Chapter 590 39. Magnus!



as well as……


? !

The stars shattered, Hades exerted force between his fingers, and the black mist moved with his thoughts, covering the top of the mountain. In the other hand, the lava heart groaned, and the cracks in the earth breathed together,

He recalled the past in shock, and was horrified and afraid of his abnormality.

Even though he was still hungry.

Hades felt his blood pulsating and hot. He might have just eaten a small portion of the Burner in the illusion.

This part of the power burned him, making him subconsciously angry.

After realizing this, Hades said nothing, his expression as cold as a sculpture.

In a daze, he heard the Deceiver's curses and begging for mercy. The Star God even seemed to be cursing Malcador——

In the shackled darkness, the Deceiver struggled to escape, but the gravity from Pluto pulled him roughly, preventing him from hiding in illusions and other dimensions.

...Get rid of this trouble first, as soon as possible, immediately, immediately... Hades breathed out black air. no no...Magnus...

Let Him...this for his actions.

"Why are you so obsessed with getting me to eat?"

Hades asked using radio waves. His calm face reminded the deceiver of the damn guy from the Void Dragon - the same expressionless face.

The Deceiver smiled, which meant that there was still talk. He suppressed his dissatisfaction and anger and tried to send a signal for peace talks - but was directly interrupted by Hades.

"I recognize you,"

Darkness gushed out of Pluto's single eye, and silvery tears filled his metal eyes.


Hades tiredly used his consciousness to transmit information. At the same time, the Deceiver felt the darkness around him suddenly gather. He eagerly tried to communicate,


"Shh! know what,"

Pluto interrupted the deceiver's words. He slowly but clearly imprinted his will into the deceiver's mind.

"When facing Riddlers like you, I usually beat them up and then kill them directly."

? !

The next moment, darkness closes in!


The cracked earth, the poisonous gas steaming from the cracks slapped the armor, the world was dim, only the semi-solidified magma spitting out of the cracks in the ground illuminated the wilderness.

Buz raised his head. Sages from Faos were shuttled around him. The red-robed people were ecstatically running beside him towards the Holy Land. Their robe feet brushed against his armor, while he looked at that person in disbelief. The top of the mountain shrouded in black mist.

Behind him were the seventh and eighth groups of the Sons of Hades, who were waiting in full formation. But now, all the Sons of Hades subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the miracle in front of them.

After landing on the ground, discipline was quietly broken. No one knew how to deal with such a scene. They were infected by shock and nervousness... at a loss.

On the top of the mountain, darkness is watching all living beings silently.

Its edges are smooth, like a calm ocean.

The mechanical mages reveled.

Fortunately, Mingzi's training was all up to standard, so these warriors would not tremble subconsciously, or...


Buzz swallowed. This was a special situation that Karas had never ordered him to do. He was a little unsure of what was going on - but he was ready.

If there is anything wrong with what he observes about Hades, Buz will not hesitate to activate the extermination order.

...However, in the current scene...he was standing on a planet that was torn open and closed again by a huge force. Is the extermination order really still effective against this kind of creature?

In other words, can that kind of existence really be called a living thing?

He may not be a living thing, but he is still their father.

Buzz was amused by his sudden whim, which made him pull himself away from the natural tremor. He forced his eyes to move away, not to look at the great existence, but to look at aside.

At least the darkness was still silent, and it didn't look like it would change anytime soon.

In this situation...except for a large number of extermination orders, individual manpower cannot interfere much. Butz recalled the scene when he faced the Blood Red Alpha...he was already relieved.

Buz was silent. He made a standby gesture towards Groups 7 and 8, and then walked aside. Not far away, the poor, scarred, and isolated son of Pluto was half-kneeling there. The wounds on his body had long been It was corroded by sulfur gas, revealing a pale color.

Realizing that Buzz was heading towards him, Black flinched for a moment and quietly hid the Magnus Stone.


Blake whispered.

"Are you okay, Blake?"

Buz said, and looked back with some humor. Cobb from Group 8 gave him a request to go together, and Buz agreed.

