Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 668 116 He walks in a pool of blood

Chapter 668 116. He is walking in a pool of blood

(Warning: This chapter contains heavy language and descriptions of Slaanesh, please choose to watch carefully. If you feel uncomfortable, please exit by yourself)




The dark green and ferocious helmet boots gently stepped on the pool of blood, and the light blood rippled. Next to him, the pale and thin Eldar collapsed in pain and twisted, his body twisted, and his eyes full of despair.


The roars of ancient ferocious beasts were heard in the jungle of steel ruins, and the bodies of beasts collided and screamed.

A brilliant and weirdly brilliant purple bloomed above the head, and the stars that had been captured for energy were struggling in the crumbling sky in their dying moments.

It's all crazy here.

But... you have to be quiet.


The ripples disappeared quietly on the pool of blood.

The light footsteps of a feline beast stepped over the corpses on the ground, and a bit of cold light scratched the sword. Order and madness appeared in the same person. He was a beast wrapped in the skin of order.

he is……

An old face appeared in the shadow under the broken hood.

Leon Jonson.

This place is no longer suitable for human beings to survive. It is not suitable for any living creature to exist. Madness and lust soak into your bones until you fall into a dream of love and subversion.

He doesn't have to leave.

But it's time for someone to go.

Leon Jonson lowered his eyes, dodged into the alley, and changed his route again. A few minutes later, a group of large and ferocious Eldar appeared on the street. Their scalps were peeled off, their brains were exposed, and needles as big as their wrists were inserted into them. Inside.

The Spirit Race, belonging to the Lord of Desire, stepped forward in vain. They stepped forward to check, but did not smell a trace of alien scent. After lingering for more than ten minutes, they had to leave slowly.

The Lion King did not stop. The tip of his sword was not stained with blood. Blood was dangerous now.

What flowed in the bodies of these Eldar controlled by Slaanesh was no longer blood, but a mixture of cocktails of forbidden drugs, with an aura that made him intuitively feel dangerous. Leon realized that just one drop would allow Slaanesh to discover him.

He can't leave just yet.

Leon thought, he remembered the reprimand he had given Luther. Did he understand it at that time? But now he understands.

He hoped that Luther would be well. This was not what the Lion King had thought at the beginning. The first thought that his intuition gave him was always that he did not want to face the grave of his first heir——

The wild instinct was then interpreted rationally into his point of view.

Here, in this place full of madness and depravity, wildness will keep him alive, and humanity will tell him what he is insisting on.

The Lion King raised his hand, and a hint of forest haze appeared in his palm. He couldn't grasp them yet, but it was enough.

Dimly, he heard a raven's crow - and then fragments of the thing - the evil presence that lurked in Caliban's shadow.

His misjudgment at the time left most of Ouroboros in enemy hands, but Luthor was right and they managed to keep some of it.

The psychic energy forcibly restrained the small fragment. It was difficult for the Lion King to describe what it was. Any act of looking at it would make his eyes sting and inspire the darkest instincts in his heart.

Leon felt like he had stepped into the dark forest again, alone, facing the eyes hiding in the darkness, but the situation now was more dangerous, because a false god was bleeding here.


Leon Jonson blinked, swallowing the hallucination he had just had, and his instinct had already brought him to the 24th hiding place.

【it's me. 】

Leon said hoarsely, watching calmly as the heirs hiding behind the wall came out.

Some people have obvious Caliban characteristics and have completely completed the transformation experiment, while the origins of other people appear to be more complicated, and the degree of transformation is also different.

【gone. 】

Leon Jonson said that the shadow of the forest was shaking over his head again. It became darker and became more cold and dangerous.


A purple-eyed heir looked at him. His right arm had been brutally cut off, and there were remnants of insulting word tattoos on his face.

"When will you leave?"

【I do not go. 】

Leon said calmly, his facial expression prevented people from seeing his emotions and anger, and he started to set off again, his destination was a collapsed small network tunnel exit in Comoros——

He couldn't use his powers in a big way, for that would be discovered by Slaanesh, and if so, the lion would have to leave.

He can't leave now.

If you leave, you will no longer be able to easily return to Commorragh. The crazy Slaanesh has already turned this place into some kind of giant cocoon-like thing, hazy silver. Liquid and silk covered this place layer by layer, like a giant egg hatching some kind of god.

He still has his own mission here, and he can't leave.

Leon led his sons and warriors step by step. Since the arrival of Slaanesh, this place is no longer suitable for them to survive. Before that, these warriors were the best hunters of lions.

