Chapter 658 106.? ? ?

"Fighting with the psychic fragments of Magnus?"

Tarasim stared at Hades in confusion,

"No, it's not my clone."

"Then do you have any clues?"

Tarasim shook his head. In the foundry, they were standing next to the huge design drawing, and Trasim contributed the living metal.


Hades pondered for a moment,

"Since it's not you, then it must be some unknown Necrons, or it could be the Isolator, or the Necrons infected with the Skinner virus."

"Most of the space overlords who can fight against the fragments of the original body are very-crazy, they have lost too much personality, or lost very important memories."

Tarasim pointed to his head,

"But since you are going, then I think there is no need to remind you, remember to take me, I want to record."

Hades made an "OK" gesture.

The Necrons who can fight against the fragments of the original body... or two...Since it's not Trasim, who could it be?


After discussing the design of the Endurance, the agreed time came, and Hades returned to Mortarion's office again.

It seemed that the two Primarchs had communicated well, at least at first glance, this place did not look like it was destroyed by the storm.

Hades knocked on the door, and opened it after getting a positive answer.

He looked at the scene in the room with some surprise.

Karas Typhon had come at some point and was forcing Ahriman to drink, and the two veterans drank one cup after another with a slightly depressed look.

On the other side, the two Primarchs were in a bad state. Magnus flickered like a broken projection, and Mortarion simply turned into a white mist fountain.


Hades looked at Mortarion in disbelief, then at Magnus, and then turned his gaze to Karas, who seemed to be quite reliable.

Karas tutted and spoke without caring about the Primarch,

"They were discussing psychic issues and no one was convinced by the other, so they decided to try it on the spot to verify what they said, that's it."


"I remember we were going to capture the Magnus fragment today?"

"My Lord!"

Ahriman stood up suddenly - and then stumbled. Hades didn't dare to think how much Karas, the bad-hearted man, had fed the Thousand Sons.

"I'm sorry for our missed appointment. Maybe we can-"

Ahriman was pushed down by Karas who stood up slowly.

"Sit down and don't apologize to him."

Karas was about to say something harsh, but was Hades incompetent? Hades predicted Karas's behavior and shook the black domain at the same moment Karas was about to say something harsh.

Karas still looked ruthless, but his knees almost softened.

Now all the drunk and psychic people in the room were sober.

【Ah! 】

Magnus shouted intermittently,

【I can still fight! This is just a small mistake. The flow rate of psychic energy should be three degrees diagonal - give me another chance! 】

Hades looked around again. Well, the atmosphere was actually quite harmonious.

Perhaps he should give these psychic masters some space to be alone. After all, the people present were often disgusted by his black domain. Hades always had a weird idea that these people were holding a grievance meeting.

Don't ask him how he sensed it, because there is Karas here.

Mortarion seemed to be defeated by Magnus' wisdom. Hades could see the reluctance and resentment of the Primarch, probably on some psychic issues. The Pale Lord desperately realized that Magnus was right.

"Next time, remember to inform you in advance that I can't go here."

Hades waved his hand,

"I will be back in seven hours. If I can't come back, you can go to another clone of Trazyn to ask what's going on."

Before anyone in the room responded, a clear space section appeared in front of Hades. Hades had gradually mastered this way of moving, but it was still a little inaccurate.

Hades walked into the cross section as if turning a corner. Without a sound, the cross section closed, leaving behind the few people who had just been awakened by the Black Domain.


Hades went to collect Taraxin first, and then took Taraxin to teleport again.


"Stuart Q05 planet, is this here?"

The sound of the wind, the violent sound of the wind tore Hades' voice apart, and the red desert extended without limit until the end of the sight.

Hades narrowed his eyes and looked around. As far as he could see, he did not see other creatures.

"Let me see, don't rush to release your Black Domain."

Taraxin, who he was carrying, said, don't alarm the snake first.

"There are indeed strong biological fluctuations on this planet... Three o'clock clockwise, it's there."

"Okay," Hades began to hurry, "By the way, Trazyn, can you tell which two of your kind are these?"

Tarazyn fiddled with his scepter, as if he was adjusting something, and soon, the metal face of the Infinite became brilliant.

"Oh... I didn't expect it was these two."

Tarazyn said,

"You might have to be careful, Hades, it's the Storm King's men, Zandrek, who is famous for his Alzheimer's disease, and his guard Obiron."

