Chapter 548 6. Ten Thousand Years (6)


Ascension Day of Sanguinius: Led by Sanguinius, Angron, Robert Guilliman, and the Custodes, attempted to awaken the God-Emperor.

The ceremony was held at nine o'clock in the morning, with the sun rising slowly. During the ceremony, everyone present and those watching the broadcast of the ceremony saw the figure of the archangel who was about to be consecrated.

Faintly, around the altar, golden figures were in a daze, and many people recognized that among them were human heroes who had returned to the God-Emperor during the Great Crusade and the Great Rebellion.

The believers of the state religion are full of hope and waiting for the arrival of a new era.

However, as the ceremony was coming to an end, something strange happened to Sanguinius.

The broadcast was cut off immediately, but most of the people staring at the projection saw Sanguinius with black feathers on his back in the last frame.

At the same time, along with the mutation of Sanguinius, there was also the sudden madness of the Blood Angels and their descendants. About half of the Blood Angels fell into extreme anger and addiction on the day of Sanguinius's Ascension. In blood.

These irrational warriors began to attack everyone they could see.

On the day of the Ascension of Sanguinius, most of these glorious battle angels in the past were invited by famous interstellar governors in the nearby star fields, United Church priests, or spent this festival with local nobles or civilians. .

On those lucky planets, Blood Angels who have not yet fallen into madness will kill their comrades with their own hands, or commit suicide before they are completely controlled by anger and bloodlust.

And on those unfortunate planets…

However, the Stormwind Star Territory, including other star territories stationed by the Death Guard, survived. The crazy Blood Angels tried to open the cage and fight with the imprisoned Death Guards. However, with the help of the nearby Star Territory Mechanicum, the Death Guard Controlled the Blood Angels.

Next to the Blood Angels' main fleet near the solar system, a Death Guard fleet rushed out from an unknown area. Without any hesitation, this sudden appearance of the Death Guard fleet began to attack the Blood Angels.

At the same time, other legions also received warnings from the Death Guard. The Space Wolves and White Scars were the first to respond to the Death Guard's warning and began to immediately support the star field where the Blood Angels were stationed.

On the other side, on Terra, all information about that day was deleted, hundreds of millions of people were forced to undergo amnestics, tens of millions of people were executed, and three-quarters of the ships that came to visit Terra sank forever. Pull up the air.

At the same time, the Bible written by Sanguinius was completely abolished.

Over the next fifty years, all mention of Sanguinius and the Blood Angels was erased as quickly as possible, and all mention of the matter was officially forbidden.

There is not a single page of information that mentions this incident. Later historians and conspiracy theorists can only get sporadic information from rare rumors, the Mechanicus, or the elders of the Death Guard.

Based on the reaction of Terra in later generations, scholars have deduced:

Piecing together this brief information, Sanguinius himself fell into some great rage and bestiality during the ceremony.

Mortarion, who was imprisoned in Terra, appeared on the altar in time, and together with Guilliman and Angron, the three primarchs suppressed Sanguinius.

Mortarion was seriously wounded - After the Ascension Day of Sanguinius, rituals to summon the Primarch were rarely held within the Death Guard.

Robert Guilliman was seriously injured - The Imperial Regent died of illness on Macragge in the third Terran year after Sanguinius' Ascension Day.

The whereabouts of Angron and Sanguinius are unknown.

The Assassin Tinselvitar is missing.

But according to the records of the Navigator family that month, after the Ascension Day of Sanguinius, Terra unilaterally organized a one-way fleet to Baal, and the Primarchs Angron and Sanguinius may be on that ship.

What further confirms this inference is that Robert Guilliman visited Baal in 021.M33.

From a long-term macro perspective, what happened on Terra completely reversed the situation of the Human Empire, but for humans at that time, the Blood Angels who were slaughtering crazily around them were the real source of fear.

Many star regions fell into panic as a result. Amidst Terra's silence and the sudden madness of the Blood Angels, people began to question the rationality of the state religion, question Sanguinius, question the other original bodies, and question the Space Marines.

At the same time, the black legion led by Abaddon set out in the Obscure Star Territory to plunder the empire.

Those Chaos Space Marines from a farther, darker age reminded humanity of the forgotten Great Heresy.

Originally, under the deliberate guidance of Imperial Regent Robert Guilliman, all records related to the Great Rebellion had been burned except for the confidential archives on Terra.

But during this period, blasphemous materials sprung up again.

During this period, either due to the need to resist the crazy Blood Angels, or because they no longer trusted the Empire, or their piety for the national religion was broken, countless planets declared their independence.

As for Terra, after hastily handling the government affairs, the Imperial Regent Robert Guilliman immediately announced a wanted order for the Blood Angels and their descendants. The entire empire's army was mobilized to exterminate the crazy Angel descendants, and Fight against the legions of Chaos.

However, on Terra, those who witnessed Sanguinius's "ascension" began to question Guilliman's orders.

