Chapter 607 56. Malcador


Malcador is still alive.

Malcador who is still alive is not normal.

This is the conclusion that Mortarion has drawn after spending a thousand years.

This story should be simple. The broken and hazy Pale Lord stood in front of the Lord of Macragge. They were silent for a long time.

A story of a primarch who was about to collapse, a story of a demigod who was worn away by time and faith, a story of a huge giant who gradually rotted... until they found the real antidote.

It should be like this.

It should be like this.

But other forces intervened in this story, a patient and chaotic existence. He knew the bloated and complicated system of the Empire very well and had enough patience to arrange all this.

[What did he want? ]

Guilliman said calmly, his white hair hanging down from his forehead, looking embarrassed.

Mortarion shook his head. He didn't know the answer to this answer. Perhaps it was just pure malice, pure confusion. Perhaps only the Lord of Mankind could know the answer to this question.

He walked out of the altar on the Macragge's Glory, white mist rose, and Mortarion walked towards Guilliman who summoned him out,

[I can't stay for too long - but we won't be noticed by any existence, I have calculated it. ]

Mortarion said sullenly that the battle with Sanguinius had worn him out too much,

Guilliman, sitting on the chair, sighed, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth,

[Thank you, my brother... I should... I should have listened to you at that time. ]

[It's not too late now. ]

Mortarion's words calmly choked Guilliman, Guilliman paused, and changed the subject tiredly,

[I have checked the records and archives. Whether you believe it or not, Mortarion, I am sure that this is the work of the former Sigillite. I can confirm that there are at least more than five million archives with his style. ]

He has cleared out five groups of people suspected of being infiltrated by Malcador, but... if he continues to clear them out, the Empire will not be able to function normally.

[He has been infiltrating the Empire's bureaucratic system... but I——]

Bang! Guilliman slammed the handrail, he seemed angry and sad,

【I didn't see it. 】

【This is your fault,】

Mortarion said calmly, the white mist gathered, preparing for Guilliman's "death\

,"【Malcador's strategy is not inferior to any Primarch, even more than some of us - but I am sure that if you keep the status quo, Guilliman, you will never be able to defeat him. 】


Guilliman slowly raised his head, he looked at Mortarion tiredly, but there was a rage in his blue eyes,

【…Why do you say that? 】

Guilliman said calmly, but Mortarion felt that Guilliman was like a volcano about to erupt,

It doesn't matter, Guilliman can't beat him.

【Because he used psychic power. 】

Motarion said, ash flowing from his bone-white fingertips, and he placed the ash around Guilliman, forty-nine points,

【Malcador used sorcery in political management,】Motarion said sullenly, 【Perhaps he had already started doing this when he was with the Emperor. 】

This sentence made Robert Guilliman completely depressed, and the Primarch became more tired, with a hint of death in his eyes - this may be the side effect of Mortarion's ability.

【Do I want my think tanks to stand in front of my office and identify every piece of paper to see if they are contaminated? 】

Motarion lowered his eyes and checked whether the altar he drew was complete,

【You need to do it yourself. 】

The Pale Lord said softly, 【You need to do it yourself, Robert Guilliman. 】

【...I don't understand. 】

【Accept your nature,】Motarion said, 【Accept that this world, at least part of it, is illogical, crazy, sensory, and disordered. 】

Guilliman slowly stood up, he looked at Mortarion,

[Excuse me,] Guilliman said, [Motarion...? ]

[? ]


Guilliman was silent, for a moment, he was sure that he had heard Magnus say something similar, it was a creepy feeling.

[...It's okay. ]

Guilliman said, [But me? ] He raised his hand and looked at himself uncertainly, the Imperial Regent laughed at himself, [I may not have your talent. ]

Motarion shook his head and nodded,

[Robert Guilliman,] Mortarion said, [I once aspired to kill every wizard. ]


Guilliman slowly, slowly spoke, [My brother, this is not a funny joke. ]

[This is reality,] Mortarion said calmly, ignoring the deep sadness in Guilliman's eyes when he looked at him, [It's your turn to tell a joke. 】

The Lord of Death took a step back, and the white mist suddenly rose.

Guilliman's vision became blurred in an instant, and his exhausted soul finally felt sleepy. He heard whispers and warnings from afar,

[I look forward to your return...]


