Chapter 552 1. Return of the Dead

"In the name of Hades!"

Black Butcher, the son of Hades, roared, and the power ax in his hand directly chopped the head of the knife bug in front of him. There was a muffled sound from the elbow he retracted, and the other knife bug fell down immediately.

Hurry...go quickly...

In the jungle, Blake was panting. His helmet had been thrown away after being damaged, and blood was dripping from his forehead. The corpses of knife bugs and gun bugs had already piled up into a small hill under his feet. Two Thais had not yet been buried. The Lun warrior was staring at him intently.

He stumbled down the mountain of corpses and pulled up Barry, the think tank of the Tianshi Chapter, who was leaning against the tree behind him. The son of Dorne was already on the verge of faking death, but he was still dying and refused to sleep.

Mingzi knew that there was an abandoned bunker nearby and retreated there. Maybe they could survive for a while, long enough for Barry to send out a psychic signal to tell the Empire that the planet had fallen.

Blake desperately opened the communication and tried to call the surviving people over and over again, but in fact, they may be the only two living people on the planet.

Under the transformation of the Tyranid Zerg, the sky of this planet has long been scarlet, and the vegetation has withered in large chunks. After killing the Imperial defenders on it, the Tyranids can't wait to start destroying the planet. All living things are transformed into a biomass soup.

Blake even saw the Zerg mothership slowly lowering in the sky, and those huge shadows stretched out their tentacles towards the earth - they had begun to devour the planet.

And he and Barry of the Tianshi Chapter were just the last two fish that slipped through the net in the massacre of the Tyranids.

Blank, Blake's mind was blank now.

But relying on his own instinct, he carried Tianshi Barry on his back to escape from the Tyrans. He didn't want to die yet - or in other words, he didn't want to die in such a meaningless way.

All ten people in his team, except him, had died in the battle.

If Blake, the last recruit in the team, dies, then their team will completely fail in the [Bullet of Destiny] mission.

No...can't be like this...!

Blake drew his gun and subconsciously fired a bomb at the Tyranid warrior who suddenly rushed out of the shadows.

He skillfully threw Barry off his back towards a safer position, leaned down to avoid the Tyranid warrior's bone knife, and swung his ax to intercept - maybe because Blake's movements were a little rough, Barry who was thrown out made a sound He let out a painful groan.

Black's ax pierced the warrior's chitin armor hard, and the cysts on the insect appendages spurted worms at him. Black dodged and struck again -

No...all of this...all of this is the fault of Great Sage Jin!

Black thought painfully, and at the same time he rushed towards the warrior who was screaming hoarsely. He and the Tyranid warrior rolled on the ground, just avoiding the snakes and insects that suddenly jumped out of the ground beside him.

Every seven hundred years, the sons of Pluto will vote for the ten "unluckiest guys" who will form a team and shoulder the mission of retrieving Pluto.

Then the Great Sage Jin will randomly set a parameter for the [Slingshot of Destiny] near the Barbarus star field and pop out this unlucky team.

As of Black's team, his unlucky seniors will all return to the Sons of Hades at some point in time - and often successfully wash away their bad luck, save the empire in the process of searching for Hades, and become the heroes of the empire. .

Some teams have successfully foiled Abaddon's conspiracy, some have driven away Tzeentch, and some have saved living saints...

Blake stood up unsteadily. The Tyranid warrior under him had already been bitten and dripping with blood. He spat out the Tyrannic flesh and blood in his mouth, feeling that the flesh and blood were turning into small bugs biting his mouth.

He turned around, and with the tremors under his feet, Blake knew that the snake insect had gone to find Barry.

...So this tradition, [Bullet of Destiny], which made the Chapter happy and benefited everyone, was preserved.

The people who were thrown out were no longer limited to being "unlucky". The new recruit Blake was thrown out because he preferred to use an ax instead of a sickle and often remained silent.

