Chapter 706 154. That day

"Idiots, they are all idiots."

Amit stood up cursing, mumbling vague swear words, and Dante just looked at him slightly embarrassed. From what he knew in the past, the Blood Angels did not seem to be a legion that was keen on low quality - but there were always special case.

The veteran finally stood up from the blood coffin. He was only wearing light armor, but Dante saw that Amit had no intention of changing his armor.

Amit opened his hand,

"Let's go."

Dante was stunned for a moment, but Amit took the lead and walked out impatiently.


Dante shouted, his peripheral vision staring at the Blood Angels logo on Amit's light armor. The Flesh Tearers Chapter had its own exclusive emblem, but for some reason Amit was still wearing the Blood Angels' light armor.

"You can't go out wearing this."

He pointed this out, and Amit, who was walking in front of him, stopped abruptly. He looked back at Dante and snorted.

"That is to say, we are not here to save our Lord this time."

Amit said,

"Why, the empire finally decided to sentence my father to death?"

The fierce eyes of the Flesh Tearer made Dante feel cold. In the classics, Blood Angels are mostly meek people. According to Dante's observation, those recruits implanted with Blood Angel seeds tend to behave more noblely.

But there are always exceptions, and the Flesh Tearers may symbolize another side of the Archangel.

This made him uncomfortable.

"Everything needs to be decided until the regent arrives."

Dante replied, but Amit had already walked over fiercely. He smiled maliciously at Dante and bared his fangs.

Dante was not afraid of this, he just lamented that as a son of the Blood Angels, there were such bloodthirsty people among his colleagues - this revealed their true nature.

Amit took out the serrated dagger from his waist and handed it to Dante.

“It is useless to talk, and words are of no use.”

The Flesh Tearer licked the corner of his mouth. The Blood Angel was already showing his age, which made him look even more cunning.

"Let the blood tell."

Dante stared at Amit silently, their eyes briefly exchanged, and finally Dante said nothing and snatched the dagger away.


Dante thought that this was a blessing and a curse that only belonged to his descendants.

In his early life, Dante had drunk the blood of living creatures, but never again, although there was always a whisper lingering in his soul, enticing him to drink the red nectar.

Among the Sons of Sanguinius Chapter, which was wrapped up into the World Eaters Chapter, there were also many Chapters that had the tradition of drinking blood. Of course, Dante did not allow them to expose the culture of their Chapter to anyone.

Under the influence of Angron, the World Eaters are not able to keep servants (but they also have their own mortal servants, but fewer than ordinary legions). They like to maintain their weapons and armor themselves.

But the Blood Angels were different. In some battle groups, Dante even saw the appearance of blood slaves who were almost the same as the former legions.

Because he went to meet the old man, in order to show respect, Dante did not wear a helmet. He put the ferocious serrated dagger against his face and scratched the flesh.

Bright red blood dripped from his cheek, and the deep meaning in Amit's eyes became more and more obvious. Dante remained silent. After the serrated dagger was covered with blood, he handed it over again.

At the same time, the wounds on his face were healing rapidly.

Amit took it eagerly, and finally stretched out his tongue to lick the wine. He closed his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"not enough."

Amit murmured to himself, Dante will not give in this time,

"That's enough. You're not just trying to get information, Amit."

The dagger danced between Amit's fingers,

"I still miss the days when I was eating brains recklessly,"

Amit said, as if immersed in fond memories of the past, but Dante wasn't sure how much of him Amit saw.

"You will walk through a person's life immersively, and finally see him die under your gun - because of this, I was scolded by my Lord a lot."

“Our Lord preaches humility and charity.”

Dante said coldly, Sanguinius used to be almost a saint, but now he only leaves his descendants with endless pain.

"Yeah yeah."

Amit laughed,

"If he hadn't..."

"Without corruption."

Dante gritted his teeth and said this, and Amit's eyes suddenly opened. For a moment, Dante almost thought that Amit was going to fight with him, but Amit only had blood boiling in his eyes. .


Amit's voice is hoarse;

"Is this the final judgment of the empire on my lord? After he has dedicated his life to the empire for a thousand years and cleaned up the mess for the Lord of Humanity?"

"This is the history handed over to me by the Empire,"

Dante said, with a lump in his throat,

"This is true."

