Chapter 631 79. Damn it

Terra is a sanctuary for every human being.

Stars shone in the dark night with sharp edges. They walked in the white snow, one foot deep and one foot shallow, waiting for their fate to be judged.

Serious, silent, black-armored warriors with similar physiques to them walked on both sides of the queue, sandwiching this group of people in uniform casual clothes. Further on the queue were taciturn space warriors, soldiers in black armor. Blend into the dark night, only the chattering whispers of the old man from the Hades Sect at the front of the team could be seen.

Sethia raised her head and looked uneasily at the destination of their trip - the cathedral on the Himalayan ridge, which was like a hand of dead wood piercing the sky, with a frightening skinny appearance.

"...You are lucky, blessed by heaven, but you are also suffering. You don't have to be lambs. The sheep will spontaneously expel those with sharp teeth and claws among them."

The fragmentary words of the Hades missionary came through together with the dim light on his scepter, which made Sethia feel a little irritated. She could vaguely understand the meaning of those words - she was not welcomed by the crowd.

She is a "soulless person".

Sethia remembered her childhood. She was born on Casimir, a hive planet. As soon as she was born, her mother, a female worker, stuffed her into a gap under the assembly line. She listened to the roar of the machinery and made her first Crying is not liked by anyone.

Her mother didn't like her either. She was raised carelessly. When she couldn't work, she was thrown under the assembly line. When her hands could pick up a shovel, she was sent to the most remote area. Shovel.

No one wanted to get close to her. People looked at her with disgust and threw clods of soil stained with sewage at her. This made her character become precocious. She began to consciously avoid crowds and hide in places where rodents gathered.

Maybe she should have died early, but no one taught Sethia this concept. Most of the people in the hive were mediocre. Sometimes she would envy those who were in gangs, at least they seemed happier.

She thought her life would go on like this. She would never see the sky in the corner of the nest, far away from the crowd. She had no relatives or friends, and no humans were willing to approach her.

——Until that day.

"Hades needs you."

A black-robed Hades missionary and a person with the same physique as her appeared in front of her, followed by the manager of the Middle Nest who nodded and bowed. Sethia held her shovel and stood beside the mountain, dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, they did not take her away directly. The Hades missionary walked up to her - his clothes looked very simple, not as luxurious as ordinary big shots, but extremely serious.

The missionary solemnly took out a small black-covered book. Later, Sethia found out that it was the Holy Book of Hades and was explaining something to her, but she didn't hear a word clearly and was completely immersed in the huge shock. .

The assembly line when she was born, the blurred crowd, a shovel, and the endless mountain of dirt were her world.

She doesn't understand anything else.

She only remembered that after the missionary finished speaking, he smiled and nodded at her and asked her if she was willing to fight for humanity. Sethia nodded vaguely. This was the first time someone was willing to say so much to her, and then she was Got on the spaceship.

It was a huge assembly line with many people on it. Some people were friendly, some were serious, but generally speaking, they were friendlier than the people Cecia had met before. She saw people covered with machines, When she saw the giant, she didn't know there were so many weird guys in the world.

Priests in black robes took them to bathe, change clothes, and study. According to their circumstances, everyone had a different study plan. Sethia entered Class E, the last class, to learn literacy and give herself Come up with a name.

Of course, the first High Gothic word she was taught before naming herself was "Hades."


This word appears in the mouths of priests, on paper, on sculptures, on dinner plates, on clothes, everywhere, as if it is the air of this black church.

Through exorcism studies, Sethia learned that the world is filthy, and Pluto is the most "efficient" existence that allows them to expel filth. She was the chosen one. The crowd hated her because she was born with fangs. existence, she should be the guardian, driving away chaos.

But the big ship assembly line did not teach her what "chaos" is.

This content will be learned on Terra, her Hadean teacher said so.

Terra, Sethia thought, this word is even older... This is not something a small being like her should consider.

In fact, Sethia is still confused. Thinking is more difficult for her. Most people who are far away from the crowd have not learned how to think. They are closer to beasts than humans.

