Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 633 81 A Day in the Life of Hades

Chapter 633 81. A day in the life of Hades

Hades woke up from his desk one day. When he opened his eyes, half of his mind was thinking about the desserts at last night's dinner. He was already thinking about which ones would become his new favorites in the office, and the other half of his mind began to plan for today. itinerary.

When his hands reached the soft crust of the first plate of breakfast, Hades had already decided on today's itinerary.

In the first set, Hades quickly reviewed the documents distributed during his break. The message on the command board was always 999+.

Hades handed the plate with some pastry residue to the servitor who came to clean it up, and then began to inform the various institutions he was going to go to today with the help of the Nirvana system.

During the second plate, steam was rising from the thin crust of the buns. The first visitor of the day walked in under the early morning light. It was Blake who came to make a routine report on the situation of the son of Hades.

This job was originally supposed to be given to Buzz, but Buz was captured by the Ultramarines to do the job, so Black did it for him.

After the report, Hades gave two buns to Blake, who had not eaten breakfast (or had not yet fallen asleep). Black took the buns in his mouth and left, leaving the son of Hades behind.

In the fourth set, Kirkland, whose robes smelled of motor oil, hurried in. Hades quickly stopped Kirkland's salute. This Kirkland clone had just returned from the dock on Jupiter.

First, there was a routine rainbow fart. After many attempts to persuade him to no avail, Hades had given up correcting Kirkland's behavior. After praising him, Kirkland reported to Hades that the empire's current ship assembly line had been updated using Jupiter as a model.

It went well. Hades chatted a few more words with Kirkland about Jin. Kirkland seemed to be victorious about Jin's voluntary departure.

Before Kirkland left, he gave Hades the snacks he collected from Jupiter and tasted them. They tasted okay.

Hades felt a little thirsty, and he skillfully took out a bottle of wine, Old Barbarus, from the third drawer under the desk.

With this smell, Hades quickly finished approving the current documents and eliminated the remaining snacks. At this time, the sun was still on the other side of Terra, and the night was dark. Hades stood up and prepared to work.

Hades first went to look at Mortarion's coffin in the palace. The coffin was very quiet. Hades knocked three times and dipped the outside of the coffin again with black domain.

The original body ignored him, maybe he was still resting, or maybe he was gone. Hades was used to it and left directly.

Normally, he would meet Malcador at this time, but Malcador went out to open up the Eldar, so Hades failed to meet the magic pattern.

So Hades went to the Terra Underground Palace. He glanced at Old Huangtou. The Lord of Humanity was still on the high steps. When he saw him coming, he only opened his eyes slightly.

"Yo! Old Huangtou!"

Hades said hello and showed how flexible his legs and feet were, "It's okay, I'm leaving first!"

After leaving the palace, the shuttle was already waiting at the platform near the palace. Usually Hades would go to α3 Alina at this time. Oil guys usually have a chaotic schedule and don't care about sleep, so Hades likes to go there late at night or early in the morning. Talk to the oil guys about the job.

But because Hades met with α3 Alina and Jin in advance yesterday to discuss the matter of Jin, there was no need for him to go to the female sage today.

Hades took the lead to go to the Hades Cathedral.

The shuttle stopped at the airport far away from the cathedral. Hades walked out and entered the cathedral in a familiar way. It was still early in the morning and the hour hand pointed to two o'clock.

Hades entered from the side door. Sleeping people were lying on the benches of the cathedral. Beside the corners, some people were still awake. They were praying seriously towards the sculptures in the church, or two or three people gathered together. Talk quietly.

During the Hades Gathering Month, in addition to those invited, other believers or followers of the Hades can also take the initiative to make pilgrimages to Terra. In theory, the Hades will provide food and accommodation for these people - in fact, the archbishop happily wholesaled hundreds of thousands of Then I started stuffing quilts into various corners that I could manage.

Hades originally wanted to ask the Archbishop if he needed to prepare in advance... instead of letting people sleep scattered in churches, wilderness, and believers' homes.

But Samuel shook his head firmly and said that this is a specialty of Hades and has been like this for thousands of years. They should not destroy this custom.

