Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 622 71 Mortarion: I will work overtime when I come back

Chapter 622 71. Mortarion: I’m back ≠ I’m working overtime

【That's it. 】

Mortarion said tiredly that the long past had made him feel tired and painful... Hades had taught him that he should communicate with words first, and then use force if communication failed.

But over the years, Mortarion increasingly believed in the importance of using force first.

If you can kill with one strike, don't waste your breath.

Hades did not reply to him. Mortarion looked up in surprise and saw Hades with a serious and silent face.

Seeing Mortarion looking at him, Hades blinked,

"……Thanks for your hard work."

Hades said that maybe there was something wrong with Mortarion's words, but considering the state of the Pale Lord at that time... he shouldn't criticize the Lord of Death harshly.

Mortarion spread his hands, [It's all gone. 】

[They at least...] The Pale Lord was silent for a moment, [I don’t want to gloat to them. After all, Angron and Guilliman have helped me a lot - but in this matter, they did receive their own blessings. punish. 】

[At least...] He looked away and stared at the reliefs of the God Emperor and Hades on the wall, [The result is good. 】

Mortarion then added,

[Are you disgusted with this, Hades? 】

Hades laughed, "I'm a pragmatist, as long as it's easy to use."

【...You...do you feel uncomfortable because of this? 】

"It's not as disgusting as the Star God saying something to me," Hades smiled, "Don't worry, if I really lose control, I will go directly to explode Chaos."

Mortarion smiled too,

[Then I will kill the remaining three. 】

? !

"Wait?!" Hades yelled, "Three???"

Mortarion spat out white mist.

【emperor. 】

He said, [Malcador has fallen, and the holy number is five, occupying the first end. 】

He looked at Hades as if he was frozen, the expression on his face was wonderful, green and red,

Finally, Hades's eyes wandered, and he smiled awkwardly,

"I think there's something wrong with Lao Ma? But it's not to this point yet?"

Mortarion slowly straightened up. He looked at Hades seriously. The Pale Lord suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Malcador... Malcador... Malcador was mentioned by Hades on his own initiative before, or by his full name. Hades mentioned Malcador more often than he mentioned Guilliman!

However, Hades's words continued,

"Malcador, I remember he once asked me to trust him, and..." Hades's voice trailed off, "If it hadn't been for Malcador, I might have been deceived by the fraudster."

Mortarion didn't speak. He just stared at Hades. There were two possibilities...either Hades was really stupid, or...

【You shouldn't believe him. 】

Mortarion said, saying what he had said a thousand times, "No being can maintain itself against the power of the Warp." 】

At the same time, white mist filled the air, filling the entire space that was not covered by the black domain at an extremely fast speed, and then he discovered——

Monitors, listeners, completely different styles, completely different principles, a total of 556, but 555 of them have been scrapped, destroyed by Hades's black domain and Star God's lightning.

Mortarion cut off the last monitor without hesitation.

Hades in front of him showed an apologetic smile,

"Sorry," Hades said, "He wanted to gain my trust so much that he was too cautious."

Mortarion narrowed his eyes and stared at Hades in front of him.

"I'm trying to remind you," Hades said, looking at the location of the last monitor, "He stared at me so closely that I didn't even find a chance to be alone with the Lord of Mankind. His eyes and ears were everywhere. "

Mortarion was silent for a moment.

Finally he just sighed and slumped down again,

[I’m glad I didn’t really fly with you just now. 】

"So you can really carry me?"

The white mist around Hades turned into a god of death holding a scythe, preparing to strike directly at Hades. Hades shrank suddenly,

"Okay, okay, I won't let you fly with me!"

[Aren’t you worried about me telling you any important information? 】

"I'm sure you can understand me before this happens."

Hades said sternly, "Didn't you notice that the direction of the little scythe on your sofa was pointing at the monitor? I, I thought you noticed it then. Didn't I leave the decision-making power to you?"

Mortarion's mask sprayed out a long stream of mist, and the negative emotions that had just arisen dissipated instantly.

The original body wiped his face. He had not felt "speechless" for a long time.

What else could he say to a psychic Muggle.

[Let’s not have any expectations for the tacit understanding between each other,]

"The next time you try this with Karas," Mortarion said, "he understands this better... than I do." 】

Hades showed a disappointed expression,

"Then how did you find out that I hinted at you?"

[Because you are generally not that stupid. 】

Mortarion said calmly, [There is something wrong with Malcador, you and I can see it. 】

[He is the biggest problem in the empire now. 】

[You...where was he exposed? 】

"Caliban," Hades said matter-of-factly, "I think Malcador hid the Three Sacred Artifacts from me, and his attitude towards the lion is also worthy of consideration."

