Chapter 648 96. Farce


Things got a little bad.

Conrad Coates thought, he was still carrying out this arrest - the blood vessels in his forehead were bulging, which indicated that something bad was going to happen, but he could not see anything in his bloodshot eyes. Find out what happens next.

Kittens cornered are noisy.

Conrad crawled on the ground in a beast-like posture, with golden tassels swaying beneath him. The corpses of the Haemonculi were scattered all around, and there were even one or two unlucky archons of the small conspiracy mixed in, and their witches were not even there. Lying beside them in disgrace, mutilated.

The narrow, hot and dark black tower is steaming with blood.

For the last time, Conrad thought, his soul tortured by the Emperor felt pain and irritation, it was time to put an end to this hunt that had lasted for thousands of years.

The original body's eyes were blurred after being hit hard by the lion. Leon opposite him raised his sword. The old knight was exiled into the reinforced concrete forest, looking extremely embarrassed.

But now, he can't escape.

Conrad has forced Leon Jonson into the interior of the tallest black tower in Commorragh - uniting various conspiracies and the Pseudo Hades. Facts have proved that he can still do something, but the efficiency is slightly lower.

He could feel the muscles all over his body vibrating with the buzzing of the Tower of Hades, and the feeling of being suppressed was uncomfortable. The power of the Tower of Hades in normal operation was exactly the critical value for the emperor's psychic contact with Conrad, and it would not interrupt his communication with Conrad. The connection with the original body is enough to suppress the lion's three-legged cat kung fu.

Sure enough, the lion opposite him gnashed its teeth, and in his blurred vision, Conrad heard yelling and cursing - this time he couldn't escape.

But why - why did he feel so uneasy?

This time, the prophecy didn't tell him.


Things are bad.

Fabius Bayer thought so.

The next action would become the worst experience in his life, and he felt his fingers trembling slightly——

But it may also be a sign of too much stimulant cocktail. He felt that some great being was looking directly at this place with naked desire.

Oh, mistress of desire.

Blessings, unimaginable, immeasurable blessings enveloped them. He felt that the data filling his eyes was replaced by some kind of distorted purple-pink. This made Bayer feel uncomfortable. He was not a true "believer".

But he is the most attractive among them.

So it had to be him.

Oh, and Eidolon and Lucius.

But he is still the one with the most appeal - Eidolon went to fool around with Abaddon, while Lucius disappeared in the vast galaxy.

Their long-lasting glory gone, the Emperor's Children were torn apart, following different paths of desire. They were told that their primarch was taking pleasure in the palace of Slaanesh, and that they were not allowed to enter.

But Bayer believes that their original body is dead, and the complete body has disappeared, leaving only the last remnant.

after all……

He tried to recall that day, that dark day, but his reason and soul trembled at the same time, preventing him from going any further. In front of the real gods or Satan, mortals have no right to recall.

And he clearly knew that he was committing suicide on this trip, even though he had never been so powerful and happy as he was today in the past ten thousand years.

With his distorted and super-sensory vision, Fabius saw the banshees slipping out of human corpses, the air filled with the rich scent of musk, and the number of troops in his eyes increased.

At the same time, Fabius Bayer was somewhat secretly glad to see Eidolon's warband ships outside the porthole. Their warships decorated with human skin were so eye-catching.

This subspace became crowded, and Fabius realized that the Queen of Joy seemed to have gathered all her troops. She crowded them together noisily, and personally poured the nectar leading to bliss for them, with delicate hands. One finger, pointing to His target.

Fabius blinked, and his bright purple eyes reflected the lower level of the Endurance - there, there was a crying lady.

He wants her.

Lady Joy raised her hand and personally forcibly opened a warm tunnel for His warriors.


Morag, the current head of the Death Guard Legion, blinked and put down the pen in his hand.

Now there are many talents in the Death Guard, and they also have more than 70,000 veterans who have returned from the Garden of Nurgle - so the new generation is not taken seriously, and his position as the leader of the army is also rather embarrassing.

Morag had nothing to say about this, but he missed his past as captain of the seventh company and freely jumped into gangs.

He rubbed his wrist, but he still felt something was wrong. As if to confirm his uneasiness, the next moment, the alarm sounded harshly!

Boom——! ! !

A huge muffled sound came along the bulkhead, and the room became tilted 66 degrees. Enemy attack! Or an enemy attack without warning!

On Death Guard territory? ? ! !

The next moment, the holographic projection in front of Morag lit up, and the legion commander saw the hundreds of warships that crashed into the lower deck of the Endurance, like small carnivorous fish piercing a whale.

And near the wound of the Endurance, more warships jumped out of the subspace! Launch an indiscriminate attack on the Death Guard warships.

Morag recognized that it was the army of Slaanesh. At the same moment, the anti-psychic system of the Endurance was automatically activated - but because there were still a large number of blessed troops of the Primarch on the Endurance, the anti-psychic system could not be turned on to maximum power.