But now, here, in the changing world of Slaanesh, they needed to leave quickly.

Every step was perfectly timed, and the Primarch moved quickly and silently through the streets of the ruined city,

In order to avoid touching the ubiquitous psychic threads, his descendants stepped on his footprints every step of the way. This may be a very difficult thing for ordinary warriors, but the fallen angels did it very well, because The one who made the mistake has been eliminated.

A long and piercing scream came from the distance again, coming from Aisha.

【Don’t look back. 】

Leon reminded, and his warriors obeyed his teachings and continued to move forward, while the lion narrowed his eyes and glanced quickly sideways.

The brief purple phantom mist was blown away by the scream, revealing what was behind it.

He saw Elsa expanding to an unimaginable extent. This was unimaginable madness and blasphemy. Elsa had become extremely large, big enough to become some kind of landmark.

It was a...weird bloat.

But the most terrifying thing doesn’t stop there. The Eldar Mother Goddess has completely become a tool of Slaanesh. Her belly is bulging high, and her belly is as thin as a cicada’s wings. The original body can easily see the inside, which is densely packed with amniotic fluid suspended in it. Among the Eldar fetuses, some of them are deformed, making people tremble at the sight of them.

There was a genital-like tube detached from Elsa's mouth, and forbidden drugs and the soul residue seeping from Slaanesh's abdominal wound were gurgling out of it.

That - that is not the spirit race born normally.

Elsa was cursed by the empire. She will no longer give birth to souls for any Eldar. Every child she gives birth to will be stillborn. This is a curse from the enemy. The Pale Lord himself usurped the authority from the garden. Writing, reinforced by a mixed emperor of four colors.

But in the swollen belly, countless stiff fetuses twitched from time to time.

Slaanesh applied the Dark Eldar cloning technology to Elsa, turning her into a living cloning pod, and stuffed the Eldar dregs into the Eldar Mother Goddess in a desperate attempt to create new life.

At the same time, countless true sons of the Eldar were having sex in the bulging belly of the Mother Goddess. They were screaming in pain. There were even male Eldar beings with only one head left and their genitals connected to the spinal cord. They were choked by the crazy female Eldar. Entering the body, just because the females during copulation feel hungry, their flesh and blood are devoured and transformed into a more convenient form. At the same time, they are completely deprived of the right to have sex with their peers, and the abdomens of some plump males also begin to bulge. rise.


He wants new life.

He wants new souls.

It seems as if a huge mouth is licking in front of the reproductive tract of every real child, and the fragrance of the soul bred in it makes the weak god crazy, He wants the soul! He wants them!

Under the crazy god, a mixture of semen and blood gurgled out, and the wound on his abdomen began to fester, exuding a putrid odor that was unusual for the musk everywhere. However, this did not cause his abdomen to shrink. On the contrary, his abdomen also swelled. .

From time to time, a huge bulge of sharp resentment poked out from the inside of his abdomen, and something living creature was frantically destroying and eating away at his insides——

That's Death.

On the day the last Eldar dies, the day the last Eldar's soul is shattered, Death will kill Slaanesh once and for all, bringing an end to the Eldar's ten thousand years of revenge.

In the groggy sky, without a trace of breeze blowing, the faint sound of Xigaoqi's crazy laughter could be heard again.

Extreme madness and despair.

The Lion King turned back, and the flash of madness in his eyes was instantly replaced by cold rationality. It was no longer suitable to keep anyone here.

At least human beings cannot resist this situation.

He just wants to redeem his past mistakes...and complete his mission.

The original body has absolute reconnaissance capabilities, and the group quickly found a suburb far away from the main city. From time to time, there were beast-like crawling humanoids rummaging through the piles of corpses, but the lions ignored them.

A low fort came into view.

Lowering his head, the lion walked into the dilapidated fortress and found the operation room intuitively. In front of the operation desk, Leon stretched out his hand, frost spread under his hand armor, and buzzed - the sound of the instrument working again.

【time to go. 】

Leon said, leading his warriors into the underground chamber of the fortress, where there was a small entrance to the webway. He raised the partition and whistled.

A raven rested on his gauntlet.

[Let it lead the way for you. 】

said the Lion King, and the raven flapped its wings in understanding and landed on the warrior's shoulder armor.

Leon lowered his head calmly, his wrinkles adding to the weather and reducing his pressure. His descendants looked hesitant, but they may have already known that the lion had made up his mind.

"Lord Primarch,"

Still the same guy, the Caliban with purple eyes,

"You don't have to do that."

He said, “…we don’t resent you.”

