Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 570 19 Wake up and denounce the idiot

Chapter 570 19. Wake up and scold the idiot

[Somewhere in the Storm Star Territory]

"Are we... trapped?"

Tis stared at the porthole in disbelief, the fiercely burning light of the star shining on the side of her face.

They had warped out of the Octarius Sector and out of the Warp - but now they seemed to be spinning around in the physical world.

It has been more than a week since they jumped out of the subspace. Logically speaking, they should have arrived at Barbarus long ago, but now they are still drifting among the stars, and have even returned to the position where they originally moved out of the subspace.

The noblewoman yelled something angrily, then turned back and angrily scolded her crew members, ordering them to find out the problem quickly.

Behind Tis, Tianshi was silent, with his arms folded, staring at the huge star outside the porthole, thinking slowly,

Thies smiled and asked in a slightly distorted tone,

"I think...this isn't the trouble that adult has brought to us, right? I mean, someone doesn't want us to complete Pluto's mission?"

Barry remained silent, and Thies quickly made a prayer gesture.

"Is this related to those existences in the subspace?" the female noble asked quickly and gently, but this time, Tianshi shook her head firmly.

"It's not the warp," Barry said with a frown, "I didn't detect any psychic fluctuations, but..."

Tianshi paused, "I feel that my psychic power has become weaker - but it may also be because of Hades."

"The enemy comes from the physical world?" Tice asked. "Can you find him, Barry?"

Tianshi shook his head again, "I don't know," he said hesitantly, "but I think there may be no enemies at all, or the existence that limits us is not here."

"I don't understand?"

"If he could get us lost easily," Barry said, "then maybe he should have killed us long ago, maybe he was busy with other things, or maybe he was just playing tricks on his prey - I don't know, but I see Too many of these exist.”

These words startled Thiss, and the female noble asked carefully and tentatively,

"Then...then...how about we give up and complete the mission first?"

"No," Barry said, "Worthless prey dies faster, Tis," Tianshi sighed, "Be prepared to be lost for a long time. Let us try to contact the Death Guard first. We have arrived at the planet where they are stationed. Zone--according to the Death Guard's patrol habits, we may be saved."



The ceiling is not low, but it is as low and cramped as a tomb. The dim light drifts feebly in the mist. There is no light source in sight, and I can only feel the bone-deep cold.


A harsh sound of exiting the door broke the thousand-year tranquility. Two death guards hurriedly stepped into the graves of the living. One of them was tall and silent, with scars all over his white helmet. The other was holding a staff, and one of them emitted a faint green light. The lantern of light was swinging on the head of the staff.

Their footsteps stirred up mist. Deep in the tomb, in front of the last door, the tall warrior at the head stopped, and the tomb guard behind him also stopped silently.

They stood outside the door, waiting as if they knew what would happen. Seven breaths later, an old and extremely impatient voice came from behind the door, like a sigh or a scolding,

"Come in……"

The leading soldier quickly entered the door. They opened the door cautiously and respectfully, and entered the completely dark interior of the main room. A man with metal prosthetics on his limbs was sitting in the coffin with a frown.

Karas took a deep breath;

"Old rules,"

The warrior salutes.

"Dear undead, this is M41.899. I am Morag, the current commander of the Death Guard. He is the current chief think tank Kun."

"Morag..." Karas whispered slowly, "he has the same name as someone I once knew..."

Typhon fell into a brief memory, and his cloudy eyeballs were covered with a light white mist. Some people said that he was simply old, while others said that this was a gift from the Pale Lord.

No matter what they said, Karas would beat them up.

There was a moment of confusion, and then Karas regained his composure. He stared at Morag and asked him with his eyes why he wanted to wake him up.

"The Pale Lord..." Morag swallowed, "We observed the activities of the Pale Lord - this is the first time since the crusade. My father responded to us. It was very weak, but it did come from him. ”


Karas stood up suddenly, and the liquid tubes fell off one after another. He was wearing a simple hospital gown and stumbled towards the two of them.

The legion commander hurriedly stepped forward to help Karas, but the undead opened it impatiently. Karas stared at the chief think tank leader, who immediately handed the staff to the elder with understanding.

Blasphemous, soft spells like the flapping of insect wings spewed out of Karas's mouth. Karas held the staff in one hand and stretched out the other hand to the lantern. The green light in the lantern flowed down like a living thing.

Karas Typhon's eyes were illuminated by a bright green, and he was in a daze. For a moment, the undead seemed to be deep in the garden.

The strange greenery swayed, chirped in harmony, and made discordant sounds...


The lantern exploded suddenly, and Karas suddenly returned to Barbarus. He blinked and irritably thrust the scrapped staff to the think tank leader.

