Chapter 568 17. Don’t stop

Hades raised his axe, curled his lips and glanced into the distance.

The last full sun slowly set in front of him, and the cold wind blew his messy hair. Hades remembered Magnus's instructions, and he needed to continue to "WAAAAAGH" and guard his surroundings.

But unfortunately, maybe because Hades killed too hard before, no green skin is asking for trouble now and comes to confront Hades against WAAAAGH.

Hades had no choice but to sit boredly on the small mound. He controlled the black domain and carefully touched the psychic boundary created by Magnus - as soon as something went wrong, Hades would immediately terminate the ritual.


Hades whispered, and kept looking back at the distant horizon. On the straight and boring straight line, the night fell, and Magnus's bright red could be vaguely seen.

[Black Butcher,] Magnus cleared his throat, [I need you to think of Mortarion with all your concentration, remember, you must not think of...] Magnus lowered his voice and glanced nervously. Glancing in the direction of Hades, [Be sure not to think about the dead. I know this is very difficult for you, but the great psyker will use his spiritual power to help you. 】

Black in front of him stared at Magnus for a while, then said hoarsely, "Are you sure this is reliable?"

Magnus showed a true smile, "You don't believe me, but you should believe your father," Magnus straightened up, "He knows that even if I fail, he can immediately pull us out of the vast ocean." Robbed out. 】

In other words, as long as you ignore the dark world that causes psykers to scream, vomit, faint, and even die, Hades Green is actually a very good tool to assist in psychic spells.

After all, many spells are caused by errors in spell casting and cannot be paused.

Thinking of this, Magnus laughed again, "I know, little Ogryn, you don't believe me," Magnus said proudly, "People can question my decision - but believe me, Magnus Never fail a spell. 】

What's more, the top three greatest psykers in the empire were now... Magnus's face suddenly darkened again.

Malcador... He still doesn't know Malcador's whereabouts.

But Magnus was convinced that he had held a trace of Malcador's spiritual power throughout the ages.

Magnus blinked rapidly to clear away the distracting thoughts in his mind. The cunning mortal psyker was not the important thing now.

Sure enough, after Hades moved away, Black seemed much more reliable.

After once again instructing Blake to pay attention to the precautions and procedures, Magnus left the altar and the shadow floating in the air fell, and a small dust wind blew up next to his bare feet.

"Let's get started, Blake Butcher," Magnus said seriously.

After hearing this, Blake, who had already taken off his arm armor, knelt down on one knee, holding a dagger in his hand, and raised his hand toward the southwest.

"A subordinate group of the Death Guard, the son of Hades, the new blood Blake Butcher, with the deaths of 77,777 aliens, please give your descendants a glimpse."

Black said sincerely, and the dagger in his hand flashed with cold light. Mingzi raised the dagger to his arm without hesitation, cutting it seven times, seven wounds, and dark and thick blood dripped down in the middle of the night.

Following the curves of the arm muscles, blood spattered drop by drop on the speechless corpse under him. Beside him, Magnus's red figure became blurred, and the Red King whispered those strange tones.

The wind and hurricane roared past Blake's ears. Following Magnus's instructions, Blake closed his eyes tightly. He sketched the appearance of the Lord of Death in his heart, and then he realized what was ringing in his ears, and It's not the sound of the wind.

It was like the rapids of the deep sea, rushing past his cheek tightly, shouting, sour, rough and intermittent, no... no...

...This is subspace.

When Blake realized this moment, he suddenly found that he was no longer on the ground. His body's senses were deceiving him, squeezing him, and he was falling at an extremely fast speed!

Don't open your eyes, Black... Mingzi tightly restrained his instinct. He closed his eyes and called to the Lord of Pale, immersed wholeheartedly in responding to the Lord of Death.

In the distance, Magnus stared closely at Blake in the center of the altar. Mingzi, who was kneeling with his eyes closed, would not realize that his blood was already flowing along the shape of the altar like a thread.

Finally, the end of the blood line paused at Magnus' feet.

While staring at Black closely, Magnus stretched out his hand, and blood beads floated to the surface, trembling and stopping in his palm.

Magnus took a deep, trembling breath. Things had not gotten worse or better. Black alone was not enough. This brat had never learned to find people in subspace.

Magnus opened his mouth slightly, and he shuddered, [Hades, remember to block the beliefs of aliens. 】

By calling on Hades, Magnus managed to temporarily hide his own special psychic aura.

The original body clenched his fist fiercely, and blood began to crawl from Magnus's shadow like a newborn blood vessel. Magnus recalled those ancient chants, usually mixed among the incomplete ancient books, and described them crazily. With corruption, life, death.

Lowering his head, Magnus dipped into the vast ocean.


