Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 556 5 Beside the high fire, listen to history

Chapter 556 5. Beside the high fire, listen to history

Smoke and dust rose up, carrying a fishy stench.

In the scorched earth, Hades sat on an insect corpse in frustration, covering his eyes with one hand.

Calm down...be calm...

——With a bunch of insects! How to manage the empire!

No, the original group of high lords are dead, and those who take office now may not be virtuous ministers.

Mortals attack the Primarch politically! How dare they!

Or even Guilliman.

Guilliman is the only Primarch among all Primarchs who takes the overall situation into consideration and knows how to put compassion into practice for mortals!

They actually impeached the Primarch who treated mortals the best? ? ?

Who gave them the courage? !

Take a deep breath... take a deep breath... Hades exhaled a breath of thick air, forcing down the tumbling emotions and questions in his heart.

After releasing the Star God's lightning, Hades felt a numb calm and fatigue.

He began to sort out - this might be Black's one-sided statement, and Hades' intuition told him that Guilliman's matter must be related to the Ascension Day of Sanguinius.

Before knowing the specific circumstances of that day, Hades could not make any conclusions.

But - but -

Hades took another deep breath. If Robert was still the same as he had known him before - then the original group of high lords were more or less ungrateful.

If he was familiar with it, the high lord in the Warhammer world... might indeed pull off a shocking act.

Hades stared at the scorched earth in front of him, and he remembered that he had worked so hard to save the Emperor and a few more Primarchs - just for the smooth development of mankind in the next few thousand years.

As long as the Primarch remains, the development of the Imperium is guaranteed.

Humanity at least has one more layer of protection.

No matter how bad things were, Hades thought that when he woke up, he would at least see a living Loyalist Primarch.

Instead of hearing that Guilliman died of illness...


Hades still thought there was something wrong with this.

He knew that Robert Guilliman was the Primarch of the Adeptus, and perhaps Hades could question Guilliman's views - but he would never question Guilliman's abilities.

If the High Lords try to impeach Guilliman, are they really able to hide it from Guilliman until the incident finally breaks out?

Could it be that in those few years, among the empire's outstanding talents, there appeared a person who could compete with Guilliman in terms of politics?

Hades scratched his head in distress.

Could it be that Guilliman's ability has declined... The heavy government affairs of the empire finally overwhelmed the regent?

Guilliman... Hades thought of the lord of Macragge who was once full of hope and ambition. He was ambitious, full of ambition, and had the arrogance to recruit the world's heroes and lead mankind into the quagmire.

Hades smiled. He was still the talent Guilliman was trying to win over. If he hadn't been rooted in Barbarus and the Death Guard - who could refuse Macragge's paradise and a man who knows how to use people well? Mingjun?

He is still one of the few normal people among the original bodies...

As the night fell, the stars above Pluto moved across the sky, and the rekindled bonfire rose and fell. Finally, Hades slowly stood up and walked towards Blake again.

The Octarius Sector should not be too far from the Five Hundred Worlds.

Hades thought, as the ashes rustled beneath his feet, he might want to go to Macragge first.

Then go to Terra.

Terra, Hades thought, the High Lords Council, even if the people at that time were already dead, he needed to go there in person——

Check the status of each high lord personally.

Stand behind them, pat them on the shoulder, and express amiable condolences about their work.

It would be best, Hades emphasized in his heart, it would be best when he comes to Terra with conditions that no one in Terra can refuse.

He will gather his armies.

A trace of scarlet flashed in the mechanical eyes.


Beside the campfire, Hades sat next to the campfire again, but this time Hades made it to the side of the son of Hades.

Hades looked at the bonfire calmly, "Black, do you think there is still hope for the galaxy now?"

"Yes," Blake couldn't help but move slightly towards the distance, "Father, under your shelter, we will always believe that hope will last forever."

Hades sighed and said slightly tiredly, "That's... it's not that bad. Let's continue. First... jump over the Death Guard first. I need to slow down first."

It is similar to what Hades thought. The Thousand Sons of the 15th Legion were expelled long before the Great Rebellion, so Black did not know about this legion at all; the Sons of Horus in the 16th Legion were led by Abaddon the Despoiler. The Black Legion;

The remnants of the 17th Legion's Word Bearers were imprisoned by the Death Guard and later released during the reestablishment of the Ecclesiarchy.

