Chapter 674 122. Death

"Pluto's internal tabloid, let me interview you. How did you feel when you saw Pluto for the first time?"

"I don't know. I was... completely confused at that time."

John said that he blinked and stretched out his hands, as if he was trying his best to gesture with something, but he couldn't tell what it was like. He seemed to be briefly in some kind of shock again.

The woman next to the bishop's bed pushed up her glasses.

"Bishop, since you are the first one who has not faced him in advance - and you have not seen him in an easy-going state for the first time, I suggest you answer carefully. Your answer will be ignored by others who are waiting to meet Pluto. guy as a reference—so they don’t get too carried away when they meet him.”

John opened his mouth in surprise,

"Wait, does he know you are doing this?"

"Maybe he knows, maybe the matter isn't alarming enough for him to take it seriously - but whatever the case, say what you think, Bishop."

John swallowed, and his hands twitched unconsciously. He seemed to be back to that day, and he wanted to try to capture his mood at that moment.

Finally, he bit his chapped lips and said,

"That...I can't describe it know, he exists, he responds to us, he's there - you have to see it with your own eyes."

At that time, the black wind seemed to be whistling past his face.


There he is.

It's him, no, he will never admit his mistake.

Even the wind was silent.

The Pluto statue of Hades does not have a face, and the same goes for the Ohm Messiah worshiped within the Mechanicus. The image of Pluto is usually a burly human figure wearing a cloak, with a three-headed Hades under his knees——

Because of this, John once complained that the three-headed hound under the sculpture of Pluto may be more iconic than the sculpture of Pluto himself.

Now he takes back his previous joke.

John's whole body trembled, and his soul seemed to be exposed in front of the bottomless abyss, and the black eyes of the gods were staring at him.

The sun was still emitting hot and dazzling white light in the sky, but John felt that it was dark, too dark - in a daze, he thought that he was in hell and falling into the ground.

It was like some ancient giant walking past his head. The gods did not pay attention to him, but the shadow it cast covered the eternal sun.

But John could see again, clearly seeing what Hades looked like.

The space refracted strangely at Pluto's feet, and John realized that it might be the shattered space. Further up, darkness woven a cloak and hung down from his body.

He... Hades... was not looking at John now. On the contrary, his back was turned to the Cardinal. John could not see his face, but he clearly knew that he was expressionless at the moment.

Pluto is looking in the direction of the eastern front.

Immediately afterwards, John suddenly realized that everything was too quiet, only him and the boy beside him were breathing. He suppressed his eyes that were glued to the god and tried his best to move his eyes——

Time slowed down extremely slowly, and he saw the enemy plane that had just begun to fall.

The swarms of blade fighters became strange in John's field of vision. They lost their usual elegance and accuracy, and their noses shifted ugly downwards at a negligible angle.

He saw that the ankles of the Slaanesh horse on the street seemed to have lost their support, and traces of muscle texture appeared around its mouth, but it was no longer an expression of fanaticism, but was mixed with some kind of unspeakable fear.

But - the most important thing is that the Slaanesh horse is dead, its pupils have lost its luster, and it will never be able to look at its master again.

This made John realize one thing, that is - everything was over, and before this moment, the demons were dead forever.

After he realizes his death, time begins to flow normally again.


The first Eldar corpse fell to the ground.

Then the rain curtain played by the body falling opened, da da da da da da!

The corpses comically loosened their hands holding the swords and fell asleep embracing the law of gravity. During this time, lightning flashed and thunder rolled - the giant beasts smashed into the ground, making a deafening sound.

How silent the world was at that moment, how lively it is now. For the first time, John realized that death has a voice. They are noisy and chirping, using flesh and bones as drumsticks to beat on the earth to welcome the gods. 's arrival.

Continuous explosions sounded, and countless pieces of earth and rocks were knocked away, splashing on the soldiers standing there with their mouths wide open.

But compared to these corpses that showed a trace of horror before they reacted, his true believers were more relaxed. People's souls were trembling among the corpses on the ground. They didn't know, understand, or believe what happened. .

They could not believe that this disaster that lasted for three weeks and plowed the land ended so hastily, so absurdly, so simply——

Even if the enemy's corpse fell unresponsive at their feet, they could hardly imagine this.

