Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 664 112 Neos did not give up

Chapter 664 112. Neos did not mess up

【Gray Knight's Chamber】

【I'm a little nervous,】

Magnus said,

[Or if we pause for seven minutes, Ahriman, can you call the Negative Psychic Ogryn over? 】

"My father, you know that he will greatly reduce the success rate of the ritual. We need the subspace to be active now, not silent."

【I know I know--】

Magnus drawled,

[But - I mean - if it fails, he can forcibly stop the ceremony at a key point. I have no way to confirm that this fusion is successful. Ahriman, what if the other fragment is the conspiracy of the Lord of Changes? manage? 】

"My father, Pluto and the Pale Lord have already checked. The other adult is not contaminated with the energy of chaos. The Gray Knight has also checked using secret techniques."

【The Pale Lord? 】

"My lord... Lord Mortarion's spiritual energy is repulsive to you, and his presence will also reduce the success rate."

Magnus looked confused. He stood up and walked around, muttering to himself the spell he was going to use next, and then sat back down suddenly, looking through books, his face pale.

[What do you think of the other "I", Ahriman? 】

Magnus asked,

"That's a different side of your soul,"

Ahriman replied truthfully,

“It makes you more complete and stronger.”

Magnus was mumbling something to himself again, Xu Xu thought about it.

[Give me a little more time to prepare,]

Magnus coughed;

[Let me meet him again. 】

Hades was too efficient. Magnus scolded the negative psychic Ogryn in his heart. The Emperor is above. From the time he found Hades to the time Hades brought back another fragment, three standard Terrans were connected. The day is not here.

And he obviously wasn't ready yet.

Once the two fragments meet, they will immediately begin to fuse, like two powerful magnets. He cannot directly greet the other party and sit down to talk about the differences in concepts between them.

Magnus means -

He himself is not the complete Primarch, and obviously everyone except him is expecting him to become "complete himself", but to be honest, is the original Magnus really good?

This fragment didn't think that his previous self was that good. He was an arrogant bastard. Magnus killed innocent people indiscriminately and experimented on weak psykers, often with the arrogance of a superior.

The Gray Knights who inherited the blood of Magnus also behaved like the arrogant Red King. Magnus repeatedly persuaded them to kill less, but to no avail.

Magnus began to hesitate, or maybe he was too kind and naive to adapt to this,

If his former teachings to the greenskins were revealed, the Primarch believed that his now submissive sons would immediately turn against him and kill him, hunting him down with the same fervor they had for killing psykers.

The original body felt a little sad for those polite greenskins. It was a very pleasant time, except that he had to be wary of Hades, who fell ill from time to time, and the Pluto cub who deliberately yandered with him.

Magnus disguised it all very well, trying to stay away from the negative psionic maniacs and maintain his dignity in front of his offspring.

Perhaps Mortarion, who had talked to him before, realized the truth for a moment. There was no other reason than that Magnus was simply anxious because he was about to meet another "Magnus".

Magnus focused on asking about Mortarion's memory and personality changes after liberating the essence of the warp - the answer given by the Pale Lord was not optimistic.

This Magnus does not think that he will take up a large part in the fusion of personalities. The fragment also carries its own personality and is a personality aspect of the original body. It may be closer to the real Magnus than him.

Magnus paused for a moment in his mind;

[I'm ready, bring him here. 】

He pretended to be dignified, but began to retreat in his heart.

However, there is no turning back when the bow is drawn.


【I feel a headache...】

Runes were written on the bloodstains all over the room, extending densely from the ceiling along the walls to the floor, until they reached the circle in the center of the room - Magnus was half-kneeling there, breathing heavily.

A subtle and soothing spiritual aroma floated from the incense burner. Except for Magnus, no one in the room spoke. The Gray Knight Grand Masters guarding the altar plate were exhausted and stood silently.

If the ritual failed and the original body rebelled, these Gray Knight Grand Masters would also be responsible for exiling him directly.

Everyone was nervously observing the red-skinned primarch. The moment the two primarchs met, the subspace fluctuated violently, and then there was a shining light.

No one could tell in detail what had just happened, but within the warp the light from the fragment of the Primarch's soul was as dazzling as the explosion of two stars colliding.


