect it. No matter how hard you try, you fall into the dark water, but there is no sound.

A beast that will bring permanent death, you tremble, the youngest lady's slender fingers can't stop lifting, caressing her face, come on, come on, come on, let you dance with the beast - every time Every step must be perfect - failure results in eternal sleep.

You couldn't help but start to tremble again, out of ecstasy and excitement.

+Come here,+

You say softly,

+bite me. +

What responds to you is the suddenly dim crystal chandelier above the dome.

It comes in.

Slaanesh let out a satisfied gasp.

At this point, your enemies and comrades who hate inequality have finally put away their scrutinizing eyes.

No more, okay

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