Chapter 616 65. School of Athens

It's okay for them to quarrel.

Hades skillfully picked up the command board, lowered his sense of presence, and skillfully ignored Neos and Malcador who were pulling together for the nth time in front of him.

Facts have proved that Neos learned quickly when it came to attracting Malcador's anger—perhaps he learned a lot from the experience gained from Hades.

Maybe they enjoy it.

never mind.

Hades didn't care.

Month after month, the sun rose and set. With the "joint" efforts of the three people on site, Terra, who had cleared away a wave of insects, was thriving.

Hades can swornly guarantee that two-thirds of Terra's government affairs should be attributed to him - Nirvana handles one-third, the Ultramarines handles one-third, and he will approve the scattered bits and pieces. Work.

Well, most of the work is still done by Makado, but most of the information that comes through Makado's hands will be approved by the Ultramarines in advance.

Ultramarine, easy to use.

During this period, the Lord of Mankind and Malcador were clearly competing for power. Hades didn't care. He would help the other side that was weak——

But be sure to maintain the situation where the Lord of Mankind is slightly over Malcador's end, and then while they are arguing, stuff the Ultramarines into the corner.

It was obvious that when the fight broke out, both sides wanted Hades' help. In front of their opponents, Hades' dream of getting a little Macragran became insignificant...

Thanks to Hades, the Five Hundred Worlds will soon usher in a new recruitment season.

Hades still has a dream, maybe he should encourage the Macragges to colonize Terra... Maybe the Barbarians can also do it, but so far, except for the followers of the Hades, the Storm Star Territory still remains indifferent to Terra. Attitude.

Hades can understand them. With Barbarus as the anchor and Graai as the transportation springboard, Mortarion built the southern part of the Storm Star Territory into his own fortress——

Only loyal to the original body, or in other words, only loyal to the Death Guard Legion...


It is a miracle that this kind of autonomous region has not been regarded as a thorn in the central government's side.

It may also be related to Mortarion's previous efforts and Buzz's efforts.

Although the Pluto Sect has also taken root in the Storm Star Territory, their pragmatic creed makes them appear more restrained... Maybe they don't care what Pluto looks like at all, they only care whether the blessing can be used after Pluto returns.

After sending a bishop to ask Pluto if he needed to change his teachings, and whether Pluto could go to the Storm Star Territory to stay permanently - after receiving negative answers, the Storm Star Territory was silent.

After the Death Guard entered the subspace, the Storm Star Territory as a whole was in a semi-productive state, and Hades could not directly abandon Terra, the two people who worked every day, so they had to use the Death Guard's agents stationed in Terra. People do semi-management.

It was said to be management, but it was just to help check if there were any other emergencies. The Pale Lord's plan was very detailed, which saved Hades a lot of time.

Sometimes, at his desk, looking at the documents written by Mortarion thousands of years ago, Hades would sigh with emotion, when did Mortarion become a little... smooth when it came to government affairs?

I hope the Pale Lord returns soon.

Hades was silent, soon, soon - when he asked Vox, Vox would only give him this answer.

Time in the Warp has no logic. Time may be fast or slow. The battle in the garden may be over and the Pale Lord is about to leave.

Hades scratched his head.

There is no good in thinking too much. Fortunately, he was born with white hair. Sandwiched between two people who couldn't deal with each other, Hades deliberately put down the political aspect - let them fight over it.

In the past few months, Hades has been mainly managing and integrating the Mechanicus.

Fortunately, both Neos and Malcador had some instinctive dislike of the Mechanicus, and both of them acquiesced to Hades' direct management.

As of now, Hades has the unconditional support of twenty-one large forging worlds such as Mars, Graai, Faos, and Miint - the sages can dedicate everything to Pluto.

This is the basic foundation of the Mechanicus laid down for him by Faos and the Death Guard.

The knowledge of the Mechanicus must be brought together.

Hades knows this very well. In this world, many sages can come up with outrageous and unique technologies, but if they are not applied on a large scale... no matter how powerful the technology is, it will disappear from the galaxy.

In fact, thousands of years ago, the sages of the past had an information sharing network, but with the electronic waste code and the influence of chaos... this period of time was quickly abandoned by the sages who are now self-isolated.