He still remembered that the fighting senior who had recruited him into the battle group patted him on the shoulder with sincerity and said respectfully to the Great Sage Jin,

"This kid doesn't have a bright mind, and he doesn't have the blood of Pluto. Being in the group is not suitable for his development - he may have his own experience."


The golden sage, who was as huge as a hill, controlled the cable, entangled Blake, who was already stunned, and dragged him into the spacecraft.

His fighting senior stood behind him, waving goodbye to him happily and hoping that he would bring him travel gifts back.

Jin tied Blake to the seat and whispered, "It is indeed different from others..."

Blake only knew that he was not going to die soon. He took courage and asked as calmly as possible, " it different?"

"You were the first one who didn't try to escape after being thrown out."

Is it still possible to escape... Blake thought desperately, and then his fate was randomly thrown out as the slingshot of fate was activated.


The snake under Black's ax stopped struggling. He breathed a long sigh of relief, pulled Barry up unsteadily, and continued walking towards the bunker among the corpses on the ground.

But Blake knew that all this was in vain. He had almost burned out in the battle with Tyranids, and now he was relying solely on the desperate struggle and tenacity brought by the gene seeds of the son of Hades.

He would collapse on the way to the bunker, or worse, even when he got there... so what?

Blake vomited a mouthful of blood mixed with organ fragments, and he shook Celestial Lion Barry on his shoulder again.

Barry is the soul walker of the Tianshi Chapter, the think tank.

"Barry..." Blake said hoarsely, "Can you send a psychic communication now?"

Barry on his back closed his eyes tightly and shook his head.

Failed, Blake thought.

Their unlucky team was thrown directly into the star field where they were fighting the Tyranids, and they immediately got into a fight with the surrounding Tyranids.

They persisted for five months, but the few Baneblade tanks they were able to repair could not stop the entire swarm. The Sons of Hades, the Lamenters, and the Celestial Lions retreated again and again, and finally retreated to the jungle planet.

This star field may have been abandoned long ago. Therefore, except for the branch teams of these three war groups, Blake did not see any war groups coming to support.

At the last moment, in the name of leaving hope, Blake's comrades sacrificed their lives for Blake's chance to retreat. They told Blake Butcher that their unlucky team could not be the only one that failed in the past thousand years. .

The Plutos believe that no matter where the [Bullet of Destiny] throws them, they will achieve their own glory and success under the care of Pluto.

But... but...

Blake only felt endless despair.

The Weepers had been completely wiped out, while Tianshi and Mingzi were the last two survivors.

But now, they too are dying.

"There is something..."

Barry's angry voice sounded,

Blake stopped suddenly and scanned the surroundings warily. Barry was a think tank, and he was generally more sensitive to psychic-related existences.

In his peripheral vision, in the blood-red sky filled with countless Tyranids, Blake caught a glimpse of something strange falling rapidly - but it wasn't that!

In front of Blake, three brainworm tyrants floated slowly in the air, their exposed blue brains flashing with crackling psychic arcs.

The Zerg realized that Black had an ability that they could subconsciously ignore!

This is a gift from Pluto. The descendants of Pluto usually show slight soulless qualities, and in Black's case, they are often ignored and ignored.

Now, the Zerg specially sent psychic units to counter Black's negligible soulless traits.

Pluto, Pluto...

Blake swallowed, knowing where he was going to end.

He let go of Barry's hand, and after a dull thud, the son of Dorne fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

Blake felt that his vision began to distort, which was a precursor to the start of psychic attacks, so he began to pray to Hades attentively, praying that he could grant his enemy the final rest.

Then he raised his ax and faced the tyrant in front of him——

boom! ! !

In the distance, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground suddenly sounded!

Darkness rises! ! !

The lifeless darkness spreads, as if the darkness that does not exist in this dimension rapidly expands, and instantly covers the entire planet!


At that moment, Blake's eyes were filled with darkness, and all his senses seemed to be cut off. He seemed to be dragged into the depths of the eternal sea, screaming silently and suffocating.