Hades was greatly shocked, but after weighing the cost and safety, Hades finally chose to respect Hades' beliefs.

He came in very low-key, and Hades thought he knew a little bit about the art of stealth.

Even so, there were still people who were awake and saw Hades. Hades made a silent gesture, and they all fell silent in shock.

Maybe the darkness didn't allow them to tell whether this was Pluto or some other big thing, so they just whispered in the distance and did not come over.

The cathedral was very large, with halls one on top of another, one upon another. As Hades was walking, a big man approached him hesitantly.

Hades raised his hand back, signaling to the son of Hades who was following him to leave him alone.

"Boss Pluto," Quehun'er said hesitantly, "I want to pee."


Hades turned his head and saw that the priest specially sent by the Hades to look at the soulless Ogryn had fallen asleep on the bench, with his eyes black and blue.

All right……

Hades winked, "Follow me, big guy."

The lavatory is on the same road as the Archbishop's chambers.

Ogryn nodded obediently and followed Hades.

They walked past the rows of sculptures in the church. Those dark sculptures looked like rows of strange houses in the middle of the night. They existed silently, as if they knew that they had embarrassed Pluto that time at the opening ceremony. Ogrin said nothing. hair.


Hades looked up, and Ogryn murmured a thank you in a low voice. Then as if he thought of something, he grabbed a corner of Hades' cloak and spoke hesitantly,

"Boss Pluto, you won't want me, right?"

Hades raised his eyebrows, what did those believers teach this Ogryn?

"Why not?" Hades said patiently, "As long as you are a good Ogryn, kill enemies seriously, and defeat Chaos, I will need you, not just me, everyone will need you."

Oglin was silent for a few seconds, then nodded solemnly,

"Yeah, I can do it."

Ogryn loosened his cloak, lowered his head and muttered to himself as he entered the toilet. It seemed that he was seriously thinking about what he had just said, but his brain obviously did not have the capacity to continue completing other conversations.

Hades glanced at the seven Mingzi who were following him, and motioned for one of them to take Ogryn back later.

The Mingzi first used the palm-to-back style to group up, three versus four, and the remaining three rock-paper-scissors decided who the unlucky guy was.

So the unlucky guy stayed, and the rest continued to follow Hades to visit the Archbishop.

Since its establishment, perhaps because of the tragedy of the state church, the papacy of the Hades Church has been vacant, and only the archbishop has been left. The Hades Church provides accommodation, and the archbishop's dormitory is on the basement floor of the cathedral.

After passing through the many gates, Hades walked to the heavy black stone door and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong!"

When there was no response, Hades looked at his watch. It was two forty. The archbishop had slept for four hours, so he got up to work.


A painful scream came from the crack in the door. Hades remained silent and patiently and forgivingly penetrated the black area. A second later——


Hades took a small step back. The disheveled archbishop with a smile on his face poked his head out from the crack of the door. His clothes were pajamas with a cartoon three-headed dog pattern. Hades automatically ignored him.

"Lord Pluto, forgive me, please wait for one minute."

"No rush," Hades said, "I am more merciful, you have one minute and seven seconds."

The door was slammed shut. Hades was not annoyed. He skillfully took out the command board and corrected the documents. The Academy of Athens is a good thing. With the addition of Phaeos' ship template, the empire's ship system has received a major upgrade. .

Forty-nine seconds later, the Archbishop of Hades appeared in front of Hades with a look of resentment on his face. Hades put away the command board and smiled.

"Please work hard these days for the Hades sect gathering."

The archbishop scratched his bald head. Jin's feat of resignation had already spread widely, which made him very envious. However, he did not have the courage to resign. If he resigned, his enemies would chop him into pieces the moment he left office. .

"It's not hard."

The archbishop sighed and led Hades to the office hall. Pluto will stay in the cathedral all day. In the morning, he will observe the selection and sorting of soulless people, and in the afternoon, he will interview those cardinals who have passed the highest written examination. .

But before that, the archbishop had to ask the cafeteria to cook more food, and Pluto came.


