Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 529 447 The Spirit of Vengeance Part 1

Chapter 529 4.47 On the Spirit of Vengeance

The black tide receded, revealing the still living skeleton.

Horus calmly raised his lightning claw. In the dim corridor, there was a wall on one side and an observation window like a French window on the other side - on it, Cadia was quietly rotating.

The dazzling arc of the lightning claw illuminated Horus' face.

His bloodshot eyes stared at the end of the corridor where the sound came from. He was not in a hurry. After everything receded, the power was surging again, as ugly as the exposed river bank.

In the shadow behind Horus, colorful strange shadows were dancing - the promised spiritual energy was returning home, which made him feel ecstatic and desperate.

But slowly, the ecstasy of regaining power covered the powerless despair like a veil.

The despair and pain from the abyss of depravity were turning into power and being used by Horus again.

He looked at the rolling fog under his feet with contempt - it was much weaker than the thick fog when he first met Mortarion. The fire driver will eventually burn himself and die in the flames.

Horus opened his mouth and was about to mock Mortarion's ugliness when the pale lord whispered in the rolling fog,

[Forgive me... I never want to compete with you for the title of "who is most favored by the Emperor". ]

Horus' eyes suddenly widened, and he roared angrily, like an enraged beast,

[If this is how you understand loyalty, traitor, then I know why you turned yourself into this half-human, half-ghost appearance. ]

Horus said contemptuously, and at the same time drew out the World Breaker warhammer, and the golden hammer head was shining on the black hammer handle.

The primarch turned the warhammer slightly, and a pale and weak face was reflected on the smooth edge of the hammer head.

The mist rolled and gushed out like a spring. The tattered cloak appeared from the mist. Mortarion stepped out of the mist and shook his wings.

As the wings fluttered, every time they opened and closed, countless surging white mists poured out from the closed inner wings. At the edge of the mist, a silent screaming hole similar to a skull was formed.

Horus glanced at the report of his armor without leaving a trace. Unsurprisingly, he saw the soaring value of the pollutant column.

Horus' heart sank. There was a damage in the circulation system of his armor-this was not a good thing.

Then, Horus felt a gust of wind whistling in front of him. Without a trace of hesitation, relying on combat intuition, Horus swung his war hammer and took Mortarion's surprise attack.

The sickle hung in front of Horus, and the chain saw chain that was spinning rapidly at the sickle tip produced sparks that splashed into Horus' eyes.

Horus held the hammer with both hands, and the hammer was placed horizontally, just holding the intersection of the sickle blade and sickle of the scythe of annihilation.

Even if the four gods sent down their power and changed Horus - making his body more bloated - more bloated.

But facing Mortarion, who was one step closer to his essence, Horus was still shorter than Mortarion, and the shadow of the Pale Lord enveloped Horus.

The two trapped beasts were testing each other, and they did not relax, allowing the power to pass through the cold weapons, biting each other tightly.

In the long stalemate, the adamantium wailed and sparks flew.

[You have become weaker. ]

Horus said with a smile, but Mortarion silently refused to talk to Horus.

While luring the Black Domain, Mortarion also consumed a lot of power, and he, who was originally a psychic being, became even weaker.

The arms of the warmaster trembled, and for a few moments, Horus even suspected that his worldbreaker would break.

He looked at Mortarion frantically, the coward who wore a gas mask and didn't want others to know his mood. The eyes of the Pale Lord still didn't have much emotion, until -

The bright firelight lit up on the other side of the French window. The explosion of the giant ship at the moment of death lit up the void, but this was just the prelude to a series of grand deaths. Countless bright fireworks exploded outside the window, illuminating their faces.

At that moment, Horus could see the shaky light in Mortarion's eyes.

The next moment, bang!

Mortarion took the lead in hewing the sickle, and the sickle rotated to unload the force, breaking the deadlock!

The giant sickle hit the ground heavily with a loud noise. Horus put down the warhammer, his palm was numb, and his arms were sore.

But Horus looked at Mortarion with a smile, his face was half bright and half dark against the background of the explosion of the warship.

The Warmaster watched Mortarion's figure sway, and the Pale Lord looked out the window thoughtfully, seeing the scene of the Death Guard being surrounded.

Mortarion's breathing mask spewed out poisonous gas. He stared at the almost dazzling naval battle and stammered,

[You want...]

