Chapter 698 146. The Necrophobe


Hades said, staring unblinkingly at Faenus in front of him, who felt something special - a frantic alarm in his background.

For a moment, Faenus Manus even absurdly sensed a trace of murderous intent. This murderous intent definitely came from Hades, at the moment he saw the consecration center on the ship.

But the next moment, the killing intent dissipated, as if it had never existed.


Hades silently circled around the guy who could barely be called a chassis, which was piled with candles and gold ornaments in front of him. His eyebrows were squeezed into a knot, and he hesitated to speak.

“…very creative.”

Hades opened his mouth, and finally decided to leave some dignity to Neos in front of Feinus. After gaining access, he just checked the underlying code and called up the running calendar.

With just one glance, Hades knew——

He can not understand.

Hades will swear that he will never call this thing an instruction. This is simply a miracle of idealism.

It's like a laptop with a battery plugged in. You can't think it can run until it really does.

This is even weirder than when Neos detached a piece of the chip and then installed a piece of flesh or a piece of soul. The logic has been distorted, and Hades doesn't even think that these logic gates still operate according to their original rules.

But the weirdest thing is that Neos’ super revised Nirvana system is indeed continuing to run, with its computing power increasing by more than 200%, and it also has a big man in it.

Hades suspected that only Neos or Manus could figure out the working principle of this existence now, and even Mortarion, who had changed his psionic specialization, would not be able to figure it out.

[You don’t like your work being changed like this? 】

Fainus looked at Hades. As the core of Nirvana, he turned off his emotional deduction and there was no need to occupy unnecessary computing power.

But today, Faenus turned on some of the emotional simulations.

During the calculation and deduction, One and Zero told him that when facing Pluto, although he was 100% rational, he would get an excellent cooperative experience; but if he showed a little bit of true feelings, Hades would not interfere with other official duties. Under the premise, spend a little more thought.

Faenus hoped that Hades would be more considerate.

If it were just his own business, Fernus would never do such a waste of computing power, but this matter concerns his close friend Fulgrim. In the Nirvana file, Fernus already knows everything about Fulgrim after that. experience.

The Medusa man felt pain because of this. His best friend should not have to endure such a torment. Even the original body was small enough in front of the real huge wave——

Fulgrim didn't make too many mistakes.

"I was just admiring the new skin that the Lord of Mankind put on Nirvana - I can't understand the source code."

Hades spoke vaguely, and Huang Pizi would have already cursed loudly, but the original body may not have a good acceptance ability as the master of mankind, especially these serious original bodies, they are likely to take it seriously.

[I can explain it to you, but you need to have some psychic ability...perception. 】

Fernus said seriously, but he realized what he was talking about mid-sentence, and an awkward smile couldn't help but appear on his lips.

"It's okay, no need."

Hades waved his hand,

"I have just checked and killed them. At least there is no sign of Chaos contamination. The rest - just run away!"

md, Hades thought, isn't it just metaphysics? He admitted it.

When he was working as a bully on Earth, the computer room in his work unit had not been opened for thirty years, and the host he installed himself had never been dusted. The dust had already reached a symbiosis with the machine soul.

A good engineer should learn to ignore the dust on the equipment. As long as the program can run, everything will be fine.

"Remember to seal this place up, don't clean it unless necessary, and use more incense on weekdays."

Hades added another sentence, and Fernus nodded. It's like this. This kind of complex machinery is usually sealed and then never opened again. The Mechanicus has a variety of packaging options for this.

Today is also because I invited Pluto to come over and check out the branch nodes of Nirvana.


When Hades changed his voice, he remembered the black stone storage resonance matrix that he had just been asked to divide.

Another masterpiece of the Mechanicum in black stone technology, the process design is already perfect, and Hades doesn't think there is anything that needs improvement.

"Excuse me...are you doing this to help Fulgrim?"

Feinus was silent for a moment and nodded. For some reason, Hades always felt that this holographic projection was more emotional.

"So Fulgrim is here now?"

【I didn't find him. 】

Faenus told the truth;

[I originally locked onto the Emperor and waited for his fall - but the Lord of Humanity told me that at the moment of the Emperor's fall, Fulgrim took advantage of the Emperor's unstable state to actively cut off his connection with the Emperor. 】

Hades opened his eyes in surprise,

"In other words, Fulgrim himself successfully escaped the emperor's control?!"