The first step in the explosion of technology is information sharing.

Establish an academic platform and break the boundaries of time and space - since Hades and Neos can ensure the purity of knowledge, there is nothing to hesitate.

After negotiating with the Lord of Mankind, Hades created Nirvana Unit 2, using Unit 1 as a template, with lower intelligence and a thicker firewall. The Emperor's psychic powers were prohibited from interfering with Unit 2.

But every year, Unit 1 and Unit 2 will undergo simultaneous updates and information exchanges - after that, if Unit 1 is tested to be reliable, Hades may consider making Unit 2 more intelligent and more ...Psionics.

Compared to hating intelligence, Unit 2 is more like an advanced version of the Thinker. It only retains the data of Unit 1 and does not simulate the personality.

After all, if you are just sharing and transmitting knowledge, there is no need to be too advanced.

But in the Emperor's words, it was like Necron technology.

Hades tapped his head, maybe the Emperor was right.

One hundred days after scolding the sages on Kirkland Hills, Hades set foot on this red soil.

A routine meeting, but larger and more grand. For the first time, Hades saw a welcome gift spanning an entire continent.

In order to cooperate with Kirkland, Hades had no choice but to release Star God Lightning and Void Dragon Metal in the clouds released by the Sages in advance - Mars once again ushered in a metal rain.

He doesn't need to say much; someone will defend him.

Hades had nothing to say about it, everyone but him thought it would be a good idea for him to talk less.

On this topic, everyone put down their hostility and reached a consensus.

999.M41, United 21 Founding World, Pluto signed the "Athens Call" on Mars,

Using the [Nirvana II-Athens Academy] placed on Mars as the data center, all the sages of the twenty-one forging worlds uploaded all their scientific research results to the cloud.

Hades knew that all the sages would more or less have their secrets, but this step was enough.

Or maybe... In the private room above the hall, Hades lowered his eyes and looked at the slightly fanatical sages. Some sages even hugged each other and cried - every sage knew what this meant. What.

As for the credibility guarantee... [Athens Academy]'s credibility comes from the twenty-one forging worlds that Pluto and Shida have joined.

In the Mechanicus, knowledge is money, and the more knowledge one possesses, the higher the level of the sage is.

Hades did not directly break this point and put knowledge completely as "priceless". Terra's internal affairs were already chaotic enough, and he did not want to usher in the chaos of the Mechanicus.

The rule of [Athens Academy] is replacement. Knowledge is classified by the academy and divided into seven levels. Sages who join the academy can exchange any piece of knowledge of their own level for free according to their level in this forging world.

After that, if you want to obtain knowledge again, you can upload the knowledge exchange you have - technology that has not been summarized, or knowledge that has improved on the original technology will be judged as "valuable" and further classified and carried out. exchange.

Hades himself also wrote many papers to the [Academy]. Except for [War], which requires knowledge exchange, the rest are free.

In [Athens Academy], in addition to the knowledge that needs to be exchanged, there is also completely free knowledge. Among them, the transformation of the agricultural world, basic medical care, large ship casting assembly lines, environmental transformation, quantum slingshots... are all resources that can be obtained directly——

But the prerequisite is still to join [Athens Academy].

In addition, sages who frequently upload valuable high technologies will be evaluated by the academy as upgraded, with a total of seven levels. Sages who are willing to share their knowledge for free will gain experience points faster.

Hades also established a forum for sages to chat. On the forum, the first information Hades uploaded was [Mars Technical Sergeant Guide].

Hades almost didn't expect that he would see the outrageous abstract stuff he wrote back then ten thousand years later, but in fact, this "book" that has been passed down to a bookcase has actually been passed down.

And on the day of the ceremony, when receiving the knowledge contributions from each world, it was entrusted by the technical sergeants of the Iron Hands and the Imperial Fists and handed over to Hades.

After the technical sergeants of the two legions, there are the technical sergeants of most of the current legions and battle groups in the empire.

On the red carpet, in the eyes of all the sages, the soldiers who unexpectedly broke in came. The colorful ocean swayed with the luster of metal, and the technical sergeants who were not very popular in most legions or battle groups announced their joining. Academy of Athens.

