Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 558 7 people! Living people!

Chapter 558 7. People! A living person!

Hades realizes that, in fact, not everyone is as adaptable to his presence as Blake Butcher.

Most people may be confused for a while about the gods who came out of the Book of Holy Words.

The specific manifestation is that Tianshi Barry woke up, saw Hades, and passed out again due to shock.

Of course, Hades does not rule out the bonus to the special attack of psykers. Hades still doesn't know what he looks like in the eyes of psykers.

It might be something extremely unacceptable.

It might also be because... Hades' original outfit was a bit shocking.

When Barry passed out again, Hades asked Black again about the recent situation in the star field.

There is indeed nothing left on this planet, and Hades still hopes that he can find a planet with some metal resources to stay.

At least Hades hoped that they would be discovered by the Empire - or specifically the Death Guard and Ultramarines - as soon as possible.

They are now in the Octarius Star Territory, on the side far away from the Empire. This place has been captured by the Tyranids. Beyond that, the Tyranids are fighting fiercely with the greenskins.

Across the front line of the battle between the Greenskins and the Tyranids is the territory of the Greenskins, and beyond that is the territory of the Human Empire.

At this moment, the star region they were in was originally the territory of the Human Empire and had been eaten away by insects.

But there may still be humans surviving in this sector, Black said.

Some human nobles or merchant fleets will drive ships to escape from their planet before the Tyranids encircle the planet - as long as the ship's route does not coincide with the Tyranids' large forces, then these people are likely to survive.

With the Tyranids casting a shadow across the warp of the sector, these surviving ships were unable to navigate the warp in time to escape the sector.

This means that there are likely to be human ships floating in the void in this star area, waiting for the Tyranids to leave.

This also means that Hades and his team can end the painful life of eating insects and drinking biomass early.

Hades obviously needs this too much.jpg

Anyway, Trazin told him that as long as he was in a place where Tyranids were raging, it would be fine.

In order not to shock their only remaining hope, Barry, Hades left specifically when Barry was about to wake up next time to look for metal resources again.

Blake sat next to Barry, doing some psychological construction for this lucky and unfortunate Tianshi.

Blake: Don't be afraid of what I'm going to say next.

BARRY: Scared.

After all, Black is the son of Pluto, and the war group will specially train the communication skills of the soldiers. Although Black obviously has not reached the qualified level in the war group, there is no problem for Black to fool most people in the empire.

Hades realized that Black seemed to be taking advantage of people thinking he was stupid, so he lowered his guard against him and then deceived people.

This even includes deliberately telling some vague information so that the other party can infer the intelligence on their own while thinking that he is unreliable - but in fact, this is what Black wants the other party to think in this direction.

Because people will subconsciously believe the information they infer.

But when Hades deliberately tricked him, Black maintained the image of a person who was indeed not very clever.

Is this kid really stupid or just stupid?

Did he complete this operation subconsciously?

Hades fell into deep doubts.

However - as long as he can join forces with Hades to deceive people, Hades will think that he is a good son of Hades.

Finally, Hades, wearing the specially rubbed underworld armor, walked out of the forest and saw the Celestial Lion standing and saluting him as an eagle.

Hades was convinced that the moment he saw him, Tianshi Think Tank took half a step back without leaving a trace.

According to this Celestial Lion warrior, the Tyranid shadows in the subspace are moving quickly and leaving this area, so he can use psychic powers to try to call the humans in this area.

But there is not much time left for them. Once all the remaining Tyranid shadows in this area leave, those wandering people may quickly jump out of the subspace.

Hades decisively asked the hapless think tank to immediately start psychically calling the surrounding human fleets.

He did not let Barry reveal that there was a large Hades here, firstly because Hades was afraid that words like "I am Qin Shihuang, come and pick me up" would be too false; firstly, because...

In psychic communication, there is no word [Pluto] at all.

A psyker cannot "speak" the word Hades in a psychic communication.

Barry told Hades that there may be a way to pronounce the word "Hades" among the Mechanicus and the Death Guard, but at least most psykers avoid this meaning and symbol.

Looking at Tianshi's expressionless expression, Hades said that it was really hard for this psyker to dare to say this in front of Hades.

Hades originally hoped to get some more information from the think tank, but Barry needed to concentrate on making psychic calls, so Hades gave up the idea of ​​harassing a psyker.

