Chapter 550 8. Ten Thousand Years (8)

After the departure of the primarchs, countless epic battles took place in the human empire in the past thousand years. However, when these battles were dissolved in the long river of millions of years, they were just a drop in the ocean and only a drop of wave.

Therefore, in the following records, the recorder Deng only selected a few scenes among the thousands of events and recorded them hastily.


Chaotic Faith: In the midst of chaos, the Age of Apostasy has finally come to an end, but the human empire is still in deep trouble. Although the main threat within the empire's territory has long been eliminated,

However, the ideological shadow left by the apostasy era still poisoned people's minds. From the Chaos Faith that believed in the Four Gods of Chaos to the Hive City Faith that believed in a certain four-armed God-Emperor, countless heretical religions sprouted and took root within the borders of the empire.

Buzbela, the son of Hades, commissioned the Word Bearer Hermit he rescued on the Vengeful Spirit to compile a national religion based on the combination of the God-Emperor and Hades, and named the new holy book the Book of Sacred Scriptures.

The Death Guard also released the Word Bearers who had remained loyal during the Heresy, and handed them over to Terra.

There were rumors that the Hades belief written in the Death Guard came from these Word Bearers who were imprisoned in the Death Guard dungeons.


The state religion was reorganized.


The Fourth Founding of the Army: The Blood Angels were removed and the World Eaters expanded in size.

Due to the confusion of information, many battle groups whose parent group is unknown were established during this army founding.


Religious expedition: "The Hermit" completed his work, and under the instruction of Pluto Buzbela, the empire immediately launched a religious expedition.


A Blessing in Disguise: During the Age of Apostasy, the number of psykers within the Empire's borders increased sharply, and the power of the Astropath, the Navigator, and the Star Torch Hall further expanded.


Returning victorious: The various mechanical sects on Mars finally completed their discussions. Representatives of the Graai Forge World and the Faos Forge World subsequently returned to their respective worlds. They did not have much interest in Mars.

The adaptation of the Mars Mechanicus is completed.


The Inquisition was reorganized and the Inquisition of Heretics was added.


Reorganization of the Interior Department.


With the efforts of Buzbela, the son of Hades, the High Lords Council, which had been almost abandoned for decades, was restarted.

Buzbela, son of Hades, was second in line to the High Lords Council.

The Chief of the Council of High Lords was vacated.


Plague of Unbelief: At the end of the Age of Heresy, Garmor and its surrounding star realms were cut off from the Imperium due to a warp storm.

When the subspace storm dissipated, the Heretic Tribunal discovered that the star field here was already filled with a plague-like confusion of beliefs. It was believed that the God Emperor was not a god, and that there was a true god in the subspace. domain spread.

After receiving some news from the Heretic Tribunal, Buzbela, the son of Hades, personally led the crusade against Garmos.

During the expedition, Buzbela himself was seriously injured by the Tzeentch demon who had allied with the local heretical bishop, and was subsequently placed into a stasis field.

Since Buzbela himself is a Macragge, out of his own wishes, he was placed in the side exhibition hall of the Macragge Museum, waiting to be awakened at the right time.

It should be noted that the coffin of Robert Guilliman is displayed in the main exhibition hall of the museum.

Due to Buzbela's serious injury in the middle of the war, the empire did not go well with Garmo. The Death Guard, who learned that Buzbela was seriously injured, arrived later and took over the crusade.

After the war, a total of seven planets in this star field were ordered to be exterminated by the Death Guard.

For the Death Guard, like a plague, the religious chaos spreading in Garmor and its surrounding star fields is not a good thing. As early as the Great Rebellion, their original body, Mortarion, had already captured Most of the authority of [Plague].

And the various signs currently circulating in places like Carmel mean that the Pale Lord is slowly losing authority over the [Plague].

This may be a necessity for the Death Guard who deliberately conceal Mortarion's [Plague] authority and only promote his father's [Death] authority.

However, due to being severely wounded on Sanguinius' Ascension Day, the Death Guard were unable to contact the Pale Lord himself.

After the war was hastily ended, the undead Karas Typhon, in conjunction with Foundation-306, rushed to Macragge, had cordial and friendly exchanges with the Ultramarines, and tried to claim Buzbela himself.

But after the Ultramarines played Buzbela's last recording before she fell into coma, Typhon and Jin ultimately returned without success.

Accompanied by a dying cough, the recording reads:

"Go home...go...home...Macragge...I don't me...go back..."

After a long silence, Karas Typhon and Jin-306 gave up their rebuke to the Ultramarines.


The second seat of the High Lords Council was taken over by the Custodes.


With the unremitting efforts of Jin-306, the Sons of Hades battle group was re-established with less than fifty people.