"Well...so sleepy."

Soulless Sethia rubbed her eyes and stood up from the bench tiredly. The weak sunlight shone through the church window. She was exhausted from the whole day of physical training yesterday.

She bent down to put on her socks and shoes, and the smell of porridge floated into her nose. The food woke people up, and the people who were sleeping in the cathedral woke up one after another.

Sethia picked up her dagger and put it on her waist, and found Quehun'er without any effort. Seeing her, Ogryn happily said that he had seen Hades.

"Yeah, that's great." Sethia said perfunctorily. She knew that Oglin had confused dreams and reality. The Hades Cult opened a special passage for the new soulless people to prepare food, and barrels of porridge were placed in the hall. In the corridor, Sethia also saw bread, eggs and seven kinds of side dishes.

What shocked her was that the servitors were carrying buckets of empty buckets. At a glance, there were at least more than twenty buckets, but it was obvious that the meal had just started. Who was eating this?

"You lucky recruits!" shouted a male soulless man with a rough voice and a sinister face. Next to him stood another Sister of Silence who was not easy to mess with at first glance, with a stern look like an evil spirit. He glanced at them like a wolf, "Eat up! Today you have to participate in the actual combat selection! If you pass, you can go to the battlefield with a good gun and shoot others!"

"Twenty eggs, thank you."

Sethia told the servitor who was serving food that she did not want to work as a civilian or simply be a soulless tool on some important occasion. She wanted to go to the battlefield and eat more.


"Do you want light armor or heavy armor?"

The mechanical sage standing next to Sethia said. Sethia hesitated for a moment, "Heavy Armor, thank you."

The sage ignored her, and the red light on his face flashed. The conveyor belt above their heads immediately started to operate. Sethia looked up and saw countless armors of different sizes being transported on the ceiling. A suit of armor the size of her body dropped down. Come down.

"The heavy armor version of the Oath Armor," the sage introduced nonchalantly, taking out a thin layer of black tights attached to the silver-black armor.

"The template is the Sisters of Silence's Armor of Oath, but the Underworld Cult felt that depriving a person of his ability to speak was a little too unkind and also greatly reduced your work efficiency, so they revised it to the Armor of the Oath."

The sage motioned to Sethia to put on the tights, which still had a slot for the injection needle.

"You can simply understand it as an external version of the Space Marine's black carapace. The improvement is not that big, but it is not small either."

"At least you can shoot a headshot with nothing."

The sage lowered his head and hurriedly put on and arranged the armor for Sethia. Sethia saw that in each compartment, every soulless person was assisted by at least one sage. The ratio of sages was surprisingly high.

"Each soulless person can obtain his own exclusive armor after officially entering the Hades. After passing the test, come to me and I will design the armor according to your needs."

The sage said, pressing a certain button on Sethia's armor, and a certain sound of puffing sounded. Sethia felt that the armor on her body was lighter, and the discomfort of wearing heavy armor was alleviated.

"What weapon do you prefer? Which hand is your dominant hand?"

The sage asked, lowering his head to check the fit of the armor around the soulless man. Sethia was silent for a moment, "Shovel?"

The movement of the sage's hand stopped. He raised his head and looked at Sethia silently. The red light on his face seemed to be thinking.

"Handed hand."

The sage repeated, "Left hand." Sethia said quickly - a minute later, an axe-like shovel came from the transmission line on the ceiling, and Sethia hurriedly took it.

"You should be grateful that we now apply the modular production assembly line, and the patent comes from Miint," the sage said, "and praise the Nirvana system, otherwise you will not get your shovel today."

"Thank you for Nirvana, thank you for Nirvana."

Sethia quickly said that she didn't understand what nirvana was, but it was obviously a good thing and helped her.

"Here is the trigger." The sage stretched out his appendage and demonstrated the shovel to Sethia. "Tap it, and the shovel mouth can be fired. Here is the conversion button between single shot and continuous fire. This button is the boost button. Press it and the gunpowder will explode, giving the shovel a boost."

After the sage finished speaking, he stepped aside and motioned for Sethia to step onto the battlefield.