He almost thought he was dead, but then the light returned to his eyes. Blake's pupils dilated, and he was shocked to realize that he was hunched over due to severe pain and fear, breathing heavily.

He was already in tears.

The son of Hades raised his face tremblingly, staring at everything in front of him in stunned silence. As far as he could see, all the Tyranids were paralyzed on the ground, and countless giant beasts rained down from the sky and hit the ground.

The brainworm tyrant in front of him was like spattered noodles, with its tentacles twitching and its blue brain exploding and flowing all over the floor.

Blake couldn't understand what was happening. His ears were ringing violently and his heart was pounding.

But the Tyranids who were paralyzed on the ground were not dead. Black immediately realized that they stood up slowly and staggeringly, and almost immediately started biting their nearest kin!

Even though he was almost completely out of strength, Blake slowly leaned down and struggled to carry Barry. He didn't know what happened, but he witnessed a miracle.

He limped along, following the guidance of his consciousness, and headed in the direction of the strange thing falling from the sky.

The Talon who were biting each other ignored Blake. He only needed to avoid the Talon falling from the air. He walked one foot deep and one foot shallow among countless corpses. Finally, the forest became sparse, and in an open space in the jungle , he saw the strange black coffin.

A knife insect that regained consciousness seemed to have found no one of its kind to fight with. Blake watched the knife insect rush towards the black coffin——


Black subconsciously wanted to draw a gun and shoot, but something in the coffin was one step faster than him. Almost at the moment when the tip of the sickle claw of the knife bug touched the coffin——

Huge emerald lightning exploded! The thunder soared like a dragon, roaring violently in the air. Electric arcs swung from the center of the black coffin, opening and closing widely, but hitting every Zerg accurately!

The crackling sound rang out like raindrops, and the rainstorm poured down!

The scarlet sky was stained with green, and countless flying species were burned to charcoal before they even hit the ground. Blake even watched a giant boat in the distance being hit by thunder and slowly falling down with a wail.

Blake didn't even realize when he opened his mouth in surprise. He was afraid of those arcs, but they seemed to have intelligence and bypassed him. His dull black helmet reflected a faint green.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, maybe fourteen seconds, or maybe a lifetime, the lightning disappeared.

In the dead silence, on the battlefield, the charred corpse of Tyran made a hissing sound.

A hand, a human hand, grabbed the side of the black coffin.

Blake Butcher trembled all over, almost with a startle, he let go of Barry again, and Barry, who was already unconscious, fell to the ground, without making a sound this time.

He stood at the edge of the forest and saw with his own eyes a monster, a giant standing up from the black coffin. He couldn't see him clearly. The absolute darkness enveloped him like a rolling wave, and those powerful lightnings were mixed in between, crackling.

A scarlet red light shot out from his left eye, looking straight at Blake.

Blake felt that his heart was about to explode, and his brain was blank. Something was screaming and pulling his soul, his thoughts, beating him, and roaring at him - but maybe his brain was not very smart. Blake was just dumbfounded and froze in place.

He watched the existence walk towards him.

The black tide slapped Blake, and Blake felt a strange sense of familiarity. He trembled and stared at the giant walking towards him.

The giant stopped in front of him and looked down at him.


Blake knelt down, his brain was completely unable to function, but as usual, the instinct buried in his blood saved him.

In a trance, Blake seemed to see the great sage Jin flashing before his eyes. The sage tied him to the seat and knocked on his head, "Fool, remember your mission is to find Hades, don't just stare blankly." He held the axe with both hands, supported it on the ground, and bowed his head devoutly. The dried blood on his forehead had long stopped dripping. "Father, your heir, the new blood of the Sons of Hades, Black Butcher, pays you the highest respect." In front of him, the darkness faded. "What?" Hades, wearing a flowered old man's shirt and slippers, made a puzzled sound.

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