Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 525 443 Under the Underworld Water

Chapter 525 4.43 Under the Dark Water

Malcador blinked. He was standing at the door of the restaurant where he lived in Terra.

The old man raised his head and looked at the dark mucus seeping out from the cracks in the wall, and the thick liquid slowly dripped down.

Makado looked around. There was a sound in the kitchen connected to the restaurant, and the aroma wafted out, carrying the heat of the food.

He thought for a while, walked to the dining table and sat down, pushing aside a greasy wine bottle on the table in disgust.

The old man waited patiently. In front of the dining table, facing his "Mona Lisa", the woman's face had long since disappeared, leaving only a huge black hole; behind Macado, the "Sunflower" completely turned into A pure black painting.

The man in the kitchen finished cooking, footsteps sounded, and he was humming a pleasant ditty as he walked——

"——Ahhhh! Damn it!!!"

Malcador watched calmly as Hades came out, staggering and almost knocking over the rice bowl he was holding, but he stood there steadily after all, looking at Malcador in shock.

"Makado?! Damn it, old horse, why are you here?"

Hades said, while quickly putting down the plates and basins on the dining table, and then rushed into the kitchen to prepare a meal for Malcador.

Malcador stared at the dishes set by Hades, sighed deeply, deeply, and said tiredly, "Come and see you."

"Me?" Hades' energetic shout came from the kitchen, "I'm fine - how many bowls can you eat, old horse?!"

"I'm not hungry." "Then a bowl!"

Hades ran out happily with a rice spoon in his mouth, put the bowl in front of Malcador, and then sat across from Malcador. There was nothing special about Malcador, so Hades started eating directly.

Malcador stared at Hades silently,

"what have you been up to?"

The old man asked abruptly, and Hades raised his head, "Eat."

"anything else?"

Hades hesitated for a moment, his eyes blurred, "Sleep?"

Malcador took a deep breath again, and looked at Hades calmly, with resentment revealed in his calmness, "Is there anything else?"

"No," Hades said, "By the way, old horse, why are you here? It seems-" Hades was stuck, and he paused, "It seems that you are the only one who has come recently."

Macado shook his head, but did not move his chopsticks. The old man really wanted a glass of wine now - but he would never touch that dirty wine bottle.

"...Others have been here," Malcador said slowly, "but I am the closest one."

"Has anyone else been here?" Hades raised his head and stopped his chopsticks, "I asked why I sometimes feel something is wrong here."

Malcador rolled his eyes, "You don't want to feel a visitor head-on, especially the one before me."

Hades thought for a moment, "I can't remember." He mumbled vaguely.

Malcador sighed,

"It's time for you to get back to work, Hades - you ate too much and don't you feel like you're getting fat?"

"A little bit," Hades said seriously, "but rice kept coming out of my rice bowl. It's shameful to waste food, so I decided to show off."

"I felt like vomiting at first, but later on, I could show off ten at a time!"

Pluto quickly cleared the table, and Hades put down his chopsticks. "Old Ma, you didn't see the scene. That rice bowl sprayed rice out, like a waterfall. I almost drowned there."

"But you ate it anyway," Malcador pointed out dryly, "and got fatter and fatter."

Hades showed a seriously injured expression, "You guys should also help me eat some. Don't just let me eat it alone - where is the God of Death? Give him some too."

Malcador laughed. He lowered his eyes and saw the unknown luminous object in the bowl in front of him - this part of the psychic energy seemed to come from Slaanesh.

Machado looked away without any trace.

"No blessings to endure," said Malcador. "Don't eat either, Hades, it's time to get up and work."

"Get up?" Hades blinked, "I'm awake now. Are you hungry, old man?"

Malcador stared at Hades with a solemn expression and said nothing. The old man's eyes made Hades feel scared.

"What's wrong?" Hades said. He felt that something was wrong with Malcador. The Malcador in front of him was much weaker and thinner than the one he knew before.