Under the expectant gazes of the two Death Guards, Karas said angrily,

"It's him."

Typhon continued irritably, "He is calling us. He wants to gather his armies and attack."

"Why the hell is it now?"

Typhon cursed in a low voice, "You old man."


The legion commander asked carefully, "The mantra you left last time was still 'this will be eternity', but now... what changes have happened?"

The elder cast a cold gaze, and Morag stopped speaking in time, waiting for the undead's answer.

Angry at the incompetence of the younger generation, Karas said angrily,

"Of course the subspace points to eternity - but have you forgotten that special case? That idiot, must be that idiot, that idiot is back."

Karas almost gritted his teeth and said,

Mortarion's psychic powers also revealed this to him. The man was back,

"Does he still have the nerve to come back? Can he still come back?"

"And the first thing he does when he comes back, I think... must be to try to find Mortarion."

Typhon turned his head suddenly and roared,

"Has the Legion received news of Hades' return?!"

Both of them shook their heads, and Karas immediately cursed,

"Set up the formation! I want to count again! Now, immediately!"

Under the roar of the undead, the two visitors almost crawled out of the tomb to prepare the altar.

And Calas Typhon hovered anxiously, frowning tightly and mumbling:

There is a lag in the transmission of messages, and the idiot's return must be earlier, but why didn't the Death Guard receive the message?

The idiot has time and energy to find Mortarion, but he doesn't have time to go directly to the Death Guard?

Something trapped him? Holding him back?

Or is he unwilling to see the Death Guard?

Karas frowned, trying to remember Mortarion's instructions before leaving.

Mortarion, who had almost completely transformed into subspace, sat feebly in front of him. Behind the Lord of Death were several strange Eldar with hostile expressions.

[Karas... the next step... is left to you. 】

"Are you so willing to die?!"

Karas asked in disbelief, "And you will die without taking me with you???"

Mortarion's eyes averted for a moment,

[I just...] The Pale Lord exhaled a puff of mist, [Someone among the three of us must survive. 】

"Then you can't wait until that idiot comes back to start?! You have to start now?!"

Mortarion stared at Karas calmly, with even a hint of sadness in his calmness.

[Do you really believe he can come back? 】

Mortarion sighed and said, [People need to save themselves, do you always expect others to come to rescue you? 】

The Pale Lord raised his head and smelled in the air,

[I can feel...the power of subspace is getting stronger...they are regaining their strength...someone needs to interrupt this process. 】

[And...] Mortarion said calmly, [I am sure that the worst is a draw - I will be doomed with Him. 】

Karas almost laughed angrily;

"What's your ideal scenario, Mortarion?"

Mortarion coughed slightly, as if laughing at himself because of Karas's ridicule.

[Two false gods fell...] ​​Mortarion said calmly, [Besides... I can also find out the troublemaker. 】

"But we know," said Mortarion, "that the death of a false god is the best. 】

Karas sneered, "Why didn't you kill all four of them?"

Mortarion opened his hand innocently,

[One original body, two false gods, this is my limit. 】

Karas fell silent, and Mortarion across from him also fell silent at the right time. Karas felt himself shaking. He didn't understand - why was he the one who was left behind every time?

He couldn't even die properly!

As if realizing something was wrong with Karas, Mortarion blinked and said casually,

[And you know...my condition is already at its limit. 】

Mortarion raised his hand casually. It was definitely not a human hand. Mist and ashes fell from under the incomplete insect armor. It was in dire straits.

Karas remained silent, "I have already reached my limit."

Mortarion waved his hands weakly, [I believe in you, Karas,] the Pale Lord said, [You are the only one among us who has experienced a long trough. 】

[And...] Mortarion looked up again, as if he was looking for something, [I am worried that he has reached his limit. 】

"Him? That idiot?"

Karas made a frivolous taunt, "If the galaxy explodes, that idiot will continue to eat his food."

[No...] Mortarion shook his head, [I have some very bad inferences. Have you forgotten how I lost control last time, Karas? 】

"You?" Karas choked, "What does this have to do with that idiot?"

[My loss of control, the Archangel’s loss of control... More power is not always better. 】

[Perhaps I should have understood earlier why the Lord of Mankind did not choose more power - he knew what the price would be. 】

【No one is immune...】

Mortarion sighed, [I can still use the help of the dead, but what about the dead? 】

"He's different from you," Karas sneered, "Do you think that kind of thing can obey the laws of subspace?"

Mortarion just shook his head, and the primarch was silent for a while, then spoke again,

[Karas, remember what I brought back from Mars,]

[If he comes back, remember to tell him. 】

Karas' expression changed, and finally he had no choice but to agree,

"Why don't you let those oil guys do it for you?"