? ? ?

The Death Guard imprisoned the Word Bearers and ordered them to write religious books? ? ?

Hades fell into a long silence.

At least...at least it's not the Death Guard being imprisoned...it doesn't matter.

Vulkan, the original member of the 18th Legion, disappeared after the Beast Wars; in the 19th Legion, Corax actually became the Inquisitor, but later also disappeared.

As for Alpha and Omega, Hades frowned. One of the two originals voted for Nurgle, and the other voted for Khorne - this was something he had never thought of.

Why did they do that? But no one could figure out what the Alphas were thinking, including Alpha himself. Hades asked Black several questions about Alpha, but there were no answers.

The sparks in the fire floated in front of Hades and exploded with a crackle on the tip of his nose. Hades waved his hand to drive away the sparks.

The story came to an end, and both of them fell into silence. Only Tianshi, who was still sleeping, made a slight breathing sound.

Hades sighed,

"Black, Mortarion...what about Mortarion? Is he dead too? Or...worse, he fell..."

Hades couldn't speak any more,

He should probably trust Mortarion, but Mortarion seemed like an extremist when they last met - and maybe he still is.

Extremes are always bad, Hades thought, at least in this world, extremes can easily lead to destruction. The more extreme they are, the more likely they are to be favored by the subspace.

In fact, Hades has always had a certain stereotype in his mind, just like he believed that Sanguinius was perfect, the Lion King of the First Legion would never betray, and Robert was a normal person full of political points.

But now, Sanguinius has been removed, the Lion King is at risk of betrayal, and Robert has been impeached by the mortal High Lords.

When I wake up, it feels like the whole world is doing bad work.

He was a little worried about the Death Guard, whom he had put the most effort and energy into.

Black straightened his back, frustrated that he couldn't answer Gene Father's question.

But not anymore. As the sons of Hades, sometimes they know more secrets of the Death Guard than the Death Guard themselves.

"My father," Black said, "Lord Mortarion has been unable to be summoned by the Undertaker in the Death Guard for the past four thousand years - even the undead Karas personally organized the summoning ceremony and was unable to contact the Pale. host."

Before Hades could ask, Black continued. He might know what Hades wanted to ask,

"Lord Mortarion last appeared in 777.M37. He appeared in the subspace expeditionary force led by Two-Face Vox, and led 350,000 Death Guards to attack the subspace."

"How many?!"

Hades, who had seemed stunned just now, suddenly came to his senses and shouted, "No - summon - wait why can Mortarion be summoned?!"

He looked at Black in horror, as if Black's next words would kill him, and Black blinked in confusion.

"Father of Genes, Lord Mortarion has been sanctified long before you left. According to the words of the Golden Sage and the senior combatant Karas, he has awakened the essence of subspace."

Hades suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately... Although the chance was very small, the keyword "summoning" just made Hades inevitably think of subspace creatures - the related word is demon ascending.

Awakening to the nature of the subspace...a good thing.

Hades thought that he remembered that Corax, the Crow King in the original book, awakened his subspace essence, thus greatly improving his strength.

The heart that had been hanging since hearing that the Ninth Legion was eliminated was finally relieved. Hades breathed a sigh of relief. Now that Mortarion has awakened his subspace essence, at least when facing the four gods, he will no longer be so Powerless.

But... Mortarion awakened to the essence of subspace.

Hades pondered for a moment,

"Do you have a portrait of Mortarion, Black? I mean after awakening to the nature of the warp."

Blake shook his head,

"The God of Death does not like to spread his own image, and before this, Lord Mortarion has been rejecting too much faith and love."

"Before this?"

Hades asked,

Blake paused for a moment, as if what he said next would be Mingzi's special confession again.

"Yes, my father, after Lord Mortarion led his army to attack the subspace, as time passed - the Death Guard discovered that the power of the Death God was declining, so the belief in the Death God began to be widely spread again."