Malcador stood up, "This is my home," the old man said one word at a time, "My residence on Terra - Hades, why are you here?"

"I never invited you to my place."

Malcador's voice became laggy, as if the video was stuck, and his limbs were broken in space.

Hades opened his mouth, "Yes, this is your home," he said naturally, but his expression began to become unnatural, "...so...why am I in your home?"

Hades was horrified, "Oh shit, wasn't I still in the palace before?!"

Hades stood up suddenly, and the chair behind him fell to the ground with a bang. Hades looked around the room he was in. As he focused on this room, the space seemed to melt. It began to slowly dissolve like chocolate.

"What the hell?!"

Hades looked at Malcador, only to find that Malcador had melted like chocolate. His twisted mouth was moving, but Hades couldn't hear what he was saying clearly.

"Makado?!" Hades stepped across the dining table and tried to grab the melted Malcador, but this accelerated the process. In the end, Hades knelt on the ground and looked at the melted Malcador in despair. Penetrate into the floor.

Then as if he realized something, Hades turned around. He saw that the rice cooker he had placed in the kitchen, which was incompatible with the whole room, began to spray something again, but this time - Hades saw it clearly - -That's - Malcador? !

! ! ! ! Macado erupted from the rice cooker, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! !

Hades's brain was completely blank for a moment.

The intermittent voice brought him back to his thoughts. Hades lowered his head slowly as if he had been severely injured, and saw the things growing on the plate. In the white plate, the abrupt mouth opened, Malcador said wearily,

"Hades, wake up...Hades..."

Under the huge impact, Hades' body shook, and he fell backward - falling asleep.

When he opened his eyes again everything had receded.

Everything is silent, all the stars are extinguished.

Endless darkness enveloped him, Hades opened his eyes weakly, and unknown liquid dripped from his mouth.

There was nothing here now, no psionic illusion, no Malcador, no—no one but himself, Hades.

Hades stared at the endless darkness. It was the same way back then. On Barbarus, when he was still young, he sat alone by the river bank every day, thinking about life.

Now, he is sinking alone in the River Styx, which he forged with his own hands. He is imprisoned at the bottom of the river, thinking about life in despair.

The waters of the Styx squeezed him so heavily that he couldn't breathe.

It was obvious that his mind was not working very well right now.

Hades felt that his thoughts were sluggish. He wanted to think about what happened, but something was always preventing him from doing so. They were preventing him from thinking and making decisions other than instinct.

Just like they expected before.

So Hades started to use his brain power, and he began to think hard.

The first is the simplest, 1+1=2, 1+2=3... Hades climbed up the mountain of logic one by one. He needed to re-build the channel between logic and reason - this is why he can survive. Come down, the most fundamental reliance.

This is also the reason why he is a normal person in this world full of crazy people.

This took him a lot of time. Here, Hades had no concept of time, but he seemed to have it, starting from 1+1 and deriving all the concepts and derivative laws he had obtained.

And then...then what?

Hades' eyes were distracted, and he recalled painfully. He remembered Malcador, followed by the Emperor, and then the Emperor's disgraced sons, Mortarion, Angron... legions, mortals... horses Kurag...

Little by little, he reorganized his connection with the world, which was far more careful and meticulous than arranging the cables for his own case. Although there were many fragments in it that did not belong to his memory - but Hades knew, This may be...those people actively threw it at him.

This made him feel like vomiting - Hades didn't know how much he had eaten, and the matter of "swallowing" was mimicked in his subconscious mind as "eating". He thought of the Malcador that had just been scattered on the floor - —Hades sincerely hoped that they would not sacrifice themselves completely to him.

But those fragments were not complete. Only a small part of the information was captured by Hades, and the rest entered the bottomless pit called the Black Domain together with psychic energy.

Hades couldn't see clearly. He could see the red figure on the snowfield, the huge cocoon in the garden, the palace...

