I have been thinking hard all day, writing, deleting and deleting, sitting in front of the computer all day long, but I still can't write that feeling.

In addition, I am about to sail away, and I am even more exhausted mentally. If I can still write the transition chapter, I can't write this kind of plot chapter.

Let me report to you,

I am about to participate in a longer-term summer study activity organized by the school.

I will probably not be able to access the Internet stably by then.

Therefore, from today to 8.12, the updates will not be stable, and I may update some extras intermittently.


Say something heartfelt.

Since the late stage of the Great Rebellion, up to the current plot, I have always felt that the plot I wrote is not interesting. I also try to regain the original feeling, but every time I think about it, I feel tired.

When my thoughts were flowing most smoothly and the book reached its climax, my physical condition was relatively poor at that time because I was always used to conceiving plots late at night, which led to insomnia and I often couldn't fall asleep until three or four o'clock.

But with the support of the wonderful plot, I still managed to finish writing it.

Looking back now, my condition at that time may have paved the way for me to become increasingly frail in the future.

I think that my previous plot density was relatively high, so the subsequent thinking and design did not keep up with my updates. Sometimes I might force myself to update, but the quality, plot and character design were insufficient.

Moreover, the most important thing is that I used to think late at night, but due to being too tired and having a disordered routine, I am now in a state of confusion during the day and headaches at night.

I tried again to think late at night, but I felt hollowed out.

The most devastating thing for me is that as a female, I would feel kidney deficiency and waist pain when I couldn't code correctly.

Sometimes I even subconsciously cover my waist when I reach the point where I can’t continue writing (I’m convinced, what the hell).

After checking my pulse with a classmate who studied traditional Chinese medicine, I was given a serious warning to regulate my spleen, kidneys, and work and rest.

I'm very thin, but my friends say my pulse is so weak that it's almost impossible to feel it.

Completely overdrawn. (As much as possible)

I feel like my brain cells are dying from staying up late again and again.

At the same time, my three-dimensional life is not going well. There is a lot of pressure from school and family. It may also be related to my own heavy thinking and cautiousness, but there are indeed some real problems that require people to be vigilant and vigilant.

I deeply realize that I may be able to make breakthroughs and be relaxed and humorous in small plots, but when it comes to big plots, my thinking is always a step slower.

I sometimes lament late at night that the plots in the past may have been better arranged. The performance and rhythm of the plots may be like this and have a better look. The changes in the characters may be presented in a more delicate way through small events. .

I suffered from the inability to think of a better plot and the high demands I had on myself, but in the end I compromised on the update and found a compromise, but I was still not very satisfied.

I tried to continue coding with high intensity, but my thinking became slower and slower. At the same time, it may be related to the pressure I put on myself. The more pressure I put on myself, the less able I was to conceive of the plot.

Of course, this happened a long time ago, but I'm afraid that if I slow down the update due to my own excuses, I will become confused instead.

Therefore, I have been coding all the time, and it takes a long time to make up for the low efficiency.

But this time, I'm really, really, really,

I hope I can take a break with the help of the school's learning organization.

If I keep writing, or if my unhealthy, high-pressure life continues, my body may die sooner before my spirit breaks down.

Let's just say that when I started creating this book, I weighed around 105 pounds, and as of now, I weigh 85 pounds, which is below the healthy weight range for my height.

The hair was falling out in great quantities.

I was originally an engineering student, and my hair was already very thin. Now coding has caused my hair to fall out, and my hairline has risen further. I really don’t want to end up in the Mediterranean at such a young age. TAT.

My hair ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

After writing the update, I found that my hair was falling out on the floor of the chair I was sitting on. This was the most painful thing.

A person without hair cannot write a plot.

So I'm taking a leave of absence.

Because my condition is visibly poor, some friends I know around me are urging me to finish the novel as soon as possible. However, I still have a small part of the plot, and I can’t cover it all in one big plot. I want to finish writing and complete the entire plot. , so I need to take a break! ! !

My hair! hair! ! ! hair! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

My heart is full of anxiety all day long, because I know that I cannot reach the end in this state. I am like a young bird in the morning mist, and can never fly to the calm and peaceful lake in the distance, which is like a bright blue agate. Staring at me like this, I will eventually drown in the mud of the road, shouting out a not clever character in the story with a hoarse throat. The song I am so attached to is not finished after all, it is not that my will is broken. My soul, but my hands have long since dropped.

My waist is starting to throb. Why do I have kidney deficiency? ah? ah? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ah? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Is it my waist or kidneys that hurts? !

I still love my story, and I still want to embellish worldly wit and humor between the lines, but I have become gloomy, and my dull body cannot light a candle.

My kidney hurts! ! ! ! Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The first book always gathers too much effort and expectation. Unknowingly, I invested too much. I still have the passion for words and the pursuit of plot. I look forward to writing more popular and humorous words instead of Completely messed up - the original intention is still clear, I want to make you smile.

But I couldn’t think of a plot, so I became emoticon.

Mature and seasoned authors will always understate things. I envy the old author's distinction between public and private affairs, and the separation of the author's status from the work. Therefore, I gradually stopped harping on the author's words, but I always felt melancholy when the plot was almost uninteresting and I knew I was dissatisfied. .

Go have a late night snack.

I've been eating more recently to gain weight.

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