Chapter 685 133. Missing Guilliman



God, God, God.

Malcador opened his eyes, and looked at Luther in front of him with a fake smile,

"Long time no see."

The old man smiled as usual.

"I won't be as shameless as you, Malcador the Magic Mark."

Luther said calmly, wrinkles crawling up his forehead, beard white,

"I often dream of the day you lied to me."

"That's in the past, isn't it?"

Malcador opened his hands, and the cloak fell on his arms. There was no carving, but the luster of the cloth was gorgeous.

"We are sitting together now, discussing matters concerning humans and the empire."

This is why he loves government affairs. Even if there is a blood feud, in the face of common interests, political systems have to smile and greet each other. Humans are extremely hypocritical creatures.

This is why Guilliman is not qualified, his red heart can't be hidden even with a mask.

Luther watched coldly, every muscle in his body clamoring for him to draw his sword and chop at this hypocritical guy, this bastard who should be tried and hanged.

The seeds planted by Malcador's words have permanently torn Caliban apart. The pain he brought is still hurting, the lion is still wandering, and the First Legion is voluntarily marginalized.

Even though Malcador is like a complete buffoon in front of the real Soul Eater, outside the court, the jesters are playing with the unsuspecting people at will.

"The First Legion will personally pull you off the throne and behead you, Emperor."

Luther whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear, and he looked at the playful smile in Malcador's eyes and deepened.

[Meeting, don't make a fuss. 】

A cloud of white mist quickly rose up in the room and quickly condensed into a solid body. The voice of the Pale Lord sounded in it. A larger gaze swept through the mist and looked at everyone, and then withdrew his gaze with satisfaction.

Except for Gregor, the commander of the Imperial Fists, who was still fighting against the forces of Slaanesh in Visser, all the forces participating in the expedition were present.

Admiral Udo, Lord of the Imperial Navy, Commander of the Astra Militarum, Kirkland, the representative of the Mechanicus Front, Luther, the representative of the Dark Angels of the First Legion, and Malcador, the Spellbinder.

The representative of the Death Guard was the Primarch Mortarion, and the representative of the Hades was Hades - he was still on the way.

Compared with the rest of the people at the table, the two mortal representatives chosen by Hades during the Terra coup were obviously a lot more cramped, but seeing that they still fulfilled their war missions conscientiously, Mortarion decided not to embarrass them.

Mortarion turned on the holographic projection to show everyone the ultimate goal of this war, which was also the reason why this battle had to be so mobilised, Commorra... Slaanesh.

This has been emphasized repeatedly before. The Primarch explained the goal of the third phase of the strategy again in a calm tone, and then announced the transfer order without asking for everyone's opinions.

The corps under the command of Astra Militarum Lord Commander Vero, which performed well in the war, will be temporarily managed and commanded by the Cult of Hades, and the Astra Militarum Lord Commander has no objection.

The remaining corps with poor performance will be arranged behind the front line to guard against possible mutinies in the rear and wait for transfer orders at any time.

The fleet under the command of the navy also waited in the rear with the corps - the position of the naval commander was very awkward, because the legion and the Mechanicus both had their own navy, and in front of the legion and the Mechanicus navy, which were either psychic or technological, the regular army of the empire seemed abrupt.

Fortunately, the two commanders did not have any dissatisfaction. The empire sent too many old guys in this battle, and they were obviously not qualified.

With the "Happy Valley of the God of Laughter" as the center, this star region has a total of six large webway entrances and exits that can reach Comoros within one day.

After discussing with Hades, Mortarion and Hades unanimously decided to blow up four webway entrances and exits, leaving only two.

The army led by Malcador (the private army of the Spellbinders) was directly allowed to attack Comoros from a large webway entrance and exit, and the Dark Angels were also deployed at the same webway entrance and exit.

If Malcador wanted to enter Comoros to share a share, he would not be able to station troops at the webway exit with his small number of troops, and the Dark Angels would help the Primarch complete the task of supervising Malcador.

Although Mortarion had some doubts about the ability of the Dark Angels, he could not let the Death Guard do everything in the case of a shortage of manpower.

The Primarch calmly glanced at the suppressed expressions on Luther and Malcador's faces. He was not interested in the twisted, winding, and trivial grievances between them. Mortarion turned his head and continued to explain.

The Mechanicus' army would then attack Comoros together with the Death Guard and the Cult of the Underworld's army. They would be the main force to behead Slaanesh this time.

The meeting was brief and depressing, which was in line with the style of the Lord of Clouds. Hades really skipped the entire strategic meeting.

