Chapter 625 74. Conrad’s Half Day


【Respect the dull and benevolent people. 】

Conrad Coates said.

The Primarch raised the glass playfully, and the bloody liquid in the glass shone with the jeweled chain wrapped around it.

Beside the single sofa where the Primarch lay, the other Dark Eldar raised their glasses. They spoke words of respect or contempt for the Underworld, and then drank the wine from the glass.

Cozz glanced casually at the arena below him. As usual, the soulless man who had been stabbed into the madness device by the slave owner was panting. On the other side, the little lion he had just captured was whipped into the arena.

In order to be evenly matched, the fallen angel was half-disarmed by the Dark Eldar, and his wounds were bound and bandaged with wattle sticks and leather soaked in potion.

"Respect the stupid and benevolent."

The sound of combat boots hitting the ground sounded, and Curze twirled the cup carelessly. The Eldar pursued extreme agility, so the footsteps of their men were also particularly light—rather than the thick sound of the heels of Space Marine boots hitting the ground.

Frasco, the Archon of the Flesh-Shaved and Blood-Skull Cabal, came over. Unlike his violent appearance, he held up his wine glass flatteringly.

"How are you lately?"

[Not bad,] Coz looked away and fiddled with the pearl bracelet on his wrist in boredom, [What? Have you finished your last dessert? 】

“Thank you for the gift of the upstart.”

As if remembering something, Frasco licked his chapped lips, and an illusion far more delicious than blood enveloped his senses like a veil.

"But..." His eyes were piercing, "You know, this is not the case."

[Do you dislike the fact that your people were used during the last trip to Terra? 】

Curze chuckled. The Flesh-Skull Cabal was good at aerial combat, so the Emperor "borrowed" some manpower.

"No, no, no, no, how could it be? This is what we want."

Frasco laughed, "But I heard a little rumor... Idiot is awake?"

Curze raised his wine glass, the wine reflecting on his face. Why was it even spread in Comoros that that guy woke up? Looking at it this way, Mortarion's vigilance is not without reason.

【So what? 】

Coz's final tone rose, "You are not from the Unholy Hades, Frasco." 】

“I just wanted to ask if the upstart needs help?”

There was a smile on Frasco's lips, and the Dark Eldar's eyes glanced at the gathering place of the Eldar, as if he had something to say.

Curze laughed sarcastically. It seemed that the half-born man who came to him still wanted to continue climbing up.

[He...] Coze said slowly, [He is competing with the false emperor recently, and it has nothing to do with you. 】

"Then... the stupid one..."

【how? 】Koz asked, 【Do you also believe what those guys said about the Four Spirits? Let me think about it, are you a shunner who takes the initiative to shut down prayers for the stupid, or are you a fighter who wants it to cooperate with you? 】

Pluto has woken up. In Commorragh, where there are many Hades, this is not a small news. Some Dark Eldar are frightened. They are worried that the stolen authority will be taken back, or the real owner will come to visit.

Some Dark Eldar are ready to make a move. Now that Pluto has awakened, they may try to win over this god.

The main idea of ​​the Unclean Pluto Cult is to put Pluto into sleep again. Curze's view on this is nonsense. These Dark Eldar probably think so too, so apart from abusing a few more soulless people, they have done nothing. Substantive action.

Frasco was stunned, and the chain around the consul's waist rattled, "No, King of Midnight, you are mistaken - we just want to see if we can do anything... to pray to Him. The gift of.”

[He has just been busy recently,] Curze tilted his head, and the painful roar floated up from the arena, and the original body took a sip of wine.

[It has nothing to do with you after it wakes up,] Curze waved his hand, [It has been dragged down by the quagmire of the human empire - the song and dance of Commorragh has been ringing for thousands of years, and it will continue to play thousands of years later. 】


Curze stretched out his hand and plucked a pearl from the sparkling white pearl chain. The Eldar Archon's eyes immediately lit up. The new and noble things from the original body are always the most lustful for them.

Thousands of years ago, the upstarts plucked bits and pieces from Slaanesh's power. The Emperor learned well how to drive these degenerates mad, but unlike Slaanesh, he did not covet the souls of the Dark Eldar himself.

No Dark Eldar can refuse the power of the upstart, the sweet power and desire. Among the high-level people, the upstart is even more welcomed. His power can infinitely amplify the pleasure of power.

[I understand what you mean, He will receive your thoughts. 】

Frasco leaned over greedily. He had already smelled the wonderful scent that made the blood vessels twitch, so that the original body roughly pulled her over and stabbed the ball directly into his throat. He did not even utter a displeasure. sound.

Curze wiped his blood-stained hands on Frasco's clothes in disgust. At this time, the Archon no longer paid attention to etiquette. The Eldar nodded apologetically to Curze with his last sense of reason, and twitched back a few steps. Step forward and swarm into its slaves.

Screams and joy sounded together.

The pearl chain on Curze's hand grew again, and the primarch poured another glass, listening calmly to the joy of the Archon, the screams of the slaves, and the roar of the fallen angel who personally killed his best friend in the arena.

This is the City of Sin, and out of extremely bad taste, the emperor placed this chess piece here.

Here, the Dark Eldar abused other beings, and out of Conrad's sense of judgment that was better than nothing, Conrad abused the Dark Eldar, and he judged them - but in the end, they gained pleasure and meaning, and he Treat yourself as a distinguished guest.

He was left alone, bored and unable to struggle, sitting and watching all the hell.

As an extension of the Emperor's will, Curze took deep roots in Commorragh and participated in the establishment of the Hades Cult, the transformation of Commorragh, and the intrigues between various conspiracies... and poured the Emperor's lust medicine into Commorragh. The river of Luo is injected into the veins of every Dark Eldar.

The Dark Eldar have fallen into lust, and the Emperor entertains them with His best desires, cannibalizes them, and controls them.

Those with high positions and powerful positions hold precious gold and silver in their hands, all of which are stained with original sin.

Create a beautiful dreamland for them - until they wake up, chaos descends and darkness reigns.

During this period, Konrad was responsible for maintaining the stability of Commorragh, numbing the senses of the Dark Eldar, and... hunting down the lions hiding in Commorragh.

Thousands of years ago, the Lion hid in the Webway with the Tuchucha Engine, but Leon still did not give up the genetic technology entrusted to him by the Lord of Mankind - so the Lion came to Commorragh and tried in vain to use the technology of the Dark Eldar. Restore technology tainted by Caliban.

In vain.

In the midst of the noise, Coze laughed. He is Malcador's dog...and why is the lion not the dog of the Lord of Mankind?

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