Chapter 624 73. Dark Eldar

"Extermination of the Eldar?"

Hades's eyes fell on the Eldar Mother Goddess. There were two conditions for the fall of Slaanesh, either all the Eldar died, or the five old woman's swords were collected - after that, the Eldar God of Death would will be awakened.

According to Eldar prophecy, the Eldar Death God will be the one who kills Slaanesh.

"Sounds good," Hades said, "But I think it seems a bit difficult? Old horse, the empire should not send out too many troops to attack the Eldar now."

Malcador shook his head, and the old man's turbid eyes glanced at Aisha who was sobbing without tears.

"Hades," he said hoarsely, "we now have the Eldar Mother Goddess, who has a strong connection with the new life of the Eldar."

Malcador looked at Hades, trying to read something from Pluto's face, but unfortunately, Pluto still had the same expression - was he really thinking seriously?

"Go on," Hades said.

"A little subspace connection," Malcador whispered, "You should not waste this opportunity. We can curse this fragmented race, and new lives will become rare until it is completely reduced to nothingness."

Hades blinked, this might be a way - but he would not hand over the hilt to Malcador.

"I'm a psychic Muggle," Hades said, "Are you sure it's possible? Eldar have extremely long lives, not to mention they still have soul stones."

Even if the Eldar die, their souls will not disappear, but will remain in the soul stone. Perhaps for the Eldar, death is more ambiguous to them.

"You can't, you can't do this."

Before Malcador could speak, a voice from the side interrupted them. Aisha gasped rapidly. She "looked" at the two humans, but couldn't say anything.

Malcador sneered. He stood up arrogantly and stepped directly onto the altar.

"Of course we can do that."

Hades's attention was completely focused on Malcador. If there was any change in the flow of spiritual energy on the altar decorated by Mortarion, then he didn't have to be polite.

"Be careful, old horse."

Hades whispered, while Malcador waved his scepter boredly, strolling to Aisha's side, the scepter pointed on the ground,

"I know," Malcador said with a sarcastic smile, "I think the Pale Lord is not good at talking. In my place, prisoners should not talk too much."

"Aisha," Malcador read in fluent Eldar language, "wife of Kunos, mother of Lilith, guest of the Rot Sky, Mother Goddess of the Eldar - you should be glad that you are the last complete Eldar. God."

"But that won't be the case any time soon."

What about West Gauchi?

Aisha opened her mouth, "No...still smiling——"

Malcador interrupted her impatiently. He showed a sinister smile and said, "How can there be any eggs under the cover of the nest? The days of the Eldar hiding in the webway and lingering are over, and actions based on prophecies have passed. Disillusioned, it’s time for you to face reality.”

Malcador glanced at Aisha in disbelief again,

"I'm glad that the Pale Lord didn't take away the mercy of Zunrottian."

Macado told a cold joke, but no one understood it.

Could it be that Si Gaoqi... no... Aisha recalled the previous mask. She truly felt the power of Si Gaoqi in it. There was no room for lies in this, and the moment of the power of the Eldar gods was not a lie.

But what happened to West Gauchi?

"If you really love your children," Malcador said, standing behind Elsa with a deep gaze, "you should fulfill their dreams. Slaanesh can be killed. Isn't this what you dream of? ?”

The God of the Spirit Race did not speak. She looked pale, but she didn’t know what to say.

"If you really love your children, why are you so stingy with the newborns in your hands? Or are you unwilling to take off your wings? It's ridiculous. The most developed Eldar branch now is the Dark Eldar - but you think they are you Heir, Elsa?"

Because of the extremely low birth rate of the Eldar, the Dark Eldar use blasphemous artificial breeding techniques to increase their numbers, with only a few true children being reproduced naturally.

The Dark Eldar are most likely not protected by Elsa. They abandoned the Soul Stone - formed from Elsa's tears, which can protect the soul.


Aisha was silent, and Malcador clapped his hands and smiled, "The weight of life and life are not the same, aren't they?"

"Slaanesh will be more sincere in this regard."

The emperor pushed the head of the scepter casually with his fingertips, and the scepter shook.

"At least He also likes the souls of the Dark Eldar, no matter how they come from."

Malcador coughed and returned to High Gothic,

"I don't like your so-called beloved son," Malcador said with wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

"Their number is too rare, but since you are here, you might as well give them a curse."

Malcador's words reached Aisha's ears like a poisonous snake,

"Aisha, you are the god who knows best how the Dark Eldar are developing now. Their lives have occupied an overwhelming position - this is the core of my plan."

Malcador raised his eyes, looking past the desperate God of the Eldar and into Pluto's uncertain eyes.

"Comorragh, which is located deep in the webway... Hades, using your ability, we can easily break the barrier of the webway above Commorragh and let the seawater from the highest sky pour into this city of sin."