A violent roar exploded in front of Magnus, pushing him like a storm. The original body felt the roar of the two emerald beasts. He said nothing, and the tentacles of his soul pointed at the dark hollow not far away, disconnecting a trace of bait. .

The darkness peeked in slowly and foolishly, which scared away some of the gaze, and Magnus took the opportunity to press deeper.

Large clumps of emerald green death were like bubbles rising from the sea floor, dragging their spiritual consciousness higher. Magnus touched Black's fragile and small aura. The Crimson King quickly tied Black to prevent the little one. The guy is lost in the warp.

He didn't want to get into trouble with the little guy's father.

In the chaotic, strange and graceful vast ocean, Magnus' soul sang, glowed, and screamed——

He dragged Black tightly away from this area, leaving the chaotic and violent green behind him. Magnus threw his psychic energy towards the previous position, and then saw with satisfaction that black and green were entangled.

He stopped paying attention and stopped looking at the areas that made him shrink subconsciously. They were completely immersed in the chaotic and disorderly area. Magnus tugged on Black, and Mingzi's soul would guide them.

The great Magnus manipulates every ounce of psychic energy delicately, not wasting any ounce of death - even if it is tainted with other auras.

As night fell, Blake half-knelt on the pile of corpses, a light mist gradually appeared around him.

At the edge of the altar, a red stone stained with blood lay on the ground, shining with a dazzling red light.


In the distance, a faint shout broke out, but it sounded like Hades shouted.

found it……

Magnus reached out, the closer he got to the concrete concepts - the more concrete they became.

Bare feet on the earth.

The dead plants hung their heads, and the ground was covered with a light layer of fog. In the distance, Magnus heard the buzzing of bees and butterflies flapping their wings.

He turned around and saw Blake, who could barely hold himself together. On Blake's feet, a pair of green-skinned shackles were tied there. The chains connected Blake to places further away.

That was Magnus's journey back with his greenskin death gear - and the source of their power.

Magnus also has a similar presence on his body, but it is not a shackle, but a green light stone similar to a red stone.

+waa——No,+Magnus spoke, he knelt down and extracted something from Blake,+you can go back. +

Magnus said, patting Black. The red king's psychic energy flickered on Blake. The son of Hades gritted his teeth and tried to say something, but was slapped hard by Magnus and quickly fell out of the scene. earth.

Because Black was given some strength, Magnus had less of his own color. Without hesitation, Magnus waved his hand and mixed in the breath borrowed from Black.

The original body tried to hide himself as much as possible. The red skin of the Crimson King became dull and his figure became thin and short. He did not want other beings here to notice his uninvited visitor.

The Pale Lord was within the Garden - Magnus certainly knew why the Death Guard's summons failed.

The garden isolates them. If you want to find Mortarion, you need to step into the garden.

Of course, Magnus is not a fool. He is well aware of the dangers of this trip, so the Red King only released part of his power. And now, most of the power that makes up Magnus here still comes from the green skin.

This part of his spiritual energy has no intention of going back at all. Now the spiritual energy that makes up Magnus only needs to go back a little to use it to convey messages.

Although he was already a fragment of a fragment, Magnus had already become adept at splitting his psychic energy.

Magnus's figure continued to shrink until the withered grass at his feet turned into a dense jungle. He was completely hidden in the weeds, and the aura of Magnus was masked by the aura of Black and Greenskin.

Magnus took a deep breath, and he carefully felt the guidance from Black's bloodline, deep in the jungle... The original body raised his feet and headed towards the garden.


Pain, pain, pain.

Cry, beg for mercy, be puzzled, beg for mercy, beg, break down, beg, persevere, roar, be unyielding, persevere.


The fog was swirling, and the giant beast in the shallow swamp was silent. He was a corpse, slumped in the swamp.

Rot flies crawled over his pale eyes, and the sewage that had just reached his mouth and nose was cold and biting. From time to time, carrion and insect corpses were pushed to his side by the current, and then moved away smoothly.

The clothes that have been corroded for thousands of years are crumbling, but they will never turn into nothingness.

He never compromises.

Even as He tortures His surviving descendants, He hears their collapse, confusion, begging for mercy, anger...

But he would never compromise.

Time is just eternal time, and he can remain silent, just like Him.

As long as he does not yield, He will continue to ache and never heal - He is His wound, and He will suffer forever, just like Him.

The pain caused His hand to reach out to humans to shrink.

This would be eternity, and the end was decided. He knew how many lives his perseverance had saved, but he was unwilling and angry - he could have saved more.

Now I'm stuck here, forever.

He felt unwilling to do so, but those emotions drifted away with the water, leaving him with only death, pure death - death belonged to the corpse, not to any living or moving existence.

