Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 541 Extra: Sorry, but I am in the second week (6)

Chapter 541 Extra | Sorry, but I am in the second week (6)

Herrera leaned outside the house tremblingly. She pressed against her sister Lysa and kept wiping her tears.

"It's okay..." Lysa hugged Herrera, "Lord Mortarion will find a solution."

"...I just," Herrera sobbed, "I just didn't expect it so soon."

The two were chatting in low voices, and on the other side, several other people hurried over in the night, led by Vox and Karas.

The coldness around Karas had not subsided yet. He frowned and nervously tried to look into the room, but Vox stopped him.

Lysa was startled when she saw the person coming, "Karas? Are you not in Swamp City?"


Karas said in a hoarse voice, "It's the first time to use it - thanks to the stable psychic fluctuation recently."

Everyone present did not understand psychic powers, so the atmosphere became silent again. It was already evening, and people stood in the dark, silent.

And inside the house——

Hades poured a cup of tea and looked at the nervous Mortarion in front of him.

Hades was drinking tea. Did Old Huangtou feel so oppressive to the original body? But think about it, Mortarion was also like this in the previous life. Some time before the emperor came, Mortarion became obviously very anxious.

"Don't be nervous, Death," Hades said, "Well... although I know this is hard for you to accept."

Mortarion raised his eyes suddenly and stared at Hades, [Are you clear? 】

Hades laughed twice,

"Of course I know,"

He still doesn’t know about Old Huangtou?

Hades watched as Mortarion became visibly nervous.

"——Your biological father is coming to pick you up. I know you don't want to, Death, but... uh... um... um... he is your biological father after all."

Mortarion slumped again in an instant, seeing how much damage his own father could bring to the primarch.

Hades sighed and took a slow sip of tea.

"I know your biological father Nios - although he is a bastard, he is a good person."

"Don't worry, he will definitely praise you."

Hades silently thought that it would be better to bring some gold,

"I can find you some gold from my material library. What kind of decoration do you want? But I remind you, it is best to be as big, flashy and shiny as possible."

Hades was thinking, but he watched Mortarion in front of him slowly lower his head. The hood covered the original body's face, so that Hades could not see Mortarion's expression.

...It is indeed an unacceptable fact.

Hades thought that not all primarchs were willing to have their father beheaded from the sky, especially those like Mortarion, who had a life-killing father.

Hades stopped talking, he planned to let Mortarion take it easy.

He picked up the cup and sipped the tea slowly, wondering whether to rush up and call Old Huangtou or Old Man Huang.

Or he calls Lao Ma first...

Just when Hades was about to start wandering around again, Mortarion in front of him shook and said in a weak but firm voice,

[I only have you as a father, Hardy——]

Hades almost spit a mouthful of tea in Mortarion's face. He turned his head sharply and all the water sprayed on the ground.

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough what?!"

"What?! What did you say?!"

Hades shouted in horror, I want to be a good brother with you, but you want to be my son? ! But before he could react, Hades suddenly felt his "soul" being punched hard with psychic energy by the angry Huang Pizi.

Hades felt like little Nurglings were flying in front of his eyes.

He hurriedly used the black domain to block the angry psychic attack of a certain golden guy. The wave of psychic energy faded away and Hades breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat back down and looked at Mortarion opposite him. He saw Mortarion standing there in shock, at a loss, and even a little panicked.

Hades coughed,

"It's okay," he said calmly, "I know your biological father... He may have lost control just now."

Mortarion's mouth moved a few times, and the primarch wanted to say something, but in the end nothing came out.

Hades motioned for him to sit down, and Mortarion sat back slowly.

Hades was silent for a while and thought to himself, and finally spoke slowly,

"I know I've been the one teaching you all these years, Mortarion,"

Hades said seriously, "But I still think I'm your brother because I'm still young."

"If you are really worried," Hades said, "we can make a blood alliance - just a formality."


【What is blood-based alliance? 】

Hades blinked, "Put the table, put food on the table, preferably animal heads that can be marinated, then face the table and smear blood around the mouth to show mutual alliance and loyalty. "

Mortarion's body swayed,

【No. 】

"Okay," Hades said, "but I want you to know that I trust you absolutely, Mortarion."