Zandrek? !

Hades thought, this is also an old acquaintance, a very famous alien among the Necrons, a lazy immortal who jumps between madness and sobriety, and often comes up with golden sentences -

As if to verify what Hades thought, in the distance, a voice unique to the Necrons was heard. The voice was very small, but Hades heard it clearly.

"...My dear guard, this alien wise man has answered enough questions for you. The ship of Theseus itself is meaningless. I want to go back to eat fresh meat. The dessert provided by this friend is very good, but I am not keen on desserts-but anyway, thank you for your hospitality."

? ? ? ?

The information is wrong.

This was the first thought in Hades' mind, but just as he discovered the other side, the other side also discovered him.

Hades saw a library rising from the ground in the desert. The sunlight shone on the pyramid-like tilted blue glass of the library, like a dazzling pearl in the desert.

And in the library, the angry psychic energy was burning.

It looks like a fight is going to happen.

Hades accepted this fact smoothly. He didn't think that the Magnus fragments would be as "harmonious" as the first time he met them. Many Magnus fragments had fallen, and some had become completely violent. This is why the Grey Knights came to him.

Even though Magnus may seem easy to communicate with, Hades is not sure what the Primarch thinks of Nikea. If Magnus is full of hatred for this matter, then he needs to physically subdue him first.

"Tarasim, can you persuade your people later?"

Hades asked, putting Tarazin down. He was not in a hurry to condense the sickle to deal with the psychic Primarch... Hades only needed to prevent the opponent from running away.

Tarazin's face was a little strange,

"... I will try my best."

The Endless hesitated, and Hades frowned, as if he read what Tarazin had not said.

"Don't tell me," Hades said,

Still staring at the library, it can be seen that the Primarch made his hut very comfortable. There is a gurgling spring in front of the library building, and plants that rely on this water to survive.

If they don't come to disturb, perhaps this Primarch will live an extremely good life.

"You have a grudge against Zandrek - let me think, have you ever stolen something from him?"

"Just a little decoration,"

Tarasim hit back, but Hades had clearly seen the Infinite taking out its hypercube maze,

"It's not a big crime, but the main problem is that this guy is a loyal supporter of the Storm King, and a general who is still active on the front line under the Storm King."

"Even if Zandrek is old and confused, I don't think he will make a mistake in this matter."

"Do you need my help?"

Hades said, and Trasim nodded, "I have cut off the communication of this planet, but I still need your help. I didn't bring many troops this time."

"Don't use force first."

Hades said, "Let's talk first."

"You don't exude the aura of peace talks."

Tarasim joked that Hades was now full of murderous aura, and it was more like the instinctive reaction of a predator meeting its prey, perhaps he himself didn't realize it.

After saying this, Hades silently pulled his cloak, okay, now the murderous aura is less.

Hades walked over, while Trazyn was lying in ambush behind the nearest sand dune.

The door of the library was opened, and Hades saw a primarch with angry hair. This Magnus was bigger and more difficult to deal with than the one he had met before.

His single eye flashed with thousands of lights, and psychic energy danced on his red arms. The primarch had a stern face and stared at Hades who was walking slowly without saying a word. The crackling psychic lightning had already revealed his attitude.

"Magnus, the Red King, long time no see."

Hades said, opening his arms as a gesture of goodwill, indicating that his hands were empty and he was not carrying any weapons.

"Please forgive my presumptuous visit."

[You want to take me back? ]

Magnus raised his voice, and even though he felt a chill, he did not show weakness. The primarch raised his chin,

[I will not go back,]

He said word by word,

[I have no interest in this huge empire created by the Lord of Mankind, and I have no contribution. I only want to exercise my will freely and explore and collect knowledge. 】

【If you want to persuade me to go back - impossible, I can't go back. 】

"Well said,"

Before Hades could speak, the old general Zandrick walked out from behind Magnus and shouted, waving his fist,

"Your father is really not a competent guy, alien friend."

Behind the old general followed another tall Necron, who said nothing. Hades judged that it was its guard Obiron.

Things became magical, Hades thought.

"The Emperor is indeed a bastard - but Magnus, your position has been exposed."

Hades said calmly,

"If I don't come... the Chaos who has been watching you will also lower his eyes to you."