【Three Holy Weapons? 】

Mortarion asked, [What is that? 】

"The technology of a certain ancient race, Ouroboros, Plague Heart, and Tuchucha Engine, combined together, can dig the webway."

Hades said truthfully, in fact, the description of these three artifacts in the original work is too vague. They seem to have the function of traveling through time, but... it is not clear.

Motali settled down for a moment,

"That's the lion's business," the Primarch said cautiously, "The emperor likes to collect treasures, this may be his hobby. 】

[Or...] Mortarion said, [We can leave this matter to Robert Guilliman. 】

Hades sat up straight;

"So...where is the former Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds?"

Mortarion smiled, [I think he really suffered a lot, but - he deserves it. 】

[No...] Mortarion said, [This is necessary practice. Since he has not been discovered by the emperor for so long, I think we can trust him. 】


This is a remote, edge world where less civilized humans have established civilization. They have piled up dirty and noisy markets, established city-states, and expelled the poor into slums.

Wizards still occupy an important position on this planet, providing divination for those in power to ward off evil and bring good fortune.

The raven cawed.

The giant in plain robes walked out of the dark corner of the slum. He had already taken off his crown. His steps were light, and every step left frost on the rugged ground.

Turn left, go straight, turn right, and he found the shallow raven's eye on the wall.

The white-haired giant muttered a spell, and he touched his hand that was used to holding a sword and pen on the wall. A corner of the wall was revealed, and he got the note.

He took a different route back to his temporary home, and people bumped into him along the way, but they seemed invisible.

The crowded shabby room was filled with books, burning candles, strange-colored liquids, astrological instruments, rulers and gauges, and parchment.

This is a penance.

If you want to completely defeat it and make it never turn over, then you must be more forbearing than it, more patient than it, and more cunning than it.

The final blow kills.

Guilliman opened the note and dripped his own blood, revealing the words.

+ Prepare for revenge. +

That's what it says.

The original body raised his eyes. Hanging on the wall was a map of the empire's territory. On the edge blackened by the parchment, a small dot was moving.

The lion is about to be discovered.

as well as……

He is back.

It's time to act.


The light of Star God's lightning crackled in the room,

[I can contact him. 】

Mortarion said, "I hope he is not yet completely immersed in the studies of the High Heavens. 】

Hades blinked, "Guilliman learns psychic powers... I'm sorry, I still find it a bit incredible."

"He must accept it," said Mortarion, "and the later he accepts it, the more blood will flow from it." 】

"All right."

Hades said, "Then...it's up to you."

He was standing with the black stone floating next to Hades. Next to Hades' feet was a black stone coffin the size of the original body.

...Okay, it's not a coffin, it's just a flip-top fully enclosed black stone bed, the kind adapted to the winged original body,

"You really don't plan to go out?" Hades said, "Don't you want to see Old Man Huang?"

【I will. 】

Mortarion said, stretching,

【But you already know everything,】

The original body smiled and raised his eyebrows, as if he wanted to make a joke.

[Now that you are here, the situation is very good - I think Chaos can no longer hold it back. Before they take the time to set off a subspace storm again, it is better for us to attack them directly. 】

This is true... It seems that if Old Man Huang is willing, he seems to be able to call Luojia, Fenus, Vulcan, Wolf King, Guilliman, Khan...

Then why did he have to catch Hades?

Hades frowned, "Don't tease me, if the Necrons come, you still have to kneel."

"Lao Ma... Lao Ma also has a lot of doubts."

Hades whispered, "Why do I feel like it's not that simple?"

[At this point...] Mortarion said, [Your efforts just now will work. I'm back. I don't think the Emperor will tolerate it for long. 】

Mortarion looked at the ceiling with hazy eyes,

[Sequence, the rules of subspace,] he said, [For 5, the first one is 6... He wants to kill Slaanesh...]

[I can feel this part, but that’s all...I think he will tell you on his own initiative. 】

Mortarion smiled sarcastically,

[After all, you have gained His "trust". 】

【It's your business. 】

Mortarion said very confidently, [I want to rest. 】


Hades sighed loudly, "I won't stop you - my conscience is not that dark yet."

So Mortarion lay in the coffin in a victor's posture, no, on the bed. The original body closed his eyes with satisfaction. After a while, he felt as peaceful as death.

Hades sighed. He helped cover the lid and put away the black domain. Then he opened the door and saw Karas who looked at him with big eyes at the door.


Karas said, holding up a flat hand to keep his distance from Hades,

"I refuse to reminisce with you. Don't talk to me. You are forbidden to call me by my full name. Stay away from my sight as soon as possible. Please leave the handover to Vox. I am only responsible for handing over the God of the Eldar to you, and you are responsible for locking her up until Then take it out as a sacrifice.”

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