Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 561 10 An unexpected surprise, an uninvited guest

Chapter 561 10. An unexpected surprise, an uninvited guest

After the flames burned through the chapel, Hades asked Thys again what he thought - and finally, they unanimously decided to visit Mauro's ship.

According to psyker Barry, the Zerg shadow here will soon drop to the point where subspace jumps can be made.

Therefore, in order to navigate the warp more safely, Tis needs to be attached to Mauro's large ships no matter what.

Hades wanted to go to a larger ship. According to Thies, there were some small boats parked on Mauro's ship, and Hades decided to "borrow" one.

Borrow one, and then find a planet in this star field that is suitable for Hades to engage in technology, and stay there for one year, until the empire sends someone to pick him up.

Or find a planet occupied by Nurgle and kill it directly.

Fight until Nurgle spits out Mortarion.

Unfortunately, after continuing to harass the psykers, Hades got something that frustrated him. There were only the shadows of Tyranids in this star field, and the waagh stance of the green skins.

In front of these two forces, Chaos doesn't seem to want to show up.

Hades had to find another way.

As for those mortals, Hades just hopes that they can all fly out of this star field——

Then help him tell the Death Guard about his return.

Under the instruction of Hades, Black informed Tis of a Death Guard stronghold. After jumping out of this star field in the subspace, Tis would go to the Death Guard and the Mechanicus as soon as possible.

To increase the Death Guard's credibility with the noble lady, Black wrote a letter to Tees,

The letter also included a photo - Hades' hand resting on Black's shoulder armor, two similar-looking people smiling at the same time. In the background was Ms. Tees's messy ship bulkhead, and you could vaguely see the corner. Ogryn emerges from inside.

Blake seemed reluctant to send the photo, so Hades took a second, similar photo with him for Blake to keep.

Then, with Hades's permission, Tis sent a message to Mauro's ship - her ship now had a son of Hades and a respected elder in the Chapter.

Unexpectedly, Mauro quickly sent the coordinates of their ship to Thies and urged them to rendezvous quickly.

Hades was curious as to why the main hive lord was so interested in the son of Hades, but Black proudly puffed up his chest and told him that this was the son of Hades.

Hades could hardly hold his nerve when he saw the Celestial Lion brother behind Black.

"Barry, tell me."

Hades waved his hand, interrupting Black's words. Black turned back, and Barry was sure that at that moment he saw some kind of burning fighting spirit in Black's eyes.

Barry briefly stated the meeting between the Tianshi Chapter and the Lord of the Main Hive City,

However, from Hades's perspective, the evidence provided by Barry could only show that the lord was a man who was greedy for life and afraid of death...but nothing else could be found wrong.

As for the fleet that plundered Tis, Hades glanced at the female noble who was busy commanding the crew. If Tis could defeat Mauro... he estimated that the two sides in this matter would exchange.

He didn't intend to preside over this matter. All Hades expected was that these people could help him deliver the message - it would be best if as many people as possible got out alive.

Correspondingly, the Death Guard will grant them part of the monetary compensation.

During the voyage, Hades continued to teach Ogryn how to count, and also gave instructions to the crew to strengthen the ship's defense.

Sometimes, he would take Blake to see the church that was almost completely burned down. A fire burned away all the combustibles, leaving only the solemn sculpture silent.

Blake stood silently behind Hades, while Pluto was staring at his sculpture in a daze. He wanted to know what his genetic father was thinking - or, in fact, Pluto was not thinking about anything at all?

After coming out of the chapel, Hades continued to teach smart heads to count. Sometimes this fun would be taken over by Black. In the sound of one, two, three, the two ships met.

The main hive lord's ship is a Tarask-class transport ship. It looks much more serious than Tis's ship. There are many turrets installed on both sides of the ship.

Hades was confused as to why the ship didn't have its shields on, it didn't even look like it had a void shield deployed.

Tis did not intend to board Mauro's ship, so Hades and Black said goodbye to the old and small ship and the people on it.

Celestial Lion Barry chose to stay on Tis's ship, and Hades also expected the Space Marine to stay. It was obviously too useless to have a weak psyker by his side.

Moreover, even if Noble Tis might change his mind after this, fearing the likes of the Inquisition and not fulfilling his promise to Hades - Barry would get it done.

Hades liked that about the Son of Dorne.

Hades also thought about letting Blake follow Thies and his group to subspace jump out of this barren star field, but later, he thought that Blake could be placed on Mauro's ship.

It is safer to spread the news of his return with two groups of people.

