Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 688 136 First arrived in Comoros, let’s bomb it directly

Chapter 688 136. When you first arrive in Comoros, just blow it up

charge! charge! charge! ! !

The engine roared, and the Stormbird drew a beautiful arc in the webway. The explosion smoke exploded beside it, and the enemy ship fragments brushed against the fuselage and was left far behind.

At the end of the webway, the light shines brighter.

Alert, alert, alert! Raise! Raise! Raise! The pilot suddenly pulled up the height, the nose of the plane suddenly lifted up, and rushed into the sky. The auspicious device was screaming——


The wind howled.

The bright and brilliant light was like a gauze, sprinkled with the outstretched wings of the storm bird, and their vision suddenly opened up, and a whole world unfolded in front of their eyes.

This is a world that extends infinitely.

The giant ship is parked in the sky where the constant sun is rippling. The bright purple and bright yellow stars are blinking at the intruders. The tall towers are spiraling into the sky. The tops of the towers are shining with metallic luster. At their feet are the ruins of black and gray. Strips of naked flesh tangled in the ground, and the liquid beneath them reflected the giant eyes of the sky.

The giant alien guard machines were still operating normally. They slowly turned their cannons, excess energy concentrated on the tips, and aimed at the first intruder.

However, the high-flying bird did not care about the sniping attacks on the ground at this moment.

Everyone in the Storm Bird was stunned. Their eyes reflected the deep purple at the end of the far and vast horizon, the purple that only occupied the entire line of sight.

Corroded purple blood was squeezed out from their eyes, and the thick liquid slowly dripped out, whoosh, whoosh, and screams were coughed out of their throats.

Their hands were mutated, with only the black spot on their chests protecting their souls. Their bodies twitched and collapsed on the console. The correspondent used all his strength to hold the walkie-talkie.

"27661, arrived in Commorragh...Alpha plus psychic power...Don't move forward! Don't move forward..."

Buzz - boom! ! !

The right side of the wing was attacked, and a fiery explosion exploded. The metal shell covering the fuselage was peeled off by the impact, and scattered freely towards the left side. The Storm Bird bumped and fell into the ground.

The alarm flashed rapidly, and the cabin was already quiet. People were lying in a mess, and only contaminated blood was flowing out drop by drop.

The black stone necklaces on their chests remained silent, guarding the last front of their souls.

【Stop moving forward! 】

Mortarion said, he took a breath of exhaustion, and then gripped the giant scythe in his hand more firmly, his rag-like cloak unfolded, and the mist instantly confused everyone looking for the road ahead.

[Arrived in Comoros, let Hades go first - no one is allowed to move forward. 】

The huge army moving along the winding network road like blood vessels began to slowly stop,

In the main road, the God of Death stood at the front, flanked by a group of Titans who were waiting quietly. The oracles were spinning wildly, and the mist from the Lord of Clouds blocked their way forward.

In the capillaries, the people who were fighting in the middle of the battle were puzzled but determined to stop. The fanatic followers of the Hades Sect who had their eyes sewn together stepped forward and blocked the way forward together with the Mechanicus, using the ethereal black stone dust to isolate the pollution. .

"what happened?"

Meade asked, he was now covered in blood, they had just killed a lot of people in a node city.

"Shh, be quiet, wait."

Lena whispered that Mead had never seen the Hades so quiet. The engine of the hoverbike they were riding was idling and restless.

That little bit of light is right there, in front of the corpses of the Spirit clan all over the ground.

As if some kind of switch was turned on, the webway began to tremble faintly. All the members of the Hades lowered their heads and closed their eyes at the same time, muttering something in their mouths.

"He's coming."

Lena said,

"Don't look."

In the Comorone, a strong wind suddenly rose. The lion stood up and raised his head, with his hand on the sword on his waist, looking from the top of the tower.


The unfinished words were swallowed in his mouth, and the lion's pupils shrank sharply, reflecting the purest darkness.


The wrath of the dark beast covered the sky, and some indescribable darkness was roaring, struggling to pull itself from the Webway into Commorragh.


The webway trembled violently, and the underworld water squeezed and rushed out from it,

The unmanned giant fleet followed His footsteps and sailed out of the channel, safe and sound in the River Styx, the muzzles of the guns were turned - the Extermination Order was approved, the Extermination Order was approved! approve! approve! ! !

Looking at the skull, the scarlet in the eyes becomes brighter and brighter.

"Face me! Look at me—!"

Hades has never felt himself so clearly at this moment. This may be the first time that he takes the initiative to liberate his essence step by step. The shackles that the Lord of Mankind has placed on him slowly loosen, giving him complete freedom.

The light no longer restrains the black hole. Hades is working hard to extend his power outwards. The darkness is falling towards him, clinging to him and becoming him.

Within the energy-like mass of darkness, Pluto stood sharply in the space, his face as pale as a corpse, and the darkness in his eyes magnified to infinity.