Mortarion turned his head and looked at Horus questioningly,

[I misjudged you, Horus. ]

The God of Death said softly, [You want to die together? ! ]

Silence swung at Horus again with a whistling wind. This time, the horizontal sickle aimed at Horus' waist. Horus blocked the attack with his lightning claws. He exerted force on his wrist and shook off the sickle blade that was pinned by the lightning claws.

[Each other,] Horus raised his head and smiled, [Three minutes ago, you also had this idea, right, Mortarion? ]

Mortarion's face sank, and he slashed at Horus again!

The scythe in his hand almost danced out of thin air, but Horus always cleverly blocked Mortarion's scythe, as if he was not in a hurry to attack, Horus just dragged Mortarion.

Mortarion also realized this.

Horus was stalling for time.

After realizing this, Mortarion's attack speed obviously increased by twice as much! The giant beast in the fog that usually looks broken and slow is far from being as slow as it looks!

On the contrary, he is terrifyingly agile!

But even so, Horus' defense is still watertight!

【I saw our little brother Omega,】

Amidst the frantic clash of metal, Horus said loudly,

[That was originally your position, right, Mortarion? ! 】

The dazzling green light suddenly exploded!

Horus wanted to close his eyes, but it was too late! His eyes were filled with dizziness, and the green light that was so bright that it almost burned remained on his retinas. Tears were streaming down his eyes. He squinted his eyes and saw the two-winged moth god rising in the narrow corridor, as well as the millions of twisted and squirming creatures behind him. Wraith!

The deafening sound of flapping wings beat Horus's soul, as if something was close - close - Horus stared at the monster in the sky in a daze, and the breeze blew on the smooth skin on his left side -

Horus swung his hammer toward his left side. Almost at the same moment he set up his defense, the laser-sharp sickle struck hard on his hammer!

The chainsaw roared violently, tearing off the superficial skin on the left side of Horus's neck, and the skin rolled up, exposing flesh and blood.

Horus turned his head, tears streaming down his face. He stared at the monster on the left side of him, and beside him, he threw down the shadow that stayed in the air.

Next to him, Mortarion, whose wings were folded and his whole body was dim, was staring at him. Mortarion lowered his center of gravity, bowed his back like a full moon, and held the sickle with both hands and exerted force, as if he was vowing to kill him with one blow. Lower the head of Horus.

A roaring threat came from Mortarion's mouth,

[You never understood any of this. 】

【Yeah? 】

Horus smiled, but his smile grew larger and larger, tearing into a horrible laugh,

[I remember...] Horus said easily, even though the scythe in Mortarion's hand went deeper and deeper, and the rapidly rotating chain saw roughly pulled out the flesh and blood, Horus was as if he was hysterical. Still talking to himself,

[I think of the first time we met...] Horus looked at Mortarion pointedly, [You knew this then, right? 】

Mortarion's pupils trembled suddenly. After stepping into Nurgle's garden, Mortarion lost most of his memories - even if his emotions were completely retained!

Mortarion had no idea what happened when he first met Horus, but at this moment, the guilt and self-blame that suddenly came over him were real!

So what exactly happened that year? !

Mortarion decisively put an end to this doubt. His eyes became cold again. The episode just now did not affect the harvest of death. He exerted force with both hands and buried the buzzing chain saw into Horus's neck.

Blood spurted out, because one side of the muscle was severed, and Horus's head was twisted at an abnormal angle. He stared sideways at Mortarion, blood spilling from his mouth.

[You knew it then, so you rejected me. 】

Horus said softly, [Am I abandoned so early? still……】

He stared at Mortarion. What made Mortarion feel strange was that even though the chain saw chain had been buried deep enough, Horus's hands holding the war hammer were still there, not rout.

Mortarion could even see the gray color representing death crawling onto Horus' skin - Mortarion's chain saw was of course quenched.

Horus made a hoarse sound,

[You are different from Omega. What have you sacrificed, and what is acceptable? ! 】

Mortarion did not answer him. The Pale Lord simply opened his wings again, fluttered them, pushed forward, and increased his strength to firmly press the scythe against Horus' neck.

However, this time, Horus's hand did not move at all. He stared at Mortarion, his eyeballs almost bursting, and the vicious words in his mouth splashed on Mortarion's face together with his blood.

[So cold-blooded, so cruel, you choose to abandon your brothers and let them fall into the abyss? 】

[Then it’s your own fucking choice! 】

Mortarion cursed, and then he was shocked to feel a huge force coming from the scythe. He was shaken away and slapped against the wall. Countless mist dissipated from between Mortarion's armor.

