Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 518 436 Mortarion is defeated first

Chapter 518 4.36 Mortarion first

The fireball exploded, and the fragments of the ship were splashed by the shock wave of the explosion, flying into the void, and instantly turned into a huge burning and sinking island.

The blazing fire was reflected on the mechanical surface, and Trazyn stared at the human naval battle with interest,

"Are they deliberately letting you run away?"

Behind Trazyn, Malcador closed his eyes and leaned on the chair to rest with a listless look on his face.

The ship shook violently, and rubble fell from the ceiling.

"What else?"

The white-haired young man said impatiently, "Do they really intend to make the Spirit of Vengeance its vessel and be buried with this stupid dog-luring plan?"

Tarasim turned his head 180 degrees, and his electronic eyes were full of green light.

"But Hades is indeed playing on the Spirit of Vengeance now. I don't think he has any plans to leave for a while?"

"Not soon," Malcador rubbed his brow tiredly, "If I pull out the arrow, the Black Domain will be anchored by the physical body again."

"I'm a little confused," Tarasim blinked his fluorescent green eyes anthropomorphically, "Do they want you to pull out the arrow?"

"No," Malcador opened his eyes slightly, his eyes were unclear, "They want me in Cadia to lead it away-lead it back to the seal and re-seal it."

Tarasim stared at Malcador, "But who will do it?"

Maka Duo looked back at Trazyn, but did not answer Trazyn directly, "Alpha told me that he is no different from me."

Tarazyn suddenly raised the axe of the Mecha God in his hand, and the axe blade imitating the Martian cult was green.

Malcador was staring at him calmly and continued,

"The Lord of Mankind once predicted that there would be a powerful psychic who would be stained with the background of chaos in the Eye of Terror-we all thought it would be Magnus at the time."

"Malcador..." Trazyn said softly, and half of Malcador's face was reflected on the axe. "Are you loyal?"

"Loyal," Malcador waved his hand irritably, "but you should give me some time, I am competing with Them for the right to use my soul."

Malcador's eyes passed Trazyn, frowned and stared at the observation window. As if he knew something, the old man shook his head,

"...Let him be."

Without waiting for Trazyn to say anything, Malcador closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

Trazyn was stunned for a moment, muttered a few words, then turned around again, staring at the explosions of the human ships, and connected the explosions with his fingers on the glass.

The pearly white horse galloped straight to the Star of No Return.

Half an hour later, Malcador was dragged and dragged onto the shuttle to the lower star.

In the deepest part of the hastily taken-off shuttle cabin, the white wolf's eyes were gleaming. On his waist and sheepskin coat, the jade beads were swaying with the bumps.

The Khan will personally escort him to the end.


The moss-green ship was like a dagger, piercing a little from the fleet of warships that covered the sky and the sun. The self-exploding meteorites covered the outer side of the Death Guard's fleet, and with the thrust of its engines, it continued to rush into the fleet of the Warmaster.

Explosions lit up one after another, forming a river, lighting up the road of the Death Guard's suicide charge. The leading Fourth Knight held his head high, and the Death Knight on the Skeleton Horse raised his spear and forcibly tore a path.

During this period, there were many Death Guard ships hidden behind the meteorite that were attacked and severely damaged. The ships that knew they could not keep up with the queue automatically left the team, pulled the side string engine to full, and rushed towards the overwhelming fleet of the Warmaster.

The six-thorn ring skeleton had no sorrow or joy.

The flesh was torn off the sickle of the god of death, and the sickle danced a full moon, and the splashing blood drew an arc.

The mouth under the gas mask moved, although it was silent, but the eyes full of contempt had already said what he wanted to say,

Mortarion wanted to say, come again.

Bloody Alpha's mouth spurted blood, and the red blood under his feet had already turned into gray ashes, and the ashes were like moss, still spreading towards him.

Even though Alpha has been promoted to a demon, Mortarion is still taller than him now. The tall and thin ghost stares down at him in front of him, and the sickle in his hand has already attacked him again-

Mortarion paused, he turned his head, the screaming plasma brushed past his ears, and disappeared in the distance of the corridor.

Mortarion turned his head and saw Omega staggering.

Wrinkles accumulated in the corners of the pale lord's eyes. Mortarion was smiling. He stretched out a hand and casually took off his gas mask. The corners of his mouth, which were cracked by the erosion of the gas, were full of smiles.

Mortarion opened his mouth and whispered,

[Come out so soon? 】

In the dim corridor, Mortarion's amber eyes were shining, like burning golden eyes.

[Okay...] Mortarion said in a slightly lonely tone, and then he laughed again. He took a step to the right casually, dodging Alpha's blood spear, and then Mortarion raised his free hand, waved and opened his mouth to shout--

Omega tried in vain to shoot at him, shouting desperately in his mouth, hoping to interrupt him, but Mortarion had already shouted,

[Hades! This way! Come here!!!]

Mortarion's crazy and evil laughter echoed in the corridor, but the instigator fled the next moment he shouted this sentence, and the fog rolled, and Mortarion instantly left the two who had just been entangled in the battle.

Omega slowly turned his head and saw that the darkness he had just escaped was surging up again at the other end of the corridor.


The blood-red Alpha roared angrily.

At the farthest point that the roar could reach, the white mist rolled, gathered again, and condensed into a human shape. The next moment, the giant scythe came out, slashed, turned the scythe, uppercut, swept, and the human head fell to the ground. Mortarion moved smoothly through the corridors of the Vengeful Spirit, heading toward the last location Lorgar had told him.

Mortarion felt death. In the Eye of Terror, there were billions of deaths, including the death of the Warmaster's army and the death of the Death Guard.

He harvested life and felt the countdown above everyone's heads.

Hades was devouring the giant ship. Starting from the stern, Mortarion estimated that the stern of the Vengeful Spirit should be completely dead hell now.

The gods used some means to slow down Hades, Mortarion thought.

The Pale Lord raised his hand, white mist arose, and the densely packed soldiers and demonic armies blocking him fell into death with howls.

Now, speed is everything.

What Mortarion has to do is very simple. Before Malcador rescues Hades and the Black Realm returns, he and Hades on the Vengeful Spirit kill Luperkar Horus.

Malcador told him to hold him back and wait for rescue later?

A mocking smile flashed across Mortarion's dead eyes. He opened and closed his scythe, and with the original body as the center, a thick rain of blood fell within a radius of five meters.

It turns out that in Terra's eyes, the Death Guard is such a conservative existence?

Yes, Mortarion's eyes dimmed for a moment. He was too conservative, acting as if he cared about life.

Strictly speaking, this completely Mortarion-styled battle was the first battle of the primarch's return to the Death Guard.

Battle of Galaspa.

With the fewest soldiers and the highest casualties, tear through the thickest defense and directly behead the enemy's top commander.

After the Battle of Galaspa, as a legion logistics officer, Hades righteously criticized such extreme behavior.

But for the current Mortarion... this is all too conservative!

If death can't change this war!

Then let - let all this die!

As long as he kills Horus in advance, they don't have to worry about Hades' retreat after being rescued!

Mortarion couldn't help but smile, death filling him.

Yes, code!

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