Magnus' voice trembled;

【I am me...I am not me? who I am? 】

He raised his hand dizzily and looked at his own hand,

[I helped a psychic, but was betrayed by him and imprisoned for a thousand years? No, I have traveled alone for thousands of years, enlightening fools, teaching everyone, but I was betrayed by a foreign race? 】

There was no wind, and the long hair of the original body was flying. Huge spiritual pressure appeared from under Magnus. Along with the unstable original body, the subspace sank down, and frost began to spread from the ceiling in an instant.

【I...betrayed? 】

In this situation, the Grey Knights standing beside the altar drew their swords without hesitation, and the room trembled even more violently.

[You... betrayed me too? ]

Magnus slowly raised his head, tears of blood in his eyes, reflecting the storm of Fenris that year.

[I didn't betray. ]

The red giant said, he slowly raised his hand, and psychic flashes gathered between his hands.

"No, they are just doing their job."

A plain and unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded in the room, interrupting the tense atmosphere. Everyone was startled and looked at the calm figure in the room.

Neos put his hands behind his back, looking normal.

"Long time no see, my fifteenth son, Magnus, I am glad to see you again."

The Lord of Mankind continued, regardless of whether it would destroy the altar, and went directly into the rune array.

"I understand your feelings. The warp will amplify the pain and negative emotions in your heart, but I think you can overcome it, Magnus."

The psychic Primarchs are often more emotional, which is given to them by the characteristics of the warp. They suddenly go crazy, suddenly recall the past, and suddenly self-destruct - this is the normal state of psychics.

Don't try to understand psychics who are going crazy, they don't have the beautiful ability of logic.

Not to mention the fragments of Magnus, who are already incomplete in personality. The self-logic of the fragments of Magnus may not be self-consistent, and the memory is also intermittent.

Soul fragments cannot make too complete reactions, they are more forgetful, which is good.

Magnus is just confused because of the violent fluctuations of the warp now, and it will be fine in a while.

Neos thought.

But since Mortarion entrusted him - then he came to see.

Neos lowered his eyes, thinking of the anger and sadness of the past.

He was not an emotional person. Neos was more insensitive than a normal human in all aspects. In the grand perspective of time and space, everything else was too insignificant.

He did not think that his ten thousand years on the Golden Throne was something worth telling about, and naturally he did not think that other things were worth praising.

Every minute and every second, there were people praying, some were unknown, some were earth-shaking, some were in pain, and some were numb.

The Lord of Mankind had seen too many joys and sorrows in the world. In the real suffering and noisy world, the pain of the Primarchs might not be ranked.

Moreover, he created them to shelter them from the wind and rain, to bear the suffering of the world, and to save the people - not to let them come to the world to enjoy themselves.

However... every bit of pain has its own weight, and Neos does not despise it, he just treats it equally.

But he was too busy to take care of himself.

The psychic light in the center of the altar shone on Neos' face, his black hair flying. Neos walked over, squatted beside Magnus, and supported himself with one hand.

Golden light burst out!

The altar that was originally shining with psychic light immediately lost its luster, and a violent storm arose. Neos looked calm and squatted beside the red-skinned giant.

The chaotic waves of the warp space immediately became stable, and the ceremony ended.

Neos stood up, but almost stumbled, but no one except himself noticed this.

The Emperor clapped his hands, his face still calm.

He knew why this ceremony almost failed. Mortarion's vigilance was correct. The larger fragment of Magnus was too humble, which made him unable to lead this ceremony well.

... A new point of failure.

Neos thought, if it was the heir he was familiar with, humble and inferior? No, Magnus would not be that kind of Primarch.

This is also an angle that others have not considered at all. Everyone thinks that Magnus is the original Red King.

But perhaps in the depths of Magnus' soul, there is still a part of him that thinks he is the Scarlet Sinner.

"You should rest."

Neos said that he did not expect Magnus to work. Any Primarch could be involved in government affairs, except Magnus.

Ten thousand years ago, the Usurper still holds a grudge. Magnus should not move rashly, otherwise he may involve the Usurper.

Just be unemployed. Obviously, no one has any objection to Magnus's arrangement.

"What you did at the beginning was enough,"

Neos said. He still felt a little weak. Now he is absolutely no match for Malcador - how long has he not felt this way?

"The Empire will not abuse meritorious officials - Magnus, I am proud of you."