Buzz -

The black stone circuit buried in the bulkhead of the Endurance was activated. The Slaanesh army, which had just crashed into the Endurance and had not had time to sing loudly, was immediately shrouded in a gray attitude. The weak demons closely related to the warp screamed and fell to the ground the next moment.

At the same time, the Hades ship anchored near the Endurance instantly accelerated and rushed towards the torn warp wound next to the Endurance -

The bright flames burst out, coming from the Martyr 745, which was specially used for self-destruction.

The warp rift forcibly torn by Chaos was instantly reduced by more than half, and countless Slaanesh warships that were still in the jump state were immediately broken by the shock between the warp and the real world, and they cried out.

But there are still countless large and small warp cracks bursting, and the pointer of the psychic tester hits the inner wall next to the highest value, and the psychic concentration is completely off the charts!

Morag immediately sent an attack signal to the Barbarus star field. At the same time, he immediately approved the deployment of the wandering soul knights on the ship.

The three joint columns with the soulless immediately rushed to the attack site - Morag recognized that it was the place where the Primarch imprisoned the heavy criminals.

They want to break the prison?

Now the Primarch and Hades went to Mint to kill the dragon, and Karas was on Barbarus.

Be sure to defend this place!

After a short silence, heavy footsteps sounded on the Endurance. Under the command of the legion commander, the forging master and the Hades priest adjusted the black stone system,

Buzz——! Buzz——! Buzz——!

Those guys who were ruined by the blessing of chaos vomited up and down in pain.

The elite 7th Company 5th Squadron of Death Guards, who had been trained with the Soulless for a long time, arrived at the battlefield first to support the Cerberus mortal troops here. The raging flames exploded on the deck, and the warbands of Slaanesh with distorted faces screamed.

The Soulless suppressed, the Death Guard harvested, and cut off the heads of these lunatics before they could react!

The special black stone bullets drew an arc in the air, and the roar of the Wandering Soul Knights in the distance was approaching rapidly. The Cerberus Casting Team and the technical sergeants followed the Death Guards who were advancing forward to repair the hull that was knocked open.

He hit the Death Guards? !

He hit the Death Guards!

They didn't even panic for a moment when they were attacked!

Fabius, who was still watching, sighed-but it turned into a scream in the carnival. There was nothing to say. Liquid surged out of the chemical hoses, and two tubes of liquid appeared in Bayer's hands.

At least the cannon fodder forward made him see the gap clearly.

"Good stuff--"

The drooling guy behind him muttered, and Eidolon took it and injected it into his veins skillfully. He shouted with satisfaction, thanking Slaanesh for the blessing that Bayer's eardrums had not yet broken.

"Destroy their Blackstone Passage,"

Fabius said, "I will hurry to summon the master after this-I need at least six seconds of space."

"No problem."

Eidolon laughed arrogantly, and the next moment, his figure became distorted in the chanting. Fabius watched all this carefully, while commanding their warships to attack the opposite side as much as possible.

The muzzles spewed out breath, and the Death Guard had no war cry. Only sickles and guns replaced their anger. On the huge open wound knocked open by the Slaanesh warship, the Wandering Soul Knight arrived on the battlefield.

The hot molten stream of amazing light burst into light,

Charge! Charge! Charge!

The Death Guard at the front line tacitly covered the Soulless and made room-with the loud praises of the fanatics of the Hades, the knights strode onto the battlefield.

Blood splattered on the black armor, directly tearing apart the Slaanesh army that was frantically boarding the ship. The chainsaw swords screamed violently, accompanied by an almost indiscriminate hot melt flow.

In the Slaanesh warband that boarded the ship, the Slaanesh believer wizards wearing human skin raised their staffs, the temperature dropped, and the space began to distort--

The message was clearly transmitted to the command room after the war. The seven forging masters, together with the Hades priests, raised the strength of the black stone again in the chanting!


The Slaanesh believers spurted blood from their mouths and fell to the ground, shaking-at the same time, some of the retreating Hades dogs collapsed to the ground, and were immediately helped to retreat by their comrades.

The gorgeous boarding torpedo exploded!

A burst of colorful flashes broke out on the dull Endurance, accompanied by screaming sound waves, the sonic boom was deafening, and the joints of the wandering knights who rushed to the front were cracked, and the knights shook.

In the huge sound, light and electricity——

"My great mistress of pleasure! If you really wish us——then give us a carnival!!!"

Eidolon shouted, and behind him, the noise warriors suddenly played the war song, the heavy armor boarded the ship, the psychedelic gas was sprayed, and 666 pairs of people who made peace died in ecstasy.

In a trance, everyone present saw the illusory giant hand sticking out from the corpses!

The next moment, the phantom disappeared, and the situation of the battle turned!

Countless corpses of Death Guards and Soulless fell, their muscles were still twitching, and among these over-stimulated corpses, the darling of Slaanesh slowly stood up——

Lucius the Undying!

The braids hung down wetly, and Lucius pulled out a twisted smile, and the twisted smile on his armor smiled with him.