Urgent footsteps sounded, and a bearded man running quickly while staring at the dark mountain top came over. When he saw Cobb coming, Black paused.

"Moderately injured, Chapter Master."

Blake replied dully. After confirming that Blake was conscious and not lost in consciousness, Buzz immediately spoke,

"Do you know anything about the genetic father, Blake Butcher?"

The warrior wearing green-skin-style armor gritted his teeth, as if his next words would take a lot of determination.

"Pluto's not right."

Black lowered his voice, and Buz heard Cobb's gasp behind him. Buz was not surprised. He once again confirmed that the darkness on the top of the mountain had not changed, and the group of sages just stopped and started to praise, and No intention of moving forward.

"Are you moody?"

Buzz asked as casually as he could, "Maybe still hungry for psychic powers?"

When the word "psionic" was mentioned, Buz keenly noticed that Blake's expression changed slightly.

Something is definitely wrong...

Black did not answer Buz directly, which further confirmed Buz's point of view... Things were developing in the worst direction, and Buz was not surprised by this.

This was entirely consistent with Karas' warning to him.

The darkness remained unresponsive.

Buz took off the scythe on his back, and the scythe flashed dimly in his hand. This was an agreed signal. Even though those bastards were still looking at the darkness unblinkingly...but they The weapon in his hand was obviously ready.

Buz was speechless as he heard the slight wheezing sound of the communication channel.

I don’t know if it was an honor or a shame for them to be killed by the Gene Father as soon as they met.

Buz bent down and tried to pull Black up, but Black refused. The Butcher seemed to realize what they were trying to do, and he shook his head in surprise.

"He's just...he's just a,"

Blake said stumblingly,

"Pluto loves us. This the enemy's conspiracy."

"We can try to wake him up...the same thing happened to the Death Guard back long as some of them are sacrificed..."

Buz made a silent gesture and shook his head calmly.

"Those are just rumors, Blake."

There was a hint of sadness in his voice, "Actually, I have read the death report. It is rumored that the death time of Senior Morag, who stopped the Pale Lord, was in the middle of the disaster."

"I don't know the details, but the truth of the matter is that the Soulless troops arrived, wounded the Pale Lord at a tragic cost, and banished Him."

"It was not the rumored alliance of psykers between Morag and the Sons of Hades that awakened the Pale Lord."

Buz tried to pull Black up again;

"Besides, even if the rumors are true, where would you go to find psykers?"

Black turned pale and rejected Buz again. Seeing this, Buz was no longer persistent. He straightened up and thought about the next war.

There isn't much they can do, they will do their best to record Hades' state, injure him if possible, and then send the information to the Death Guard.

Karas had two thoughts about sending the son of Hades over.

The first level is that Pluto and the son of Pluto have a natural resonance, which will make it easier for Buz to judge, and may also make the supposed monster immersed in shock for a moment.

If Pluto still retains his humanity, then this is the best ending.

The second level... If Pluto has fallen... then for Karas and the Death Guard, the son of Pluto with the blood of Pluto is no longer trustworthy!

Their final purpose is to stop Hades.

The extermination order has been prepared for a long time, and Buz's biggest restriction on those crazy and pious sages is to prevent them from interfering in the next battle - it is difficult for these people to determine which side they will help.

Seeing that Buzz had given up on Black, Cobb behind him looked at the air and nervously pulled Black to his feet.

"Oh, don't be persistent. Our genetic father...isn't that normal?"

Cobb and Blake whispered nervously,

"He is a great man, although I don't know why he..."

Blake raised his voice, "Perhaps we misunderstood, why are we hostile to him? Chapter Master, he has never shown hostility to me, maybe we should-"

His voice stopped abruptly in the wind.

The lonely black sea moved.

Everyone's eyes were subconsciously focused on it, as if staring at a slowly falling meteor.

It was divided into two, and the red robes of the mechanical sages who stood to separate the two teams were floating. This was a standing ceremony. Each sage held a piece of parchment hanging to the ground in his hand. On it was the name of Faos. All research and development over ten thousand years.

The parchment rustled in the bleak wind.

This is the worthy representative of the Om Messiah of Phaos.