At the same time, in order for Barry to work better, Hades and Black had to stay away from Barry every morning - at least so that Hades could not be detected by the think tank's psychic powers.

Although Tianshi Barry repeatedly promised that he would not make mistakes under the watchful eye of Pluto, when Hades silently explored a little bit of the black realm...the stubborn think tank was disconnected from the Internet.

Every day, under the watch of Tianshi Barry, Hades and Black left. The two searched for metals that could be used among the ruins. Barry meditated in the open space, trying to contact other human ships.

It was said that they were looking for metal, but in reality it was more like two people wandering around with nothing to do.

Hades chatted with Black, and sometimes taught the axe-wielding Mingzi a few tricks. The battle ax skills that Angron taught Hades back then came in handy.

After hearing that Black was often bullied in the duel cage, Hades taught Black how to fight with an ax and a sickle.

In the chat with Blake, Hades's understanding of the empire became clearer.

All in all, it is the flowering of wars in many places and the pill of sustainability.

Thanks to the training of the son of Hades, Hades became more and more aware that most of the "non-war" training of the son of Hades seemed to be waiting for his return - so that he could quickly integrate into the empire.

Hades felt more and more respect for Jin-306. He never thought that the unknown servant on Mars would grow to such a height.

After the planet rotated silently for four weeks, in an open space almost filled with junk metal, Barry lived up to expectations and finally contacted people from the outside world.

"It's Ms. Tiese," Barry said calmly. "The Celestial Lion knows this brave lady. We fought side by side to defend her hive from the Tyranids."

"Is he an acquaintance?" Hades glanced at the sky casually. He felt the signal of the old shuttle, "That would be better."

"Star Aswan?" Blake suddenly said in a daze, "Mingzi once received an invitation from the ruler there."

Barry frowned, "The hive managed by Ms. Thies is the hive on the edge of Aswan - I want to invite someone else from the Sons of Pluto Chapter."

Blake nodded, "It's the Lord Lord's invitation."

Barry's eyebrows furrowed further, but only Blake saw it.

"It's quite fate," Hades commented, looking into the distance with his head held high, "Hey! Here! Three o'clock direction! You are flying the wrong way!!!"

Seventeen minutes later, in a breathless hum, the shabby shuttle landed in front of them.

Finally seeing other living people, Hades thought he would have to survive in the wilderness for several months and eat bugs for a few more months. He couldn't help but shed tears of excitement in his heart.

A tired but dignified woman stepped out and stared at Hades in shock.

Behind her, an Ogryn bodyguard who didn't look very smart also came out. The moment he saw Hades, Ogryn let out a loud wow.

Hades said nothing. Barry, their designated diplomat, walked over and interrupted the nobleman's daze. Almost the moment he saw Barry, Thies's eyes turned red.

"I thought you were all dead!"

Thies couldn't help but raise his voice, and a smile escaped Barry's tight lips, "The Celestial Lion is immortal, thank the God Emperor... and Hades."

Hades looked at the scene in front of him. It seemed that Barry was hiding something, but it was not a bad thing. At least this ride would be more comfortable.

They both had a narrow escape. The two whispered a few words about each other's current situation. Then, Barry turned sideways, and Thies looked back.

Hades could see it clearly. After the noble saw Black's shoulder armor, he was obviously shocked.

When Hades arrived, the poor man didn't dare to look directly at him at all, but just looked at the ground.

Thies looked like he was about to kneel down, but Black quickly said, "Ma'am, the Aquila salute will do."

Tis curtly saluted, "Excuse me, are you..." She swallowed, "Pluto?"

Hades said, "I am, don't be too formal."

Tis glanced at Hades quickly, then quickly lowered his gaze.

"Sir, I believe you must be a hero. Forgive me for being disrespectful...but...but you know, only with the certification of the state religion can we...confirm..."

Tis's voice weakened, and Tianshi frowned in shock and stared at Tis, as if he didn't understand what she was saying.

Hades patted Blake on the shoulder,

"Can the Sons of Hades Chapter be certified? Madam, I understand your difficulties - I just want to take a ride and stop eating bugs. If you are worried about someone on your ship or in the future, we can To rephrase that, I’m not necessarily Pluto.”