【My heir,】

Leon said tiredly, was he really making amends? Or did his intuition tell him to do this? He didn't think about it and just followed his own nature.

[This is what has happened, I am doing what I have already done, and you are the result. 】

His heir wanted to say something else, but the lion released some appropriate pressure, which made them successfully shut up, and Leon felt relieved.

Finally, the warriors saluted and then stepped into the Webway.


Leon felt relieved that there were still three groups of people left that had not been sent out, and he was not sure whether the original heirs would continue to appear in Comoros.

He raised his hand, and the fragment of the Ouroboros reappeared. Leon felt it. There happened to be an anchor point recently, and he needed to place it there.

Time fluctuates more and more.

The lion held his breath and thought that he would be back there again, back to his hometown.

This time, he won't make a mistake.



"……do not be afraid."

Pluto said, the towering, cloud-like sharp dome cast a shadow, covering half of the giant's body, like the most luxurious black swan velvet in the world.

In the secret room of a small church, countless candles and incense were lit, mixed with the bones of soulless people and black stone powder soaked in the black realm.

Archbishop Samuel of Hades stood silently beside Pluto, assisting in Pluto's blessing ceremony.

In this expedition, important generals and their confidants must deal with anti-chaos.

The Emperor contracted some, mostly devout legionnaires or mortals, and Mortarion also contracted some, mostly people from the Storm Star Territory.

The rest, those who did not have firm beliefs in the state religion and firmly believed in Hades, were sent to Hades.

Of course, Hades is not picky about everything. If you want to obtain Pluto's blessing, you must have a strong enough will and be in good compatibility with Pluto's abilities.

Otherwise, before Hades has blessed them, these human souls will immediately become weak to the point of death due to the Black Realm.

Therefore, most of the people who come to Hades are secular people with firm will, but they unexpectedly meet the selection criteria of Hades... Hades thought he realized something.

At the hint of the soulless guard, Hades raised his eyes and saw the queue waiting for blessings, and even a few Kriegs appeared in the process.

...Krige should have been blessed by the Emperor, but there are several siege groups that will most likely need to go deep into the depths of the Webway. By then, the Emperor's blessing may not be useful, and Pluto will be needed.

Hades believes that it is too far-fetched to allow these unmodified humans to attack Commorragh, but both the Lord of Humanity and the Pale Lord think there is no problem. What's more, the legion's strength is not enough to attack a god. There are not even enough troops.

There is no way... Hades can only fill up the equipment slots for these people who are about to die.

Hope they like their new gear.

The blessings of the first batch of people within the Hades Sect have ended, the blessings of the second batch of soulless people and mechanical sages have also ended, and now it is the third batch. Most of the mortal generals and more than a hundred people have gone to the Internet to fight. The legion warriors in the deepest part of the Tao are mostly Dark Angels and Imperial Fists.

At this time, there will still be large-scale blessings and evil spirits, but it will not be as detailed as it is now.

Hades thought and looked at the next person calmly. He was a political commissar whose regiment was the Valhalla Ice Warriors.

A deep scar penetrated the old political commissar's face. Facing Pluto, whose face was as hollow as a void dragon, the tough guy just remained silent.

"You will be invincible."

Hades said,

"I bless you, and the counterfeit will regard you as its natural enemy."

Pluto stretched out his hand and paused over the black stone holy basin in front of him. Drops of liquid flowed out. It was less like bright red and more like metal or pure black. However, because the room was too dark, no one could tell what it was. what colour.

Blood dripped into the darkness.

Archbishop Samuel stood up in time. His bald head made Hades's eyes brighter. The archbishop had a straight face and lectured to the person being blessed.

Then, the Archbishop took out some kind of seal that was used for quick tattoos, and dipped the large and heavy seal in the blood basin. The blood seeped into it, and the political commissar knelt down on one knee, with his upper body naked.

"Praise be to Hades."

Samuel said, and at the same time he stamped towards the mortal's back, and the evil-proof mark pierced into the skin was revealed. The content on it was very simple - "HADES".

At first, Hades thought he was being forced to do some strange play, but in the end he succumbed to reality. His blood and his real name allowed him to sense the souls of these people and judge whether there was Chaos erosion at the first time.

Hades proposed a portable necklace for external use, but was rejected. This was obviously not safe enough.

So...that's it.

Hades said nothing.

He had watched Mortarion, Lord of Mankind. Malcador's blessing ceremony, in the end, Hades believed that his ceremony was the simplest, the most respectful, and the least embarrassing for him.

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