"He has not fallen,"

Amit hissed,

"He was corrupted by the power of the warp, that's all - he shouldn't be the pope of that shit, damn it!"

Amit became visibly irritable,

"Fuck Mortarion—Mortarion!"

"What the hell do you mean he is here to save the Lord of Mankind and not my Lord?! What the fuck do you mean!"

"Words of caution!"

Dante raised his voice and drank violently. The echoes of his roar echoed through the blood coffin hall, covering up Amit's dirty words.

"Nasir Amit! Since you are a fighting senior, I am warning you for the last time! Calm down!"

"If you really want our father back - at least you have to lower your head now! The only people in the empire who have the strength to rescue my lord are the Pale King and Hades!"

"Oh shit!!!"

Dante took a step back and decisively took out the sword from his waist. For a moment, he even thought that Amit was furious, but the rage suddenly stopped, leaving Amit covering his face and taking a deep breath.

"The Primarchs of Dog Day...Mortarion and Guilliman...damn..."

Amit gasped,

"Do you want to hear what exactly happened? Although I was unconscious at the time, I received a letter from the Assassin's Court afterwards."

The flesh-tearer showed a gloating but sad smile,

"Let me reason? Dante... do you think you can control your black anger after listening to this?"


[Sunday of the Ascension of Sanguinius]

【05:49 am】

Amit was unconscious, and three minutes later, the Pale Lord, Gallo, and Sevatar left the dungeon where Mortarion was imprisoned.

【06:00 am】

In the gentle light among the candles on the pilgrimage route, some blind pilgrims attracted the attention of the defenders - they exclaimed that they "saw" a black-gold giant with a suspended head, and firmly called it a sermon. By.

This was not reported, and in fact, the closer this day came, the more often miracles occurred.

Some believers who were so devout that they had nothing even saw the illusion of a sanctuary shining with golden light on the Himalayan ridges——

A huge palace rose from the ground, floating above Terra, taking the place of the constant sun.

And in the middle of the towering palace, the huge, bloodless and tearless God-Emperor sat silently in a circle of shining golden light. Anyone who was illuminated by its golden light immediately burned, and the golden flames silently It's burning, but it doesn't make people feel pain. Instead, it makes people feel a relief-like relief.

The believers who had witnessed these visions began to pray even more fervently. They crowded as far as possible to the front of the Anglican Cathedral and threw away all their belongings.

For a time, gold coins and faith paved the way to the state church.

【6:29 am】

Mortarion's escape from prison was discovered, and an army composed of Blood Angels, World Eaters, and Ultramarines immediately began a search mission. Due to the strong suggestion of the Lord of the Red Sand, the leader of the search team was Karn, the World Eater.

Worried about the uproar caused by the Primarch's escape, after a brief discussion, the three Primarchs unanimously decided to block information and tighten security near the ceremony.

【6:30 am】

[Underground river on the Himalayan ridge]

[They just found out now? 】

Mortarion said slowly. In the fast-flowing river, the original body grasped the raised stone pillar of the cave with one hand, and clamped Sevita with the other hand. Gallo had already transformed into the head of the original body. of golden flames.

"I informed the Assassin's Court to do part of the cover-up work."

Savita said with despair, no matter how he thought about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong with Vincent in the Tribunal.

【Then I should thank you. 】

Mortarion said, and the Primarch timed his hold and let go, and they were immediately swept downward by the fast-flowing river.

Five minutes later, Mortarion once again grabbed a protrusion in the stone wall.

This is an underground river that just leads to Sanguinius and the others not far from the sacrificial platform, and by the way, it prevents Mortarion from being found by them.

(*There is no sea on Terra, but there are high mountains covered with snow.)

Mortarion did not intend to use psychic powers. Sanguinius's psychic intuition had already reached a certain level of sensitivity. Any rash action would be exposed in advance, causing the plan to fail.

According to the plan, they should soak in the deepest part of this underground river for at least two hours before going out.

His brothers would not have expected to find Mortarion in such a place. Their arrogance, arrogance, self-righteous modesty and thinking that the Primarch should have the dignity to be superior to others would not have expected Mortarion to be here.

In fact, Mortarion even felt an eerie sense of acceptance.

This is at least cleaner than the river water on Barbarus.

When the plan was made, Vaux and Karas thought there was nothing wrong with it.

"You don't have to be so humble."