In the mess, Mortarion looked at Horus. He knew what he was doing - Horus was picking up the power given to him by the four gods - in fact, Horus had been rejecting the four gods before! Even though he was half crazy, he did not fully accept their gifts.

Mortarion looked across Horus, saw the sea of ​​fire of the fleet behind Horus, and then saw the quietly rotating planet... Hades... Mortarion realized that if Cadia was Destruction... at least this will not be the ending that the false gods expected!

For a moment, Mortarion even hoped that Horus, who was controlled by the Four Gods, would issue an order to stop the bombing, but his hope was in vain. Horus naturally stretched out his hand and tore off the communication line on his armor. The small communication device turned into crumbs in Horus's hands.

At the same time, the subspace tide flooded into this grand battlefield again. Hundreds of millions of rebels, or their corpses, were immersed in the subspace tide, and their figures began to become illusory.

But at this moment, like enemies, the two Primarchs were watching each other without noticing.

Mortarion stared at Horus. He felt that the subspace here was filling up again. Horus was right in front of him. He watched Horus' body expand further, as if he was blown by brute force. balloon——

[Have you completely compromised? 】

Mortarion asked softly, gripping the scythe tightly as he watched Horus's wounds heal.

Horus showed a sarcastic expression,

[The war between us will not affect the war situation at all,]

[And I have already won. 】

The Warmaster said casually. He turned his head and looked at the ships fighting, [Soldiers, ships, ammunition, these are the criteria for judging the outcome of a war - not a duel between two generals... You are not worthy... …I don’t deserve it either. 】

Horus looked at Mortarion and smiled contemptuously,

[No, as a general, if my legion loses my command, it will be affected a lot - but yours won't, right? 】

Mortarion blew out a breath of poisonous gas, [Naturally. 】

He didn't hear the sarcasm in Horus's mouth at all, or perhaps Mortarion was even proud of it.

At this moment, Mortarion was thinking hard about how he could reverse all this - how he could save Hades - how he could kill Horus?

But just as Horus said, Mortarion realized that the battle here could no longer affect the situation of the war.

They opened the huge war machine, and now everything is advancing with inertia, crushing each other to reach the final outcome.

Winning or losing here does not affect the overall situation. The decisive hand is in the larger and smaller dimensions, but it is not here.

Mortarion took a deep breath. Since the concentration of the subspace here has risen, there is no need for him to suppress his use of psychic powers to prevent himself from increasing the concentration of the subspace here and causing Horus to regain power.

He could only believe it.

Believe in the Death Guard, believe in Vox, believe in the reinforcements of the White Scars...

Trust Hades.

Believe...a mechanical alien race.

Even the most critical thing in the whole incident is a foreign race.

Mortarion thought painfully,

Mortarion turned his head and looked at his fleet through the glass window. Well done, Vox... Even if the fight was not as exciting as Hades, Mortarion knew that Vox tried his best.

Mortarion turned his head and stared at Horus. He opened his mouth and his eyes burned with fire.

【Thank you,】

Mortarion spoke softly, his words startling Horus, but Mortarion continued,

[It’s been a long time...it’s been a long time since I’ve done something like this regardless of the cost. 】

He has been constrained by reason and the overall situation for too long,

【I want……】

Mortarion thought of Garro's extinguished flames,

[I want you to pay with blood. 】

Mortarion suddenly opened his wings. On the giant wings, countless eyes stared at Horus intently.


[Oh, fuck. 】

Conrad Coates cursed in a low voice. At this moment, he was crawling on the corridor of the Vengeful Spirit, carelessly playing with the "corpses".

None of the "bodies" were dead yet, but Conrad knew they were.

Conrad murmured to himself, continued to climb forward, and shuddered again,

[Oh my god...] Conrad whispered, [I heard the whisper of the death-seeking evil spirit again...the exact same words...]

He touched the blood on the ground, sniffed it and licked his fingers.

[Who will provoke him this time...]

Conrad smacked his mouth thoughtfully, straightened up suddenly, opened his arms, and laughed,

【It’s not me anyway! What fate! 】

His laughter penetrated the deep corridor and echoed layer by layer.

But his laughter did not last long. Conrad turned around abruptly and looked at Savitta standing in the distance.

【go back! go back! roll! 】

Conrad waved his hand impatiently, signaling for Sevita to leave.

【Run! Run! My game! Mortarion, Horus, come together with me - have you forgotten what happened last time? ! 】

But Sevatar still stood there, always on guard, but still standing upright,

"I need to know what you want to do, my lord."