"This is also the reason why we opened a preschool." The missionary in front of her closed the book calmly, "I know you don't understand, but I just ask you not to be embarrassed when you go to see Pluto, and don't let them know that I taught you ”

The missionary sighed, his brows a little tired. He raised his head and looked at the soulless Oglin who was playing with the table in the back row of the classroom.

"Quehun'er! Stop! Stop!!"

The missionary shouted, "If you still want to have dinner! Put down your classmates!"

Ogryn did not listen to the missionary's words. The man sighed and waved, and the two Sisters of Silence rushed over. Cecia heard Oglin's scream.

"Oh! Oh! I surrender! Don't hit me! It hurts!"

"I very much hope that education can be universalized," the missionary looked at Oglin who was being beaten, and said calmly, "This can save a lot of trouble, but it is too difficult... Education must be carried out in places with churches... Or for now. How about this."

The missionary seemed to be talking to himself. He shook his head. His well-manicured nails did not look like those of a poor man.

"It's better to solve the problem of eating's difficult, it's difficult."

The missionary waved his hand to signal Sethia to go back, and he began to sigh again.

"Go back and continue reading the second page."

As Sethia learned page seven, their ship arrived on Terra.

They first gathered at the port, which was so huge that it could not be seen as far as the eye could see, and other people wearing black robes. They were disrupted and regrouped according to their body size.

Sethia is very tall, so she was assigned to the last group and stayed with Ogryn. While they were waiting and undergoing physical examinations, countless missionaries from different star fields came over just to take a look at the missing soul. .

"Damn it, soulless Ogryn."

Every missionary who came by would sigh with emotion, so that the soulless people behind them learned to answer. Ogryn would say "fuck you, soulless Ogryn" before these black robes spoke.

Sethia also saw the missionaries gathering together, fighting and teasing each other. The missionary who taught her seemed to be the only one in the group who was in good health. The rest of the teaching missionaries seemed to have been through it. The fighting was so harsh that they could only do light jobs, such as teaching.

"Hey, the little guy is here."

The missionaries clamored and came to the man's side, "Hurry up and get down to the grassroots, brother - oh, you're just a big talker, the grassroots don't want you."

"I'm thinking of the overall situation," the man said angrily. The red color spread all the way from his neck to behind his ears. "I'm suitable for management, not the grassroots."

The whole crowd laughed,

"Pluto made his fortune in the fields, what are you dreaming about?"

"This is a big assessment!" the missionary who was laughed at by the crowd shouted, "Pluto will personally examine it! Just watch - I will definitely be appreciated!"

Sethia didn't hear what was said. The team had already reached her. She was standing next to a machine. The machine tattooed a series of numbers and barcodes on her wrist, which meant that "Cethia" had been recorded. Some larger system.

I heard that this was the result of some digitalization and informationization policy, but Sethia couldn’t understand it.

There are many things she doesn't understand, such as Ogryn, such as Pluto. What exactly is Pluto? Cecilia thought he would be some tall, unimaginable being. The limit of her imagination was an Ogryn-sized giant dressed like a hive noble, holding a scythe.

But you don’t have to understand everything in life. If you don’t understand, you don’t have to think. The missionary didn’t set a goal that everyone must understand. On the contrary, he told them that they can be confused.

It's okay to be confused now.

But after meeting Pluto, I can't be fooled.

The stars in the sky looked at them. Team after team was climbing towards the church on the ridge. The Hades did not allow vehicles to travel in the Holy Land, and people were meandering like ants.

They arrived just as Sethia felt her ankle begin to hurt.

On the red carpet in front of the church, the missionary began to direct them to line up. The monks and deacons from other areas... the people in black robes hurried past their queues seriously. Under the Hades Cathedral, everyone subconsciously changed. You have to be serious and don't be rude at the feet of the gods.

Even Ogryn felt this inexplicable atmosphere, and Quehun'er started counting to make him less nervous.

"One, one, three... I'm a big girl, I'm nervous."

Sethia swallowed. "Don't be nervous," she said, recalling what the missionary had said. "Don't burp, don't fart, treat yourself like a dead person. Dead people don't make a sound."