【I am clear. 】

Mortarion said hoarsely, and the original body was silent for a while, as if reviewing the logic of Hades' behavior just now,

Mortarion suddenly asked,

【……How old are you? 】

Hades was silent

"Uh... well... ah... more than ten thousand years old?"

Mortarion stared at Hades, who stared at the wall awkwardly,

It broke and the boomerang hit back.

After all calculations, Mortarion is estimated to be in his twenties or thirties.

Mortarion let out a long sigh,

[Then you...if what you said is true, how did you get here, Hades? 】

Hades was silent again, because he didn't know either.

"Have a good sleep, and when you wake up, you'll be on Barbarus."

Hades said truthfully

The original body continued to ask, [Then how did you make friends with... the Neos you mentioned? 】

He knows this question!

Hades hurriedly said, "I was reborn, or traveled through time, Mortarion - do you understand? I just woke up and found myself back in the past."

The original body stared at him, [Continue. 】

"My last life was also the beginning of Barbarus. Alas, it was the beginning of the collapse of heaven at that time, but I grew up later, and then your biological father, the emperor, came to pick you up."

"Your biological father, a heavenly soldier, came to this world and took you back!"

"Although Neos is stingy, he gave you a whole legion! Mortarion, you know, a whole legion!"

Hades told Mortarion as briefly as possible, but the original body pulled down his hood, blocked his sight, and fell silent.

Could he really still be able to cure Hades, Mortarion thought.

When did Hades' condition become so serious?

The more vividly, eloquently, and fascinating Hades spoke, the more Mortarion felt like he was facing an abyss. Has the work of more than ten years crushed Hades, or is it the old legacy left over from the crusade against the alien lord? disease?

"...So, that's it."

Hades said that he had simplified the process as much as possible, and gave Mortarion a brief introduction to the composition of the legion, so that Mortarion could take over the Death Guard later.

【……fine. 】

Mortarion said glumly,

Hades smiled and said, "Don't worry, Death. With the resources of the empire, Barbarus can be built very well. I'll chat with the Adeptus Mechanicus when the time comes."

The pressure on Hades was still too much... Mortarion thought, did Barbarus' construction finally crush him? Obviously he didn't show any signs of fatigue before, but he didn't expect...

[Barbarus is fine now. 】

Mortarion said,

[There are no enemies that can threaten humanity, and three major transportation routes were built under your plan; you personally searched for and mined mines, and also proposed hospitals and schools... It was all done by you, Hades. 】

Hades smiled, he is a player in the second game. He has read the guide, so this does not require skills.

In fact, for most things, he starts from the beginning and then runs away, and the rest is called training the younger ones.

"It's a joke!"

Hades waved his hand confidently, "As long as you have the hand."

[I just want you to know that you are important to Barbarus. 】

Mortarion said seriously, [So...]

What he said next was not spoken, and the smaller words were drowned by Hades's hearty laughter.

"Of course I'm important!" Hades showed a confident and cool smile, "Believe me, without my brother, there will be no future for beating up the Four Vendors."

Mortarion looked away in disappointment. No matter what he said now, Hades was immersed in his illusion.

The original body slowly took out the test tube in his hand, and Hades's eyes naturally moved over, "For me?"

Hades naturally stretched out his hand to take it,

Mortarion nodded, trying not to let his hands tremble, and handed the potion to Hades.

This is the best way he can think of at the moment. This potion can suspend all physiological activities of Hades and maintain body functions in a fixed state as much as possible... This way, time can be delayed indefinitely.

But he hasn't developed an antidote for this drug yet—but he already has an idea.

As long as he finds the antidote in the future and finds a way to treat his adoptive father...

Mortarion thought... There will always be a way, there will always be a way, as long as technology develops further...

Hades squinted, stared at the liquid in the test tube, and shook it.

"I can't be drugged," Hades said carelessly, "There is no one who can drug me."

As he spoke, Hades unscrewed the test tube stopper very smoothly and took a sip.

