Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 717 165 Chaos on the ground! Underground!

Chapter 717 165. Chaos on the ground! underground!

Magnus was stunned for a moment.

For a psyker, this is an extremely unpleasant feeling - it means that the Warp is giving him hints that something disturbing is about to happen.

So, what will it be?

Magnus stopped turning the pages with his bare hands and stroked the pages thoughtfully. In the wise man's library, a bright future was slowly taking shape.

Gifted psychic wise men are allowed to enter the library of Magnus the Wise. Magnus and his Gray Knights will personally teach them and feel the pulse of psychic energy.

Knowledge should not be imprisoned - a fool should be prevented from entering the temple of knowledge, but a wise man should not be intercepted.

So... Magnus pondered for a moment, what happened to cause the warp to cast uneasy hints at him?

What could it be?


"Another Primarch."

Incisor said in a rough voice. It panted and stared at the original body. The energy consumed in fighting Black was rapidly recovering. It was just an appetizer before.

As for Blood Red Alpha…

Green-skinned warlords are no strangers.

Under the guidance of the gray phoenix Fulgrim, the Hades clan under his command has been continuously attacking the territory of Khorne, using Khorne's war to upgrade the green skinned boys.

Greenskins live by war. For this race, the territory of Khorne in the warp is simply a promised land flowing with honey and milk.

"Are you an imposter? Or the real Alpha?"

Hot air spurted out from the big mouth of the front teeth, Alpha, almost identical Alphas. The green-skinned bosses under it had fought against Alpha's "original body" many times, and sometimes two "Alphas" would appear at the same time and declare that they were The true Primarch.

It is also the Alphas who make it difficult for the greenskins to gain Khorne experience.

Shifting positions, spreading false information, and even making the boys of the Hades clan think they are Alpha and then rebel - this is definitely not what Qianshan expects to see.

But in the process of the Khorne forces fighting against the green-skinned Hades clan, this method proved to be effective, so more and more Alphas joined the battle.

Until the front teeth took the lead in deciding to jump out of this war that gradually changed its style.

"If you are an impostor... then it would be too rude."

The front teeth grinned, and the successful battle with the black butcher just made his blood boil! Get up, yes! This is the feeling, an angry battle where life and death are at stake!

After not seeing each other for many years, the Black Butcher became more and more skillful in swinging his axe. He opened and closed the axe, and he completely gave up defense many times when attacking. This was a strategy rarely used by the human race, but it was used by the Black Butcher with great proficiency!

If he were not human, the Black Butcher could have become a famous warlord!

Instead of being ordered around by human psykers like now - even though that little can of psionic energy is also very powerful.

"Don't act rashly."

Karas whispered, the blood around his mouth drying up.

A psychic string tied him and Blake beside him. The healing white light trickled down from the psychic string, stopping the flow of blood and allowing new shoots to grow from the rotten flesh.

The psychic shield covered Karas and Black. Karas's muscles tensed, obviously extremely wary of the Blood Primarch breaking into the battlefield.

The battlefield seemed blank for a moment.

However, in Karas's channel communication, countless torpedoes were soaring in the star field above Baal, the shadows of Thunder Eagles and Storm Birds fighting in the clouds loomed in the clouds, the Titan cluster was moving at high speed, and the Knight Guards at the feet of the God Machine sounded the chain. The roar of saw swords.

As of now, because the naval forces of the Death Guard and the Hades are still staying on the main battlefield where Slaanesh died, the star field near Baal is guarded by the fleets of the World Eaters and Ultramarines, and the intrusion of Abaddon's forces has left the planet The situation in the sky became confusing——

The blood mist shrouding the planet's atmosphere also hinders ground-to-air support.

Most of the air troops fought at low altitudes, providing transportation and real-time map updates for the ground as much as possible. From time to time, winged monsters took off, and a few muffled thunder flashed in the clouds.

The Mingzi led by Buz, together with a company of World Eaters, went to join the green-skinned giant Titans. The three Titan teams on the ground were also dispatched to leave - but the largest Titan brought by the Death Guard The troops have been on standby in the position behind the Holy Church, waiting for orders from Karas at any time.

Any large enemy units that attempt to enter the vicinity of the Holy Cathedral via non-psionic teleportation will be eliminated by this army.

Karas was originally very confident. He thought he would stop every idiot who dared to teleport in front of him, but the facts proved that he was wrong, very wrong.

First a ridiculously large greenskin, then a fallen primarch blessed by Khorne himself.

Next, what’s next?

Amid a burst of psychic space distortion, Karas's heart felt completely calm. He was not even in the mood to roll his eyes anymore——

Another psionic Greenskin made it to the battlefield.

The visitor was none other than the greenskin that Karas had ridiculed.