"Face me...Slaanesh..."

Everything he had devoured in the past had made him successful, and he felt the joyful authority between his fingers, space, gravity, fear, machinery, death...

The dark mist from the Nightbringer surges along with the Nether Water, washing into the streets and lanes on the edge of Comoros, taking everything away in an instant.

Hades slowly took off the Burner's heart beating from his waist, and the hot heart beat vigorously in his palm.

"I give you a carnival."

He said, slowly letting go of his hand, and a little fire red fell into Hades' feet, just missing the dozens of extermination orders whizzing by at his feet.

The darkness advanced slowly but surely.

The Extinction Orders, which were transformed into self-aiming and correcting orbits, pierced out from the vast darkness, and the darkness finally blessed them with the absolute laws of physics.

Their tail flames are bright and dazzling, as fast as the fire spears thrown by Hades, flying high, and then crashing into the fortress far enough away in Commorragh.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A light group the size of half an asteroid exploded! ! ! Like dozens of rising suns, the air was burned out in an instant. The suddenly changed air density dragged down the alien ships parked in the air, and they were pressed down to the earth by the gas.

However, dozens of suns could not illuminate his pale face.

Hades lowered his eyes and heard the painful roar of Slaanesh in the distance, with the pain of tolerance and the ultimate pleasure of flesh and blood being torn apart,

He silently took off the green lightning wrapped in silver-white metal around his waist, and saw the fireball under him rapidly enlarging in his sight.

Hades teased the Burner a little, like the owner holding the reins of a running dog, and then he let go of the rope——

The fire dragon rushes out! ! !

The second batch of Extermination Orders screamed out together with the Burners! The trailing smoke draws arcs in the air!

It was almost the next moment that he broke through the restraint of darkness! The Burner tore open the gravitational field, the earth flames pierced out, and the alien defense towers scorched and twisted like grain and grass!

"I'll give you a chance to escape."

Pluto said casually, and the thunderbolt passed by his hand,

The Void Dragon soared, and the impact caused by the silver-white metal immediately overturned the tall towers in Commorragh. The green lightning flashed, painfully trying to stay away from Hades——

It doesn't matter where you go now! The important thing is to stay as far away from Pluto as possible! Stay away from the source of the greatest pain! ! !

The Void Dragon was galloping so fast that he didn't even dare to look back. He seemed to see the sad smile of Hades behind him.

Green and fiery red emerged from the dark realm one after another, and the energy giants rose up and rushed into the city, destroying the disorderly and chaotic buildings wantonly.

Hades took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and felt that the laws of physics were solid. Within the chaotic webway, the existence of the Star God fragments would solidify the laws of physics.

He looked towards Slaanesh in the distance, and once again, finally, he saw Him again.

The god who was addicted to desire was eventually addicted to the sea of ​​desire - he thought he could escape the repayment of his indulgence, but Pluto would tell him the price.

Step by step, after tasting the pain and bliss of Hades Water for the first time, the Prince of Darkness is like an addict, greedily moving towards the end.

He was calculated, but every step was taken by Himself. He was tempted by the ambiguous future and entered a more carnival hell, at any cost.

The completely black pupils could see the god who was already imprisoned in Commorragh. He was so huge that it was much bigger and swollen than the last time Hades saw him. His flesh and blood were stuck to the city in his lower body. , like a living city of flesh and blood.

He cannot escape.

The warp now completely anchors this false god, starting with the destruction of the Eldar Empire and ending with the chaotic and corrupt carnival in Commorragh, where Karma casts its gaze.

The first fall of the Eldar awakened Slaanesh, and the second will resurrect Death.

The closer we get to the complete destruction of the Eldar, the more intense the Death's activities become.

He knew where the Eldar God of Death was. Hades was silent, and the thunder thundered beside him. He saw Slaanesh's towering and bulging abdomen, the rotten fleshy belly, and the bright yellow-orange amniotic fluid as hot as a volcano about to erupt.

In the meantime, a thin black shadow was moving twitchingly, like an ancient creature resurrected in amber.

He stabbed Slaanesh in the belly with the sharp protrusions on his limbs, each movement causing Slaanesh unspeakable pain and pleasure, and now the god was indistinguishable from his hell-bound followers.

Concepts kidnapped him and forced him into the ultimate sensory feast. He began to be unable to think, or there was too much information for him to contemplate.

Death is his cause and effect.

And Hades? Hades is here to end this cause and effect.

He believed they could win - and even if they couldn't win, there would be a plan to run away.

He is here to kill gods!

Pluto can no longer suppress this power. He needs to release them, let reason follow instinct, let the all-devouring fanaticism overwhelm moderation, and let cruelty become the background. Only in this way can he fully utilize them - this innate talent .

Killing a god is not easy, and in the face of disordered madness, the temperate will never win.