"Then," Malcador smiled, "let the huge amount of Eldar Death draw Slaanesh over, and then kill him."

Hades raised his hand, "Wait a minute, old horse, you seem to have skipped two important steps lightly - first, will Slaanesh really go to Commorragh? Second, kill Slaanesh?"

Malcador looked away indifferently,

"Slaanesh will pass," the old man said calmly, "He has already tasted the forbidden fruit after a madness. His desire is expanding, I can see it."

"Crazy," Hades said calmly, "Which time? My time?"

Macado nodded, "Otherwise?"

...Hades recalled a little bit of painful memories in a distorted way, and he decided to ignore them for the time being.

If it were Malcador before the mutation, Hades might have initiated a 1v1, but now he holds back.

Malcador said with a sigh,

"...The false gods will not tolerate Him this time."

The death of an Eldar, a Hades, Slaanesh had no reason to refuse... Malcador would not let him refuse.

If He does not come, then Malcador will personally slaughter all the Dark Eldar, and then use Aisha to slowly exterminate the other Eldar. He has a lot of patience, and the death of the last Eldar will also announce the destruction of Slaanesh— —The Eldar Death will be born.

In order to completely devour his current greatest source of power, Malcador had been preparing for too long.

"Then how do I kill Him?"

Hades spread his hands, "I can't do it now."

Malcador glanced at Hades and sighed,

"grim Reaper."

He said,

"You may not be able to do it alone...but what if you add Death? We have the ability to let the Pale Lord temporarily replace the Eldar Death."

"Mortarion has done this once," said Malcador, "and I believe he is willing to try again."

Hades looked away with an "Ah this" look in his eyes.


The young man with Hades spirit squatted down and knocked on the coffin lid.

"Old Mo, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up."

The dark coffin didn't respond, and Hades knocked again.

This time Hades heard a curse word from Barbarus, and then the sound of the coffin lid being heavy, and bones crawling out from the narrow gap. Mortarion stared at Hades impatiently,

【What to do? 】

"I brought you a quilt."

Hades stuffed the white and green flower quilt he was holding into the seam, and Mortarion was slapped back. Hades heard Barbarus swearing again, and then Mortarion rubbed his head again. ,

[Revenant,] Mortarion said calmly, [Although I am very tired, I don't mind coming out to beat you up, or destroying all the food within a seventy mile radius of you. 】

"Oh, Great Immortal Mo, you are so good at predicting things," Hades said, "Makado came to see me."

Mortarion turned his head and confirmed once again that there were no monitors here.

[Elsa's cell, right? 】

Hades nodded wildly, "Lao Ma behaved so strangely this time, touching his hands and laughing at the same time. I can only try to follow what he said."

【What did he say……】

"Kill Slaanesh," Hades said. "In short, I plan to break the webway of Commorragh, then lure Slaanesh's body there, and then kill Slaanesh-"

"Good idea, feasible," Mortarion said, "I agree. 】


Hades howled, "Didn't you still tell me to be wary of him?!"

[Yes,] Mortarion said, [Malcador is a pure madman, but when it comes to the Eldar, I think he did a rare human thing. 】

Hades stretched out his hand, "...But, I don't think it's that simple?"

He frowned,

"Although I am a psionic Muggle, I speculate that... if something happens to Slaanesh, I can profit from it?"

"If you wish to occupy my sleeping time with nonsense," Mortarion said, preparing to lie back down again. "Then Revenant, you win." 】


Hades shook his head and said, "Mo Daxian, I'm worried that Lao Ma is deceiving me about my spiritual power. Please tell me."

Mortarion looked at Hades with white eyes,

[Except for you,] he said, [the power of the gods will not disappear in a real sense. Different similar authorities are occupied by a certain god, but through certain means, we can peel off these authorities from them. 】

"What means?"

Hades asked, and Mortarion glanced at him.

[Make them weak,] Mortarion said, [and it is best to have followers of your own. If you meet these two points, you can try to swallow the authority. 】

[But...] Mortarion whispered, [There is a simpler and cruder way. 】

[The death of the old god announces the birth of the new god. If Slaanesh is killed, new gods will appear. The prophecy of the Eldar clearly points out this. The death of Slaanesh and the rebirth of the god of death are two sides of the same coin. 】

[And Malcador...] Mortarion exhaled, [...Jiuzhan Magpie's Nest, I think he mentioned my relationship with the Eldar Death God? 】

Hades nodded,

Mortarion sneered,

[I will occupy the authority of the God of Death, create a loophole for the coexistence of the God of Death and Slaanesh, and then use the waves created by the death of Slaanesh to become a god? I guess he avoided the killing Slaanesh part entirely? Death must be accompanied by rebirth, which is a good idea. 】

"Isn't he afraid that you will ascend directly to the gods?"