At the front of the queue was Kirkland, who was standing stiffly on the spot with nothing in his hands. Rather than standing to salute, he looked more like he was simply frozen.

Butz swallowed.

The darkness fluctuated and dissipated rapidly like fireworks. The darkness was not a pure entity. In an instant, Buz saw arcs like blood vessels growing in the darkness——

That figure was reflected in his black pupils.

Their eyes reflected Him.


The god surrounded by lightning, metal, fire and darkness.

The withered golden satin disappeared in His left hand, while the hot beating heart of lava was restrained by His right hand.

Buz's heart beat slowly, and his thoughts may have stopped for a few moments.

He felt the tremor of a heavy blow to his soul. He felt dizzy, but he still stood firm. He heard the clanking of armor. The sages had already knelt down, and then the sons of Hades knelt down one by one.

But Buz was convinced that this was some kind of strong sense of oppression and surrender. If he hadn't faced more than one traitorous original body, maybe Buz would have given up his loyalty now.

In his peripheral vision, Buz caught a glimpse of the sons of Hades, at least half-kneeling. Damn, they were protecting their last dignity, right? They were a bunch of little bastards.

Buz thought in a suffocating moment... and the old bastard, Karas asked him to fight this thing?

He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and looked at Pluto's face, trying to discern what it was - Karas, you fucking old bastard!

He could have died peacefully on Macragge! Maybe we can see Guilliman's soul again before he dies!

However, at this moment, Buz saw Pluto's unfocused black eyes.

Then—Pluto moved.

Hades opened his mouth and shouted hoarsely, but he only coughed up blood. Hades stumbled and ran down the mountain. He almost fell, and was almost embarrassed, rolling and crawling.

He quickly left the mountain top.

People just froze in place, at a loss, as if they were frightened and at a loss.

Hades coughed violently, vomiting a large amount of liquid from his mouth - some of it was blood, some of it was not, more like semi-dried magma.

Finally, in the wind, they heard the first pronunciation of Hades clearly,



Hades ran straight in the direction of Blake. He retched while running wildly, as if he wanted to vomit out his internal organs.

"Magnus didn't get eaten by me, did I?! Magnus!!!!"

Hades's fierce cry tore through the silence.

As if echoing the cry of Hades, Blake screamed and a red light lit up.

【Don’t come over here! Turn off your dark zone! ! ! ! 】

Butz's expression seemed to burst.


Buzz slowly thought that this guy Black had something hidden for him, right?

"Great Magnus you're not dead!!! Great! Great - I haven't fallen this far yet!!! Magnus!!! Great!"

The look on Hades's face could almost be called relief, and he almost fell over again the moment he heard Magnus cry out, which slowed him down.

Hades hurried past the queue of sages and said apologetically,

"Sorry, please wait a moment."


Hades casually handed over the compressed and imprisoned fragments of the Burner in his hand to the thin natural man sage at the head.

"Help me keep it for now."

Kirkland trembled in disbelief. He almost fainted. The god who gave him fire from the holy mountain, the sage, staggered and almost fell.


"Are you okay?! And Blake!!!"

[Don’t come over yet! ! ! 】

The red giant rose up, and Buzz turned back stiffly. In front of Black, he saw the shadow of the traitorous original body Magnus.

Buzz lowered his gaze, staring at Blake who had looked away.

Hades took a deep breath and braked suddenly, "Okay, I won't go over yet!"

He still felt ravenous hunger, and the throbbing of almost losing control, and the rest of his life after the disaster. Hades stretched out a hand and touched it to his mouth. The cold lower half of the metal mask appeared, and the position of the mouth was sewn on. metal chain.

Hades calmed down, Magnus was still alive, the second priority was confirmed,

"I won't eat you."

Hades said, he opened his legs and cautiously approached the son of Hades and his party who were stunned in place.

Until this moment, Hades had no time to care about anything else. His eyes subconsciously looked at Buz. Hades saw a face that was very similar to his, and Buz was also looking at him.

This is... the son of Hades.

Hades' steps slowed down for a moment, and before he could look away, he asked,

"Blake, are you okay?"

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