Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 505 423 Slaanesh Goes to Great Division

Chapter 505 4.23 Slaanesh Goes to Great Tit

+The false emperor can do it, but I can’t? +


In the highest sky, huge waves are rolling, screaming, cursing, and quarreling. Waves of different colors are surging and pushing each other.

The bloody lord on the brass throne roared angrily towards the void, the rotten king in the lush garden waved his spoon in vain, and the wise sage in the ever-changing labyrinth frantically tore off the scaly blood feathers and scattered them between the claws. Red soul fragments emerge,

On the throne of Terra, the emperor, surrounded by the light of the eternal sun, roared in anger, and golden light burst out from his eyes.

- Slaanesh - Slaanesh! ! !

Slaanesh! ! !

At this moment, if the Emperor can move freely, if the Emperor can enter the warp - then he will not hesitate to raise his sword and plunge the great sword into the pile of rotten flesh that has willingly fallen, and let The golden flames were mercilessly ignited - judging His sins! Grant him destruction in the name of mankind!

madman! That real madman!

The prisoner on the throne roared angrily, completely losing his initial calmness. The emperor's pressure spread out layer by layer, even making other beings in the subspace feel faintly uncomfortable.

While Slaanesh waited happily in the Circle of Carnival - the applauding onlookers who wished to witness the youngest lady being weakened realized something was wrong.

Initially, the other three gods were all complacent that the Demon Catastrophe died in Cadia, and among the four chiefs who were both physically and spiritually destroyed, the Demon Catastrophe obviously occupied more of Slaanesh's power.

Later, Nurgle, whose power was weakened, joined forces with Tzeentch - together with Khorne, who failed in the Maelstrom, to put pressure on Slaanesh.

Nurgle got Omega, and Mortarion took away part of the power of [Death] and [Plague];

Khorne obtained Alpha, and he who had been eager to send down his power in the real universe in the hope of obtaining Sanguinius, Angron, and others became weak because of this;

Tzeentch obtained the broken Magnus, but during his [planned] escape, his power was partially swallowed up by the Black Realm.

Under the gaze of the silent Emperor on the throne, the three gods stared at Slaanesh.

Only Fulgrim—only Slaanesh—had his fate untouched by Hades.

The battle between gods has always been about inequality rather than lack of numbers, and the eternal balance cannot be broken.

But for the gods, the good news is that the Eldar, who are closely connected to the Prince of Darkness, have quietly floated a dark leaf on the river of destiny.

The Eldar, keen on observing their fate, would never pass up this opportunity.

Small tributaries flow slowly beyond the majestic battlefield, eventually joining the rapids of Slaanesh's fate.

The Emperor was angry at the aliens' "stealing" of Hades - but the Lord of Mankind knew the rules of the warp, and he keenly saw the blurring of Slaanesh's fate line.

Not far away from this branch of destiny, the power of Slaanesh fluctuated violently, and the youngest lady's power was taken away by Hades, so she became weak.

In this regard, the other mutilated divine bodies all clapped their hands and applauded.

They happily determined the Prince of Darkness's next path without needing his consent.

A little Eldar interlude and Slaanesh would be brought to their level.

They watched even the youngest women to ensure that His power was weakened.

The forces clashed, and finally the Prince of Darkness obediently accepted his fate——

When he was injured by Hades introduced by the Eldar, he fled in panic. He still exists, but will lose part of his power.

But - but -

That madman! ! !

madman! ! !

He is actually - actually repeating the behavior that the emperor did back then!

Not only the three gods, Pluto's true boss in name, but also the Emperor roared with rage, the golden flames burning, as if cursing the damn Eldar and Slaanesh.

He knew it! He knew that the gods who awakened from the fall of the Eldar were almost the same as the Eldar!

That alien race that steals human power for its own selfish desires!

Back then, in the orbit of the Perfect City, the Emperor used the characteristics of the Black Realm to create the [Finger Bone of Faith].

[Finger Bone of Faith] can feed the human race's unclean faith in the Emperor to the Lord of the Underworld.

Under the careful control of the Lord of Humanity, the Lord of Hades who swallows up unclean beliefs will never exceed the power of the Lord of Humanity.

At the same time, the Emperor can throw all mankind's faith to Hades at any time, instantly lighting up a small black hole in the subspace.

But now, even after the battle in Cadia, the power of the Four Gods and the Emperor is enough to overwhelm the Black Realm.

But... what if the power of praying to Pluto is added to the power of the spirit clan's faith?