The mist rolled, and Mortarion could no longer hold on, and his figure dissipated.

What he said was true. Only Robert Guilliman, who had awakened, could compete with the new demigod politically.


…Is that existence really still Malcador?


"You are simply amplified by the warp's negative emotions, my dear friend,"

Nios said that he looked at Malcador calmly and seemed confident, but that was just what he looked like. He couldn't even stand up.

Malcador also looked at Neos calmly,

"So what's your plan, Neos?"

"I gave them a chance, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years. The empire we once created is decaying. I can't see hope for this race."

"This galaxy is rotting," Malcador said. "It's not humanity's fault. The Old Ones, the Necrontyr, the Eldar, the Greenskins... humans... all races are in decline. You can't survive in a collapsing desert. Build an empire."

"We can rebuild our glory."

The first rays of morning light flickered on the laurel crown of the Lord of Mankind, and he "saw" the unsalvageable Ministry of the Interior... The largest bureaucracy in the empire was burned to the ground, and Malcador was threatening him with this... With the administration of a huge empire system.

Outside of Terra, the [Emperor]'s eyes and ears have probably penetrated into the management systems of countless hub planets.

Neos was silent... Only Malcador would choose this method... So complicated, so hidden in the dark, other aspects that were not paid attention to... He never started directly from the war.

In other words, Malcador's first choice was never war.

He knew what Malcador wanted to do...ever since the disintegration of the First Legion, he knew...but he knew...this was a normal manifestation of becoming a so-called [demigod].

He satisfied Malcador's selfishness. Apart from his ideals and hopes, he did not pay Malcador's salary for a long time.

But Malcador has not escaped the corruption of the warp.

...Is it just Mortarion...

The golden sun burns silently.

He knew what Malcador wanted to do...

The emperor who currently occupies the position of [Five] has swallowed up part of the authority of Lust, as well as the authority of the other three gods, including part of the emperor's authority -

He wanted to ascend to God.

This is instinct, some kind of subconsciousness, and no existence that is touched by the subspace is immune.

This is the desire that must be endured to sit in that position.

But the existence contaminated by it, Malcador still retains his own consciousness and goals... The palmer still holds the hope of saving the human race... The two emotions and desires are mixed together... to create the current [Emperor].

Every step Malcador takes is based on the starting point of "goodness", mixed with "desire" and "malice".

The Emperor knew what Malcador wanted.

Whether it is [Ascension to God], not just [Ascension to God]...

He wants to [restart].

The chaos of subspace also follows the laws of subspace, first [nine], then [eight], [seven], [six], [five]...

This is the countdown to utter chaos, utter depravity.

The outbreak of the War in Heaven started this countdown, nine, eight, seven... The fall of the Eldar accelerated its process, six; he had to release Malcador during the great rebellion, five.

As the countdown in the Supreme Heaven begins, all things in the physical universe also decline. With each additional false god, the spirits of all things become more chaotic.

As the latest being, the [Emperor] hopes to stop all of this.

His crazy plan.

[Emperor] hopes to climb back to the starting point step by step.

Five, six, seven, eight, nine...

Reverse the countdown, finally [restart] the two worlds, and rebuild the human race.

Liberate mankind from the "roots".

And what he hopes to do... is to devour. Starting from the fifth day, he swallowed up the Heaven of Lust, then the Heaven of Sustaining Rot... Neos looked at Malcador's right arm without leaving a trace, and finally the Heaven of Umperation.

Step by step, he ascends to the final divine position, and then restarts the entire universe.

……it's out of the question.

Because no being knows what will happen when the count reaches nine.

It could be a restart, it could be complete destruction... it could even be complete chaos and disorder.

At the same time... no being can withstand the power of multiple gods, which will completely plunge him into madness and disorder.

More power is never better.

These are just chants coerced by the desire of the subspace.

Malcador, who was blinded by the subspace, could no longer see this, and Neos had sadness in his eyes. He thought he was trying to save mankind, but at the same time he was being driven by his desires... to the abyss.

"Humanity can no longer return to the technological level of the past," Makado said, "...this is a fact."

"Iron Man is destined to be a dead end. Humanity has been on a dead end for too long, but now we have no capital for trial and error. The human race is dead."