Darker than darkness, more chaotic than disorder, more greedy than false gods.

He feels just right now.

Working overtime every day, his resentment was enough to feed a hundred evil sword fairies - this was Hades's last thought.

Pluto opened his hands, exerted slight force on his fingertips, and the electric dragon wrapped in flames danced on his arms, moving forward, moving forward! The building that was still running on the road in front of Him was struck by thunder in an instant! Instantly turned into blackened debris.

The black domain, which had to deform due to the narrow webway, rushed into Comoros like a dike bursting! Run forward!

The Order of Extermination whizzed past his feet again, and he felt the power of the Mechanicus faith stained on it, so wonderful,

Pluto raised his hand casually, and the extermination order that followed the established track immediately turned around and obeyed his will and fell into Commorragh.

A huge ball of light rose up, but it still couldn't illuminate the grin on Pluto's lips. He felt a delicious fear, as crystal clear as honey dripping on a muffin.

"Are you scared?"

Hades asked quietly, watching Slaanesh struggling hard. The flesh of the God Dimension was torn off, but the actual size was thicker than a building.

Did the Prince of Desire want to break free from the constraints of the meat nest and run to Him to dance a waltz with Him? Or was he just terrified and wanted to escape?

Slaanesh was both afraid and happy about Him, but He was just hungry.

The Warp slowed down His pace, but Hades was not too angry. There were too many surprises in the scenery along the way. He roughly searched for every soul hiding in the corner. The nature of the deceiver added some fun to this. Before giving them death - you have to give them pain first.

Breathing... Breathing... The gas mask sprayed white mist, and the amber eyes under the hood shrank for a moment, but still raised their eyes tenaciously again.

[Defend on the spot, the third and seventh companies of the Titans stepped out and prepared to march. ]

The Primarch said that they had to guard the exit of the webway to prevent the rout and escape, and at the same time support Hades when the opportunity arose.

On this battlefield, letting mortals go is to die - let those oil guys come.

At least after the firepower washes the ground seven times, the mortal troops can be allowed to enter.

[306 troops, get ready, it's time to contribute to your Om Messiah...]

The Primarch whispered, releasing the mist again. He let the ashes in the mist cling to himself, and his limbs became thinner and thinner. He must be ready. If Hades falls, the Lord of Shadows will be the next fuse.

If the plan goes well, he will also be the guarantee of a smooth retreat.

The Pale King also needs to go deep into Commorros. Mortarion handed over the supreme command to Karas Typhon and took a step forward in Karas's white eyes.

[Come, come, come. ]

The Primarch whispered, glancing at the other side far away, where he felt Malcador's psychic power.

The sight is far away, passing through the rolling subspace, across the endless void mixed with bright stars, and the industrial miracle as big as half a planet is roaring. It is designed like a slingshot, and a single use will scrap an entire star.


The sage stepped onto the bulge in front of the space station and waved the small red flag in the shape of an equilateral triangle in his hand.

"Coordinates confirmed! Prepare to release!"



Near the Happy Valley of the God of Laughter, the great sage roared, and the psychic who was imprisoned in the psychic circuit screamed, psychic transmission! The giant Titan flickered heavily in the flash of psychic energy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A figure as big as a small city suddenly appeared in the building complex of Comoros, and the towering church of the human empire was out of place among the twisted pavilions of Comoros.

"Ring the bell!!!"

The Skitarii roared, and ripples spread in front of the Emperor-class Titans. The void shield intercepted layer after layer of missiles, and fireworks exploded. Behind the smoke and dust, the muzzles were lit up due to heating.

The Titans followed their Ohm Messiah, running behind the darkness, exploding again and again.

The fleet that had been closely following Hades had already taken off, and the muzzles were miraculously cooled again before overheating each time. Hades was still merciful.

"Vorx, the first, fourth, and seventh companies, follow me."

Mortarion sighed, looking at the ground that had already been charred, and the shapes of the charred blocks could still be seen screaming in the middle.

They stepped into the north side of Comoros, which had been plowed by Hades.


Malcador looked sideways, and the First Legion, which he had left behind, was entangled with the wild and corrupted Eldar that emerged from the node city.

He waved his scepter, and the figure of the Lord of the Night appeared in front of Malcador.

+Bring back the Tuchucha Engine, at any cost. +

The Emperor gave his order coldly, and the gold ornaments on Curze's body shone brightly, burning the Primarch like shackles. This was a death order.

Ignoring the mocking sneer of the Night Lord, the golden flames ignited and teleported Conrad into the core area of ​​Commorra.

The Emperor fell silent, he raised his head, his eyes fixed on the center of Commorra, he needed to wait... until they were all exhausted.

Then he would steal the power of the gods.

The golden flames ignited, and Malcador's figure became blurred. He drew out the sword at his waist, and the alien-style sword was silently telling of misery.

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