After the meeting was adjourned, the two mortal commanders with little background ran away, leaving the old guys sitting in their seats with different expressions.

[Anything else? ]

The God of Death glanced at Luther, who stood up and left the table first, staring at Malcador before leaving.

Malcador smiled, and a sealed folder appeared in his hand at some point. He threw it to Mortarion, and the Primarch took it neatly, and then watched Malcador leave coldly.

As Malcador stood up, Kirkland also stood up, bowed to the Primarch apologetically, and then left the room.

Mortarion remained motionless, opened the folder with one hand, and saw a report letter about the Isaniad sector. A small local land officer reported that the Mechanicus was seriously disrupting the large-scale projects being carried out in the system. The daily routine of local people.

The original body remained calm and continued to scroll down. Then he saw various documents. In different star regions, the traffic of the Skitarii at the port gate increased by about 3.5%. The merchant ship was notified that the route was occupied and applied for tax reduction forms...

"what is this?"

Thirty seconds after the meeting ended, Hades arrived at the scene accurately.

Mortarion remained silent, and randomly pulled out a few documents and showed them to Hades. Hades opened them, glanced at them, and then raised his head, blinking awkwardly.

"It seems that Malcador's monitoring of edge galaxies is much tighter than we thought. I expected that he would find out, but I didn't expect there to be so much evidence."

[I look forward to the day when Nirvana completely replaces Malcador...]

Hades waved his hand,

"It cannot be replaced. Large-scale star regions and star regions where the Mechanicum is rooted are fine, but in other places, the implementation of Nirvana is greatly hindered. After all, it is ruled by humans."

Some Nirvana could not be advanced, but they were key star areas, so Hades sent the red pirate Huron to deal with it. Huron was very familiar with this kind of thing.

[Does he think this project is targeted at him? 】

The original body sneered and threw the last photo in the folder on the conference table. On it, the Mechanicus was using some kind of giant machinery to pull a planet. In the distance of the picture, there was a dim black star.

The technology from Faos, [Planet Pitcher], was first noticed by Hades on Terra.

They want to throw several planets filled with anti-psionic black stones into Commorragh to help Hades fight.

After all, as of now, the only ones that can store energy in the Hades Black Domain are the Black Stone and a small number of soulless people.

"It looks like he thinks it might be."

Hades picked up the photo, turned it over, and saw the file encoding listed by Malcador. This is the file encoding used by the Nirvana system and can be viewed by all officials.

In Hades's memory block-Nirvana-Government Backup, he found the encoding corresponding files listed by Malcador. The Mageweavers carefully smoothed the rough edges of their project, making it easier for the outside world to I can't see what these oil guys are doing.

"But now he suggests we use this engineering against Slaanesh."

Hades and Mortarion looked at each other, this was originally used to deal with Slaanesh... to deal with Malcador, and someone else.

"Do you think he found out?"

Hades was unclear.

Mortarion's expression seemed to be negative. The original body signaled Hades to fully open the black domain, and then took out a letter.

[Guilliman's. 】

Mortarion said, [I wish to speak to you about this matter as well. 】

Hades looked up in confusion, what's the matter? He didn't think that Mortarion would still be worried about Macragge from ten thousand years ago. Barbarus was more beautiful now, and the original Primarch was not the stubborn being who only focused on minutiae.


Hades responded and opened the letter. He saw the familiar font of Guilliman - Robert's font had become sharper and slimmer after thousands of years, but the overall layout looked more moderate and smooth.

[To the clouds:

Zhan Xinjia.

Things are going well here, but I spoke to Crow yesterday and we agreed that we needed to warn you, so please bear with me.

Maybe you have already noticed what I write next, or maybe the Lord of Humanity and the Red One have suggested it to you in advance, but no matter what, I still want to remind you.

If the plan goes well, you are about to face the overthrow of a god, but this is only the beginning. It will be more difficult to deal with the corpse of a god than to kill him. According to the laws of subspace, the torrent of concepts originally restrained by it will immediately disperse. , and it is very likely that a new entity will be found nearby.


Hades was silent for a moment,

"Sorry, Guilliman was discussing psychic powers and gods. I almost thought I was getting mad."

[He studied very hard after that. 】

Mortarion said calmly,

[I was also surprised at first. I discussed this with Magnus - Magnus was also surprised. He thought that not every brother had psychic flashes, especially Guilliman. 】

When talking about this on Barbarus, Magnus was almost ejected from the sofa, and the Red Primarch was almost heartbroken.

