Chapter 578 27. Going crazy


Dewdrops rolled down among the half-decayed dead grass, reflecting a touch of green on the crystal clear surface.

Emerald green, a touch of vibrant green, like the branches of cicadas chirping in summer, incompatible with the withered earth.

Once upon a time, this land of decay once had verdant green, and the three rings of stagnant cycles continued to rotate, rebirth, death, and decay. Life joined this big happy family here, harvesting happiness and illness in the eternal years. .

However... However, what He favored, the fruits that grew out of the suffering of all living beings and hidden corners, shattered this peace.

Labor pains, labor pains, and sharp thorns dug deep into the soil, bringing painful memories to Him.

The garden is crying.

He is crying.

The swamp spreads to the end of the sky without limit, the bent branches sigh, the Nurglings sit unhappily under the trees, only the occasional buzz of bees and butterflies flapping their wings.

In the bloated, suppurating blackness, plague and maggots laid a withered blanket for Him. All the time, the pain that was stagnant at the end was sobbing, and the boiler with a big hole was hoarse. His wrinkled, swollen hands tightly grasped the crucible. Spoon.

He was sobbing, his dim eyes covered with dirt were restlessly caressing His garden, and he was laboriously scooping up soup from the pot and pouring it onto the diseased soil.

The moths that once favored and favored bit His blood, His flesh, the cocoon burst open, and the reformers raised the sickle of heaven to Him.

Beside His fat and invisible feet, the broken shackles were staring at Him silently, just like her before, she was crying silently and shaking her head, but could not resist His medicine.

But she also ran away.

In a hurry, she was picked up by her heirs, and they took away the new students in the third ring.

She was prepared.

[New Life] is missing.

Before he could stop him, he was torn off by the reformers and [death].

Tens of thousands of space warriors, hundreds of millions of warriors rushed into the garden. They burned, killed and looted, raised the banner of the changer, and absorbed his power like a tumor.

The cells He once carefully protected have long since turned into greedy and tyrannical cancers.

The long and desperate cry echoed throughout the vast ocean, the authority was torn off, and pus dripped.

The vast ocean rolled violently, and the other people's eyes came over, but they just watched.

The power of [Nurgle] ​​has not diminished.

But [Nurgle] ​​is not necessarily the [Nurgle] ​​that he once was.

The usurper can also be [Nurgle].

The one who has authority is [Nurgle].

The loving father wept. He wept for the child he had never known, and he wept for the wife who left in a hurry. He threw away his curse, and the garden grew up, trapping the two who parted ways.

He is still the Father of this earth, He is stagnation, despair, and eternity.

If the rebellious child is unwilling to bow his head, and if the departed wife is unwilling to look back, then they will decay together until the end!

He looks lovingly at the dead child and the wife who is lost in the forest of life. He boils His soup day and night and pours His curses.

He felt pain, but if this was eternity, He accepted it.


At the end of the withered garden, there was a sound of reckless footsteps, and the giant beast roared from its mouth, noisily swarming towards the garden.

He saw the long-dead reformer slowly getting up, with a familiar smile on his lips - a smile he had seen when he was biting into his authority like he was dying.

Two giant green beasts appeared and trampled onto the garden grass,

He heard the roar that made him dizzy and desperate,

+WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH, fat green guy! Come out for us! ! ! ! +

In despair, he saw that his disobedient child was entangled with the aura of the wild beast.

Mortarion smiled, picked up a handful of soil from the garden, and swallowed it, tainted with the smell of greenskin.

Changemakers who never follow the rules…

"It's now!"

Karas roared into the channel, "Follow these two fucking green winds!!! Bring your incinerators!!! Ignore the greenskins emerging from the ground - the highest priority is Nurgle Demon Army! Next is the disobedient spirit clan!"

"Find my lord! Bring my lord back! Then retreat!!!"


【C¥m%%? r\u0026)*】

The man covered in jewels put down a piece out of boredom. A large and irregular chessboard stretched out, with two levels above and below, with countless chess pieces, large and small, standing on it.

Now, the chess game on the lower level was shaking violently. A turbid and bloated chess piece that was too huge to be called a chess piece was torn apart and broken into three parts. Its fragments were close to it, but they seemed to be far away.

【I really know how to play. 】

Conrad smashed his mouth and commented like this.

【Introducing green skin into the garden? No wonder the tyrant paid so much attention to it before. 】

He glanced at the chess game again, [It's a mess. 】

A shining little crown is leaning on the Lord of the Night's long hair. Countless pearl and diamond necklaces fall on his neck in layers. On the black velvet as dark as the night, bits of diamonds illuminate the late night, sliding on the glorious silk. Hidden under the graceful fabric, it looks like a swimming fish.

The skinny man opposite him rolled his eyes, put down his chess piece without saying a word.