Although Blake may not be happy to do so.

Hades decided to do some psychological work on Black after this.

But it doesn't matter. At this moment, Hades stood casually in the reception room of the Tarask-class ship, looking around casually.

Blake glanced back at the Gene Father without trace - Hades's performance surprised him. He had thought that Hades would treat this mortal lord more politely like he treated This.

Black was a little confused. He was not sure how to act according to the attitude of the Gene Father, so he could only simply answer the words of the two nobles in front of him.

In front of them were Mauro, a fat aristocratic man who had almost completely huddled into his throne because of fear, and another scrawny psyker man with the Inquisition symbol around his neck who looked suspicious.

Blake couldn't understand why Mauro was so scared after seeing Hades that he didn't want to leave his throne and kneel down?

According to his understanding of these mortal nobles, these guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death will usually kneel down as soon as possible and pray to save their lives and status.

It was another psyker, and Black had some admiration for him. Even when facing Hades (although they claimed that Hades was the son of Hades, they did not directly say it was Hades), this mortal seemed to still have With reason and integrity——

He even tried to contradict the opinions of the two visitors.

"We hope that you can provide us with a ship for us to leave, and I hope that you can send a message to the Death Guard for us. Of course, the Legion will definitely reward you with a large sum of money, and you will have a more comfortable life than the previous life in the hive. ”

The psyker showed his rotten teeth and grinned and said,

"My lord, we can return you to Death Guard territory."

Blake subconsciously looked back at Hades, who was still looking around. Hades frowned slightly and was staring at the reception room.

It is said to be a reception room, but it is actually Lord Mauro's private room. It can be seen that it is in this room that Mauro accepts people's worship and manages the people under him.

Compared with Mauro's paunchy appearance, this reception room is more pleasing to the eye. The bookshelves rise from knee high to the ceiling, and the bookshelves are crowded with densely packed books.

Blake speculated that the old-looking book spines might be the wealth left by the lord's predecessors, or the lord simply used it for the rich.

After all, Mauro seemed very wealthy—at least he was wealthy before he fled. Black remembered that Mauro's family was a well-known rich man in this star field.

"We don't need subspace navigation for the time being."

Black said, but then the psyker said something that surprised Mingzi,

The psychic bowed slightly and said respectfully,

"In order to serve the two adults, we can also not make the subspace jump for the time being."

The lord next to him who seemed to be frightened also hurriedly said, "Yes - yes, yes, adults from the Sons of Hades Chapter, as long as you stay on this ship, it will be fine. It is our honor to serve you."

Black frowned. This was different from what the father of genes had imagined. He just didn't know if Pluto would be willing to command this fleet——

However, behind him, Hades, who had been looking at the room, moved.

Ignoring anyone in the room, Hades walked straight to a bookshelf and pressed down on a blue book.

As if pressing a button, the book sank between the shelves.

Almost at the same time as Hades acted, the psyker suddenly burst out with a shout, and the two mortals turned pale. Blake even heard the footsteps of the guards outside the house, and the machine gun suddenly lowered from a corner of the house.

But Hades didn't even turn his head, the psyker and the noble slumped down together, and the light of the psychic shield even appeared on the noble's chair - but it was all in vain.

The first guard who rushed into the reception room also fell straight down and hit the floor.

Blake was convinced that the unfortunate man's nose was completely broken.

The machine gun in the corner also idled a few times in a few green arcs, and finally lowered its head in despair.


Blake turned to look at Hades and asked at a loss,

Hades ignored him, and Pluto continued to walk around the bookshelf with concentration, pressing down a book on the bookshelf every few steps.

Soon, Blake realized that there was a secret room hidden here.

The people who fell on the ground were not dead. The psykers gritted their teeth and stared at Hades, spitting out curses. The potbellied lord was already frightened and crying.


Hades pressed down the last book and watched with satisfaction as the lord's throne suddenly moved and revealed the steps leading to the darkroom below.

"……All right,"

Hades said, walking over and carrying the noble like a chicken and throwing down the chair, "It seems like this passage is not friendly to Pluto's size?"

The screaming and cursing psyker suddenly shut up like a strangled chicken.

Hades ignored him and slowly raised his hand, aiming at the narrow secret passage.

The moment he boarded the ship, Hades, who was scanning the entire ship through the black area, immediately realized something was wrong.

Unlike other ships, this ship is equipped with huge psychic circuits. The circuits circulating abundant psychic energy surround the entire ship, providing the ship with a powerful psychic shield.