This almost shocked all the human forces present once again. It was so similar.

People don't even need to describe its appearance and temperament. Mag Boy just stands there and with just one glance, you can tell who it is "paying homage" to.

Fortunately, the people who sealed the place here were all taciturn Death Guards. Karas rolled his eyes in his heart, otherwise someone would definitely shout out that name in surprise.



This was shouted by the mortal followers of Khorne. It had nothing to do with the Death Guard or Karas. None of them felt that the jumping greenskin with the red wig looked like Magnus.


Alpha smirked and looked at the somewhat astonished Muggle boy - the greenskin seemed not to have expected to see the original here.

[This is the first time I have seen Magnus’s foolishness so intuitively, although you have always been in my information, boy Magnus. 】

Mag Boy almost never appears on the frontal battlefield. It seems to be deliberately hidden by the front teeth. If Alpha's intelligence system had not deduced that there is a psyker in the Hades clan who will enter the super Alpha level, Mag The boy would hardly be noticed by anyone.

The green-skinned warlord also seemed shocked by the sudden arrival of the Maggory. His front teeth opened his mouth and was about to scold the Maggory, but stopped when its beady eyes turned to Karas.

"Is that so? That's fine."

The front tooth smiled, it held a sword flower with the heavy sword in its hand, and walked to the side of the Maggo boy in a few steps.

Mag Boy raised the scepter in his hand and stared at Karas intently.

"I did restrain you for too long."

"This was my choice and none of your business - but I am sincerely sorry for my negligence."

Muggleboy said as he glanced nervously at Red Alpha,

"Red Alpha!"

The Mag boy shouted,

"Stay away from here. I want to initiate a bloodbath with this powerful human psyker. I believe you will respect this duel and stay away - because your way to the Blood Lord lies here."

This sentence obviously made everyone except Muggle boy stunned. There was a brief silence in the air, and then the big front teeth beside Muggle boy added urgently,

"Put away your arrogant expression, you depraved cooked shrimp, I think you don't want to be an enemy of the Hades clan now - I just want to see Hades, and I am not interested in your plan to get the Big Birdman."


Alpha thought, how wonderful, indeed the green skin or Magnus would bring him a different kind of surprise.

However, just before he was about to pretend to agree, a flash of light, a pure and rapid flash of psychic lightning, hit him straight.

"Damn it, who asked me for my opinion?!"

Karas grinned and cursed,

"Your grandma is a jerk! Listen up! You green-skinned wizard who doesn't look like a green-skinned one - now! Let's have a fight with your Grandpa Karas and this idiot!!!"

"Single fight? Single fight is what a fucking sissy does!"

But you just launched a challenge to the green-skinned incisors,

Black wanted to say this, but he swallowed the words silently, because Karas had already rushed out. The violent thunderbolt of psychic energy made him look extremely large and angry. The psyker of the Death Guard handed over his front teeth by the way. Gave it to Blake.

All right.

Blake thought to herself, but I'm not a pussy.

He raised his ax and suddenly met the murderous gaze of his front teeth,

"Come and fight!"



Hades suddenly said, he frowned and stretched out his hand, as if he was feeling something.

"The psychic energy of Khorne above us has been strengthened. There may be forces of Khorne casting spells directly above us. The power of Khorne is approaching here through some kind of conductor. The crust above us is connecting to the subspace - how is the Archangel now? "

Guilliman, who was being dragged by Mortarion, lowered his head and stared at the sleeping Sanguinius.

[It's okay so far, but his expression is a little unstable. 】


Hades gritted his teeth. The longer he delayed, the more uneasy the situation on the ground made him. At the same time, he did not feel confident just letting these original bodies go away by themselves - the spiritual energy of the Archangel and the spiritual energy of the Blood Lord had been faintly resonating. Hades must ensure that Sanguinius's psychic powers were not tainted.

"It's too late, we can't keep the ground troops waiting for too long! Next, I will use the black field to wrap us all up, and then rush out directly. I will use short-distance physical teleportation - but I think you can bear it."

You can handle it, right?

Guilliman thought, and he looked up sharply to find the answer to Mortarion, but unfortunately, Mortarion showed a rather terrifying expression.

+I don't want to ask if we can make it, because the answer is obvious, but I guess Sanguinius will be fine, right? +

Angron's psychic communication sounded between the three of them in time.

Guilliman raised his eyes again and met Angron's desperate gaze.

But what made them even more desperate was that Mortarion did not answer this question immediately.

In the dark realm that slowly enveloped the Primarchs, making them dizzy and their stomachs churn, Mortarion's voice sounded pale and feeble.

+Be tough. +

Mortarion said, and then, the last rift in the Black Realm closed, making all the psionic Primarchs present go dark.

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