Chapter 656 104. Unexpected arrival

"So your shitty bosses are planning to completely retrofit the Endurance with Necron technology?"

Karas looked like a dead man. In fact, he always looked like this. They didn't have to worry about whether Typhon was really uncomfortable——

Anyway, he has been like this for ten thousand years and there is no problem.

Butz, who was opposite Karas, wanted to say something, but Karas interrupted him with a sigh.


Typhon said, giving up on himself and signing the logistics department and management handover department he was responsible for, and then raised his hands to surrender.

His right hand is still in plaster, but this does not affect his ability to approve official documents with his left hand.

"Tell them, especially your dad, that he's a sucker, and that's all I have to say about this program and him."

It’s really hard to deal with, Buzz thought. He already responded to everyone’s call on Terra, but on the Death Guard side, he was always overwhelmed by these old things——

But he really couldn't play with them, woefully.

The original body and Hades were probably afraid of Karas' indiscriminate attacks, so they sent him.

Buzz's civil servant smile.

"The Primarch himself approved of the project."

Buz said calmly,

"Then he's an idiot too."

Karas said,

"Okay, you can get out. Next, I want to announce to us new recruits who hate evil, are righteous, and unyielding. The Endurance, which they love so much that they would like to raise every floor tile for it, is going to be contaminated by alien technology."

"This is the technology of Hades' Ohm Messiah."

"I declare the Messiah of Ohm to be an alien."

This is the reward for living long enough. Butz smiles but doesn't smile at all. It's a miracle that such a bad old Den hasn't been beaten with a sack.

If he were the son of Pluto, the Pluto Chapter would definitely let him experience what justice means.

In fact, Buz Bella had experienced the enthusiasm of the Chapter, led by an agile battle brother, who greeted him enthusiastically with a high-fiber sack.

"I will tell them the truth."

Butz was business-like, and he decided to convince Black to do this chore next time, but that kid wasn't that easy to fool, so he had to find a way.

He quickly oiled the soles of his feet and left Karas's temporary office. The sunny weather of Barbarus shone through the large floor-to-ceiling windows and sprinkled on the feet of hurried passers-by. The Barbarus stronghold designed by the original body himself could be seen at a glance. The vast fields.

Butz couldn't help but slow down his pace, and took a few more glances at the flat surface outside the window. The corn seedlings were undulating, and the breeze carrying the fragrance of earth seemed to be caressing his cheeks.

The Death Guard's central stronghold on Barbarus does not conform to the stereotype of them from the outside world. In the eyes of the outside world, the Death Guard are always dim, closed, and stubborn.

In fact, they are indeed like this.

But this tall, gray and white stronghold with even a bit of post-modern art style is not the "ordinary" style of the Death Guard. Large bullet-proof viewing windows are used to get better lighting;

The first floor is completely open, with open interaction with the outside fields. On the most complete circular grassland on the first floor, there is the only statue here. It is not the original body, nor Pluto, nor the Death Guard. It looks like An image of a local auxiliary army. The sculpture kneels on one leg to kiss a handful of soil held in his hand. It also looks like he is burying his head in tears. He is carrying a standard military bag on his back and his leggings are tight.

The west side of the building is half-embedded into the largest Hades church on Barbarus, which is integrated with the old black stone obelisk. The sharp Gothic church is directly built with large pieces of black stone, without secondary coloring, pure Matt black.

But the people who come here most often are not the Death Guard sub-groups, but the nearby farmers and military academy students. The Hades Church provides people with free breakfast, dinner, and a place to stay.

What makes Buzz even more strange is that, except for the steep and rugged Hades church embedded on the west side, the shape of this gray-white building has no edges and corners. The original body used designs and arcs to transition those sharp points.

You can't even tell from the appearance that this is a military stronghold. There are no identifiable gun holes or radar matrices...

It's really, really un-Mortarion-like, but it's Mortarion's work.

Perhaps the original body placed some of his expectations for the future in such a building. Mortarion did not explain. Maybe someone once asked him why.

In short, it is really bright here. It is more than several times brighter than the dark corridor on the Endurance. It made Buz, who is used to Macragge's architectural style, shine.