The flowing spiritual energy is so abundant that the shield can even be turned on all the time.

But while receiving them, Mauro deactivated this psychic shield.

Hades raised his eyebrows, a green electric arc flashed in his hand. In the electric light, the metal channel in front of him began to melt and expand.

But now, the source of all psychic pathways, in the perception of the black realm, is gathered in the secret room at their feet.

Runes and spells are blended layer by layer. This is an extremely exquisite spiritual energy formation. One layer of spiritual energy ripples through another layer of spiritual energy. From the perspective of the black domain, Hades senses that these spiritual energies are cleverly used. Transformed and then used to power the fleet.

This may be a good psychic magic circle. Hades doesn't understand psychic things, but he can at least see a little bit——

This psychic formation that is continuously supplying energy to the ship must have some kind of extremely powerful spiritual being in the center of its formation eye to provide energy for the formation.

The secret passage was dissolved, and under the horrified and desperate eyes of the mortals, Hades walked in calmly.

"Blake, be on guard outside."

Hades casually said that the dark passage was dark, and the frost produced by the abundant spiritual energy stained the steps layer by layer, and further down, the frost almost replaced the steps.

Hades was silent. In the layers of psychic energy, he felt a certain familiar feeling, but he couldn't remember where this familiar feeling came from.

Which psychic species was this that he once devoured?

Outside the secret passage, the heavy footsteps of Hades faded away, and Blake stood beside the psyker, squinting at the mortal.

"I knew something was wrong,"

Black suddenly squatted down, and under the gnashing gaze of the psyker, he drew out his dagger and picked up the necklace of the Inquisition around his neck.

"You are not from the Inquisition," Black said. "You killed an Inquisitor?"

"More than one," the psyker sneered, then spat blood on the ground, "You have been targeting us for a long time?"

Blake shook his head and turned to look at the door again. The unlucky man lying face on the ground began to bleed.

He was not worried about rushing in to guard at this time. Black believed in the power of the Gene Father.

"I don't know you," Blake said honestly, "I guessed."

After hearing Black's answer, the psyker in front of him suddenly began to twitch. Black initially thought it was the activation of some kind of witchcraft - but he later discovered that the psyker was simply angry and desperate. Trembling.

"How did you find out? The secret method to open this door is obviously hidden in nine different worlds." The psyker twisted and suddenly raised his voice, "Did Sened tell you?!"

Black estimated that the name mentioned by the psyker was probably that of the Inquisitor he killed.

As for the nine worlds and so on... Blake has heard that some nervous people (mostly psychics) are used to hiding some kind of artifact and leaving a bunch of riddles waiting for people to discover.

So, Blake suddenly became energetic and Pluto discovered the treasure?

What an unexpected surprise, he is indeed the father of Pluto's son.

Seeing Black's eyes light up, the psyker cursed even harder.

Blake frowned and glanced in the direction of the secret passage. He didn't want Pluto to hear this.

And why is this psyker so tenacious?

Blake thought, "Shut up, wizard, I'm just saying this."

"How on earth did you find him?!"

The psyker let out a hoarse scream, and Black immediately pressed his mouth. He hoped to say something to make the psyker even more uncomfortable before he passed out.

Blake thought for a while, and he remembered the strange words of his comrades in the battle group. Jin once recorded all the strange words Pluto said in his video, and these words were successfully inherited by Pluto's son.

"Have you ever heard of... see-through hanging?"

Hades stopped.

In the empty hall, the entire ship's psychic pathways covered the walls, twisting and converging here, like a thousand-year curse.

Weird psychic arcs illuminated the armor, making crackling sounds, mixed with bursts of desperate wails and roars.

Countless chains flashing with blue and white light stretched out from the rest of the outer circle of the autonomous circle, entangled the prisoner, and seemed to bring great pain to the prisoner.

The main magic circle flashed violently, roughly squeezing the prisoner's spiritual energy. Papers filled with blasphemous prayers were wrapped around the nine pillars. The nine pillars stabbed down hard, penetrating the struggling being in the center of the magic circle.

Outside the main magic circle, countless soulless corpses were piled up, at least hundreds of them. These bones were delaying the violent spiritual energy from leaking out to prevent it from destroying the magic circle.

Hades opened his eyes wide in surprise. In his black pupils, he reflected the existence that collapsed in the magic circle, wailing in pain, and he also saw Hades.

Magnus struggled and stretched out his hand towards Hades,

【help me……】

Hades was shocked.

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