Sethia tried to comfort Ogryn, so much so that she ignored the subtle changes in the atmosphere. The Hades personnel who were hurriedly walking on the red carpet stopped, stood on both sides, and saluted those who came after them.

"Oh, soulless Ogryn?"

Some frivolous female voices sounded, and Sethia was surprised, because people here are usually very serious. The gears clicked, and a female sage appeared beside them.

"Such a big guy?"

This sentence was said to Sethia. Sethia stared at the female sage nervously and nodded.

"Well," Belinda said, "Are you interested in coming to my place? I can ask you to come over, and you can tease Mingzi's gang with me - little guy, don't be afraid, there is someone on my head."

The female sage winked and looked at Sethia with a smile.

Before Sethia's brain could react, another electronic sound sounded,

"Belinda, don't make trouble."

The huge body of Watching Great Sage Jin-306 came over, picked up Belinda next to Cecilia, and then slowly walked towards the door.

"There are relationships?"

Kim said, "You only even met him once, little boy."

"But he approves of you, father."


Belinda said with a smile. She looked back at Cecia, made a face, and mouthed "Don't worry."

It seems that she can choose this female sage?

Sethia vaguely thought that she had spoken to her proactively after all, and seemed enthusiastic - but from what the missionary had told them, they would choose their own destiny.

The two mechanical sages left, and Sethia's team also began to flow. Sethia heard the heavy breathing of Quehun'er, and she hoped that Ogryn would not cry later.

They entered the Hades Cathedral, which was a space comparable to a large square. Black teardrops hung from the sharp dome. The space was dim, with a little light shining through the dark glass, and the light image struck them like a dark ocean. Trousers.

The missionary arranged for them to stand in the middle and front of the hall, and Sethia realized uncomfortably that their team seemed to be standing in the most important position.

The crowd was silent.


The bell rang at midnight, blowing down the cold wind from the palace, and the muffled sound echoed in the silent cathedral. Standing opposite the crowd, a bald man stood out among the seven people who seemed to have the highest rank. He looked not far away Various departments of the Hades Sect, who had come thousands of miles away, began to give speeches.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough," the bald head coughed a few times.

"First of all, welcome to Terra,"

He opened his hand in welcome.

The silent crowd didn't applaud him, but the atmosphere relaxed noticeably.

"We all know that this is the first meeting of the Central Pluto Sect since Pluto returned."

"But please rest assured, Pluto is benevolent. Pluto has fully affirmed and supported the process of our previous meeting. Therefore, there are not many discrepancies in your itinerary this month. I will explain briefly."

"The first is the opening ceremony. Pluto and the Pale Lord will attend. In addition to various departments of Hades, the delegation of the Sons of Pluto, the Phaos delegation, the Mars delegation - the Gray Knights delegation and other departments will also attend."

Sethia quickly felt a commotion, which sounded not after the word Hades, but after the word Gray Knight.

"Gray Knight?" "Psychic?" "What?"

A low, earnest whisper sounded.

"Be patient and don't be impatient."

Archbishop Samuel said, frowning,

"I know there are a lot of people attending this time, but there won't be many people speaking. I won't waste your time. After the opening ceremony, you should visit the scenic spots and prepare for the exams. Be flexible and don't waste your time. thing."

There were sounds of relief from the crowd, and even sporadic applause from the preacher's side.

"Quiet!" Samuel shouted, "Those who applaud, put down your slaps!"

The sparse applause disappeared, and the bald bishop smacked his mouth with satisfaction.

"In short, we have not prepared any drinks or meals for this opening ceremony - but moving the party to tomorrow afternoon is equivalent to moving our previous opening ceremony to tomorrow at noon, and tonight we are gathering together to celebrate the arrival of Pluto. ”

If Hades hadn't come, these bastards wouldn't have given him a good look at all. Samuel thought, as he looked at the trembling Soulless newcomers, it was these recruits who would give him a good look.

The teachings of the Ming sect are mainly flexible. In addition to those who came to take the promotion test, most of the people who came this time were well-known figures in the Ming sect in the area. Most of those who could achieve their position also had their own understanding of the operation of the Ming sect. unique understanding.

