When Fernando and Blanca walked quickly into the duel hall, the first thing that caught their eyes was the two figures fighting each other on the high platform——

Veins popped out on Hades' head. He leaned against the ground, his left arm tightly hugging Ugo's neck, and his right hand clasped his left arm from the other end to prevent Ugo from struggling out.


Ugo's face was already reddened, and the originally arrogant think tank in the legion was struggling in embarrassment, trying to escape.

However, how could the normal-sized Ugo be a match for Hades, who was obviously stronger than the average person!

Ugo, who was locked to the ground by Hades with no possibility of escape, was making his final struggle. However, facing Hades, all this was in vain.

Hades's guillotine pressed against Ugo's carotid artery. Even the transformed Space Marine could not survive such a long period of blocked blood flow.

Slowly, Ugo's struggle gradually weakened.

The stage fell silent.

Seeing that Ugo had fallen into a coma, Hades let go of his strangling hands. He stood up, and the arms that Ugo was pulling hard were actually a little weak at the moment.

The outcome is decided!

Perhaps the duel just now was too shocking. For a moment, there was a dead silence in the duel hall.

Fernando looked at the primarch, but Mortarion looked thoughtful and didn't look like he wanted to leave.

Then we have to

Fernando and Blanca looked at each other.

Except for the first company commander, the other company commanders and the chief think tank were in a meeting just now, and they went to Fernando's veterans to explain the situation.

After learning that Ugo was dueling with Hades and that the original body was also present, Gallo could not come forward, so he had to ask Blanca and Fernando who were following him to come over to check the situation.

If Ugo was victorious, then it would be Fernando who would step in to stop the Librarian's madness, and even if this would continue to anger the Primarch, Fernando would still choose to do so.

He didn't want to face the scene from that time again.

Seeing that Fernando looked very bad, Jia Luo looked calm.

There is no guarantee that Ugo will win.

"If Hades wins and the legion commander still wants to watch the battle, then let Blanca stall for time and don't let those who refuse to admit defeat go up again."

Today, the transport ship from Mars just arrived, and Captain Barasin and the Forging Masters went to greet the Mechanical Sage.

Because the people from the Titan Order were also there, it was inconvenient for the primarch who had not finished learning the relevant knowledge to appear.

However, even after learning that the original body had gone to the duel hall, Barasin, who was negotiating with the sages, could not rush to the scene immediately and take the original body away for any reason.

How could Barasin know that this would happen as soon as he left?

But he's almost there too.

At this moment, seeing that the original body had no intention of leaving, and fearing that another veteran would jump on the stage for a duel, Blanca jumped onto the stage and once again attracted the attention of the audience.

Fernando took the opportunity to come on stage, picked up the unconscious Ugo and left.

Mortarion, who he imagined might be questioning him, didn't make any move.

Fernando couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He should thank Hades. At this time, Mortarion was wondering why Hades did not directly curb Ugo's spiritual power like Barbarus did, but instead used a more troublesome method.

Moreover, Mortarion actually did not want to continue watching the battle at this moment.

At first it was just Callas' suggestion that he come over on a whim.

But what Mortarion didn't expect was that Karas didn't seem to be simply proposing, he was doing it on purpose.

He would have to check the relationship between Karas and the think tank later.

If there is personal contact between the two of them.

Mortarion felt slightly unhappy.

Seeing Blanca take the stage, Mortarion didn't react at all.

The changes in Hades, and the relationship between Karas and the think tank. Are the two of them hiding something from themselves?

Concealment, deception, betrayal, or is he just paranoid? At this moment, Mortarion's mind was like nails tangled in rags.

However, Blanca, who did not know the true thoughts of the original body, was still working hard to complete the task assigned to him by Garro.

[Hades, come with me! ]

Hades watched dumbly as Blanca jumped onto the stage, while Fernando behind him pulled Ugo and ran away smoothly.

He knew that he was a little over the top, but what was going on?

Why did his superior suddenly come to fight him?

Hades looked at Blanca, who had a serious face opposite him. Although he knew that Blanca was usually unhappy with him, it did not mean that Hades felt that this discomfort was enough to support Blanca in this confrontation. Jump out of the situation.

So, Blanca came here to defend the dignity of those Terran veterans?

However, Hades' current thoughts were completely dark under the lamp.

He had a good relationship with Mortarion and would not be aware of Mortarion's image and status in the hearts of other Space Marines.

If Hades faced this situation, he would definitely play a trick on Mortarion, pull Mortarion away from the scene, and then find any excuse to distract Mortarion.

But in the eyes of others, the original body is an inaccessible existence, and even conversations across military ranks are not allowed.

This is also why, in the original plot where Hades did not exist, Karastifon was able to deceive Mortarion again and again.

Because except for Karas, no other Death Guard would actively chat with the original body and exchange private matters about the legion.

And Mortarion will not easily take the initiative to chat with his subordinates. Even though he attaches great importance to his army, Mortarion believes that he needs to maintain his majesty in the army-even his mysterious or terrifying identity. .

See too little, think too much, this is Mortarion.

Compared to Mortarion, who was no longer on the duel stage, the two people on the stage were thinking a lot.

Blanca is confident that he can win against Hades, he just needs to buy time.

The moderate veterans in the audience also saw Blanca's intention to maintain a deadlock, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Different from Blanca's usual irritable behavior, Blanca is actually a neutral who follows Garo and will not make drastic actions.

Ugo's actions just now have clearly exceeded the limit, and those psychic fluctuations are obviously not in line with the daily norms of the think tank. According to the usual practice, within the think tank, everyone must be punished.

Not to mention, their Primarch was extremely hostile to psykers.

Most veterans are no longer thinking about how to live up to their expectations, but how to end the game.

On Barbarus's side, there was still no understanding of the undercurrents under the water. Except for Vox, who stood silently on the edge, most of them were unwilling to come into contact with the Terran culture. The recruits who knew the old legion still didn't know what was going on.

They only saw that the dead soul of Barbarus had just defeated a very strong opponent, and now, even the superiors of the dead soul were inspired to fight Hades!

Come on, Hades!

On the stage, Hades looked at Blanca opposite and took a deep breath.

I know I'm going to fight you.

But why don't you get a weapon?

No more updates tomorrow morning...double update at 7:07pm...

Happy reading (σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ

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