[The authorities are confused, they are more likely to be confused...and more likely to surrender. 】

Mortarion said, looking increasingly tired,

[...But if Hades is not in the right state...he is not the one you are familiar with...do not give it to him...conceal its existence...Karas...you use your own judgment...if necessary...take it Tell the Custodes about this. 】

Mortarion reached out and took Dauntless's hand,

[You must remember... Karas... This is why one of us must be awake... I must keep you... remember his true appearance... just in case... we are the only ones who will not be Deceived by appearances...]

[Vox trusts him too much...Only you can...]

The face of the Pale Lord became increasingly blurry, and was finally immersed in the long river of memory.

Could it be...Karas thought, that idiot is no longer the same person he knew?

Also, Karas's memory began to deepen, and he recalled the last words the Lord of Death had given him, the thing from Mars...

In 132.M31, Mortarion and Angron, Lord of the Red Sand, went to Mars and defeated the fragment of the Void Dragon. Later, the Lord of Death brought the fragment back to the Storm Star Territory and imprisoned it somewhere.

Angron fell into a deep sleep after being seriously wounded in battle with the Void Dragon.

...Star God, this unfamiliar word came to Karas' mind. He didn't know what the fool had gone through, but based on Mortarion's performance, it seemed to be something that made the fool more powerful.

Similar to the power of faith.

But what if he wasn't in the right state - wasn't he? What does this mean?

Karas frowned tightly. Could it be that Hades was also counterattacked by the power of faith? That kind of existence can be counterattacked?

But he recalled the image of Mortarion once losing control, and cold sweat flowed from Karas's head subconsciously. In any case, he should be more cautious on this point.

Karas paced, took out the government affairs board, and began to browse the current situation of the Death Guard and the situation of the empire.

No, as long as the idiot comes back, the Death Guard will definitely obey his orders immediately. Even if Karas objects, it is just a mantis trying to do something.

The top priority now is Mortarion, Karas once again calculated with numerology, the Pale Lord is summoning them, the Death Guard must set out, and notify as many trusted allies as possible.

If the idiot is good, then he definitely wants them to retrieve Mortarion; if the idiot is bad, then Karas must retrieve Mortarion.

Moreover... Karas calculated that the power of the Corrupt Sky is already very weak, very weak... Two of the three rings are missing... Mortarion has not failed.

Urgent footsteps sounded in the corridor. There were many more people this time. Karas raised his head calmly and looked at the stern-looking Death Guard management.

"The summons order," Karas said, "the highest order, calls all sub-legions back, and the legion is ready to enter the subspace battle."

"Inform Faos and Grae that their master is back - let those lunatics go find the fool."

"Don't help Faos hide it. Tell Huron to stand still and let Terra know what's going on over there."

"Ignore Terra's side - they won't send anyone to ask. If there are spies, just ignore them."

Kalas, a veteran of thousands of years of government affairs, immediately issued his order.

Kara paused, no... He also needs someone who will not be confused by the so-called original body, Hades, black holes, moth monsters, authority and blood to explore the way.

At this time, Karas began to feel sad about Gallo's departure.

"Contact the Ultramarines and tell them that the nearest subspace needs to be alerted,"

Karas said impatiently, "Also, tell them to release that bastard Buz. The Death Guard will use it."

"Tell that kid to stop sleeping and get up and work."

Above the hurried and slowly rotating Barbarus, it is destined to be a sleepless night for the Death Guard tonight.

The revived Karas stood on the Endurance with a complicated expression. He stared at the dark starry sky... Where was that existence?

He's back, why didn't he contact the Death Guard?

And...were Mortarion's worries just unfounded?

The huge giant slowly stood up from the tomb, and there was a faint unsettling restlessness in the dawning sky.

And these, just like not knowing that the green skins are coming WAAAAGH, Hades still doesn't know anything.

He tossed the Magnus Stone casually and shot the greenskin in front of him in the head.

"Okay," Hades said, "It seems that letting the green skin call me Hades will not make me more WAAAAGH... but... the feeling of swallowing the green skin's psychic energy is okay?"

He scratched his head and raised his head from the pile of green-skinned corpses, looking for the next suitable planet with his mechanical eyes.

"Black!" Hades shouted, "Let's make some preparations, and then we will go to the next planet to upload the Mortarion Cult!!!"

Hades raised his arms,


Black also raised his battle ax, but this time Mingzi held back and did not shout any more.

In the end, Hades decided to have a taste of the green skin before leaving.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he would not be able to hold back and kill Magnus with the black domain.

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