Sevita said palely, he didn't know why he always encountered such unlucky things. He would rather stay at the scene and be arrested than stay in an underground river at the same time as the Lord of Pale.

[You shouldn't be a Night Lord...forget it. 】

Mortarion said to himself that Sevatar should be angry and offended by this, but the current situation made him think nothing of it, and his helmet that was soaked in water made a dull buzzing sound.

【7:00 am】

The wrinkles twisted into a small pimple on Guilliman's forehead. Angron looked at Guilliman and paused.

【Be more open,】

The Lord of Red Sand said, but he also felt the paleness of his words,

[He won't come to the rooftop. Even if he does - we will all be there by then, as well as Waldo, the commander of the Forbidden Army. He can't defeat us. 】


Guilliman shook his head and twitched his lips again, trying to relax himself. In half an hour, he and Sanguinius would go to give a speech to the powerful.

[Angron, his appearance has already indicated failure. This is a huge political accident. 】

Guilliman shook his head again. Angron "saw" that the Imperial Regent's anxiety was almost over the top at this moment. Noisy and restless sparks burst out from the golden flame that had been burning steadily, almost like fireworks.

Guilliman subconsciously rubbed his brows with his hands,

[We should postpone the ceremony until Mortarion is found, and the ceremony can continue. ]

At this time, Sanguinius, who was sitting steadily behind them and accepting the mortal servants to make up, raised his hand calmly.

Angron looked back and saw the golden light gradually shining in the archangel's eyes.

[No need. ]

Sanguinius said, whispering, trying his best to comfort his anxious brother,

[Don't panic, Guilliman, we are righteous, there is no need to give in. ]


Sanguinius added,

[A failed assassination... in the long run, it will actually unite people in religion. 】

That's right. Angron was distracted for a moment. He even wanted to smile bitterly. Anyone who saw Mortarion dressed like that would think he was an alien enemy.

Religion and politics are all about whitewashing and packaging. During the years he spent with Guilliman and Sanguinius, Angron understood this more and more. He felt uncomfortable because of this, but he also knew the difficulties his brother had to do so.

Now he actually hoped that Mortarion had escaped - with so many people and ears at the moment, it was a good time for the Primarch to escape from Terra.

As long as Mortarion returned to Barbarus, returned to the Storm Segmentum, and stopped making trouble... Angron thought that in the end they could still turn a blind eye and leave the Barbarus Segmentum for Mortarion.

[7:13 AM]

"A half-body of Lorgar appears under the palace maze, leading a skeleton army burning with golden flames, trying to break through the palace."

The Imperial Guard Valdor stared at the Imperial Guard who came to report silently,

"Their destination and intention."

"It is roughly analyzed that the Inquisition and Sanguinius, as well as another army, are marching towards the Astronomican."

"What is the new movement of my lord?"

The Imperial Guard shook his head.

Valdor remained silent. During their long time together, he and Sanguinius became good friends - at least they could chat for a few words. Every time Sanguinius appeared in front of the Golden Throne, the state of the Lord of Mankind would improve.

"I'll go check it out myself."

Valdor said that he would ask the Emperor in person.

"The rest of you guard the rooftop."

[8:03 AM]

Vincent/The Emperor slipped out of the dignitaries who were fawning on the Primarch. He smiled, and the hand cut off by Sevatar had already grown back.

He was walking on the white snow of the Himalayas. The faint morning light and the candles from the palace made the snow-capped mountains shine like a golden mountain.

He felt such abundant power of faith. Seeing the Lord of Mankind who was only one step away, the Emperor heard the painful screams of the Lord of Mankind that no one listened to - it was obvious that he was already one step away, but the God-Emperor hesitated.

He had to wait until his descendants decided to take this step for him.

Womanly kindness, the Emperor sneered, just like his descendants Angron or Vulkan.

But the Lord of Mankind would not succeed.

The Emperor knew this clearly. As early as a thousand years ago when he woke up on Caliban, he knew the future - ten thousand years later, the Emperor would still not ascend to God.

Then this time it would be Mortarion who succeeded.

Thank Mortarion.

Leave room for him to ascend to God.

The Emperor smiled. The era of the Primarch will eventually come to an end, and the Regent of the Empire should also abdicate.

He laughed loudly, and waited for the last hour before the suffering statue of his former friend.

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