Sethia held the shovel in her hand that she was quite satisfied with, nodded to the sage to express her gratitude, and then stepped out. She had never felt so good. She even felt that she could fight ten Astra Militarum alone. Terra deserved it. It was Terra. She was shocked by the speed of configuration and the strength of the equipment here.

Quehun'er also walked out of the compartment. Ogryn chose the large shield as his weapon and was touching the helmet on his head uncomfortably.

"Hey! Quehun'er! I'm here!"

Sethia shouted, and they walked to the entrance of the playing field together, where the soulless people had already gathered here, in twos and threes.


The archbishop's voice sounded on the radio, "Let me see - your selection this time is to work together to kill the devil! Pluto is watching you! Wish you good luck!"


When the gate opened, everyone suddenly froze. The rancid smell unique to psychic energy wafted in. The temperature in the air suddenly dropped several degrees. Sethia even saw someone's legs trembling.

Cecia, who had just made her vow, suddenly felt less confident. She quietly watched Ogreen move his position. Quehun'er also looked scared, but Ogreen shouted,

"I am the one Pluto wants!" He rushed out with his shield.

Oglin was obviously the most powerful among them, so people rushed out in a hurry.

At the other end of the hall full of obstacles, the gray knight holding a heavy sword stood in front of the sealing altar and cut off the chain!

The angry roars of the three Khorne demons immediately echoed through the entire hall!

Sethia watched helplessly as some people knelt down.



Hades, who was leaning on his chair and pointing at the command board and batching documents, raised his eyes.

Directly below their high platform room, the three Khorne demons were roaring,

So weak? Hades was a little confused, and as if he felt Hades's gaze, the low roars of the demons suddenly stopped. One of the red demons turned his head and glanced behind him guiltily, and then ran towards him as if he was fleeing. Ran ahead.

The other two saw it running away and followed immediately.


Hades was silent.

"Please do not interfere in the game."

Samuel's voice sounded at the right time, "Lord Hades."


He just glanced at it.

Hades had no choice but to retract his gaze from the demon and look forward to the performance of the soulless ones.

Gunshots rang out and people roared.


Although Hades knew that these soulless people were collected from all over the empire and had not received any formal training at all.

But... Hades was silent. Is this a novice pecking each other?

He looked at people waving their weapons like sticks. It seemed like the one with the shovel was dealing MVP. Ogryn used his big shield to pin a demon in the corner, while the rest were busy dealing with the other ones. The two demons left Ogryn aside.

Then Ogryn and the Daemon of Khorne screamed with their eyes wide open.

Hades silently covered his eyes.

Fortunately, they also have a group of soulless people who are specially bred from the soulless people of the Order and have been trained since childhood.

"This year's Warriors performed well, much better than the previous ones."

Samuel's cheerful voice sounded, and Hades turned his head and saw the two soulless instructors also nodding in relief,

To a certain extent, the later education of the Hades Cult can train them into qualified warriors... which is also amazing.

Hades was silent, but Ogryn's scream still made him a little clammy.


die! ! !

Sethia pressed the shovel firmly against the neck of the last and largest demon, her eyes bulged and her whole body trembled.

Beside her were soulless people who had lost their fighting power.

They want to win! Can't fall! ! !

She didn’t want to go back to digging again!

The sharp claws of the Khorne demon grabbed her calf, and Sethia heard the sound of the calf bones shattering. Severe pain came through, but it gave her the strength to make the final blow.


The roar erupted, bang! Covered in blood, Sethia stood staggeringly on the corpse of the Khorne demon, with one eye exposed between the broken helmet. She turned her head, holding a shovel in one hand, and lifting the Khorne demon's head with the other.

They won! Won! ! !

With her blurred vision, she looked towards the room where Hades was. Sethia proudly raised the head of the Khorne demon,

“For Hades!!!”

The soulless people scattered around her feet also let out weak shouts. The bloody battle made each of them feel that they had received a true baptism.

"For Hades!!!"

Hades was stunned for a moment, then he laughed helplessly and clapped along with the Archbishop.

not bad.

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