Faenus nodded.

[He doesn't know that I'm looking for him - he's also taking the initiative to choose his own path, and I'm proud of it, but I hope he contacts the empire quickly. 】

As long as Fulgrim appears on the territory of the Empire, Fainus can guarantee that he will find Fulgrim's traces within thirteen seconds, and the roots of Nirvana are spread throughout the galaxy.

By inference, Fainus does not believe that Fulgrim's current state is in his prime, and he may even be weaker than his previous self.

In calculations, it was even unlikely that Fulgrim would cut off contact with the emperor himself, unless he resorted to other forces or paid a sufficient price.

Now that Malcador's condition is unstable, Fernus cannot wait for other news about Fulgrim, so he can only wait.

By the way, I asked Hades to help me while I was waiting.

Hades thought, he indeed had no news about Fulgrim. In fact, most of Hades' thoughts would be on existences that might threaten the empire. If an existence was judged by him to be of insufficient level, then Hades would Si will automatically delegate the priority.

Even if it is the original body, Hades will not pay more attention to it. Except for Mortarion and Guilliman, the original body without the support of the Grand Legion is unlikely to cause large-scale chaos——

Oh, there's also Fainus of the Nirvana system, and Magnus who can use psychic nuclear explosions.

The priority of other Primarchs is automatically lowered.

"Sorry, I have no other news about Fulgrim - but I think he will contact the Empire as soon as possible."

Feinus nodded. Their information was basically the same. In the face of reason and logic, most of the conclusions should be consistent.


Faenus was silent for a moment and decided to continue according to the logical calculation. He was deeply aware of the importance of Hades to the empire, although the original body had never asked anyone else for anything before.

If it were his own matter, Feinus would not plead, but this was not his matter alone.

[Please continue to pay attention to Fulgen, I will be grateful for it. 】

Hades glanced at him with a complicated tone,

"It doesn't have to be like this. It's just a piece of cake. I also intend to return the original body to the Empire. I think Fulgrim will be happy that he has a close friend like you."

Feinus shook his head,

[He may have forgotten a lot. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I'm not sure he will be the same person, but I will still continue to look for him. 】


【? ? ? 】

"Chaos - a Chaos fallen?!!!"

"???!!! Absurd in the extreme! No logic!!! Where is the technician among us?! Why is my vision of the universe blinded?!"

In the huge and silent tomb, the roar echoed over the entire kneeling army of the dead. The king's anger was like fire from heaven, making even the lowest and selfless soldiers tremble subconsciously.

The Guards of the Stellar Scythes quickly dragged a trembling figure through the queue. They dropped the unfortunate creature on the throne of the Silent King, with its head resting reverently on the earth.

"You dishonor the glory of those who fear death."

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and the fragments of the Star God imprisoned by the Underworld's casting behind the throne of Silent King Szarak were wailing in agony, adding a touch of vindictiveness to this bloodless king.

The crisp sound of metal collision sounded under his feet, and the Time Technician kowtowed to the ground desperately. In front of the silent army, the crisp sounds became smaller and smaller.

"Someone is interfering with the device!"

The Necron technician shivered and shouted,

"Following your order, we have been monitoring the Milky Way - but all the surveillance agencies of the dynasty have not noticed this! There is something that deliberately blocks our sight!"

Someone deliberately blocked the Necrontyr's sight...

The Silent King felt displeased and knocked on the throne beneath him. Eldar? No...the Eldar have been destroyed; are they the anti-ancient greenskins?

Could it be's a human being?

No...impossible; how could these apes get to this point on their own without the support of the ancient saints?

"Give you a chance - why do you exist in this commotion?"

The Necron was silent for a moment. Before that, it discussed the matter with other time technicians and technicians from different fields.

They now have two answers.

Generally speaking, the Silent King's former time technician has a far more insightful vision than the Necrontyr, and it is impossible for Orikan the Astrologer to be unresponsive to this.

But this time there was no news about Ourrican.

At the same time, if you want to blind the Necrontyr's observation need to have a sufficient understanding of the Necrontyr's technology and observational nature.

However, some Necrontyr raised objections. The last time the Necrontyr observed Ourrican was at the door of the court, he was fighting with Trazin.

