The scarlet and pale Pluto is slowly rotating, and sporadic white lights appear above it from time to time. This is a sign that the planetary defense system is working well.

Six huge satellites that send and receive signals are slowly rotating around Pluto, and thousands of receiving lights are flashing. Each light that lights up means that a signal from a galaxy has been received.

Among the billions of sparkling lights, the most insignificant light lit up and was quickly received by the Star Language Court stationed on Pluto.

The returning travelers have arrived.

The star gate is in full bloom, opening the passage to the subspace. The spiritual energy tide rises and falls, and magnificent blue-purple water waves surge out with rose-red light rippling.

The small ship swam out of the sea first, and then the huge body of the transport ship was revealed.

+05-97qe, welcome back to the solar system. +

+ Please follow the trajectory sent by Xingyuting to Mars. +

The small boat flying off the huge transport ship was like the fine sand dropped by the giant whale. The giant thing that was swallowing thousands of goods would not care about such a small thing.

The red color flies past the window, the endless red wasteland, the maroon wind and sand are raging, rolling up bursts of red soil. There seemed to be some green in the distance, but they were too far away, and Hades couldn't see them clearly.

From time to time, some small mechanical creatures are dotted on the endless red. Compared with the sages whose cables are very organized, they are simply grass on the wild land. They break the exposed cables and drip down from time to time. Liquid limbs, what exactly are they?

The boat was moving very fast, the scenery was changing rapidly, and they were soon left behind.

A miracle built in an active volcano, the magma city passed by, followed by towering plateaus, broken and twisted grabens, and sunken canyons.

The silver industrial behemoth swallowed up the red.

The dark waste area is stuck to the edge of the city. As seen before, sporadic mechanical creatures shuttle through it.

Factories, factories, all factories, little technical servitors climbed on the shells of these silver buildings, ant-like little tentacles touching here and there, circuits being changed and repaired.

On the edge of the city are warehouses stocked with weapons, ammunition, and raw materials. The city's port is built here. Countless spaceships fly up and land, densely packed. There is order in the chaos, like a school of migrating sardines in the ocean.

A straight golden avenue runs through the city, with geometrically trimmed trees lining both sides of the avenue, providing shadows that are better than nothing for the endless crowds.

Titans appear from time to time. These violent machines full of aesthetics warn everyone and declare the status of the master of the city.

Two or three obelisk-like buildings broke the gradual height of the city. They arrogantly defied the city, and a denser crowd than elsewhere crowded and knelt at its feet.

It was a mechanical temple, a technical temple, or an engine relic hall, etc. The faith that supported the entire Mars gathered here.

The pilgrim ship prays above it, and the golden prayers sing binary hymns.

Praise the God of all opportunities!

Praise Om Messiah, you are the embodiment of truth and bring the fire of hope!

The singing slowly faded away, ignoring the fanatical believers, and the boat sailed towards an independent building on the edge of the city according to the established procedure.

Mars, technical sergeant training base.


Hades swore that this was the weirdest mechanical sage he had ever seen.

Countless wires arched the tall and curved back, which was two heads taller than Hades. The bloated and huge body, under the scarlet cashmere robe, had geometric shapes that bulged, arched and sunk with a certain rhythm.

Compared with the huge body, the two main limbs are weirdly slender and have a silvery metallic luster. However, the ends of the limbs are anthropomorphic. The limbs of the artificial hand are holding the recommendation that Hades just handed him. letter.

After just one glance, the sage raised his eyes with faint blue light and stared at Hades.

"Hello, Hades of the Death Guard."

Harsh but extremely clear synthetic high-gothic electronic sound sounded,

"Praise be to the Om Messiah. As an individual, I congratulate the XIV Legion on the recovery of the Primarch."

The original body is the most sophisticated machine in the world created by the God of All Machines. Another original body has been recovered. Gerjord feels that he only has a small amount left, 12.7%. Wetware starts secreting dopamine.

The Great Crusade would be victorious, and truth would once again walk among them.

"You can call me Sage Jordan, and my servants and I will be responsible for your training for at least thirty standard Terran years."

"Trainee Technical Sergeant Hades, your biological key has been entered into the base system. Currently, you can access rooms and knowledge rated Gamma."

Gel Jordan stared at Hades's left brain. If his electronic left brain could adapt to the Sigma-309 serial communication protocol, or its variant 309k protocol, then the technical sergeant's learning time could be shortened by at least a hundred percent. The time of twenty-three.

He should send the next study materials directly to the technical sergeant. After preliminary inspection of Hades's electronic left brain, it has the properties of anti-perspective and band attack, with a 97% probability, haha Dis can directly receive information from Ger Jordan——

Sage Jordan feels that the output of his circuit AND gate is "0", and the answer is no.

It is not possible to directly transmit binary information to a technical sergeant who does not have the authority, and the sage has not obtained the authority of the other party.

This action violated the Legion's agreement with the Mechanicus.

Based on the previous analysis and processing of the behavior of the Legion Space Marines, Jordan judged that he should choose to ask the opponent about the basic functions of the left brain after Hades had a preliminary understanding of the teachings of the God of All Machines.

"Trainee Technical Sergeant Hades, you can choose to rest for the rest of the Martian day today. The catalog of knowledge you will master next has been sent to your lounge by the servitor."

"As a technical sergeant, after tomorrow, we will have a glimpse of the greatness of the God of All Machines and feel the pulse of truth."

"The first lesson is awe and faith."

“Praise be to the God of all plans, praise be to Om Messiah.”

The calm but fanatical voice of the Mechanical Sage echoed in the room. Hades stared at the opposite side, not knowing whether to echo the other person's words or remain silent.

Fortunately, the sage on the opposite side obviously wouldn't argue with a newbie like him. The other side chose to remain silent. The servitor opened the door and signaled Hades to leave.

Unknown underground foundry.

"he came."

The binary secret message was transmitted, but it could not cover up the wailing screams.

There is no need to do mute processing, the sage will not waste his precious time and energy here.

That liar, that liar!

The wise man will make him pay.

The marked prey threw himself into the trap. This was the blessing given to him by the God of All Opportunities!

The cruiser that was about to set off was urgently stopped.

Whether it's war or deception, no one can escape his calculations.

Thanks for subscribing and happy reading (_)

By the way, within the Mechanicus, the sages have different degrees of belief and understanding of the doctrine, and there is no final conclusion.

Also, writing about the Mechanicus may involve a lot of fabrication, because the system of the original text is too complicated.

I would like to thank Belisarius Caul, B-station up, for the Mechanicus materials he compiled, which were of great help to me in writing this article.

There’s another extra chapter tonight, but don’t wait.

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