Standing on the high ground of the pile of corpses, the ugly bald head stuck out his tongue and glanced around the battlefield arrogantly. He saw the Death Guard and the Soulless who had temporarily retreated, hiding behind temporary obstacles.

"They're all little guys."

Lucius sneered, jumped down from the pile of corpses without hesitation, and accurately shot the Soulless Man behind the protection of the Death Guard. The Noise Warrior behind him also began to sing,

Eidoron steadily commanded his warband to rush in. The knights of Slaanesh also took advantage of the opening of the warp to jump into the battle. Chainswords collided with chainswords, and the revelations of the Devine family swung. A whip of disaster.

The subspace begins to encroach on the physical world, and the light of the palace is refracted.


"Abnormal," the current head of the Death Guard's Think Tank and the High Priest of the Hades reported to Morag. "The intensity of Chaos' response to the believers is too high - this is almost unprecedented."

It was as if Slaanesh himself had arrived on the battlefield. This feedback was simply outrageous, completely beyond logic and reality.

"Can we continue to fight, what is the loss?"

Morag asked. They could not contact Death and Hades for the time being. The High Priest of Hades immediately answered,

"With the current reserves of Hades on the Endurance, the martyrdom attack is combined with the entire Blackstone system and can carry out at least three major killings."

Mass disinfecting - the killing weapon of the Hades Cult, which dispels all souls without distinction, regardless of friend or foe.

"No," Morag said immediately. The Endurance cannot be destroyed. There is something else on it - it will powerfully offset the attack of the Hades.

After returning from the Garden, the Endurance can't engage in too complete a soulless activity unless it wants to completely fall apart.

The original body's order was for him to disguise the Endurance as a normal Glory Queen, and not to let the Endurance reveal its true colors easily - in fact, the Endurance was no longer what it was before.

If it were a general Chaos invasion - even with the original body, the Death Guard's first line of defense would be enough to easily wipe them out.

"Retreat, retreat," Morag said, "-in their place, the young ones should stay away, and the soulless troops should also withdraw."

The head of the think tank nodded, and he ordered the tomb guards to take action - with the shaking of the lantern, the deepest part of the Endurance, where the white mist filled the air, revived the seniors who had been "resting" for the time being.

"What's up?"

Vox said calmly as he picked up his scythe.

He received a request from Morag, and Vox immediately judged that this was not a simple Chaos gang-it was even as intense as the one they fought at the time.

Vox shook his head,

"Got it, let's get to work," he said, "Morag," the familiar name of his old friend was a bit bitter in the veteran's mouth, "You choose a reliable company, and we will lead them."


"Nothing more than that! Nothing more than that!"

Lucius laughed. He enjoyed the beautiful sounds of these silent guys before they died. The Death Guard began to retreat. The Death Guard and the Hell Dogs took the rear, allowing the precious Soulless troops to retreat first.

Although some soulless people have collapsed due to bleeding from the seven orifices due to excessive spiritual energy density.

Slaanesh's army began to wreak havoc. They blasted away the black stone lines buried deep behind the bulkhead. After Lucius appeared, the Slaanesh believers immediately began to call. They cheered and called in the desire of the musk fans. The coming of the Lord.

The cautious Fabius also disembarked and logged in. He smashed a cocktail of potions on the ground, and his clone guards stood beside him, guarding him.

In the distance, Bayer saw the last of the Soulless Ones disappearing - and then the Death Guard began to throw some kind of smoke grenade weapon.

His heart tightened, he was more or less familiar with the way the Death Guard Soulless fought - but what was it?

Are the Death Guard going to use phosphorus fire and poison weapons?

But the poison resistance of Slaanesh's army is also high enough - they should know that this is a drop in the bucket.

"But that's it-!!!"

Lucius' sharp laughter sounded harshly again. He was almost slaughtering, with his long tongue sticking out. He stood on the pile of corpses and laughed loudly. In the background was the frantic noise of the Noise Warriors——


Lucius looked at the hole in his forehead in disbelief. The small hole accurately passed through the middle of his forehead, and then opened a wrist-sized hole at the back of his skull.

? !

Lucius fell slowly.

The Noise Warrior's guitar-playing hand shook, and a long, trembling sound rang out.


In the white mist, Vox, who took off his helmet, looked calmly at the Slaanesh army - but Fabius knew that he was looking at himself!

Vox lowered the modified gun that was still breathing hot air in his hand.

"Lucius," the old death guard said calmly, "Long time no see - what do you think bullying a junior is?"

Behind him, the fog suddenly thickened, and countless eyepieces flashed with white light.

"Come on, fight me."

Vox glanced at the garbage crawling out of the pile of corpses. Lucius was resurrected again.

"And you," he glanced at Eidolon again, "You come too, I'll fight two."

Vox thought he was being humble, but if it were Kalas, he would just scold all the Slaanesh troops present in a vicious manner, and beat him while doing so.

Now it is no longer a struggle between the subspace and the physical world for ownership, but a struggle between two different authorities in the subspace.

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