Sanguinius's "ascension" made people realize that the primarchs were not perfect demigods, and they could become even more terrifying beings.

A huge empire cannot be commanded and dispatched by the Primarch alone. There are countless complex war notifications, logistics systems, government departments, trade ships... these are all parts that the Primarch cannot control.

Robert Guilliman has worked as hard as he can on this endless mountain of government affairs, but this is not a scale that can be shaken by a Primarch alone. Moreover, there are chess players who are higher than him in the corners that the Primarch is not aware of.

Robert Guilliman is aware of the distrust from people, but now, the most important thing is to stop the destruction of the Blood Angels in the Empire and resist the attack of the Chaos Legion.


The last speech: After summoning all the Terra high-level officials, the Imperial Regent Robert Guilliman, despite his illness, delivered an impassioned speech, intending to unite people and take the lead in overcoming the current difficulties.

Although the political situation is chaotic, Robert Guilliman's ability and reputation are still unquestionable, and the Imperial Regent firmly holds the military power.

Dissent is temporarily suppressed.

After leaving some Ultramarines to guard Terra, Robert Guilliman ordered Sigismund to lead the Terran army to repel the Chaos Legion that emerged from the Obscure Segmentum.


Strategic Retreat: The Ecclesiarchy's army in the Tempest Segmentum was still executing Terra's orders. After realizing the great changes on Terra, under the instruction of Vandire, the fleet retreated to the Pacific Segmentum to avoid the counterattack from the Tempest Segmentum.


Condition: After finding out the truth of the events in 019.M33, Robert Guilliman's physical condition deteriorated further. The heavy government affairs, the suspicion and distrust from mortals, and the huge self-blame were about to overwhelm the Son of God who had been working hard for thousands of years.


Journey to Baal: In his spare time, Robert Guilliman took a trip to Baal with the Custodians. On the return journey, the health of the Imperial Regent was even warned by the accompanying pharmacist.

However, the hidden evil finally showed its claws after Robert Guilliman arrived on Terra.


Real impeachment: Standing under the broken statue of the God-Emperor, Vincent of the Inquisition, together with the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Justice, the Assassin's Chamber, and the Mechanicus, launched an impeachment against Robert Guilliman.

The various high lords present used their own methods to broadcast the scene as much as possible - so that more people can see it.

Since there are too many impeachment articles, only the ones that have the greatest impact on the Imperial Regent Robert Guilliman are excerpted here.


Interference with the Mechanicus: The Empire and the Martian Mechanicus were originally in a cooperative position, but under the interference of Robert Guilliman and a group of Primarchs, the Martian Mechanicus was maliciously restricted.

The Martian Forge General spoke, facing Robert Guilliman, and personally tore up the religious content that was negotiated with the Primarch Sanguinius that year, and questioned why the Empire interfered with the beliefs of the Mechanicus and let it go astray.

Since Sanguinius did go astray, Robert Guilliman could not respond to this.


In order to expand the power of the Ultramarines, the resources of other legions were maliciously reduced: The evidence provided by the United Assassins Court, Vincent pointed out that the Dark Angels were reduced in resources by the Imperial Regent Guilliman for various reasons within 500 years, and transferred to the battlefields with tense wars.

Due to the agreement with Cypher, Robert Guilliman could not respond to this because it involved his brother Leon Johnson.


Sheltering the Death Guard: In the past two thousand years, the taxes owed by the Death Guard in the area under the jurisdiction of the Storm Segmentum have already reached an astonishing amount, but all the accusations of the Death Guard by the Inquisition were rejected by Robert Guilliman.

The Inquisition has reason to prove that in order to shield his brother, the Primarch Robert Guilliman indulged the behavior of the Death Guard knowing that it would harm the interests of the Empire.

Robert Guilliman has given up speaking. The Primarch stood in place, staring at the High Lords in front of him, who had worked and discussed with him countless times.

Guilliman didn't understand why the High Lords came here. Did they hope to bring down a demigod? But under the premise that he holds most of the military power of the Empire, this is tantamount to self-destruction.

It has nothing to do with the interests of these families, and it has nothing to do with power. What exactly do they want?

The Primarch thought for a long time, and he only felt completely absurd. He sorted out every interest line and the image of every person, but still couldn't understand why.

But at this moment, Robert Guilliman can still think and can't be swallowed by anger.

The high lords cited countless evidence to illustrate the atrocities of the Primarchs.

And when the haze of Sanguinius's Ascension Day has not yet subsided, this kind of evidence is more like a question from the people of the whole Empire to Robert Guilliman.

Finally, under the premise that the Mars Forge General left the stage and did not testify for the high lords, the remaining high lords took out the last piece of evidence.

They launched a huge, ancient metal machine. At the moment when this machine was launched, Robert Guilliman suddenly felt something very uneasy.

