Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 719 167 Is this a moral issue?

Chapter 719 167. Is this a moral issue?

"I have searched countless times,"

Neos said slowly, and Malcador beside him cast a distrustful look at him.

“And ultimately realized that what imprisoned individuals was only their stereotyped thinking.”

"What do you want to express?"

"The moral sense and personal cognitive boundaries limit them. Consciousness is the real judge of the positive and negative reward and punishment mechanisms in their minds. Just like a human being who has not been educated and socialized will not feel guilty about patricide and sonicide. Shy."

Malcador raised his eyebrows in disapproval,

"You want to say people are too moral?"

"I'm just explaining that will determines action - humans born in the gladiator world will not feel pain from killing people, but a person from a medium hive may feel pain and self-reproach for this."

Neos spread his hands, and they continued walking in the long, splendid, but dusty corridor of the palace.

"Human society shapes a new soul through socialization and education, but we can still change the constraints of the old world on our thoughts through our own efforts."

Malcador suddenly stopped. He clutched his scepter tightly with a slight frown, turned his head and looked at Neos.

The expression is subtly similar to "No, buddy?"

"Are you trying to say that the only person in the empire who is working hard right now is too shameless?"

The words that Nios was about to say paused for a moment, but they connected smoothly in an instant.

"It may have something to do with him being asleep most of the time."

The Lord of Mankind added.

The corner of Macado's mouth twitched,

"You should be lucky that he still has a conscience - otherwise I can't imagine what would have happened."

Nios did not object, but nodded in agreement.

"Exactly, I have never been so grateful and appreciative of his efforts to maintain his identity, but sometimes I think he could learn to lower his demands."

Malcador rolled his eyes.

"Like you?"

"Just a little taller than me."

Malcador was speechless and had nothing to say. The Emperor was a human being from ancient times, and his cognition and outlook were no longer understandable by ordinary humans.

There are too many absurd stories in human history, which ignore ethics and morality, and discard logic and reason as dust——

Reality doesn't require much logic, sometimes, it just happens.

Therefore, the Lord of Mankind does not have three views. His only personal conscience may only exist in a few humans and original bodies with whom he has close contacts, and the rest are used to deceive and abduct.

"It's like this moment,"

The Lord of Mankind said,

"He doesn't have to worry at all. The only thing he needs to worry about is how to eradicate those greenskins, instead of remaining silent because of huge emotional fluctuations - but I think he will grow up again."

"That's you."

Makado coughed,

"Kings cannot accept that they are as shabby as beggars, and wise men cannot accept that they are as stupid as idiots. This is related to their dignity and face-"

Malcador glanced at Neos again, lowered his head and sighed deeply,

"You don't."


A smile appeared on Nios's lips, as if he was recalling something wonderful.

"I have done things that have far more loss of dignity and status than these. If my current image was not related to the national system, I would have left long ago to find another place."

Malcador no longer struggled with the Lord of Mankind, he said sadly,

"It's too embarrassing for us to educate the primarchs."


Social death.

Now Hades only had this idea swirling in his mind, and it shocked him no less than when he rushed to the cafeteria after class in his previous life, only to be knocked away by an e-donkey, and then the inferior clothes he bought with free shipping at pxx 19.9 exploded in the air. The same—direct loss of the right to choose a spouse for four years.

A green-skin, a green-skin that taught him well at first glance, was asking him questions like why he only "produces children but not raises (?)".

If it's just this scene, that's fine.

The problem is that the green skin is surrounded by a group of silent death guards, Karas who is rolling his eyes wildly, and a scion who is yelling at the green skin and continues to let the Hades society die.

Hades could tell that Incisor had some emotional intelligence and brains, but Blake didn't - or it could be said that the emotional intelligence of the belligerent son of Pluto had always been in a Schrödinger state.

Blake succeeded in taking the topic a little further. In Hades's eyes, they now seemed to be shouting about topics such as "My brother dares to eat shit" and "My brother dares to eat shit too".

Fortunately, this type of low-information-density discourse effectively prevents the incisors from breaking more news;

Unfortunately, Hades was even more embarrassed.

He wished so much that he would fall to the ground immediately like a comatose Primarch, without having to feel or hear.

He immediately lay down and was buried.

He couldn't cast his gaze on Karas, because Hades knew without even thinking that Karas must be scolding him now.

This is why the Lord of Humanity is a strong man, and Neos can remain calm in the eyes of his many descendants who are puzzled and abusive, never internalizing or questioning himself.

Hades is still one step away from the spiritual realm of the Lord of Humanity.

Was he going to talk to this greenskin that was already a blur in his memory? Or stop talking nonsense?

Hades chose the latter.

Words cannot tell the truth, fists are the truth.

What's even more ridiculous is that he can't always choose to reason with a greenskin.

The black mist surged, covering the whole body, and only the scarlet eye was exposed.

"My real bloodline is only the son of Hades and so on."

Pluto whispered, vibrating the metal remotely, allowing these sounds to be transmitted to the ears of the fighting incisors and Black.

Blake, whose face was bloody after being hit by his front teeth, immediately burst into laughter.

“So you don’t recognize ideology?!”

The front teeth roared, and the green-skinned black eyes reflected Black who was clinging to the armor by the flowing silver metal——

The moment is decided, and its shapers acknowledge their unwelcomeness.

“Unfortunately, I’m a racist supremacist.”

Pluto's dull and incomprehensible groans sounded around them, as if they existed in all directions.

"I respect you, I respect you - but there is only one right to survive in the galaxy."

The survival mechanism of green skins is destined to be war. The development of this green skin has been too amazing. They can indeed be thrown into the war with Tyranids, but how strong will this green skin evolve to after that? Hades could hardly imagine it.

Even if they are to be kept and used as tools, the green-skinned warlord must be beheaded now——

This greenskin has obviously reached a certain threshold. If it continues to grow, Hades is sure that this greenskin clan will successfully return to its ancestors in the near future.

At that time, the ancient orcs will really make the empire drink a pot of water.


Incisor shouted, and the green skin was knocked away by the huge force beneath him. It smiled and looked at Black, who was blessed by Hades in front of it. At this moment, it seemed like the protagonist in a heroic story facing the biggest villain's lackey.

"Think of us as tools of war - I know why the underworld unified the greenskins!"

Because the greenskins are originally a war clan created by the Old Saints. They are slaves driven by the Old Saints. The Old Saints do not even want them to survive in the future. In their genetic spectrum, once the war disappears, the greenskins will quickly die.

A kind of return to nature, Hades treats the greenskins much like the Old Ones, which is why they unlock true spiritual wisdom.

The front tooth looks at Pluto's position from a distance. It doesn't know whether he is there or not, and it doesn't know whether he is looking at him.

There aren’t many surprises about the front teeth.

It suddenly turned to that side of the world, where the setting sun was like blood. Regardless of Blake, who slowly stood up behind him and raised his axe, the green-skinned beast suddenly knelt down!

"Human etiquette! Thanks for your teachings, from now on Hades will truly embark on a war journey!!!"

"And after this-"

Incisor roared, standing up with arms spread out,

"Greenskins will never be slaves!!!!"


"Let us!!! Send the praise of war to this world!!!"

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