At some point in time, the technical sergeants of the Death Guard revealed the true identity of "H" - Pluto to the apprentices on Mars.

Hades was stunned.

This was an unexpected surprise.

He originally wanted to finish dealing with the sages before reaching out to the Legion...

But the willow tree that was accidentally planted ten thousand years ago has now grown into a vast ocean. Ten thousand years ago, Hades did not expect this scene when he was grinding his teeth and scribbling while holding the biological sage thesis materials.

Hades didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He originally thought that the Legion would be the emperor's base, but now it seems... it's not so absolute.

Even most of the first edition of this "book" was iterated, leaving only a vague stick figure. Hades changed it at will, directly using the stick figure puppy as part of the [School of Athens-Forum] part logo.

Perhaps the overall style does not match the painting style of the School of Athens, but Hades is happy with it.

At this point, the [Athens Academy] was officially established, because the information and communication problem was still unresolved. With the forging world with the [Quantum Slingshot] as the hub, each forging world houses all the information copy templates of the [Athens Academy] as a regional server.

As an aside, the [Athens Academy] center on Mars is placed in the underground cave where the Emperor imprisoned the Void Dragon. Now it is completely empty - the dragon was beaten violently by Angron and Mortarion, and then Mortarion took the dragon with him.

Hades found a piece of paper in the center of the former battlefield,

[Waiting for you to come back, good brother. 】

The handwriting seemed to be Angron's.

He would get the Primarchs back.

Within the coverage of the regional server, the sages can connect to the [Athens Academy] through their own devices.

Every standard Terra month, the branches of the Academy of Athens will use quantum slingshots to carry out completely physical information transmission, and coordinate updates with the branches and the central government - large trucks pull memory sticks.

The highest-level sages in the forging world who possess quantum slingshots have the power to access all information, but they are also responsible for the verification of knowledge - the Academy of Athens also has the ability to automatically verify part of the falsification.

Hades met these sages one-on-one. As the sages who withstood the pressure to build the slingshot during the Psyker Rebellion, or the descendants and apprentices of the sages, their loyalty seemed quite reliable.

Hades built the framework and became the top manager of the system. After ensuring that nothing would happen, Hades returned to Terra to see that the Lord of Mankind had quarreled with Malcador and let the sage go. They toss.

This system had to work independently, and he couldn't keep an eye on it.

The sages automatically upgraded their new business. They packaged a bunch of free knowledge and low-level knowledge into small STCs and sold them directly to worlds with low technological civilization, or to edge planets where it was inconvenient for the sages to go.

This fits perfectly with Hades's stereotype of the sages.

Three months after the trial operation, Hades, who was tired of watching Neos and Malcador stumbling against each other on Terra, came to Mars to connect to the center and prepare to check the results.

The spread of the Academy of Athens is very high and very fast - after all, if you join, you can get a piece of knowledge for free, which is almost the Achilles heel of the sages.

Prostitution for free is the innate instinct of every mechanical sage.

Even within these three months, thirteen forging worlds have sent drafts to start building [Quantum Slingshot]. Hades ordered that the first fourteen forging worlds with quantum slingshots will become [Athens Academy] The next batch of branch nodes.

As for why it is fourteen, it is a suitable number derived from precise calculations, maybe with a little numerology, but not much.

This is also Hades' conspiracy. Now the Star Language Court, the Navigator Family, and the Star Torch Court are being turned upside down by the Gray Knights.

Facts have proved that Hades was still too kind, and the Gray Knights killed these psykers even more ruthlessly.

At first he said he didn't want to take care of it... but when he was really given the power, Hades thought about it and was still willing to wield his sword.

He even had to give the Gray Knights a beating and tell them not to be too desperate.

But this does not require Hades to worry too much. He only needs to release Magnus, and Magnus will automatically arouse some conscience of his children after ten thousand years - tell them that psykers should interact with each other. Help each other and don't kill innocent people.

This way Hades can continue to do other tasks.

Hades was reviewing and approving the applications for slingshots from the sages, taking a sip of wine, and approved the information transmission application from [Athens Academy].


"What??! Ouch - cough cough cough cough -"

Hades sprayed out Barbarus's secret brew. Apparently, the data accumulation in the past three months was a bit too much - so much that he was temporarily stuck.

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