Chapter 638 86. Should be chopped

Karas, who was squatting on the ground, rubbed the deactivated metal on the ground with his feet. The veteran looked up boredly at the waves in the distance of the maze.

Beside him, the original body Mortarion was standing upright, carefully observing the state of the void dragon.

Mortarion suddenly paused, and the original body looked back with some confusion. Karas at his feet realized the original body's confusion, but Karas's reaction was still to let himself go.


Karas didn't respond, and Mortarion slowly spoke,

[I feel... a premonition... coming. 】

Karas's reaction was to rub the liquid metal on the ground again with his toes.



Hades said quietly, remembering.

There is indeed a routine fight between Trazin and Ourrican in the original work. The battle took place on Serenade. Trazin was slightly better in the two-person combat match, but then found that he had been deceived by the Star God Deceiver. ——After that, Trazin and Ourrican joined forces in pairs, and finally contained the Deceiver who had fused at least three Star God fragments.

During the battle with the Deceiver, Ourrican was briefly promoted to a star god in an energy state. When the stars returned to their alignment, this excellent astrologer could absorb a large amount of energy and ascend to god status.

Of course, during that battle, the stars were in the wrong position, so Pokémon Master Trazyn contributed one of his own stashes - an Eldar Gem.


Hades frowned and looked at Trazin, why is this guy here? Where can I jump out to be a star god?

And... the Deceiver fragment that Trazin fed him before seemed to be the one he obtained on Serenade Star?

Trazin glanced at Hades, then directly looked away.

"I am also - I am also very confused about this. I am just an ordinary overlord who has his own hobbies."

Hades was silent. He stared at Trazin for a long time. Seeing that Hades was silent, Trazin picked up another piece of rare metal in the command room.

Because Hades' silence was too deafening, the Necron, who finally couldn't bear it anymore, coughed twice in an anthropomorphic manner.

"So," the Necron waved his hands irritably, "that's it, another one, another one!"

"You just asked me if I was thirsty for souls—could it be?"

Hearing Hades mention this, Trazin's picking up action finally stopped. The Necron was silent for a moment and spoke in a serious tone,

"Orican," it said, as if recalling a painful event, "The time Orican ascended to the gods - I am sure I saw the look of greed and contempt in its eyes."

"You don't understand. Although we dislike each other, the Ourrican I know would never look at me with that expression. I know this. That look is cold enough and greedy enough. That is... I know very well, That’s the Star God’s gaze.”

Hades was thoughtful, and Trazin took the opportunity to glance at Hades's eyes again - the figure king was convinced that Hades did not have any signs of danger.

"So...this is a normal phenomenon?"

Hades thought about it and spoke. In the original work, the moment Ourrican became the Star God, his way of thinking did indeed change greatly. In the original work, Ourrican clearly expressed his disgust for his own race of "Necrons" , and even understood the biological transformation ritual.

But if Ourrican had not ascended to the gods, his thoughts at the moment of his ascension would have been completely unacceptable to him.

Trazin fell silent and glanced at Hades again,

Here are two examples of how to determine whether this is normal.

"Since I am the only one who has witnessed you two," Trazin thought for a moment and continued, "I have a theory."

"tell me the story."

"The Star Gods are pure energy bodies," Trazin waved his hand, and a ball of energy appeared in his palm. "They release a large amount of energy every moment of their existence, so the Star Gods are extremely hungry for energy."

"So the C'tan feeds on the stars,"

Hades held his face, "Then what about the soul?"

Trazin was silent for a moment;

"The soul itself is a kind of energy."

it says,

"Or it could be some kind of carrier of high-energy energy."

The Necron looked at Hades. It looked at Hades with an expression of enlightenment on his face, as if he was enlightened.

"Haven't you thought about this before?"

Trazin wiped his face,

"The physical world has matter and energy. The boundaries and judgments between energy and matter are also very clear, but subspace is not very similar. You can understand it this way..."

Trazin thought for a moment;

"In the subspace, emotions and thoughts are the carriers of energy and the 'matter' of the subspace; the soul is some kind of creature composed of these 'matters'."

"Chaos itself is a gathering of huge amounts of energy, gathered together according to the laws of subspace - you can understand these laws as the four basic forces in the physical world."

"Psychics are beings that bridge two worlds. This is because the physical body and soul are combined. They can "mobilize" energy from the subspace and direct the release of energy through their will - the material in the subspace."

That's a lot, Trazin thought, but had no one really told the psychic Muggle this before? Are they humans so confident?

...Could it be that the empire thinks that Hades knows this inherently?

Or is it because humans haven’t figured this out yet? The words of those wizards and goddesses are really confusing.

Trazin was silent for a moment, and finally decided to change the subject.

"This is also why the Star Gods in the physical world are willing to absorb souls. The soul itself has energy," Trazin said, retracting the energy ball in his palm, "And... I don't know exactly, but judging from your reactions, there is a high probability that These souls still have different tastes, which are more popular with you than stars."

Hades was speechless, and he began to try to recall how he felt when he lost control. Hades was horrified to realize that he could indeed "taste" psychic energy from different sources.

"Then it comes back to the original problem. I need to take in a lot of energy to suppress the Star God's desire."