Mortarion stretched out his hand to stop him, but in the end the original body didn't say anything and could only watch Hades drink,

Hades put down the test tube, smashed it, and stared at the remaining liquid in the test tube.

Hades turned his head and looked at Mortarion,

"The idea this time is good? But it's not even interesting."

Hades raised the test tube and drank the remaining liquid. He put the test tube down casually and looked at Mortarion to prove that the potion was useless.

"I told you that I can't poison your brother, why did you just..."

Mortarion watched as Hades collapsed onto the table.



After a long silence, Mortarion swallowed, and the original body carefully stretched out his hand and felt Hades' pulse.

The effect of the medicine is working, and it has indeed slowed down to the slowest rate.

Mortarion was silent, silent, and finally the primarch stood up and walked outside to inform the people waiting outside.


Inside the room, Hades stood up suddenly, frowning and staring in the direction where Mortarion left,

"Young man," Hades muttered in a low voice, "your grandpa has licked Nurgle's pot, are you afraid that you can just wash it away?"

But what illness has Mortarion had recently? Why haven't you talked back and started a fight with him lately?

The child is quiet, either acting like a monster or seeking death!

Hades believed that, and he wanted to see what Mortarion and his gang planned to do.

Could it be that the rebellious period has arrived?

Hades frowned, the timing was too good to be stuck, Old Man Huang was rebelling at this juncture?

Hades thought to himself for a long time, but did not figure out what happened. He carefully checked the subspace to make sure that there was no interference from the four subspace gods.

It couldn't be Necron, Hades thought, but the C'tan part of him didn't feel it either.

Forget it... let's see what kind of medicine they are selling in the gourd.

Hades lay down on the table and closed his eyes. Fortunately, he chose a comfortable position when he fell.

continue to sleep!


People moved Hades to a remote and quiet house. Outside, Mortarion convened a meeting with the leadership of the Death Guard.

【……That's it. 】

Mortarion spoke hoarsely, and anyone could see the frustration and despair on the Primarch's face.

[He can no longer distinguish between reality and illusion, and his physical condition has begun to deteriorate. 】

Before Mortarion finished speaking, Herrera, the patrol captain on the side, spoke. She was almost sobbing as she said,

"Perhaps I should have discovered something was wrong with Lord Hades earlier - in fact, since last year, I have heard him say words like "old horse".

"Me too," Vox lowered his voice, "He told me that I would meet a guy named Gallo - but I have looked for him, and there has never been a Barbarus with this name - and there will be no one. Such a weird name.”

Karas shook his head and sighed,

"He once said something similar to me... Sometimes I really felt that it was not his fantasy, but later I denied it because that worldview was obviously logically unreasonable - but it is not for us to lament this now time, isn’t it?”

[Callas is right,]

Mortarion said, the primarch pulled down his hood and let the shadow cover his eyes,

[Everyone is here to discuss the future development of Barbarus - I hope that our construction can be shifted towards medical treatment as much as possible - without affecting development. 】

Karas and Vox looked at each other. They were the two people in charge of the city.

"No objection," Karas said immediately, "We all understand your feelings, Mortarion - in fact, even if you choose to fully develop medical treatment, we will support it."

[No...] Mortarion said, [I hope Barbarus develops. This is the highest priority, overriding any individual...]

The original body spoke, describing his next plan one by one, and from time to time someone made suggestions to him.

Although there was an atmosphere of sadness, this atmosphere made the people present more aware of their responsibilities.


"Sir! There is someone outside asking to see you!"

A sharp report interrupted the meeting. Mortarion stood up impatiently and was about to scold the messenger, but the messenger panted, opened his eyes wide, and pointed out the door breathlessly,

"Sir! Go and see! Outside - outside -"

The first person to go out to check was almost frozen at the door. Mortarion frowned, why did it happen at this time? ! He strode over and walked out the door, and he saw——

Mortarion raised his head, his amber pupils suddenly dilated——


Heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

Two footsteps approached him, and he looked away at the sky and saw the big, shining man in front of him.

Mortarion's mouth trembled,

[I guess...your name is Neos? 】

The man nodded,

"my child……"

Mortarion barely heard a word of the rest.

Mortarion was sweating profusely.

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