[You said, will the "monster" come to save us? 】

Fulgen, who had withered hair, shook his head. The former phoenix looked like a haggard one, with chapped lips and pale skin. He was wearing plain clothes, and the linen fabric was already covered with patches, like an ascetic who had practiced for thousands of years.

Conrad stared at Fulgen with his dark eyes. After staring for a while, he curled his lips and said,

"It's boring," the Lord of the Night said, picking up another one calmly, "It's back. Even if we don't like it, it can at least get us rid of that tyrant." 】

[…He can hear it. 】

A hoarse voice sounded, and Fulgen said softly,

[I know He can hear it,] Conrad showed a smile on his lips, [But He doesn’t care, maybe He will use us as bait? Use past friendships and a Primarch's worth to fish that monster. 】

Fulgrim glanced at Conrad and shook his head firmly.

【You and I are not worthy. 】

he said hoarsely,

[That's true,] Conrad thought thoughtfully, [Maybe Mortarion can - no - I'm not so sure...]

The Lord of the Night picked up the chess piece in his hand and squinted his eyes with interest. It was a fragment, a small flying object with multiple sharp corners on its head.


[Where did he get these? Was he just watching the excitement, or was he involved in this matter? 】

Konrad muttered to himself, throwing the chess pieces in his hand onto the upper chessboard, to the edge of darkness, where the green-skinned army was gathering.

The laws of subspace and the physical world are not the same. Tens of thousands of years ago, the Supreme Heaven lost the opportunity to rebel against the General Yijun, but this does not mean that there are no opportunities in the physical world.

Of course, they would not allow such a precious individual to dissipate. Of course, destruction would mean the end of everything, but replacement was not completely impossible.

At least physical substitutions for thought exist.

[He has been waiting for it, He will at least watch. 】

Fulgrim said cautiously, "But I don't know why. What does he want?" 】

Koz sneered at this.

[If He knew what He wanted, then He would not be a tyrant. Madmen don’t know what they want. They only act based on their whims.]

Conrad said, smiling slyly, "And I have known this well. 】

Fulgrim ignored Conrad's usual madness.

[Is He really crazy? Or are you just playing chess? 】

"No being can maintain himself after ascending to heaven," Conrad said casually, "You and I have watched the tragedy of Sanguinius. Have you forgotten how he struck you and me?" 】

【Then He...】

"He loves to be crazy," Conrad said. "It seems our father has pushed Him too far. He has gone completely crazy, drunk on power, and deceiving each other with a bunch of liars, doesn't it? , otherwise how could He give himself such a ridiculous name——]

This subspace being is called the Emperor.


[Star area near Semisis]

"Defense! Defense!!!"

Kreptmann shouted at the top of his lungs, but like the last domino, everything collapsed and there was nothing they could do.

This foreign green-skinned force is far beyond their imagination, with dozens of giant space ships, thousands of large and small airships, countless greenskins...

With crushing power and crushing cunning, the greenskins skillfully used various tactics to divide the war zone, and then swallowed up the surrounded imperial troops one by one.

The Bonecrusher's army expanded rapidly, with the Themisis sector as the center, and swallowed up the four surrounding sectors in just a few weeks.

The greenskins were not in a hurry to enter the interior of the Octarius star field. Instead, they patiently eroded away the unbreakable defense line, as if they wanted to replace the defense line of the human empire.

Kreptman didn't understand why the Greenskins did this, but he knew the cost of the erosion of the defense line.

The Inquisitor struggled to climb up the trench, looking up with a pale face to the front line, where his guards were urging him to board the ship and leave the land.

Amid the sky full of gunfire, he saw the last Titan collapse and turn into bright fireworks under the siege of more than a dozen green-skinned trolls.

It's over, it's all over.

Kreptman's lips trembled. This was already the fifth sector. He watched helplessly as the five sectors fell. The "not breaking the defense line" plan completely failed. The fall of the five sectors had already been torn apart. A huge scar that will never heal.

Even though the Tyranid tentacles seem to be retreating, this may just be a temporary illusion!

"Sir! Please board the ship as soon as possible!!!"

Kriptman was roughly torn off and dragged towards the shuttle, "No - no no no!" the Inquisitor yelled angrily, "Let me die here - there is no chance! Let me die here - there is no chance! I'll die here! Let me go!"

He collapsed to the ground and looked helplessly at the sky. Everything was useless. Death was just a matter of time or later. He failed.

His cloudy eyes reflected the burning blood-red sky. Fighter planes shuttled at high altitudes and crashed under gunfire. A faint black shadow appeared in the center of the translucent sky.

"Notice, notice, notice," a cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded from the communication channel, "All war zones, retreat immediately, and bombing will begin in thirty-five seconds."

"Thirty-five, thirty-four, thirty-three..."

This was not a voice he recognized! ! !

Kriptman was shocked. He grabbed the communicator and shouted at the mechanical voice, "Who are you?! Number! In the name of Judge Kriptman, what are your numbers?! "

However, the mechanical voice ignored him and continued to count down ruthlessly.