The ancient Spirit Clan used their own power to create the existence of an entire Spirit Clan divine kingdom. Even if they fell, their power of faith should not be underestimated.

This is why the Emperor spurns the Eldar.

The aliens must be eradicated - but in the face of a great cause, he had to tolerate them.

And now, the number one bastard in the galaxy, who has risen from the Eldar's fall, is doing something billions of times more shameless than the Eldar's actions.

Just as the Emperor used the Dark Realm to purify humanity's faith, Slaanesh also used the Nether Realm... to eliminate its own disharmony.

He even went a step further. In terms of using the Fool, Slaanesh was even further away than the Emperor.

The Emperor on the throne was burning with rage.

Slaanesh itself contains the tendency to "pursue indulgence to the extreme to self-destruction", but just like Nurgle, who once controlled "Death", only chose "Reincarnation" after countless "Deaths"——

Gods are slaves to their own authority, but [gods] themselves are also another shackles.

Within the constraints of not violating their own authority and not violating the identity of the [gods], the four gods of chaos have been in charge of their respective territories for hundreds of millions of years, safe and sound——

Until the god named [Slaanesh] decided to perform a crazy self-sacrifice.

He will comply with his own crazy concepts on the premise of breaking the constraints of his own [god].

How...how wonderful.

The youngest lady gasped lightly, looking at the dark water flowing rapidly under her feet, and couldn't stop stroking herself.

He laughed, joyfully.

Only He, this is something only He can do - as a gift specially bestowed upon Him by this ingenious destiny.

Not the bloodthirsty madman on the brass throne, not the weak fat man in the lush garden (unless he completely let the Lord of Hades devour him and granted him complete death, but then, he would disappear), in the ever-changing maze That nagging lunatic is not worthy.

The Emperor is not worthy either.

Is Pluto unique to humans?

Slaanesh gave the same answer as the Eldar, no.

Only He, Slaanesh, can dance with Hades to his heart's content, and can dance with death. The irrational Lord of Hades holds His hand tightly, hoping to kill Him completely with every step, while He retreats nimbly, following The Lord of Hades retreated with every step, enjoying the pleasure of being just a moment away from death.

With each step, He becomes weaker and more powerless, but at the same time, He becomes purer and more powerful.

As long as he doesn't die, as long as he still sits on that top spot, Slaanesh will never lose.

Even if the other party is not happy - but fortunately it is no longer rational!

This is an opportunity for the Eldar and an opportunity for Slaanesh!

They are all optimistic, whether it is the Emperor or Tzeentch——

This is the correct usage of Pluto!

Slaanesh happily stroked the veil around him, dancing the layers of veil into the dark water.


【Irrelevant Small Theater】


In the bathroom, Hades collapsed in front of the toilet, vomiting crazily.

Behind him was the emperor with a sad face. The Lord of Mankind squatted behind Hades, patting him on the back from time to time.

Even Malcador, who usually liked to ridicule Hades, said nothing and leaned against the wall with his scepter in his arms, with a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

The long, painful, excruciating sound of vomiting finally stopped.

Hades raised his head exhaustedly, with a lifeless expression on his face, and said tremblingly,


His eyes were empty, as if recalling some painful scene, "Fuck...d..."

The word describing the genitals was not uttered by Hades, who looked detached.

Malcador, who had been silent, spoke, and the old man pulled down his hood without looking.

"You have to understand that the Prince of Darkness is like this."

Hades turned his head in disbelief and stared at Malcador, but the foresighted old man had already pulled up his hood.

"...No...more than one..."

Hades murmured to himself, with a look of pain on his face, "It's still Fulgrim's face."

The emperor behind him had a crack in his majestic face.

"Change the subject,"

The Lord of Mankind rarely spoke.

"You should be glad that you didn't have a fixed form at that time. To Him, you would die if you touch it."

Hades' voice of wishing for death sounded again, and he continued to hold the toilet and retched, as if hoping to spit out all the things Slaanesh had thrown into the black realm.

"I'd rather eat shit in the Gardens of Nurgle."

Hades said self-deprecatingly, at least he knew that those things were fermented pus.

As for the existence in the Sixth Circle of Slaanesh...that's not clear.

Hades held the toilet and retched again.

Only now did he understand that he was called the Merciful One because he ate all kinds of garbage, right?

Sweating soybeans.jpg

Hades, who was vomiting, seemed to understand why the Emperor strongly rejected humans from praying to him.

No more, great!

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