The god didn't care about this, he looked at the warrior who called him.

On the eastern front that was defeated an hour and a half ago, on the blood-soaked earth, the warrior calling for Hades is there,

The Quiet Warrior, who was covered in stab wounds, lowered her head and knelt in front of the demon she had decapitated. She knelt on the soil soaked with the blood of her colleagues. She placed her hand on her chest and heart. A waterfall of blood that had dried up appeared in her hand. It is a black stone particle that Hades once covered with black domain.

The deaths of twenty-one soulless people and a single stone allowed Pluto to locate here.

……already dead.

Hades thought, a touch of sadness rose up, but was quickly calmed down by him.

Death is the most common presence, and there are more deaths around the Quiet Man than there are grains of wheat harvested on Barbarus.

He slowly lowered the concentration of the black field to allow those who were suppressed to move, while Hades stepped down from the sky step by step and walked to the Silent Soldier who summoned him.

Just when he started to act, the people who were still alive reacted.

The sages cheered almost to the point of shattering their own vocal instruments. They praised and shouted in the direction of Hades like crazy, but they couldn't control their desire to pounce on and rob the Eldar's magical technological creations. It was very funny for a while.

The warriors of the Dusk Retrograde were calmer. They began to pray in a low voice and silently recited the God Emperor's Prayer. Commander

John turned his head and saw that the civilians had tears in their eyes. Maybe they didn't know who was coming, but they saw the enemy soldiers who suddenly fell to the ground, heard the cheers of the Mechanicus, and the erosion on their bodies was slowly fading away——

Someone knelt directly on the ground and put his head on the ground.


John suddenly shouted,

"Don't kneel! He doesn't want you to kneel!"

He waved his arms in vain, but no one listened to him - Article 23 of the Code, when the crowd was excited, the Hades acted as needed, so John put down his confused thoughts and went to panic. Check out the boys -

John had never seen such a rapid recovery. He looked at the boy beside him and reached out tremblingly to touch the horns on the boy's head.


John looked at the fallen horn in shock. The boy seemed a little tired, but John suddenly held the boy's face and began to carefully check the child's health - finally John came to the conclusion that this was a sign of the second level of tiredness of the soul.

The bishop couldn't bear it any longer. He finally escaped from the huge shock. He fell directly backwards and sat on the ground, opening his mouth again and again.


He shouted, and the emotions suppressed by the black domain began to fight back. John cried, laughed, felt happy and scared.

"My Lord Pluto! - Pluto!!!"

he burst into tears.

Hades walked beside the Silent Warrior, closed her eyes for her, and then used liquid metal to lift up the remaining Silent Warrior's body from the tragic battlefield. He turned around and saw the Guardian who was late in reacting and running towards him. Soldiers.

He saw the mechanical mages flying at low altitude almost touching the ground, the Space Marines running quickly, and the Bishop being held in the arms of the Space Marines, with tears on his face and empty eyes.


Hades smiled bitterly, but seemed to notice something. He raised his head,

In the Milky Way, among the magnificent rivers of light, Hades felt a trace of malice. He was watching here.

Hades calmly covered his gaze with the black domain, ignoring the angry scream from the prince of darkness at the next moment.

He swore that the last death of this war would be from Slaanesh.




"He left directly? Hahahahaha!"

Facing Mortarion who was silent in the strategy room, Typhon laughed loudly without any intention of hiding his smile.

"Hopefully next time he won't just dump you across the galaxy again after making the ridiculous offer of letting you fly with him."

Mortarion remained silent, but the gradually falling room temperature made his attitude clear.

[If it relaxes you... then feel free to laugh, Karas. 】

Karas stopped laughing.

Mortarion felt relieved,

[Luthor is coming soon. He is now on board the Endurance. 】

"Luthor, Luther of the First Legion?"

Karas raised his voice, "So?"

[Do you think the First Legion Dark Angels will fully obey my orders during the war? 】


Typhon said decisively that the reputation of the Dark Angels of the First Legion is well known to everyone - they usually join a mission suddenly and then do their own thing in the middle of the mission, completely regardless of the life and death of friendly and enemy forces.