Beside Hades, Black whispered, "Pluto is above... I never thought that one day it would be the son of Hades who would confirm the legitimacy of Hades."

Hades retracted his hand and gave Blake a slap on the back of his head.

"Besides," Hades said as gently as possible, "your friend Barry has helped us a lot, and we certainly won't embarrass his friends."

This sentence flattered Tianshi. Barry had been using psychic powers at high intensity in the past few days - on the one hand, he hoped so, and on the other hand, in his heart, this unlucky psyker hoped to stay away as soon as possible. Hades.

The nobles generally read people very accurately. As if they had a preliminary understanding of Hades's character, Dis raised his head and looked at him in shock.

"Your Majesty the God-Emperor..." Tis said, "Sir, if you didn't tell me, I would definitely think that you are the original body of some wise divine warrior."

"Why not Hades?"

Hades asked,

Thies hesitated for a moment;

"You... said in the Book of Holy Words that when Pluto appears, the entire star field will fall into eternal night, the eternal sun will be extinguished, the soul will be eternally silent, and the underworld will be cold and ruthless, just like the eternal law."

"The Book of Sacred Scriptures," Blake suddenly interrupted, "Father, your image in it is basically that as long as you appear, no one will survive."

"Yes," seeing the son of Hades speaking for her, Thies quickly agreed, "Sir, you are definitely a hero. I am willing to hand over my power and wealth to you, but - God..."

She swallowed,

"Sir, someone in my family is also a member of the Pluto Cult. You are indeed... slightly different from what is described in the book."

Hades knew it, but he looked too much like a human being, like a believer in the God-Emperor. He would never think that the other vests of Neos were that of the God-Emperor - to put it bluntly, he almost had special effects.

Hades blinked, looked up at the constant sun, and extinguished the stars. He couldn't do this.


"Let's see if that's the case."

Under the feet of Hades, there seemed to be faint waves rolling, and the underworld water spread out and expanded endlessly.

Tis's legs went weak and she was about to kneel down. Barry beside her pulled her up, but his face was also pale. Behind the noble, Ogryn looked at Hades with his mouth wide open and a blank look on his face.

Hades waved his hand and put away the black domain, "I don't have to look like this all the time, but they are indeed behind the version. I am Hades - if you are not worried, I can change my identity and get on the ship. "

Hades thought for a moment.

"You see...for a human of this size, I can also be a smart Ogryn."

"Pluto, please forgive my presumption!"

"Sir, please don't do this-"

Tis and Barry shouted at the same time, but their voices were covered by Ogryn behind them.

"Boss! I'll mess with you!"

Oglin fumbled and tried to throw away the noble badge on his shoulder, "Boss, I want to resign!"

Hades smiled helplessly, well, his current status is indeed not suitable for joking.

"You don't understand," Hades said. "I often made this kind of joke with Mortarion, the God of Death. Don't worry, it's not what you think. I don't want to punish you."

"So can you get on the boat first? I think if nothing unexpected happens, we will still have time to get to know each other after this."

Tis nodded, respectfully and cautiously moved out of the way,

She looked frightened, her face turned pale, but she did not forget to kick the Ogryn bodyguard hard to make him stand still.

"Lord Hades, Tis Wood of Aswan, at your disposal - I would like to believe that you are Hades."

She still looked a little worried. Blake walked up to her and pointed to the Mingzi badge on his shoulder armor.

"Look here," Black said, while Hades behind him was trying to squeeze in through the short hatch. "Madam, I am the son of Pluto, he is my father, and he is Pluto. In the name of Pluto's son, In name, don’t worry.”

"Ogryn, help me!"

"Here we come! Not my boss's boss!"

Ogryn quickly helped push Hades in.

Blake continued to solemnly talk to Dis and the Sons of Hades about the fourteen rules for treating mortals, trying to argue that they treated mortals better than Salamanders.

Dis showed a wry smile. She was originally just excited that Tianshi was still alive and they had an extra guarantee... But now...

She couldn't help but exhale a thick breath.

If he really was Hades...no...even if he wasn't, the son of Hades could be...

The undead people on the ship were all saved.

……Very good.

The engine started. Since Thies didn't look well and didn't want to speak any more, Hades huddled in the narrow cabin and began to teach Oglin to count from one to ten with great interest, while also instructing the pilot how to do it. Avoid turbulence.

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