Hades decisively stopped thinking about this.

Those memories were only fragments, and he didn't know exactly what happened, so Hades sealed these memories that did not belong to him and continued to process his own information.

In the process, his urge to fight, jump and chop to death those false gods became stronger and stronger. Hades saw people's perseverance and belief, which was what he had been fighting for before.

He doesn't have high requirements, he just wants people to live like human beings.

As Hades patiently groomed him, the pressure on his chest became smaller and smaller. Hades realized that he could move, so he struggled and tried to swim upward.

Pitch black, pitch black, always endless black. Hades swam for a long, long time, until he almost doubted his life. Is there really an exit here, or was he swimming in the wrong direction?

But fortunately, Hades could keep swimming. He prayed that Malcador would be okay, that Mortarion would not become a demon, and that the Emperor would not squat on the toilet... while swimming upstream, this was an extremely long process.

As time went by, Hades felt that he was getting closer to reality, or that something was still preventing him from regaining control. Hades began to get tired, and the time he could hold his breath reached the limit. Sometimes, due to lack of He fainted due to lack of oxygen, but woke up again in the cold water of the underworld and continued to swim upstream.

For ordinary people, this is a painful process. They don’t know if they are heading in the right direction, and they don’t know if there is an exit. The pain of drowning tortures them at any time. In this process, they will doubt themselves, doubt everything, and finally move towards themselves. destroy.

But for Hades, he only hopes that the distance he can reach upstream is greater than the distance he sinks to the bottom when he faints.

However, Hades thought, if the exit is below, it would be fine if it sank a little more, but he was afraid that the number of people sinking downwards would be the same as those swimming upwards, and then he would vomit blood.

So he swam upwards, fainted due to lack of oxygen and sank, woke up and continued to swim, and sank again due to lack of oxygen...

Finally, a beam of extremely dim light penetrated the river.

Hades' eyes lit up, and he swam upwards more vigorously - fortunately he did not give up - although he quietly slacked off 6981 times in the middle, he still swam upwards unremittingly.

Fortunately, he was a Death Guard, Hades thought, if it was another legion, they would have been finished long ago, and only Mortarion's stupid education and stupid genes could train them to be so determined not to surrender, and to keep holding on and not turn back even if they hit the south wall.

Go back and give Mortarion some chicken legs!

But Mortarion doesn't like to eat, so Hades did it for him!

It was getting brighter and brighter, and the beams of light penetrated the water waves one after another. Hades looked up and saw that the light spots were gradually enlarging, turning into lines, stretching, and widening...

Hades stopped.

He looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, and the gentle off-white light shone on his face, and the light waves rippled with the ripples.

The ones that were glowing were all people.

Hundreds and trillions of sleeping people floated quietly in the water, and their faces were peaceful and calm.

They seemed to be carved from some kind of luminous jade, emitting soft fluorescence all over their bodies, and slowly sank to the bottom of the river under the comfort of the dark water.

Under the light, Hades raised his hand and saw that he was pitch black, like the deepest night.

Well, he wouldn't glow.

Hades realized what those people were. He carefully pushed them aside and continued to swim upwards. At this moment, he realized that the scene just now was just a drop in the ocean. As he went up, the light became stronger and stronger. Hades had to squint his eyes to continue moving forward. He seemed to be swimming in the center of a flowing star. He gently pushed away those people, or anything else, and swam upwards. It was still a long process. He fainted 359 times in the middle of the journey. Fortunately, the people under him held him back and made him sink more slowly. Finally, Hades saw the glittering water surface, with colorful aurora flowing on it and reflecting his face. He saw Malcador floating not far below the water, but it was not shining, just Malcador's original appearance. Without hesitation, Hades swam over, picked up Malcador, and rushed out of the water. Hades opened his eyes with tears in his eyes. He saw Malcador in front of him, slowly breaking apart. "Fuck you..." This was the first sentence Malcador said to Hades.

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