Conrad chuckled;

[Send death,] the original body said happily, [I only have one chance. I don't want to work for Sanguinius anymore. I won't kill him here, I won't kill him that way - the archangel's view of me has long been wrong. 】

Once the situation in the First Divine Kingdom calms down... Sanguinius will look at Conrad Curze with a faint look of dissatisfaction.

They were not the same people, Conrad knew, he was just a lunatic temporarily chained up.

Sevatar didn't move, "The Legion needs you, you can't abandon us, my lord."

Before he finished speaking, Sevita suddenly wanted to step back, but he forcefully controlled his instinct. Conrad Coates was holding his shoulders, spitting fishy breath from his mouth,

[Greedy Sai,] Conrad said slowly, [You have drained the blood of ten of my warehouses - this is enough for the Midnight Lord to build an army ten thousand years from now. 】

Konrad Curze leaned over, and Sevatar could feel Konrad trembling, but Curze's voice suddenly became smooth and low,

[Iago Savita, I want to give you a chance—a chance for the new legion,]

[The Archangels only use us as executioners. We are not legitimate. Once the temporary period of transition is over, the First Kingdom of God will inevitably be judged. Perhaps the Blood Angels can rely on the personal charm of Sanguinius. To protect themselves, the Dark Angels can rely on their unique "number one" to protect themselves, but what about us? What about the Night Lords? 】

Sevatar felt his pauldrons creaking under the exertion of huge force, and his mind went ice cold - when did the original body become so awake?

Curze's whispers continued,

[At that time, we will be the biggest victims. The price and sacrifice will be pushed to the surface. They will not be merciful. I have already thought of the artificial tears shed by Guilliman in the holy place because he had to be judged—— He would repent of his actions late at night, and then use the Night Lord's previous sins to try to wash away his uneasy false mercy. 】

Conrad turned his head and cursed dozens of Nostramo curses quickly, then shook his head and continued,

[There is no way out - unless the legion can prove itself with something else - now is the chance, the only chance! 】

Konrad Curze said, [Although Mortarion is as disgusting as the Death Guard, so disgusting that just looking at it makes me want to vomit, but the Empire just prefers this kind of garbage, and this kind of garbage is just right. good enough……】

Conrad stopped and looked at Savita blankly.

【Enough loyalty. 】

Conrad whispered that Mortarion was not a person who talked about the overall situation. He would never be like Guilliman. If his brother directly or indirectly killed the warrior he admired, no matter how sad Guilliman was, He would also smile and speak to the brothers who killed his warriors for the greater good.


Mortarion would not do this - no, he would not, and Conrad had learned this personally.

A villain who will take revenge!

But this also meant... Conrad was sorting out the human skin decorations and chains on his armor for Sevatar, and Mortarion could be used.

When he thought of using Mortarion, Conrad recalled the original scene. He shuddered again unconsciously, but looking at Sevita and the newborn cubs behind Sevita, Conrad Silence fell again.

[I will win Mortarion's trust for you. 】

Conrad said, [Mortarion and his Death Guard will be the only legion after the Order that can be exempted from most restrictions. Go find them, okay? 】

[Mortarion...Mortarion can...]

Conrad lowered his head in pain and hit Sevatar's shoulder armor with his head, hitting it again and again.

He saw Mortarion standing up during the meeting and refusing to let go.

After the Pale One opened one of his wings, Sevatar stood silently.

This will be a prophecy of Conrad's own choosing - he will choose the one he wants - just like Sanguinius.

Even if the price is a more tragic outcome.

Sevatar's voice pulled him out of the prophecy in time,

"My lord, there will be no new order."

Sevatar said that he knew that Konrad was sick again, and that everything the Primarch said was based on the assumption that the war could be stopped in a short time - but this was unrealistic.

[You don’t understand anything! 】

【I want to die! I have to find a way to die! 】

Conrad suddenly burst into flames, holding Sevita's neck and pressing it against the wall. Droplets mixed with blood spattered on Sevita's face.

[Last order, leave here, support the Death Guard with fleet battle, otherwise——]

Conrad raised the gun in his hand and aimed at the Night Lord behind Sevatar.

He knew that the little cub, the new generation, still used Sevita's gene seeds, and Sevita valued him very much.


Sevita squeezed out a few Gothic words from his mouth, and the next moment, he suddenly fell to the ground. In the peripheral vision of the lack of oxygen, he saw the figure of Conrad Coates running wildly.

It's like running away.

Sevatar smiled bitterly.

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