Even if the current master of humanity stands up again and commands the empire again, can this race flourish again?

They had already done similar things thousands of years ago.

The Lord of Mankind has developed Primarchs, Thunder Warriors, Space Marines... but it is still a drop in the bucket. The technology that truly liberates productivity has not yet appeared. Humanity's thinking is still ignorant in the Middle Ages, and the most efficient way is still archeology.

However, most of the archaeological technologies need to be castrated or abandoned due to the Iron Man rebellion and subspace corrosion.

Humanity today is no longer what it was back then. After experiencing the long dark night, countless technological lunatics have extended their scalpels to the human genome—humanity today is more "subspace-oriented", more ignorant, and more extreme...

The human race is dead.

"You are too pessimistic."

said Nios, staring calmly at Malcador,

"Even so, humans are still the overlord of this galaxy, and time will witness our success."

Malcador smiled mockingly,

"The Necrontyr is about to awaken, and the Tyranids are about to arrive in the galaxy... Do you really think humans today can fight against them?"

"He is back," Neos said. "The Primarchs will also return to the Empire. It may be difficult, but the human race will prosper forever."

Macado smiled bitterly and took a sip of tea again.

"In the end, we still have to rely on those existences from thousands of years ago. You should admit that there are no more heroes in human beings."

"For thousands of years," Neos said, "the empire has never lacked heroes - but you seem to have taken away most of them?"

"It's not that I took them away, I just took in the desperate heroes."

Malcador said that the bracelet on his wrist was full of brilliance, and each gemstone shone with the light of a noble soul.

"The empire we built," Malcador said, "can't even accommodate a few twilight heroes. You should know how many people were forced into desperation by their own kind——"

Machado spread his hands and said, "Let me state in advance that I am not targeting them. This is what happens naturally."

"I believe you," Neos said. He stared into Malcador's eyes, but only saw the disillusioned and elegant light.

"With such a huge territory, we should always admit that things cannot be perfect, and I am not omnipotent."

"But the frequency of these things happening is too high," Malcador said, "This is not an accident, it is inevitable... Neos, you know this, stop protecting this race hiding under your wings. , maybe they still seem to be shining, but that’s just borrowing your light.”

"No," Neos shook his head, "My power comes from them, and my light is given by them."

Malcador stared at Neos and said word by word,

"But if humanity is destroyed, you will not die, Lord of humanity."

"You can only ascend to the gods, Neos."

Nios laughed and shook his head,

"There is no necessary connection between the two, Malcador, if I am destroyed, mankind will not be destroyed."

"No," Malcador said, "humanity will perish. They will destroy themselves, consume themselves, and destroy themselves - every time it is you who stands up, or the original body who stands up. Stop playing this futile and useless game. It’s game, Neos, we have a chance to end this process directly.”

"There is no one-and-done solution here," Nios closed his eyes. "There is no perfect plan, no neat least not for you and me."

Malcador laughed,

"So it is feasible to introduce [the deceased]."

"He will not choose you," Nios said. "He will not agree with you, Malcador. Your plan will eventually fail. You are just deceived."

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Malcador's mouth,

"Why should I tell it my plans, Neos?"

"You are the only one who knows about my plan. Maybe the stupid Guilliman has noticed it a little bit - but I think... you won't tell him this."

Neos looked at Malcador calmly,

"You're threatening me."

"I'm threatening you."

said the Emperor, and he laughed, "Why else should I light this fire?"

If the Emperor does not agree, then even if Hades comes, the empire's administration will be completely paralyzed under the Emperor's forced intervention.

But at this stage... if Malcador hopes to realize his plan, then the empire must maintain the status quo.

But the absolute prerequisite for the implementation of Malcador's plan is that he gains the trust of [Pluto].

Hades cannot be deceived by the Warp, and ordinary methods will never work against him.

Neos was silent, he looked at Malcador,

The old trust betrayed him,

This is not the first time.

At least this time... the Emperor "looked" towards the Nirvana system approaching Terra.

There was something he could do to salvage it.

"...At least we are traveling together for the time being, Malcador."

Neos said, "Neither you nor I want to see the Empire fall now."

"But I won't give a single testimony to a lie."

"I will gain its trust."

Malcador said, "Here it comes."

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