"But," Blake glanced at the sleeping Barry with his peripheral vision, "it's not enough. I have heard that Master Karas discussed with the Golden Sage whether to expand the faith and authority of the God of Death - even if it might hybridize him. The senior leaders of the Death Guard unanimously believe that Lord Mortarion is in danger in the subspace and he urgently needs more power of faith to escape. "

Mortarion led 350,000 Death Guards into the subspace and fell into trouble...

Hades thought, it seems that Macragge's visit and the trip to Terra can be postponed. Now that Mortarion's whereabouts are known, he can directly enter the subspace and fish out the Lord of Death. Come.

Contact the Death Guard first.

As for what Black just said, Hades said, "You mean, the more people believe in Mortarion, the more power they can give Mortarion?"

Blake nodded,

"But the Pale Lord himself is extremely disgusted with this kind of behavior," the son of Hades replied truthfully. "At the same time, more faith means more confusion. Lord Mortarion does not want this."

"Messy?" Hades didn't understand.

"The Pale Lord, as officially promoted by the Death Guard, has the only authority over death,"

"But in the process of spreading, it is inevitable that some people will misinterpret this authority. At the same time, when people pray, they will mix their other desires, which will complicate the faith received by Lord Mortarion. ”

So that's it... Hades thought that this was very similar to Neos's situation. It was easy to avoid, and he could just let him disinfect him in the black area when the time came.

And is the power Mortarion gained over death...?

Did he steal it from Nurgle?

Hades closed his eyes, death, he thought with all his concentration,

Praise the Pale Lord, praise Death.

Hades felt his own black domain, but unfortunately, he felt nothing.

Hades opened his eyes in disappointment. It seemed that Mortarion did not want his power of faith, or maybe he had not found the subspace location of Death.

Perhaps what comes out of Hades is not the "power of faith", but the black realm that swallows spiritual energy.

But no matter what, Hades still felt a little relieved to hear that Mortarion had awakened his subspace essence and successfully exploded 350,000 soldiers.

Three hundred and fifty thousand Space Marines... This requires extremely strong logistics management.

These may not have been done by Mortarion, but even if Mortarion found such talents, squeezed them, and let them help the Death Guard explode, it was extremely gratifying to Hades.

As for Mortarion who may have encountered difficulties in the subspace, Hades was silent. He has been absent for three thousand years, and will be absent for a few more years... Should Mortarion still be able to hold on?

Come on, Mortarion, who has awakened to the nature of subspace.

"Blake, how many people are there in the Death Guard and the combined sub-groups that can be mobilized immediately?"

Hades seemed to ask casually, but Blake immediately understood what Hades meant.

"My father, due to the previous expedition of the Lord of Death, and now the Death Guard combined sub-groups, you can mobilize a total of 130,000 people - but 30,000 people are needed to permanently guard the Storm Star Territory."

One hundred thousand Space Marines, that's a lot, Hades thought.

But as if feeling guilty about this, Blake said eagerly,

"You can not only dispatch the Death Guard, but also the Ultramarines to be friendly with us. If they confirm that you are Queen of Hades, the Ultramarines will provide at least 70,000 Space Marines and World Eaters. Even if their number is smaller, the four Wan Warrior can still be squeezed out."

"And there is the Mechanicus. Since the change of doctrine, countless forging worlds have been your loyal believers. Even if you think that the power of these forging worlds is too loose...then Graai and Faos can still provide assistance for your return. ”

After hearing Black's words, Hades knew without even thinking that Jin and Kirkland had written their own Plutonian religion into the teachings of the Mechanicus.

But this reminded Hades,

"During the ten thousand years that I have been asleep, has anything major happened within the Mechanicus?"

Blake immediately recited it like an endorsement,

"The short-sighted Mars attempted to attack the Holy Land of Pluto, but the forge world of Graai joined the forge world of Faos to defeat Mars' conspiracy. Subsequently, the great sages landed on Mars and rewritten the religion as Hades."

"However, Mars's anger has never been extinguished. After the Forge World of Phaoos announced that they had fulfilled the will of Pluto and developed the [Quantum Slingshot], Mars immediately launched an attack on Phaoos with the psykers of Terra. ”

Quantum slingshot? !

Isn’t this the technology of Qunxing? !

Hades was stunned for a moment, then became uncontrollably ecstatic.

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