Sometimes, the Dark Angels won't even tell their allies who the leader of their First Legion is - leaving them to guess.

[I originally planned to invite the Ultramarines or the World Eaters, but the First Legion was the first to respond to me. 】

The primarch said calmly,

[I went to ask the Lord of Mankind, and he agreed to let the First Legion join this expedition. 】

"How was the previous handover?"

Karas asked suddenly.

"It went well," said the Primarch, "so well that I could tell they were putting on a show." 】


"So you asked me to come over?"

Mortarion spread his hands and said calmly,

[I think Luthor will tell me part of the truth, but never the whole truth. I think he will think that what he is hiding will not affect the entire war-but I will never allow it. 】

[The Death Army’s betrayal last time cost me enough. 】

"So what do you think I can get out of Luther?"

Karas sneered. From the moment the word "Luthor" came out, he knew why Mortarion called him over - in fact, Karas and Luthor had a good relationship.

【I believe you can succeed. 】

Mortarion said, and then looked at the door. The guards opened the door for the visitor, and Luther was standing there.

Karas marveled that Luther was old enough, so was he, Ahriman was too, and so was Karas——

Karas believes that those who serve as the Primarch's lieutenants age and tire quickly, and that this is the Primarch's problem.

Karas grinned, stood up and performed a beautiful knightly salute.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Karas said, watching Luther nod to him, and first went to salute the original body. With the original body's acquiescence, he turned around and returned the salute to Karas.

"Good day, everyone."

Luther said, sitting on the sofa next to Karas with a serious expression.

"I wish to discuss this expedition with you, my lord."

【Speaking. 】

Luther hesitated for a moment, then spoke,

"The Dark Angels will fully support your expedition, but we hope that you can let the First Legion also join the crusade against Comoros in the later stages of the expedition, instead of just placing us in external theaters."

[Before I answer yes, give me a reason, old knight. 】


Karas looked at Luther. Sometimes he really didn't understand why these Calibans liked to play with mystery so much. They never wanted to actively expose themselves too much.

There is no good in this, at least the Pale Lord hopes that they will all tell it without any concealment - if Luther does not take the initiative to speak, then Death will start from other aspects.

Still spoiled, Karas thought, there is no one who can talk as much as Hades, even though Karas hates Hades extremely,

But there is one good thing about the damn soulless Ogryn, that is, he never plays charades with them. Karas believes that this is another important proof that Hades has no brain, because his brain capacity is too small, so he does not say riddle.

"Our lord primarch is in Commorragh."

Luther finally spoke out. He watched Mortarion's reaction nervously, but the Pale Lord didn't react at all. He just said one word lightly,

【oh. 】

"We want to bring him back to the Legion. My lord, please understand the vision of the First Legion. The Legion is longing for the former Lord of the Forest."

[So why doesn’t he come out on his own? 】

Mortarion asked again,

[I think this brother of mine has hands and feet. Even if Comorone is extremely dangerous... I don't think he can trap a primarch. 】

There was another moment of silence before Karas decided to speak.

"My cousin,"

Typhon looked at Luther and said, Typhon was keenly aware of Luther's uneasiness and nervousness beneath the surface... And, guilt?

"You can just say it - any misunderstanding among us will lead to failure, a failure that neither you nor I can bear."

Luther fell silent again, and the old knight began to analyze the Pale Lord. The Emperor did not give them many instructions, so Luther had to act cautiously.

Will the Pale Lord hinder their mission? But Luther has been waiting for ten thousand years. He wants to redeem the mistakes he made in the past. He wants to find the Lion King. He just wants to see the face of his adopted son again.

But Luther didn't dare to say anything. It wasn't just him, there were other people and the original body behind him. He couldn't disrupt the situation because of his momentary gaffe.

In the end, all he could say was,

"There is a conflict between the First Legion and the Imperial Regent."

He vaguely reminded here that at this moment, Emperor Malcador's fleet was sailing on another channel and would join them on the battlefield of Comoros.


【Which empire is regent? 】

Mortarion asked. The primarch frowned and thought of Butz, the son of Hades. The little bastard was facing off against the First Legion?

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