The imperial soldiers who were still fighting desperately were obviously briefly confused. The order did not come from their superiors.

Twenty-three, twenty-two...

Stab, sting, a harsh noise suddenly sounded on the channel, and then there was a sound of breathing. Someone took the communication,

"Fighters of the Empire,"

A majestic voice sounded, fast and clear,

"I am Buz Bella, the son of Pluto. In the name of the empire, I have come to assist the Octalius sector. Now we will conduct indiscriminate bombing of this planet. We will immediately evacuate the war zone where you are and hide back to the nearest in the trenches.”

Sting, the voice in the channel changes again, eleven, ten...

Kriptman stood up slowly. He saw an unforgettable scene. Countless soldiers were retreating together and running towards him. Everyone was running wildly. Their faces blackened by gunpowder smoke were full of tears at this moment. tears,

"one zero."

Divine punishment fell from the sky, and Kriptman's retinas burned.

He stumbled and fell to his knees, physiological tears overflowing uncontrollably. There were countless gasps around him, and the soldiers who were lucky enough to fall into the trench were breathing rapidly.

"It's Buz," "Is it that person?" "Your Majesty, the God Emperor."

Small whispers could be heard from time to time between breaths.

The Inquisitor knelt, facing the beam that burned almost everything.

It was an orbital bombardment of reinforcements.

The corners of Kriptman's mouth twitched, and finally he couldn't stop laughing. He cried and laughed at the same time, saved, saved, saved! Even though the person who came was Buzz, the former regent of the empire, Kriptman would pay for his crimes against Octalius - but Kreptman had not failed!

He laughed so hard that he could hardly breathe. Days and nights of high-intensity command had drained all his energy. Even with the use of medicine, he could no longer maintain his will. The judge fell back and passed out.

He woke up in hot darkness.

A giant mechanical beast was walking towards him, its expensive red robe mopping the floor, making a soft rustling sound.

":) Good day, Judge Kryptman," the tall mechanical sage said slowly. He was almost like a hill. Countless cables and metals could be glimpsed through the gaps in his red robes.

Several thick cables stretched out and were tightly wrapped around something, and the thing inside seemed to be struggling.

The great sage bowed and stretched out a human-sized appendage,

"This is the first time we meet. I am Sage Jin-306 accompanying the Sons of Hades Chapter."

Kriptman gasped, forcing his voice to remain steady.

He stood up slowly, stretched out his hand,

"Kriptman, the inquisitor in charge of the Octarius sector."

The great sage nodded,

"Inquisitor, we wish to take over the war here, and your entire army."

Kriptman had a lump in his throat.

"You also agree not to break the defense line?"

Jin paused for a moment;

"This is a failed plan."

Kriptman felt out of breath for a while, but he forced himself to continue asking, "So, do you have a better way to get rid of the aliens?"

Jin was silent, and the screen on the Great Sage's face flashed an ellipsis,

"No," Jin replied calmly, "Our army is not enough to wipe out all the aliens in Octarius. Based on the current army alone, the victory rate is 3.71%."

Kriptmann opened his arms and shouted in disbelief,

"Then what are you doing here?!"

"Find someone." Jin said, and the tied thing beside him struggled even more fiercely.

"What happens after you find someone?!"

The Inquisitor's voice was almost tearing, "Don't tell me you are just like those bastards from the Dark Angels!"

Jin was silent. After a while, the great sage said, "According to common sense, the person we are looking for can mobilize an army sufficient to fight against the aliens, but only if he is willing to help you."

"what are you talking about?!"

The Great Sage paused, "Forget it, I don't want to talk to you, Kriptman. According to the data, there is a 43.9% chance that you are a paranoid and a lunatic."

Jin turned his head and put down the guy he was tied up, revealing a struggling red-robed sage.

Unlike other sages, this guy doesn't look like any mechanical modification. He looks like a completely natural male, with a thin and bearded cheek, black hair and brown eyes.

"Kirkland, enter."

King said calmly, and Kirkland began to scold King. While cursing, he ran up to Kriptman and kicked Kriptman down, who was caught off guard.

Kirkland grabbed Kriptman by the collar and roughly picked him up.

The sage showed a morbidly successful smile,

"Listen up, little one,"

Kirkland's spit hit Kriptman's face,

"I, the expatriate sage of Faos, Kirkland-582, now declare that Faos is fucking back, and we are going to fucking put Hades on the throne. You'd better shut your mouth and go to Pluto salutes.”

"Ah sneeze!"

Hades sneezed, rubbed his nose, and felt as if someone was cursing him.

It was really ominous. Hades crossed his arms and rubbed his arms. In order to minimize the loss of quality, he hadn't eaten much recently. He was getting hungrier and colder.

Sometimes, he even experiences auditory hallucinations.

But Hades didn't know whether this was an auditory hallucination or something else. It was someone praying to him, or the subspace was cursing him, or he just listened to too much waaagh.

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