Magnus still bowed his head deeply, and his red hair rose and fell with his breathing.

[I just tried to make up for my mistakes. ]

The Primarch said hoarsely,

[So... you recognize me, father? 】

The Lord of Mankind nodded,

"I regard you as my pride."

This sentence is sincere, but it may become a lie at some point, but now it is true.

Magnus smiled bitterly,

[But I am a coward now, I am not the "he" you said. 】

"You are,"

Nyos received,

"People will grow up, you just understand some things."

Magnus was silent again. Neos knew that he fell into a new round of self-realization. Perhaps Mortarion grew up in this way, and he was relieved for this.

But he still would not let Magnus take charge of official business.

Magnus suddenly smiled bitterly, his expression changed, like crying and laughing,

[So what should I do now, father? 】

"Have a good rest,"

Nyos said,

"Teach your children well and don't let tragedy happen again."

【I will,】

Magnus said solemnly, his chaotic mind gradually became clear at this moment... His father recognized him... The Lord of Mankind recognized -

Magnus shuddered violently;

【Why are you here? ! 】

The face of the Lord of Humanity dropped slightly, and with these words, all the praises he had prepared were scrapped.

But his tone remained the same.

"I wanted to assist you in completing the soul fusion, but I came a step too late."

[Thank you, father - but...]

Magnus' tone became hesitant, and Neos made a silent gesture.

"This is my incarnation, and I go out quietly to do things, don't tell anyone else - only you know that."

Only he knows? !

Magnus felt a surge of excitement, which proved that the Emperor trusted him and approved of him. The Primarch immediately nodded solemnly and swore that he would never tell anyone else.

【So...what are you going to do next? Do you need my help with the Gray Knights? 】

"No, you just need to teach your heirs."

said the Emperor, rising to leave;

"I can't stay long,"

He looked at Magnus, golden light igniting in his brown-black eyes.

"But I want to stress, well done, Magnus, I'm proud of you."

Neo paused for a moment, then repeated it earnestly,

"I'm proud of you, Magnus."

He was referring to Magnus' actions thousands of years ago. Magnus nodded, but inappropriately remembered the fact that he taught greenskins and aliens.

After saying this, Neos will definitely take back what he just said.

Magnus shuddered inwardly.


【Just now】

【I know what you are going to do. 】

The Pale Lord stared at Neos,

[The son of the first return...Half Moon...Horus, right? 】

Nios could not deny that he continued to skip the topic automatically and pretended not to hear.

[If you are really too busy,]

Mortarion gritted his teeth and said,

[Then go and bring the others back - I mean the ones who can come back and work right away, not your Luperkar. 】

"The lion is still in Comoros, he has his own plan; the phoenix and the bat are restrained by Malcador, the wolf and the eagle have been fighting, and the stubborn stone... are you going to wake him up now? My suggestion is no, he is dreaming now "

"The Sons of Vengeance and Raven are the dark swords that deal with the emperor. Unfortunately, only the Sons of Vengeance know the locations of the Archangels and Gladiators. Due to psychic powers, I cannot get close to them. The fire dragon is also fighting, and the believers are too seriously injured... … Gemini? Their star still shines in the realm of chaos – but I guess things won’t be as simple as the astrology suggests.”

Neos' face remained calm and his heart did not beat. He spread out his hands.

"I have been fighting, but it's a pity that you don't recognize me."

"The Heaven of Lust is about to return... You should prepare to fight, my fourteenth son, remember to bring Hades with you."

[What about the emperor? 】

Mortarion suddenly asked,

"Trust your brother,"

Nios said,

"He's already fallen once and I don't think he'll do it again."

"You must forgive them,"

The Lord of Mankind said,

"Mortarion, you made many mistakes back then, didn't you?"

"There is no one who never makes mistakes, and so do I."

Nios thought of his old friends. I wonder if they are okay now?

It's time for them to come back and see the empire, and stop by to work. He will not provide social security and medical insurance for any of them.

Neos thought in his mind that Pluto had built all of this very well, and Neos who applied the psychic nirvana system was even more of a genius.

[Except Hades. 】


"He missed it once. He should have descended on Macragge, not Barbarus."

said the Emperor, and managed to leave the scene before the Pale Lord became furious - Mortarion was trying to embarrass him, so of course he wanted to get back on his feet.

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