He had preached psychic powers to Guilliman countless times, but Guilliman always looked at him with polite eyes that he thought were well concealed, but in fact he looked at him like a fool.

Ten thousand years later, not only did Mortarion surpass Magnus in psychic attainments, but Guilliman was also close to surpassing Magnus.

[It seems we have underestimated him. 】

"My bad for stereotyping."

Hades said that even Mortarion had accepted psychic powers, and nothing was impossible now, so he continued to browse down.

Perhaps your plan is to let the underworld handle the scattered psychic energy and tolerate my offense, which is unrealistic.

On nights when the stars are clear, I often observe the subspace. I think the underworld can try to swallow one-third of the volume of chaos. If too much, the balance between the subspace and the physical world will be broken, and part of the empire's territory will be destroyed. The concentration difference is thrown into the subspace. I think this is not the picture you want to see.

"Maybe less than a third."

Hades briefly assessed it;

"One-fifth? Any more, and the spiritual power of faith used by the Lord of Mankind to suppress me will not be enough."

【No need to force it. 】

Mortarion said,

[If you can't eat it... then let someone else do it. This is what I want to discuss with you. You see first. 】

Hades nodded and continued to read.

So there will be a large part of the concept that carries the power, dispersed with the death of Chaos - what are you going to do about this, Death?

The word "death" is emphasized.

I suggest that the Underworld break up the fragmented concepts that can be broken up, let them return to the subspace turbulence, and wait for their independent reunification after tens of millions of years, while leaving the concepts that cannot be easily broken and shaken - the empire needs to It actively seeks carriers.

Rather than letting them run rampant, it is better for us to hold the reins of concepts ourselves.

This is the inspiration you gave me, God of Death, you made me see another possibility.

In the years since I took off the crown, I have been trying to find the whereabouts of our brothers. What makes me sad and angry is that our brother Phoenix is ​​probably in the hands of the emperor.

There are also bats, which are also in the hands of the emperor. I don’t feel too sad about this, which may be a good thing for the bats.

The Phoenix is ​​the most closely aligned with this god among us, followed by the Falcon, me, the moon, and the fire dragon.

The moon and I both overlap with dominance and vanity, and the falcon and the fire dragon correspond to the extreme of desire—perhaps the wild wolf is among them, and there is no one among us who loves food more than him.

But now I'm mostly the only one who can show up in Comoros.

The remaining concepts are likely to actively attach themselves to the emperor, the god of death. This is the purpose of the emperor. Greedy people are like vultures, lingering beside the dying god. This is why you came to me.

I will resolve my grudges with the Emperor before that happens, but where will the rest of the concept go, Death?

Fulgrim and Curze are in Malcador's hands...

"That's a real problem."

Hades scratched his head,

"Is subspace so complicated?"

[Don’t worry, this matter has been resolved. Nirvana has recently been mobilizing a large amount of black stone reserves for spiritual energy storage. 】

"what does that mean?"

[Fainus intends to help Fulgrim store the lost power of Slaanesh in advance. 】


Mortarion watched as Hades's expression changed from confused to shocked.

"Wait Fenus??? When will Fenus come back?!"

Mortarion decided to lie quietly to cover up the fact that he had not told Hades about it immediately. He hoped that the Lord of Mankind had told Hades about it and not him.

【I thought you knew. 】

The original body said, [Your Nirvana system...]

The Emperor stuffed a Primarch inside.

Hades' pupils were shaking. He actually realized something was wrong when Mortarion said that Fenus was back. Then he learned the bad news. The miracle of physics he had worked so hard to create was still destroyed. Huang Pizi completely stole the house.

So is the current high computing power of Nirvana the credit of the circuits - or the credit of the original body? !

If it is the original body's work - is it necessary to create another Nirvana shell? ? ?

Taking a deep breath, taking a deep breath, Hades calmed down for a moment and calmed down. Although he had long known that Huang Pizi poured spiritual energy into it, he did not expect that his exquisite and painstaking Nirvana was directly stuffed with the soul of the original body.

"You'd better curse Huang Pizi to death now, Lao Mo."

Hades said, what else could he do? The engineer could only choose to forgive the bastard who ordered egg fried rice in the bar.

Mortarion was pleased to see Hades directing his anger at the right person, so he continued.

[After the Emperor is defeated, the Empire will ask him to hand over the remaining Primarchs. After that, we can ask Fulgrim to come - or let the Lord of Mankind come in person. 】

Hades nodded,

"Perhaps Malcador can also bear part of long as his spiritual energy is not messed up again?"