A strange phenomenon is that the higher the status in the Pluto religion, the less they believe in Pluto.

Mingjiao is not centrally managed, but local autonomous. The central government is usually responsible for coordinating local relations and serving as a mascot.

"That's about it,"

Samuel concluded that he had received news that Pluto, who was welded at his desk, had finished his work and was rushing to the cathedral. The Death Guard and the Gray Knights had also arrived here. There was no need for him to be an unpleasant auspicious sign. It's a thing,

"On this pilgrimage to Terra, I wish you to be true to your true nature, and I hope you all have fun - but one last reminder, under the instructions of Pluto himself, we have added new soulless people to this gathering. I hope you will give These future hopes serve as an example,"

Samuel gritted his teeth and said,

“You don’t have to let them ‘grow up’ too fast.”

After he finished speaking the last word, he immediately stepped away. The timing was just right, and white mist floated from the door.

The team, which had been a little noisy just now, fell silent for an instant. Samuel scolded him inwardly for watching someone download the disc.

Two giants stepped in one after the other.

Mortarion breathed tiredly, his wings hanging on the ground like a cloak. The Hades cathedral made him feel breathless, but the primarch felt that he needed to come.

He needs to help Hades calm down the atmosphere. The Pale Lord knows very well what kind of people the top leaders of Hades are, but there are obviously other forces secretly watching this gathering. Hades needs to maintain a serious atmosphere, or he can replace Hades. Do it for you.

This is also a symbol. No matter how friendly Hades is to these people, the Death Guard will stare at them from behind Pluto.

Behind him is Magnus, who "also thinks he is important and wants to help Hades, but is actually completely insignificant."

Apparently Magnus believed that allowing psykers to attend a Hadean gathering would be helpful for the soulless and psykers to understand, and Hades approved of it.

If he hadn't been "lying" in the black coffin and refused to come out, Mortarion would have had a good chat with Hades.

Just now in front of the Hades Cathedral, the two originals met for the first time. Mortarion just nodded, and then as expected, he saw Magnus showing a surprised expression.

Looking at Mortarion shrouded in mist, Magnus's red hair almost exploded.

[I know what you want to say, but please be quiet. 】

Mortarion spoke first, and behind him Karas, who showed a hint of death, also smiled maliciously at the Gray Knights' team.

The wizard Mortarion spread his hands, [There is no need for us to fight here. 】

【I am clear! ] Magnus raised his voice and blocked Ahriman behind him, [I just... I just haven't seen you for a long time, Mortarion, are you okay? 】

The wrinkles piled up at the corners of the Pale Lord’s eyes,

【Can’t die. ] Mortarion said sadly, then he ended the topic and took the initiative to walk out of the cathedral.

[Hey—] Magnus was stuck, [Okay. 】

【He has a bad temper. 】

The psionic primarch whispered, also raising his feet to follow Mortarion, keeping a careful distance.

The mist of the Lord of Death shrouded everyone. Sethia saw that someone had begun to collect the white mist with bottles, or took out some strange small things and soaked them in the mist. Unexpectedly, that one looked very... The big guy who was not easy to mess with ignored this.

The two primarchs stood on the left and right of the main podium, with the Death Guard and Gray Knights following their primarchs. The crowd fell silent again, until the slightly late footsteps hurriedly sounded,

"I'm a little late. I'm sorry that there are too many things."

Hades' casual voice sounded at the door. The Hades were all members of the Hades. Hades had fully understood this in the process of dealing with Samuel, the archbishop of the Hades.

He saw Mortarion and Magnus, and Hades smiled. He walked over quickly. There was no need for the original body to come. This was just an opening ceremony, and the subsequent screening was the highlight.

Sethia heard footsteps sounding from far away, but as they approached their location, the footsteps slowed down, and then she heard a very low question, coming from Hades.

"...Soulless Ogryn?"

"Boss Pluto," Quehun'er said, "You missed the point."

Magnus coughed on his end.

Standing behind the Pale Lord, Karas, who was smiling but not smiling, saw a faint look of death floating on Mortarion's body.

Karas was glad that Mortarion felt the same way.

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