Chapter 507 4.25 Under the Gods

On the golden throne, the Lord of Humanity looked into the distance.

At least for this moment, his power was flowing unimpeded in the subspace.


In the command room with countless signal lights flashing, among countless Death Guards working quickly, the withered giant moved slightly.

Not only him, but the old man who had been taking a nap in a dark corner of the command room also slowly walked out.

Under the hood, Malcador revealed a cloudy eye. He looked at Mortarion, with golden light shining in the cloudy eye.

"...My Lord has taken action, and I feel His power."

"How ridiculous..."

On the scepter the old man was holding, the two-headed eagle that was originally burning with golden flames was coated with a light purple.

Malcador raised his head and glanced thoughtfully at the golden light mixed with purple flames.

【Do you really want to do that? 】

The pale giant opened his eyes like a pool of stagnant water.

The old man coughed and smiled. His eyes looked at Mortarion with a hint of amusement.

"You are the least qualified person to say this, Mortarion."

Mortarion frowned and looked at Malcador with disapproval.

[I succeeded, but this is not you...]

"An act of desperation."

Mortarion wanted to say something else, but the old man waved his scepter. After seeing the abnormal bend on Malcador's scepter, the Pale Lord shut his mouth in silence.

Seeing Mortarion shut up, Malcador spoke, "Now, give me an empty room. I need as many crowns and jewels as possible-"

Malcador paused for a moment, and when he spoke again, his tone was a bit angry, as if he was talking to himself,

"...the Death Guard doesn't have these..."

Mortarion laughed dryly, as if mocking Malcador.

[You have chosen the wrong place and the wrong strength. 】

Malcador remained silent, pursed his dry mouth tightly, and ignored Mortarion's sarcasm. He needed media and symbols to guide this power of subspace, and the Death Guard was obviously not the best place for the ceremony.

The Ultramarines and World Eaters might be able to scrape together what he needs, but these two legions are still behind - in their voyage through the warp, they have not caught up with the Death Guard who are moving at full speed.

Malcador raised his eyes, golden flames flashed in his eyes, and he looked into the endless void.

"Time is running out."

Malcador said seriously, "Mortarion, give me an empty room—and bring in every extravagant thing you can imagine."

"My lord cannot last long."

Mortarion shook his head silently, but at the same time, the fog in the cloak beneath him dispersed, and an inch of ground-to-the-ground fog instantly filled the entire Endurance, and the small Death Guards stood out from the fog.



Fulgrim, who was slumped in the ruins, suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood. He woke up from his coma and raised his head in confusion, still holding the remains of Faenus' armor in his hand, as if hoping to know what happened.

He felt his soul tremble violently, and the divine battle above the dome also affected the original body.

Fulgrim felt himself fading rapidly - he realized that the other part of him that had been given to Slaanesh was no longer there, but for him, that might be a good thing.

This means that Fulgrim's reputation will not be further damaged in the future.

Fulgrim was silent. He had basically lost everything about himself, strength, talent, and perfection. All he had left was loyalty.

This is the only thing he can keep, the only thing he can hold on to.

Fulgrim lowered his head and looked at the remains of his best friend's helmet...hoping that Faenus was still pure.

He sighed.

He didn't ask for anything anymore. Phoenix, who had his talent taken away from him, didn't want to hold his head high anymore. He just hoped that he didn't make other mistakes.

If possible, Fulgrim wanted the Empire to mark him for death.

Now that he is disabled, he is worthless, and Fulgrim is unwilling to destroy his past glory. After that, no matter what face he appears in, he will discredit the perfect image of the past.

If possible, Fulgen, who has found the body of his best friend, is willing to die in obscurity and disappear completely.

The glory was gone, leaving only a remnant of his soul. His weak hands could no longer continue fighting.

Fulgan lowered his eyes and remained silent, the sting in his soul still continuing——

Someone was calling him.

Fulgrim didn't know who it was. Was it Faenus? Or Slaanesh?

The sound of bolt gunfire answered his question, and the Primarch looked up in shock to see a strange and blasphemous procession heading towards him.

The leader is...

Luojia? !

Even though he had gone through the ordeal of subspace, Fulgen was still startled by Luojia's appearance.

+my brother,+

The suspended head with closed eyes turned 180 degrees and slowly turned towards Fulgen, with golden tears flowing out of his cheeks.

+The God-Emperor needs you. +


Fulgan's eyes widened slightly in shock, and there were vague traces of dried tears on his dusty face.

On one side was the Primarch of the Word Bearers whose head and body were separated, with the eight-pointed chest of chaos on his breastplate, and on the other side was the Primarch of the Emperor's Children who was in a state of wretchedness, with mediocrity all over his body. Luojia stood, looking down at the figure slumped in the ruins. Fulgen.

Fulgrim's pupils trembled, and he looked behind Luojia at the Blessed Sons—the Space Marines who had merged with the subspace demon.

Fulgen's eyes moved to the chaotic octagon on Luojia's chest again.

Fulgrim first put down his best friend's armor, and then he stood up silently and solemnly, his silver hair hanging down, covering his mediocre face and dull eyes.

For those who are perfect, mediocrity is the greatest mockery.

Fulgen slowly pulled out an iron sword from his waist and pointed it at Luojia with a slight trembling.

[Chaos lackey, if you are here to insult me,]

Fulgrim said tremblingly, "Then I will commit suicide." 】

[But if you are here to insult Fenus,]


Fulgrim exerted force on his wrist and turned his iron sword sideways. Normally, this movement of the original body would have reflected a gorgeous light on his sword.

But now, under Slaanesh's deliberate manipulation, Fulgrim was given a mediocre body again.

And in this body, the only iron sword that can be lifted is dim.

【Then let’s fight. 】

He raised his head slightly, and a strand of dry silver hair hung down from his forehead, revealing Phoenix's dry and boring face and cloudy eyes.

Facing Fulgen's sword finger, Luojia helplessly opened his hand. The scepter in his hand fell from his loosened hand and fell to the ground with a clang.

Fulgan glanced at Luojia's fallen weapon warily, trembling and saying nothing. It seemed that Phoenix was now scared and on the verge of collapse.

+I am loyal. +

Luojia's words reached Fulgen's ears. As if to reassure the frightened Phoenix, Luojia stretched out his hand and wiped it on his cheek with his blood-stained hand. Golden flames instantly ignited on his fingertips, like To burn away all filth.

Luo Jia waved his hand and shook off the golden flames from his fingertips. He opened his arms wide and approached Fulgen slowly and tentatively step by step.

+The God-Emperor needs you,+Lorgar's voice is a little urgent,+Hades needs to get back to his anchor point - but he is completely focused on Slaanesh now - we need another projection similar to Slaanesh, Come and show him the way. +

Fulgrim looked like he was about to collapse. He didn't understand when the world became so crazy. The facts in Luojia's mouth made him feel even more chilling.

【Am I not free from Him yet? ! Slaanesh still watching me? ! ! 】

The phoenix screamed, and the last straw that broke the camel's back fell. He took back the sword without hesitation, put it against his neck, and swung the sword to kill himself without a trace of hesitation——

【I am loyal! 】

Yes, code

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