Mortarion shook his head, [I...can't ascend to the gods. I have already occupied the part of "7". Most of the authority I hold is in opposition to Slaanesh. Even if I can absorb part of the power of Slaanesh's death...what's left is Everything that falls will be taken away by Machado. 】

"So," Hades mused, "it would be better to continue to maintain the status quo. At least the power of Slaanesh will exist stably."

Mortarion looked at Hades,

[Don’t you want the elves to be exterminated? 】

Hades was stunned, "Of course I want it."

[Then go,] Mortarion said calmly, [Since he proposed his plan... then Malcador will definitely make it come true. Before he starts to correct the government affairs of the empire in secret, you might as well Obey him. 】

"Then -" Hades said, "Then if the plan really succeeds, if we really kill Slaanesh, what should we do with the authority that flows from the body of the Dark Prince after his death? I can swallow part of it, but I can't eat it all. ”

Mortarion waved his hand, [Ask the Emperor. 】

He said impatiently, "At least you don't have to worry about Malcador, the soul of the dead. With sufficient preparation, you are fully capable of killing another demigod after severely injuring Slaanesh... As for the remaining corpses of Slaanesh... …Ask the Emperor. 】

Mortarion lay back down again. The quilt made him feel a little better. At least his bone-white waist no longer had to be in direct contact with the black stone.

He felt reassured, as he said, as Malcador tried his best to win over, and as the Lord of Mankind was proud, the empire now had a dirty bomb,

The explosions of thousands of years ago and the struggles of thousands of years were not in vain. The Chaos had long been weakened and had no time to take care of themselves. Mortarion, who had fought in the garden, despised the Chaos even more. He knew that they were not truly immortal.

Even though the dirty bomb was disturbing his rest and trying to squeeze a pillow into the gap in the coffin as much as possible, Hades's voice sounded muffled from behind the pillow,

"Old Mo! Old Ma also told me some details about Comoros - you really don't want to listen?!"

Do not listen.

Mortarion closed his eyes, but in the end, Hades still heard the pale lord's small words,

[The matter of cursing the rebirth of the Eldar...let me do it. 】

Mortarion said, [But let me rest for a while first. Are you so impatient that you have to kill a god the next day? 】


"I know what you are hesitating about."

Malcador paced and walked to Hades again.

"Trying to kill a god in the territory of a foreign race? This sounds like a dream."

His words were lifted up and his tone was relaxed.

"But you can do it, because Comoros..."

Malcador stretched out his hand. When he flipped his hand, a delicate Eldar necklace appeared in his hand. Hades immediately recognized that it was made of black stone.

"Comoros welcomes you to do so."

Malcador said with a smile. He raised the necklace in front of Hades and showed him the details of the black stone chain. Hades saw the bilingual words engraved on it——

“May Hades always be addicted to my spirit.”

Hades read this sentence word for word.

The smile on Macado's lips brightened.

"Have you heard about Commorragh's transformation that took thousands of years?" Malcador said, "I bribed some Dark Eldar... You really should know about this, Hades."


Cozz raised his toes and walked along the black lines that ran through this sinful city. Except for wilderness, cemeteries... places that were not very cost-effective, these cute and hateful black lines could be found everywhere.

These lines of black stone mixed with the ashes of the soulless ones stretch out, growing with the expansion of Commorragh.

In the palace where the Dark Eldar dignitaries gathered, these black lines were distributed according to the Dark Eldar's preference. They were dense and arranged in patterns, exuding a powerless pain that made the Dark Eldar unable to stop.

The Dark Eldar created a new word specifically for this feeling, [insomnia and paralysis]... simply translated, it corresponds to the ghost pressure in the Low Gothic language.

The Dark Eldar simply love this feeling, another feeling of the soul being slowly devoured, but it keeps them away from the torment after death, and completely separates the destiny of the individual and the race, paired with the soulless and prayer ——A different kind of pain has more flavor.

For those powerful people who are satisfied with the soul feast, this is more like a spiritual vomiting and a suicide.

Curze looked up. These black lines were arranged and merged into the towering Hades Tower in the distance. Every once in a while, a black tower would appear. The low-concentration black domain dispersed the malice from the subspace.

The Webway is magical. It is the gap between the subspace and the real world. It is not established in the real world, but it is isolated from the subspace. Here, there are still stable physical laws - these are these Hades Towers. The base with the black line present.

These black lines were also named, and they were replaced by the Eldar as the "Dawn and Dusk Lines".

They will become another destination for the souls of the Dark Eldar after their complete death.

Thousands of years ago, in order to escape the consumption of Slaanesh, the Dark Eldar established their Unholy Hades Cult on Commorragh.

There is only one core doctrine: steal power from the darkness of ignorance and escape from the youngest queen's table.

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