Perhaps it is a little simple here, without the dazzling colors, the exquisite and gorgeous tapestries of his hometown, and the legionary epigrams inlaid in gold frames, but it makes people feel a certain harmonious beauty, as if this big guy came from Barbarus. He walked out of the earth on his own.

Buzz blinked. Mingzi had inherited Pluto's aesthetics. He thought this place was very good, but - obviously, Meishang did not support him in continuing to do reading comprehension.

He also arrived at his destination. Butz stopped in front of the door and knocked respectfully three times.


At the sound of Hades's voice, Buzz pushed the door in and saw Mortarion sitting in front of the original body's desk, Hades sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and eating fruit, walking around the room, and the tower that automatically picked up Racine.

There was also an obviously flattered Mient Forge Sage, the current forger master of the Death Guard, Seyouu, and Blake Butcher, who was sitting on the same couch as Hades, concentrating on dealing with the fruit in his hand.

"Hey, thank you for your hard work."

Seeing Buz come in, Hades picked up a fruit and threw it over. Buz caught it directly. He looked at the shadowy Mortarion behind the desk and decided not to eat it yet.

He walked over in a dignified manner and handed Karas' signed document to the original body. The original body didn't even look at it, nodded and signaled Buz to stay alone.

So Buz decisively chose the position behind Hades's sofa to stand.

After the small episode passed, everyone in the room resumed the previous topic.

【You can give it a try,】

The Primarch crossed his arms, [With a few numbers, I can buffer the crew. 】

"We will conduct preliminary experiments in the Barbarus star field first,"

Hades said, looking at Mortarion again,

"A few mean these magic circles don't need you to maintain them, and general think tanks can do it too?"

[Somewhat difficult, but not impossible. 】


Trazin chanted, and it reached out to touch an alien skull placed in the original body's office. As it moved, white mist poured out of the skull's eyes. Trazin retracted his hand knowingly,

"I'm still expecting you to solve the problem of the inertialess engine, Hades."

The Endless One said this, and Hades smiled awkwardly,

"There's nothing wrong with the technology itself,"

Hades said that the Necron's inertia-free engine can accelerate to the limit in a very short time to reach its fastest speed,

But the problem is that as an organic matter, the acceleration is too great, and the pressure will directly turn people into paste from the inside out.

This is not a problem of technology, but the limitations of the driver himself.

Currently, the cheapest and quickest way to protect the human body is...

Upper subspace!

"The human body is too fragile,"

Hades said, "So let our invincible Primarch live hard."

Another idea is a crewless ship - purely AI controlled. Hades has already submitted a project document to Terra. The semi-automated ship taken over by the Nirvana system is no match for Old Huangtou.

Trazin heard this and looked at Mortarion. At this time, the original body who hated the aliens no longer hated it, but accepted it happily.

[My domain can protect the life within it. 】

Mortarion picked up his pen and signed,

【Then it passes. 】

Trazin wanted to say something, but it thought of the management of the three small tomb worlds that Hades had just given him. Well, it actually had nothing to say.

Three months and three small tomb worlds. Recently, Hades also privately found Trazin and finalized the follow-up plan to protect cultural relics. The speed will be greatly accelerated after this.

Their idea is to use the undead troops they take over to automatically dig out "artifacts". The program is dead, but with the help of Trazin and Hades, the computing power of the automatic souls they take over will be higher than opposite.

Just like the Underworld Scarab, the number will explode exponentially.

So delicious.

The Endless One thought, strolling up to Hades.

Hades took the Forging Sage, the Forging Master, and Trazin to begin negotiating the division and details of the next project. This part belonged to Hades. The original body took a deep breath and continued to approve the next documents as expected.


The original body was actually approving documents while secretly observing the contest between Black and Butz. Is Hades such an active and informal space warrior? Obviously they should not be classified as a sub-group of the Death Guard.

"The three docks can operate at 80 power at any time," Hades checked the report. "Yes, the remaining frigates can be assigned to Graier and Adelai III."

Hades communicated with the two people in charge of casting for a while, and then met again at about three o'clock. The sage and the forging master left first. Trazin dawdled for a while, and in the end the protective paint on his fingertips was almost completely corroded by the white mist. Clean, the Endless One had no choice but to reluctantly find an excuse and leave directly.