【Are you threatening me? 】

"I am just stating the facts."

Hades said,

"Red King, if you go back, I can guarantee that you will not have to work for the Empire after you return. You can do what you want, except not summoning Chaos. Your freedom is unlimited, and you can have a sum of resources to continue your scientific research."

Magnus, who is now in the Empire, is also supported by the Grey Knights, and the Empire has not allocated special funds.

The Primarch himself not only persuaded the Gray Knights to put down the butcher's sword, but also taught the Gray Knights. The Gray Knights were also well aware of the matter of taking power, and they all tacitly ignored their red-skinned good Primarch.

"Oh, a job with a good name, I like it!"

Zandrick spoke at an inappropriate time, and the old general seemed to think that everyone present could not see it, so he randomly found a chair outside and sat down.

Hades' eyes twitched, and he saw Obiron tugging on the old general's hand, as if trying to pull the old general away.


Magnus's expression became difficult to distinguish, and his figure doubled in size again. Hades faintly felt the breath of psychic energy under his feet.

Heiyu briefly explored, and Hades said he was not panic at all.

【That's nonsense. 】

Magnus said, with a firm expression on his face, as if he was determined to defend his freedom. Hades decided to give Magnus a few seconds to take action to gauge the strength of the fragment of the original.

Even if Hades had a trace of regret and guilt in his heart...he was about to destroy a primarch's beautiful hermit life.

But just like what he said, Hades guessed that the visit of the two Necrons broke the concealment circle that Magnus arranged here, so that the original body himself was exposed, even if the Gray Knight did not come , Tzeentch will also send people to arrive.

Tzeentch's men are not as kind as Hades.

What's more, it was Magnus who made the first move.

Hades stood there, his dark cloak flapping.

In an instant, the cloudless sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds! The electric snake breathed out like a giant python snaking.

Hades raised his eyebrows, the original body floated in the air, the lion-like hair on the temples flew, and the shining light exploded in the palm of his hand, as sharp as a volcano erupting! It was so miserable that thousands of people screamed!

Hades didn't move.

Magnus chanted the eternal spell, and the wisdom of the ancient power was easily controlled by the Red King. The curtains rustled and the vast ocean surged.

Huge psychic pressure exploded from the original body, and circles of runes appeared along the original body's feet.

The Necron Obiron who was watching suddenly took a step forward to protect his master, the old general. Guard Obiron's face was extremely ugly, but the old general behind him watched with interest, and even took out an empty weapon from nowhere. Savor the wine glass.

【I'll give you a chance, Hades,】

said Magnus, with a bright light in his single eye,

[I remember your trust in me in the past... But such small favors cannot stop me. I will give you a chance. You can choose to leave before anything happens. 】

He stared at Hades, vaguely feeling the dark void that suffocated him,

Hades sighed.

He may have compressed the black field too much. After all, he didn't want to alert the enemy before, or maybe Magnus' eyesight was not very good and he couldn't correctly judge his strength.

"bring it on."

Hades said lightly.

The next moment, lightning poured down from the sky like the Milky Way! It smashed down with a force that shook the sky and cracked the earth!

The majestic energy illuminates the surrounding areas like a permanent sun, and the sun in the distance loses all its brilliance at this moment.

The gravel burned and turned into molten liquid.

The Necrons were all shocked. The wine glass in Zandric's hand exploded with a bang, and silver scratches appeared on Obiron's body in front of it.


The dazzling light group still reflected a faint afterimage on the retina, and the surroundings still looked obscure. Between the gradually disappearing light group, Hades' figure slowly walked out.


"My turn!"

Hades shouted plainly, he didn't even have a decent weapon, he just shouted like that.

But the old general turned around and saw Magnus floating in the sky falling down after a shrill scream.

Hades walked over, and the molten glass ocean automatically turned solid under his feet. He walked up to Magnus and stretched out his hand to pull Magnus up, but the original body retreated while wailing.

"Ahem, sorry,"

Hades said, "Forfeit the power."


Hades said,

"Can we discuss your return to the empire in detail?"

Magnus stiffened, but nodded sharply.

"That's good."

Hades said, easy to solve——


Zandric suddenly shouted, and its guard Obiron was also shocked,

"I object!"

The old general shouted, raising his scepter and leaning on it like a crutch,

"Evil Star God! Die!!!"

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