Slow Healing: The departure of the Primarchs, especially Robert Guilliman, greatly slowed down the efficiency of the Imperium of Man, and through the efforts of mortals, the Imperium began to slowly heal the scars left by the Age of Heresy.

During this period, wars, large and small, continued to break out within the empire's territory, mostly religious wars.

During this period, Terra initiated five army formations and six army formations.


Retirement: Undead Karastifon steps down as leader of the Death Guard.


Abaddon united with the original body Red Alpha to launch the Third Black Crusade. The main force of the Empire to face the Chaos Legion this time was the World Eaters Legion led by Karn and its sub-legions.


Failure: Faos announced the failure of the research and development of green skin teleportation technology.

After exhausting two thousand years of research by more than a dozen generations of sages, Faos announced a change in research and development direction.

Among the various forging worlds, only Faos is still persisting in the research and development of faster-than-light navigation in the physical world.


The contract was broken: Due to the departure of Mortarion and the mastery of Hades' blessing laws, the number of Eldar cooperating with the Death Guard gradually decreased. In 266.M34, there were only a hundred Eldar still cooperating with the Death Guard.


On a Dark Eldar hulk sailing out of subspace, the Empire discovered humanoid monsters that were far larger than Space Marines. However, according to the Mechanicus' investigation, genetic fragments of the First Legion were extracted from these monsters.


Subsequently, all relevant personnel were obliterated by the fallen angels.


The prosperity of the spirit clan: Due to the spread of the belief in Hades, some spirit clans choose not to use soul stones as their final destination in death. Instead, they will capture the soulless people among humans and use three to five soulless people to summon them before they die. The underworld chooses eternal silence.

This behavior has been strongly opposed by some craft worlds. Some Eldar believe that their companions have betrayed the Infinite Circuit and delayed the birth of Enid, the god of death.

As a result, countless battles have been fought within the Eldar, but there is still a situation where the Eldar will individually choose their own ending.

During this period, some Eldar claimed to have dreamed of the Eldar gods of the past.

During this period, the population of the Eldar increased, and many Eldar embarked on the path of warriors.


Hunt: Due to the involvement of the Eldar, the Soulless have become even more scarce. Two-Face Vox led his warband the Silent Lords into the Webway and began to hunt down the Eldar.


The seventh army was founded.


For the sake of his father: Iron Hand gathered his sons to defeat the Sapphire King in the Obscure Star Territory.


Abaddon launched the Fourth Dark Crusade, and Space Marines suspected of being Iron Warriors appeared under his command. The Empire sent Iron Hands, Salamanders, and Space Wolves to attack.


Corruption: The Chapter's Corruption of the Shining Blades was confirmed, and the Chapter converted to Slaanesh and was renamed the Perfect Legion.

This is also the first case of large-scale conversion of Space Marines to Chaos discovered by the Empire. As the annihilation brought about by the death of Pluto gradually fades away, as the Chaos Space Marine Legion continues to fight, the war in the warp Chaos is gradually regaining its power.


The Cursed Founding of the Army: The Demon Tribunal discovered more traces of the corruption of the Space Marines and the Astra Militarum. Out of fear, the High Lords Council passed the Eighth Founding of the Army.

This army formation was also called the "Cursed Army". The biological sages tried to perfect or eliminate the genetic seed defects of the Space Marines - but this caused an even worse impact on the gene seed.

During this army establishment, most of the newly established war groups were wiped out, leaving only a few.


Mortal Greed: At a noble auction in the Taiping Star Territory, an auction item suspected to be a fragment of Magnus appeared.

Then the demon prince Magnus appeared at the auction and everyone present was killed.


Living Saint: In the Obscure Star Territory, on a battlefield where the Greenskins fought, the Empire's first Living Saint appeared.

This is considered by the Ecclesiarchy to be a symbol of the gradual recovery of the God-Emperor.


Mutual Heretics: Within the Mechanicum, a two-hundred-year-old academic war was launched in the Extreme Star Territory over whether Pluto was a god or a human.

However, during this academic war, the Ordo Hereticus discovered technology that seemed to hate intelligence.

The Inquisition launched investigations into various forge worlds, and Terra's relationship with Mars heated up.


Return: Belisarius Cawl once again appeared in the Empire's sight in the Ultramarine.


Surplus: During this period, there were fewer wars within the borders of the human empire, and the remaining wealth quickly nourished countless noble warlords on one planet after another.

People began to recall the glory of the past, and the number of civil servants and historians increased during this period.


The Supreme Lord Incident: In the High Lords Council, representatives of the Imperial Navy and the Astra Militarum representatives launched a power purge against the High Lords Council.

Due to the fighting between the various families, the Terran government was once in a state of strike.

At the same time, a warp storm swept across the Imperium of Man, cutting off worlds from Terra.

