Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 527 445 The all-out naval battle

Chapter 527 4.45 The all-out naval battle


Vox shouted at the top of his lungs. Through the wedge-shaped observation window, he saw the Depression at the forefront of the fleet rushing out first. The light cruiser decisively rammed into the battleship that was about to launch a cyclone torpedo.

The Depression happened to be inserted into the enemy battleship's artillery array. The ammunition depots and engine cores of the two ships exploded at the same time. Huge sparks lit up, and the shock wave directly overturned countless frigates next to the giant ship. What followed was A series of explosions.

The Fourth Knight where Vox was located was also close enough to the core of the explosion - they originally planned to hit it directly, but the Depression beat them first.

Twenty-three seconds later, the shock wave generated by the explosion reached the Fourth Knight. The hull jolted, and even Vox couldn't stand still. Vox clung to the handrail tightly.

The Fourth Knight was still running. They went straight through the damaged cruiser and shot decisively at the other battleship that was being loaded at the other end.

The Fourth Knight scraped against the wreckage of the battleship, and a strong jolting feeling came again, almost turning the entire giant ship upside down.

Snapped! The armrest in Vox's hand broke with a cry, and the captain of the first company was thrown to the ground and hit the ground heavily.

In his spinning peripheral vision, Vox saw the mortal crew members who connected their lower bodies to the ship - mortals had a lot of experience with this.

"Attack! Continue the attack! Interrupt their orbital bombardment! Attack the battleships first!"

Vox shouted and got up from the ground. Only then did he realize that he was already covered in cold sweat.

The fluorescent light on the screen reflected his armor, glowing coldly and bitingly cold.

In order to provide information for the naval battle, Jia Luo has sacrificed his life!

He couldn't lose Hades again!

This is the responsibility given to Vox by Garro and Mortarion. He must - he must hold the position in space.

At this moment, all the Warmaster's ships parked on the equator of Cadia are firing at Cadia! Countless light spears pierced the mainland. During this period, Vox received a signal that seemed to be deploying a cyclone torpedo.

On the Vengeful Spirit, Mortarion's revenge continues. On Cadia, Hades's escape is staggering, but for this war - the naval battle commanded by Vox is the decisive victory. Big head.

The responsibility of commanding the naval battle originally belonged to Garro, and Vox usually followed Mortarion on the expedition, but this time Garro resolutely changed his duties with Vox. Vox understood what Garro meant - but he did not expect that It all happened so fast!

Vox would rather die aboard the Vengeful Spirit! Instead of standing here, directing a war that is completely powerless for individuals!

In a trance, Vox seemed to see Jialuo silently patting himself on the shoulder before every war, telling Vox with actions that he believed in his ability.

Vox also believed in his own strength - but not in naval combat!

But even though he was anxious, Vox's eyes still closely followed the signal on the auspicious device. The Death Guard needed to let go of the small ships that could not launch the extermination order first, and focus on destroying the most threatening giant ships.

This is not easy. Even if the Death Guard has inserted from the left side of the battlefield and disrupted the Warmaster's ship group, the battleship surrounded by countless frigates and cruisers cannot be easily sunk. They can only initially interfere with the enemy. array - so that they lose the opportunity to bomb towards Cadia.

But the number of Death Guard ships is far less than the number of Warmaster's ships! The success just now relied on sacrifice and speed to interrupt the Warmaster's attack.

Once the enemy ships react and start to encircle and counterattack, as time goes by, the Death Guard will definitely lose!

Vox originally had to be responsible for the evacuation of the personnel on the Vengeful Spirit and the return of the Death Guard - but at this moment, the highest priority is to save Cadia!

Under Vox's instructions, tens of thousands of torpedoes were released from the Death Guard ships, leaving no ammunition for the return voyage!

The priority target of the torpedo group is not the warships, but the anti-ground cyclone torpedoes that have been released! For a time, huge and bright explosions occurred one after another, almost turning this battlefield with an excessive density of warships into a field of fire.

Countless frigates and even light cruisers were directly affected by the aftermath of the explosion and fell into a sea of ​​fire. The chaotic radio waves generated by the explosion plunged both fleets into chaos.

Vox stared at the observation window that almost turned into a white light, beads of sweat on his forehead. He predicted the situation on the battlefield and the enemy's next move. On this battlefield, the Death Guard fleet had already staked its stakes. everything! He can't lose!

In the helmet, the channels interfered with by radio waves emitted harsh whistles. Vox ignored them. He simply pulled out two daggers, and on the still bumpy ship, he used the daggers to nail his feet to the deck, and then He straightened up and stared at the chaotic battlefield.

One by one, big beads of sweat kept falling down, and Vox's helmet was filled with moisture, but he didn't pay attention to them at all. He was staring at the battlefield with all his concentration, and countless ships constructed a three-dimensional map in his mind. ——Maybe the Death Guard's naval battles are not excellent, but Vox himself is extremely good at guessing and predicting the enemy commander's thoughts.

He just needs to move forward one step faster! Prevent the enemy from finding the next suitable orbital bombing position!

He must fulfill his duty! The original body’s instructions! Garo's death! To rescue Hades!

He, Vox, is leading the Death Guard who are not good at naval battles, fighting against the Warmaster's overwhelming fleet!

There was a soft click, and the string in Vox's mind seemed to snap.

Everything - everything, except this extremely chaotic battlefield, except the characteristics and data of each ship, everything has been forgotten by Vox. In his imagination, the armor is broken, and Garro collapses to the ground; the spirit of revenge On board the ship, Mortarion's persistent and indifferent figure; on Cadia, Hades smiled helplessly and said he believed in him; on the ship, the wailing of the crew members whose limbs were blown off... everything. They were all forgotten, leaving only the small dots flashing on the oriole in front of me.

Vox looked at the battlefield calmly and without any emotion. At this moment, he seemed to be out of his own perspective. He looked across and saw the commander of the Warmaster's fleet.

Vox lowered his head;

He can last three minutes and twenty-two seconds.

For three minutes and twenty-two seconds, Cardia will never be attacked by the Cyclone Torpedo and other Extinction Orders.

Three minutes and twenty-two seconds later, if the war on other battlefields still does not stop, if there are still no additional reinforcements, if they still do not choose to retreat——

Then, it is the end.

But this is as far as Walkers can go.

Walkers didn't even have the time or energy to mourn.

But just like Garro, Mortarion, and Hades believed that Vox could command naval battles well, Vox believed that they could win on other battlefields.


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