As the servitor demonstrated, after a horn sounded, a panel on the machine fell out. It was a very simple electronic screen.

"This is the blasphemous artifact we found in the wreckage of the ship of the fugitive Belisarius Cawl." The servitor read loudly and calmly, "We examined the machine and found that it is a blasphemous artifact that simulates the personalities of Roboute Guilliman and his adoptive mother Talasha Udon."

"We have sufficient evidence to prove that Robert Guilliman participated in the creation of some blasphemous technology and hoped to use this machine..."

Robert Guilliman could no longer hear the rest.

He stared at the high lords and slowly spoke, interrupting the words and demonstrations of the servitors.

Unexpectedly, this was a very calm, highly infectious and inspiring speech. Robert Guilliman refuted the accusations of the high lords one by one - although a lot of language art was used in it. At the same time, Robert Guilliman accurately pointed out the intentions and interests of each high lord present. The Imperial Regent stated calmly and questioned everyone present, at such a critical time, why could humans not unite as one, but still fight each other for the personal and family interests, and even fabricate false evidence for personal interests.

In fact, Robert Guilliman's words were not spoken to the high lords.

He was speaking to those who watched the high lords' broadcast.

At the same time, the Ultramarines under Robert Guilliman found and cut off all the signals from Terra.

Just after the last signal was cut off, Robert Guilliman, who was still passionate just now, fell silent in an instant, and he didn't even finish his words.

Robert Guilliman only felt angry.

Boundless anger.

He looked at those people. Once upon a time, he even personally taught them how to govern. He talked with them about how to lead an empire to glory. He allowed some of their selfishness and even thought that some of them had great potential.

Anger of betrayal, anger of being fooled.

Robert Guilliman didn't understand. He didn't understand. No matter why, the people standing in front of him now had no reason to do so - unless they really hated the Primarch to the bone - but compared to them, perhaps those whose families were killed by the Blood Angels should hate the Primarchs more.

And his soul was almost swallowed by anger.

Perhaps Sevatar had a glimpse of the truth, but with Sevatar's disappearance, the last and only person who had seen it clearly disappeared.

Moreover, with the disappearance of Sevatar, the power of the Inquisition has already infiltrated the Assassin's Court.

But at this point, Guilliman no longer wants to say anything.

He stared at the ugly faces of the high lords. In Robert Guilliman's thousand-year reign, Robert Guilliman chose the only time to let himself be engulfed by anger.

[Kill. ]

Robert Guilliman said calmly.

Beside him, the Ever-Victorious Army rushed out with swords.

Robert Guilliman drew his sword and walked forward calmly, smashing the machine with his sword.

On the side, the blood of the high lord's head spun and splashed on the face of the Primarch.

A raging flame ignited over Terra.


Sudden visit: Robert Guilliman visited Sigismund, who was destroying the Chaos Legion, and handed over the overall command of the Legion to this ruthless and tearless son of Dorne.


Death: After a quick visit to the expeditionary army, Roboute Guilliman returned to Macragge and died of illness next to the tomb of his adoptive mother, Jotun, on the day he arrived in Macragge.

It should be noted that the dedication of Roboute Guilliman, the thirteenth son of the Emperor, the Lord of Ultramar, and the Regent of the Empire, to the Imperium of Man is indelible.

When his brothers were fighting on the battlefield, gaining the admiration and merits of the masses, when his brothers were silent in a corner, not asking about the affairs of the Empire, it was Roboute Guilliman who stood up and tried to run the entire huge Empire on his own.

Perhaps the image of the Regent of the Empire has been tarnished in the past thousand years, perhaps the image of the Regent of the Empire is not as shining as that of his brothers, and perhaps the High Lord's accusation against him is not groundless,

However, without Roboute Guilliman, the Imperium of Man would not have been able to quickly get out of the haze of the Great Heresy, let alone win the Beast War. Without Roboute Guilliman's dispatch and command of logistics, the greenskins from the Beast War could have directly torn the Empire apart.

Without Robert Guilliman, the behemoth called the Empire might have been riddled with chronic diseases.

It is also because of Robert Guilliman that in the years when the war subsided, countless people in the Empire could enjoy the most comfortable treatment in their short lives - unlike his father and his assistant Malcador, Robert Guilliman tried his best to improve the quality of life for the descendants of the Empire.

And now, those who can cry for the Regent of the Empire may have died in the darkness of the Ascension Day of Sanguinius.

The fall of the last child of the Emperor also marks that the Age of Apostasy has completely entered the stage of mortals.

Here, heroes and villains are on the same stage, treacherous and loyal are on the same side, aliens and heretics are parallel,

In the long dark night, people who have completely lost the leadership of the Primarchs began to stumble like newborns to find their own future.

And the monsters who have been hiding behind the scenes and afraid of the light of the demigods also bared their fangs at this Empire.

No, good!

Don't worry, Guilliman will definitely win the resurrection match, maybe he is not dead, who knows

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