[I don't think my brothers will allow him to gain power again. 】

Hades thought for a while and sighed, "That's right."

"So what is Guilliman trying to warn you about?"

Hades raised the letter and continued reading,

That's not the only thing that makes me uneasy. "Death", I think you have already heard the legend of the Eldar. When the Eldar are completely destroyed, Death will kill Slaanesh and take the place of the youngest queen.

After much research, I believe that Slaanesh and Death are twin gods, one is resurrected and the other is sleeping. If you kill Slaanesh completely, then Death will definitely appear.

I'm not sure if you are ready for this, but I need to warn you, clouds, names have power, and your power coincides with that of the sleeping Eldar Death in some way.

When death resurrects, what will happen to you who is similar to His power? I don't have an answer to that, it's a question that can only be answered by you.

What's your answer?

No matter how you answer that question, Death, I will show up with my army then.

I wish you all the best.

——Son of Vengeance

Guilliman's tone became gentler and more restrained, which was in sharp contrast with the sharp font. The psychic knowledge in it made Hades think that he was talking to Magnus, but Magnus was absolutely It's impossible to be so humble.


Hades was silent. He raised his eyes again and read the letter again, word by word to the end. As Guilliman wrote, how to clean up the body of a god is no small problem.

He knew what Mortarion wanted to discuss with him.

"So what's your answer?"

Hades raised his head and looked at Mortarion, who had remained silent.

[What do you think my answer will be? 】

Hades brainstorms, Mortarion? The Pale Lord cannot be a power-hungry primarch—

Hades clearly knew that Mortarion once had an extreme pursuit of power, but after the suffering was over, Hades could no longer see much persistence in power in the original body.

Mortarion looked more like he wanted to leave all his responsibilities and the army and go back to Barbarus to stay quietly without doing anything at the next moment - like a butterfly staying on a branch, or maybe The mist lingering in the fields.

When you really reach the t0 level of combat power in this world, you realize that too much power is not a good thing.

"Take part and throw part away?"

Hades asked tentatively, but Mortarion smiled, wrinkles piling up at the corners of his eyes.

[An ambiguous answer—it reminds me that you often fooled me like this before. 】


Hades shouted,

"This is called a wise answer. You were always depressed at that time!"

【My fault? 】

Death sneered,

[I am often depressed now. There’s no one who can’t be pessimistic under such a workload—except for Guilliman, who I miss even though he made a lot of mistakes in the past. 】

"I miss Guilliman too."

The two looked at each other and reached a consensus that this empire could not live without Guilliman.

Ten thousand years later, they were both relieved.

No longer inferior to Guilliman or Macragge, the Primarch no longer bothered with the Macragge tapestry in his office.

The more Mortarion worked, the more he realized one thing, and that was why Hades wanted to win over Guilliman in the first place.

Although he had been terribly wrong in the direction of psychic powers before, this empire could live without Sanguinius, it could live without Angron, it could live without Leman Russ... but it could never lose Robert Guilliman.

He even began to suspect that the Macragge Tapestry would psionicly enhance the efficiency of government affairs-perhaps he should hang a tapestry from Macragge behind his office.

...No, forget it. Ten thousand years later, Mortarion thought that he was slow enough, but he was still not as shameless as Hades at first.

It’s better not to compete with Hades in this regard.

"So what do you want?"


【This is an opportunity. 】

[Kill the Eldar God of Death and let the concept of extermination he controls belong to me...the authority to destroy the race. 】


The primarch paused.

[There is another possibility, Hades, do you think the "god of death" in the prophecy could be me? 】

Hades looked stern.

"Replace the prophesied God of Death?"

[Yes, you go and crush Slaanesh’s twin brother Death, and I will take off the fragment of authority of the Eldar Death, kill Slaanesh, and complete the prophecy—under the condition of complying with the prophecy, the subspace will serve us to the maximum extent. Help. 】

They now need to be wary of Malcador first, followed by Slaanesh, and the God of Death who was born after the death of Slaanesh. Even with Hades and Mortarion, the wheel battle is still extremely detrimental to them.

And...will other Chaos look sideways here?

Mortarion turned his head and stared into the deep space. Nurgle... no, he will not come. As the "chess piece" he once loved deeply, Mortarion knew that Nurgle would not come.

So, what about the remaining two?

Lord of mankind...what are you doing again?

"But I have a question,"

Hades said,

"Where can I find the Eldar Death God so that I can kill him first?"


Oh, he seems to have forgotten this question too.

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