The original body, Hades and the two Hades were left in the room. Hades was still immersed in the mobilization of materials for the construction of the Endurance. The original body had begun to blatantly watch the exchange of glances between Black and Buzz.

This is a magical experience. Mortarion may have understood the way people looked at him and the Death Guard. They were similar but completely different individuals. He should have had a good chat with Forge Sage Jin.

The channel lit up and the Primarch slowly picked up the communication.

The sound rang several times,

【……approve. 】

Mortarion said, then hung up the communication.

The original body watched quietly as Hades was immersed in the world of calculations (he did not want to continue batching files). After a while, Mortarion spoke,

【There is a visitor. 】


Hades asked casually, it can't be Malcador, right? Malcador is now weak, and his old body cannot withstand any ups and downs, so Malcador will probably not take the initiative to join Hades.

On Terra, with the help of the Custodes, the Imperial Fists began to gather troops to deal with the possible Eldar invasion.

Hades doesn't need to worry about this part for the time being. Judging from the situation, the fastest way to increase combat effectiveness now is to restore the Death Guard side - after all, there is complete logistics for an entire star field.

In this regard, Hades was mainly responsible for importing Necron technology into the Academy of Athens.

【...The person you made a promise to. 】

Mortarion said, and at the same time as the question mark above Hades's head, there was another knock on the door.

Ah, this psychic power.

Hades thought, he lifted up from the pile of miscellaneous papers and saw the familiar Gray Knight.

Ahriman the Thousand Sons of yesteryear.


Hades was a little surprised, Gray Knight? What happened again?

"Good afternoon, gentlemen."

Ahriman, who had a white beard on his face, said with a serious face, like a real old wise man.

"Good afternoon, sit down wherever you want."

Hades said, Ahriman looked at him, and then looked at Mortarion a little embarrassed,

【Listen to him. 】

Mortarion said, but as Black watched, Ahriman carefully chose another empty couch.

Ahriman swallowed, trying his best to ignore the darkness that made his soul scream, curse, and writhe.

"Lord Hades, I heard that you have severely damaged Chaos. The Gray Knights hereby offer their loyalty and respect to you. I hope that your glory will envelope the Gray Knights."

Hades waved his hand,

"There's no need to talk nonsense, Qianzi - are you here to fight against the autumn wind? Or are there some thorns in the Star Torch Court and the Star Language Court that you can't deal with?"

"That's not what we have in mind," Ahriman hurriedly denied, although the words were like a knife cutting in his throat,

"Thank you also for the power you bestowed upon the Gray Knights."

But Hades actually gave the Gray Knights power. Ahriman had never seen his gang of guys so active. They were even more active than the skinning fanatics in the Court of Assassins who were keen to convict.

"Some of the psykers in the Star Torch Court and the Star Whisper Court did have abnormalities due to this commotion, but they are all within the normal range. The Gray Knights have been eliminated."

Hades knew that the psykers who accidentally "peeped" into the Storm Star Territory that day seemed a little crazy, and the Gray Knight quickly accepted the matter with full authority.

Hades's sources were the Assassin's Court and the Ultramarines civil servants of Terra, as well as the supply of goods from the Martian Sages and the information on the Athens Academy forum also confirmed this.

In short, Ahriman did not lie to Hades.

"I don't think you came this far just to report on the mission and congratulate me."

Hades sighed,

"What is it?"

Ahriman took a deep breath, and he remembered the words of the original body Magnus... In fact, this was indeed not very similar to the original body in his impression... This Magnus was a little indecisive.

It was Magnus who suggested that they come to Hades, but they stayed away from the Death Guard stronghold on the grounds that the Pale Lord's psychic powers were repelling him.

Magnus seemed a little worried and afraid of the Pale Lord, who was not easy to mess with at first sight.

Now, the Crimson King is wandering around in the fields near Barbarus' stronghold.

"We found a fragment of the original body, and we hope you can help us recover it."

Hades nodded, "Okay."

After a while, Hades thought that after breakfast and recovering the fragments of the original body, he could still catch up with lunch, which would not delay the construction of the army.


Ahriman paused.

"We observed that the fragment of the original body seemed to be fighting two Necron."

? ? ?

Hades was silent, and Hades was shocked.

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