Trazin nodded,

"Your current state is equivalent to low power consumption. Once you enter the state of the Star God, under the condition of high power consumption, your instinct will drive you to actively forage for food, eat stars, or eat souls."

"The Necrontyr created devices specifically for the feeding of the C'tan - don't look at me like that, Hades."

Trazin interrupted abruptly,

"I don't have this kind of technology now. In fact, it is impossible for the Necrons to build this kind of device anymore, and the last embers have long been buried in the corner of history."

Hades thought for a while, and he dug out some key words in his vast memory,

"Breath of the Gods?"

He said uncertainly, and Trazin nodded.

"Use the torrent of energy from the past and future to create new stars - if out of control, the Breath of the Gods will completely destroy the galaxy."

Hades was silent for a moment. The Breath of the Gods in his memory was indeed like this. A mechanical sage was determined to use the Breath of the Gods to resurrect the Void Dragon under Mars. He forcibly bypassed the Necron's fool-proof button and activated it. device.

Then the Milky Way will be destroyed, and finally the sages find a way to destroy that star field and completely bury this device in the annihilated star field.

This world is always like this, Hades thought. He was operating here, and something might happen out of nowhere, and the galaxy would be completely ruined.

What's even more frustrating is that the probability of this happening is not low.

"That's not necessary. Stars are not everywhere."

Hades said that the Extinguishing of the Gods was built when the Necrons supported the Star Gods on a large scale, and now he is only a half-hearted Star God. In addition, the stars of the Empire are everywhere. Even if it is not good, there is still subspace. of you all.

"Are you really going to keep eating?"

Trazin suddenly came over again, "My suggestion is that you maintain this low-power state, and don't keep transforming for nothing, as it may hurt your body if you transform too much."

Hades scratched his head,

"I want to, but it's not like sometimes I need to beat up something - my good brother is going to fight Chaos recently, and I can't help out."

Trazin glanced at Hades with his bright green eyes,

"I think you want to fight."

The Figure King pointed this out sharply, and Hades laughed twice awkwardly.

"This is not... I have a good knife in my hand. If I don't stab something... I feel really bad."

"You just need to teach me how to eat stars, you figure king."

Trazin spread his hands and said, "How can I teach you this? I have only seen deceivers eating Star God fragments."

The figure king raised his hand and made a gesture as if he were eating meat.

"That's how it ate."

Hades imitated, "What?"

He asked, "I want to run up to the stars and scoop them out with my hands?"

Trazin spread his hands,

"I can't help you with anything else - you even touched the soil on my head, Hades, when will you repay the debt you owe?"

"And..." Trazin glanced out the porthole thoughtfully, "Mobilizing the deep code, what do you want to do?"

Hades glanced at Trazin and asked,

"What do you think I want to do?"


"Replace the management rights of the automatic machine soul?"

"Perhaps we can go further," Hades said truthfully. He was caught on the first practice and it seemed that he could not practice it rashly.

"Do you think we can go further?"

Hades asked slowly, "Perhaps we lack a guide."

Trazin's footsteps echoed in the room, and the Figure King fell silent, saying nothing for the first time.

The Necrontyr is gone.

Trazin felt sad. Reality and logic told it that its kin were already empty shells, but it still couldn't accept this. The aliens were commanding on a large scale...? shouldn't be like this.

But the visible prospects are tempting enough.

The Necrons were transformed by the C'tan, a cooperating being with knowledge of the C'tan, and Trazin believed that Hades could hand over enough bargaining chips to satisfy it...

It itself is still a prisoner beast. Both the Silent King and the Storm King are enough to destroy it. Even if it does not obey their orders, the Pharaohs are still capable of breaking it into pieces.

…Can it serve as the leader of the Necrontyr?

But it's still...blasphemous...ridiculous.

"I still need further confirmation."

Trazin suddenly spoke, "Before I agree to this, I want to confirm one thing and see someone again."

"Who do you want to see?"

Hades spread his hands.


Trazin said, decisively ignoring Hades's eyes that suddenly widened, "I once had a little encounter with him, and I hope he can repay his kindness."

It wanted to confirm one thing, and that was whether it was possible for the Necron to return to being Necrontyr.

Should it still hold on to its last hope for its brethren?

"Okay, but why didn't you find him before?"

Hades asked casually, starting to call for Mortarion.

Uh...the other party didn't respond.

Hades was not surprised, Mortarion often struck passively.

"I'm afraid of being chased and chopped by him," Trazin put his hand into his dimensional maze and dug around in it.

"Remember, if he attacks me later, you have to be responsible for stopping him, Hades - I am grateful to you."

Hades paused;

"It's okay, but later? It may not be possible. I can't contact him."

"Ha," Necron sneered, "You don't need to, I'll do it."

From its maze, Trazin pulled out a struggling little Death Guard. The little Death Guard struggled in Trazin's hands and let out a soft scream.


Trazin squeezed the small death guard,

"Hurry up and call me! Find your master Mortarion! Call!!!"

"What is this?!!!"

The next moment, Hades' high-decibel scream penetrated directly through the entire ship, far louder and more effective than the scream of the small Death Guard.


Karas raised his eyes and saw Mortarion looking like he wanted to kill everyone indiscriminately.

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