Death belongs only to corpses.

He preys on death and is eaten back by death.

He needs life, or something.

Other forces that can free him and break this stagnation.

Get moving again.

He rejected every bit of the death of his heirs. The living were still alive, and emotions, positive and negative, slowly flowed towards this corpse, allowing him to still remember the feeling of being alive.

Remember why you didn’t compromise.

He wants to kill gods.

He wants to take away God's authority.

He wants to finish the journey that his comrades have left unfinished.

He wants humans to truly live in a world where wizards don't exist.

He wants the existences in subspace to know that human beings are not existences they can play with at will - even though they have laughed at them repeatedly.

He succeeded and failed.

This living garden breathes laboriously, neither alive nor dead, just rotting, rotting, rotting forever, and He has to slow everything down to its fullest, eternity.

So everything rots forever.

Including himself.

His giant scythe still lay quietly in his clenched hands, but the scythe made of solid wood on Barbarus had long since decayed. A handful of rotten soil was soft in his palm, slowly dispersing with the water, flowing to distance.

Flies buzzed around his side. He was pale and lifeless, but he still looked as if he had just died.

Just because he decays very slowly.

He refuses to rot.

He knew that this was the end, that all existence was trapped including the traitorous fool, that Nurgle's Garden was eternity...nothing could break it.

The power of the Corrupt Heaven is open to all rivers, and there are few beings in the Supreme Heaven who are not in line with the rules and regulations.

Perhaps his former comrades could break it... but he sneered at such an illusion of getting something for nothing. He had already set foot on the road and reached the end. He had no regrets about his decision... but was angry at the stupidity of the aliens.

He failed just because he reached the end of his life, but he did not finish the journey of his comrades in the past, and he did not fulfill his expectations back then.

But he will continue to persevere at the end.

Waiting...waiting...waiting for the next star to slowly rise among humans and light up the world.

He never compromises.

He felt the coldness of the painful swamp water, the flies crawling on his skin, and every second of time. He might have fallen asleep and glimpsed his previous hallucinations in a dream.

He slowly recalled the past events of that year, the fear and determination of that year, the first illusion, where he was lying in the garden, no different from this, but a slave.

No...he will never kneel down.

I would rather die for billions of years.

He was in pain and despair every second, but he also knew that He was also in pain every second. Their time was the same, co-orbiting, and harmonious.

He and the false gods are in the same river of time.

He tortured him, expecting him to compromise, but he also tortured Him - he simply wished to torture Him.

He was like a thorn, piercing deeply into the garden. With him as the center, the earth swelled and took on an abnormal luster. The blood of the Death Guard turned the place sickly red, like a real scar.

He listened to the sound of running water, the buzzing, and the sound of his children still fighting. Nurgle hid him, and his children, who were still holding on, had not found him for a long time.

He might have lamented sometimes... He might have asked his old friends who had known about witchcraft to come, so that they might find his body, fight before him, and finally fall.

An abnormal rustling sound came from the corpse's ears.

He didn't react at all. His eyes covered with white mist stared blankly at the place where he fell. He saw the weeds that had never been touched by the wind in ten thousand years trembled, and a pair of small, almost invisible hands started to move. That found out.

He still lay quietly.

He saw...his soul came to life...he saw Magnus.

A small green Magnus.

+Mortarion? ! ! ! +

How did he get here?

Why did he come to find me?

Until Mortarion felt that there was an aura on Magnus that did not belong to chaos at all.

That's... green skin? !

? ? ?

Three question marks appeared on the corpse.

+Mortarion! then! ! ! +

One of the Empire's greatest psykers, Magnus, faced Mortarion, known as Death, and made a decision.

Countless rotten vines wrapped around the stumbling Magnus. Magnus' aura was disappearing rapidly. Magnus took out the stone made of green-skinned power and possessed most of his remaining power. Go up.

Magnus threw the greenskin stone towards Mortarion,

+Mortarion! What else do you need? ! +

Amid the piercing screams of the Crimson King, the corpses in the swamp watched Magnus disappear into ashes.

A shimmering green stone fell in front of him, splashing water marks, the green lighted up and then went out in an instant.

But in the corner where no one cared, the light in his eyes flashed.

He believed he had made his point clear to Magnus.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! 】

Magnus screamed with cold sweat on his head. In his blurred vision, he caught a glimpse of Hades holding Black in front of him with a worried look on his face.

【do not stop! ! ! 】

Magnus roared forgetfully, [Don't stop! He said - don't stop! ! ! 】

"Why don't you stop?! Did you find Old Mo, Little Mag?" Hades also shouted.

What a surprise...

He thought, and his heart eager to fight began to beat again.

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