It is possible that Trazin got Orican into some trouble, so that the great astrologer was unable to provide immediate warning.

This is very possible. In history, Ourrican disappeared for a long time, even making the Necrons think it was dead - but later the Necrons learned that Ourrican fell into Trazin's trap.

So probably Oerikan.

But it’s unlikely to be Oerikan.

And the other answer is...

"As far as we know, the human empire is raising a new star god-Pluto."

? !

The Silent King suddenly stood up, and the struggling and wailing fragments of the Star God behind it cast a bright light, and the green light outlined its backlit body.

"Feeding the Star God?"

The Silent King spoke these words slowly.

Are these lower races following the path that preceded the Necrontyr? They fed a C'tan...trying to use the C'tan to fight Chaos?

It's time to go back.

The galaxy needs its true masters, not those who continue to tolerate these inferior races insulting it.


"Asshole Lord of Mankind!"

Orikan cursed and kicked the dim Tuchucha engine. On the other side of the light ball-like engine was the broken and shapeless ring-shaped device Ouroboros, and the heart of plague at the bottom of the Ouroboros.

Trazin, who was carefully adjusting the proportions of psychic fragments, glanced at Ourikan.


"He promised to give me the Three Sacred Artifacts! But now the Ouroboros is broken! That was his original plan!!! Use two timelines to tear the Ouroboros into pieces! What a good plan!!!"

Ugh - wow, that's scary.

Fortunately, Trazin thought casually, its partner was Pluto.

Trazin decided not to tell Orikan about the dynasty keys and troops recently sent by the sage gold.

It is truly a kind-hearted Necrontyr.

"But you still have Tuchucha Engine and Plagueheart,"

Trazin said,

"Isn't this enough time to care about you?"

"Guard! It's a guard!!!"

Ourrican roared, its body is now dim and it has returned to the standard of normal Necron. It can continue to maintain a high energy state, but Ourrican didn't know why he gave up and continued to do so.

Maybe it's just because it can't stand the renunciation of the high-energy state and needs a normal state to stabilize its personality.

In fact, Ourrican still exists in the sky above the river of time, and the guardian of time and destiny will always exist - as long as Ourrican successfully ascends to Wei after this.

This is also the sole and only purpose of Orikan, to be promoted to Wei, to break away from the shackles of race and fate of time. It never sympathizes with other races.

"What are you doing again?"

Orikan sneered.

"Have you not seen my actions in the long course of time?"

Trazin replied nonchalantly, still concentrating on the deployment of psychic energy. If the ratio is wrong, it and Ourrican can be reopened together after the psychic energy explodes.


"You have caught the shadow of the Old One."

"Just a broken madman."

Trazin said that after speaking with Mortarion, the idea that the Old Ones might be storing parts of the Necrontyr found a home in its logic code.

Yes - why do they go to the new race for answers? They could just ask their nemesis.

"You're crazy."

Orikan said firmly,

"Why did you-"

"Then do you see my fate in the future, Orikan?"

Trazin said that in order to catch this fragment of the ancient saint, it had to waste all its strength. This is not like a human being who can capture it with a spherical stasis stand.

There was indeed an ancient saint who was lost to the galaxy at the time of Slaanesh's birth, but he was already mad and still in fragments. Trazin wasn't sure how much information he could gain.

Ourrican was strangely silent for a moment, and stopped talking for a moment.


Trazin was finally ready, and it was going to try to feed the Old One, hoping that the poor, crazy Old One would like this psychic feast.

This is extremely blasphemous. In the era of the Necrontyr, Trazin would have been sentenced to death, and he would have killed ten clansmen by the way.

Of course, no Necrontyr would do such a crazy thing. The Necrontyr is an extremely repressive race.

"So, the great Lord Ourrican, the Star Star, the guardian and defender of fate and time, and the former partner of the Lord of Mankind, do you want to renew the truce agreement between you and me? I will go to a single party next. Pick the entire Necron—

I have gone on a path of apostasy and can never turn back. "

Orikan sneered and accepted the armistice agreement from Trazin.

"Who do you think is hiding this whole Necron thing, Trazin?"



Trazin turned around sharply. The Necron would monitor the entire galaxy. It had forgotten about this!

Ouricampi smiled.

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