God-given opportunity, people knew that Terra could not be held accountable during this period. For a time, countless local families who had accumulated ambitions in the peaceful era began to fight. Affiliated families assassinated the main family, and inter-stars annexed each other.

Countless Space Marine Chapters were betrayed by the intrigues of mortals and the Forge Worlds, and during this period, countless Chapters chose to secede from the rule of the Imperium.


According to Xingyuting's observations, during this period, the subspace became active again.


This political battle lasted for a hundred years, and finally ended with the victory of Xingyuting, Navigator, and Xingju Palace and regaining power.


However, due to political struggles, the civil service system established and organized by Robert Guilliman was broken, and the efficiency of the administrative agency further declined.


titanium! : The Mechanicum exploration ship Land's Force discovered the planet Tau and its Stone Age alien race named "Tau".

Imperium exploration of the sector was halted due to a warp storm.


In the name of Pluto, the Forge World of Phaos announced that they have found a way to achieve short- and medium-range physical parabolas across the galaxy by utilizing the torsion of neutron stars or pulsars.

Faos Forge World announced that it would be named [Quantum Slingshot].

However, this technology requires huge resources; the destination is not a certain point, but an area; large fleets cannot jump; the fleet that sails through this method has a disappearance rate of one-half.

Without any hesitation, Faos released all the data of the [Quantum Sling Bow] to all the forging worlds of the Human Empire for free.

However, Faos's high profile attracted the attention of Terra, and the high lords who had cast doubtful eyes on these forge worlds as early as the Academic War began to take action.

At this time, those in charge of Terra's political affairs were the Star Language Court, the Navigator, and the Star Torch Palace. These three institutions originally served the empire's subspace navigation, and the three institutions were integrated into each other.

The physical faster-than-light navigation technology of the Faos Forge World is undoubtedly devastating news to the giants who now monopolize the navigation of the empire.

It should be noted that if it were not for providing a stable subspace guide for the empire, psykers such as those in the Navigator family would have been despised by everyone in the empire.

The long-term psykers in the Navigators, the Astrology Court, and the Star Torch Palace know that it is the Empire's need for them that has allowed them to reach their current heights.


The Inquisition and the Assassin's Court provided evidence of Faos's abuse of [Hated Intelligence]. Terra declared the forging world of Faos a fallen world and sent troops to clear it out.

For a time, countless armies were mobilized, including Assassins, Imperial Navy, Astra Militarum, Space Marine Chapters...

With the threat of no longer providing subspace navigation and long-range communications for the fleet, the navigators unilaterally gathered a huge civilian army.

The Astropathic Chamber has issued a bounty. For any psyker who attacks Faos, the Astropathic Chamber will subsequently provide him with legal citizenship in the empire, a permanent job in the Astropathic Chamber, or countless wealth.

The Star Torch Palace released the dangerous psychics who had been detained for a long time and ordered them to attack Faos in the name of atonement.

The Martian Mechanicus announced that they would join the crusade.

At the same time, under coercion and inducement, the merchant fleet announced that it would stop trade and transportation with Faos and the surrounding world.

On the other side, in order not to implicate allies, Faos unilaterally refused the help of forces such as the Death Guard and Graea.

Even so, after this, Faos took over two unknown rebel battle groups, as well as some mechanical mages who voluntarily went to defect.


Faced with the overwhelming attack of the Navigator, Star Language Court, and Star Torch Palace, which did not hesitate to consume itself, the Forge World of Faos gradually fell behind. Finally, the experimental Titan, operated by the Nirvana System, moved towards the psyker The formation launched a suicide attack.

At the same time, Faos took the initiative to close the black stone obelisk he built in the Maelstrom.

With the deaths of nine Alpha-level psykers, a huge psychic storm swept through the Maelstrom again.

Chaotic psychic energy impacted psykers from all worlds. Countless psykers who came to attack Faos self-destructed on the spot, or began to attack friendly forces indiscriminately.

Faos himself, on the other hand, hid back in the unpredictable psychic turbulence of the maelstrom.

The Terran forces, which relied on the warp to navigate, were completely helpless. After losing a large number of elite psykers, they had to end the war in a hurry.


Due to the crazy attack on Faos by the Navigator, Astrology Court, and Star Torch Palace, the strength of these three organizations was sharply reduced. The power of the High Lords Council was reshuffled, and the Inquisition and the Ministry of the Interior were once again in charge of the High Lords Council.

After that, in the Storm Star Territory and the Extreme Star Territory, it was rumored that from time to time there would be fleets from Faos claiming to be experimenting with [Quantum Slingshots], so lost fleets would appear...

I have something to do today... Try to end the timeline tomorrow... I have to finish talking...

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