Warhammer III

Chapter 15: The Earl's Castle

Mansha and Taiyue came to the stern of the black market spaceship, where there are small airships that can fly in space.

The middle-level black market often trades alien creations, and there is a risk of being investigated by the Tribunal or the Ministry of Justice. These airships can allow key customers of the transaction to leave quickly.

The entire airship can only seat two people, and has a built-in autopilot function. Mansha started the preset route to fly to the Earl's Castle. She has traveled back and forth between the black market and the castle many times.

Taiyue was riding an airship for the first time. He was very interested in the operation and structure of the airship. He kept asking the system about related questions. Mansha also asked Taiyue to operate it himself for a few minutes.

"Does it feel uncomfortable to wear an anti-psychic collar? If so, I'll turn it off first." Mansha asked Taiyue, who was active.

"I felt dizzy when I put it on just now, but I didn't find anything different from usual afterwards."

"It seems that your psychic level is likely to be more than level 12. This anti-psychic collar should be very suppressive for level 12 psychics. After the collar is activated, it will generate a special force field to calm the wearer's psychic fluctuations, thereby consuming the wearer's mental power."

"The longer you wear it, the more mental power you consume. Generally, a level 12 psychic wearing this anti-psychic collar will lose focus after 10 minutes, and will be distracted after half an hour. You are not like you now!" Mansha sighed!

Soon the airship arrived above the Earl's Castle. Before, Tai Yue and Phyllis could only pass by these huge buildings in the pipeline. Only by looking down at this moment can people feel the magnificence of the castle:

The scale of the Earl's Castle is second only to the Planetary Governor's Mansion and the Trading Hall. The two towers in the middle are the landmark buildings of the Earl's Castle.

One of the towers is a communication lighthouse for the merchant fleet and the port, responsible for routine communications between ships leaving the subspace and various departments of the port.

The other tower is the residence of the castle owner Mansa. Mansa, who was resting at the top of the tower, was the first person in Marsdan to see the sunrise.

The airship finally landed on the tower. Mansa asked the robot servant to arrange a bedroom for Taiyue, and then went back to her room at the top of the tower to change clothes.

The room was arranged on the middle floor of the tower. The robot servant took Taiyue to the room by elevator.

After watching the robot servant leave, Taiyue hurriedly began to train his psychic power, because he suspected that the strange picture in his mind was the phenotype of psychic power out of control, and he had not yet thought about the prophetic psychic power.

Taiyue, lying on the bed, closed his eyes and began to feel the anti-psychic collar on his neck. Psychic training began.

At first, there was only a touch in the throat, "Is it because of the Adam's apple?" Taiyue couldn't help thinking.

Soon after, Taiyue could gradually feel the anti-psychic collar around his neck, but his thoughts were like an inflated balloon tied up by the collar, and any thinking and impulse were like sinking into a swamp and unable to move.

Just like that, 2 hours later, Taiyue finally sensed the first switch in the anti-psychic collar, which was located in the lower part of the front of the collar. When he focused on the switch, his depressed thoughts suddenly became active, leaving this area, and his thoughts and impulses sank into the swamp again.

After switching between active and inactive thinking for several hours, the position of this psychic switch finally became a white dot, which was particularly conspicuous in the pure black collar!

Taiyue also exhausted all his energy at this moment and fell into a deep sleep.

Taiyue woke up very late the next morning. Thinking back to yesterday's dream, he had no impression at all, let alone dreaming about the skull like before.

"It seems that the connection with the skull is indeed psychic. After wearing the collar, you can't establish a connection with it in your dream." Thinking of this, Taiyue found that his clothes were hanging on the rack next to the bed. Mansha came last night and returned the clothes.

Taiyue got dressed and left the bedroom. He wandered around the tower. The technology level of the tower was very high. Various instruments and equipment he had never seen attracted his attention. Finally, the robot servant took Taiyue to the restaurant on the bottom floor of the tower.

The restaurant was located on the third floor from the bottom of the tower. At this time, Mansha was already waiting for Taiyue at the dining table. She sat opposite the long table with a white tablecloth on the table. There were two robot servants beside her.

The table was full of a rich breakfast: bacon, sausage, eggs, toast, baked beans, pudding, etc.

Taiyue, who had been eating synthetic food in the nest, had no idea about these foods. He could only simply divide them into meat and carbohydrates.

He and Mansha were no longer strangers to each other, so they went straight to the table to eat. After all, it was the first time to eat these delicacies. The anti-psychic collar could not calm his joy at the moment.

"You walked around the tower this morning. Do you have any findings you want to tell me?" Mansha asked with a smile.

"The oxygen supply system and other substances here only circulate inside the tower, which means that the tower should be a fully enclosed space. The backup power system on the first floor is also an independent power generation device. How should I put it? The entire tower is like an escape chamber with an ecological circulation system." Tai Yue expressed his opinion while eating.

Mansha smiled with satisfaction and explained:

"Marsdan is on a busy route. The nobles of Dan Port are worried about the attack of aliens. The five nobles, including the former owner of this castle, Count Lauren, started to build an escape chamber 12 years ago for their own safety. It took more than a year to build it."

"If Dan Port is in danger, the escape chamber can not only automatically land on the nest city on the ground, but also enter space to wait for rescue."

After saying this, Mansha's expression became serious:

"The monster that attacked us yesterday is approaching here. I wanted to tell you last night, but I found out that you were training your psychic power, so I didn't bother you."

"I guess it will arrive here tonight. Although I hope you can stay here today to rely on me, I am also worried that you will be injured by the monster if you stay." Mansha looked at Taiyue, with a conflicting look in her eyes.

In Taiyue's heart, he thought that the skull was attracted by himself, and he still had some feelings for it. He couldn't escape and had to solve this matter here.

And with the help of the black market supplies controlled by Mansha, he was very sure that he could capture or kill the skull.

"Sister Mansha, how do you know that the alien is approaching here?" Taiyue asked casually.

"Women's intuition, my intuition has always been very accurate." Mansha lied.

"I will stay and capture or kill the alien with you. The specific plan has been thought of, but it requires the cooperation of sister Mansha." Taiyue was already thinking about this while wandering in the tower.

After hearing this, Mansha's heart was filled with sweetness. She finally didn't have to face the danger alone!

Taiyue then detailed his plan, and Mansha agreed, although she was puzzled by some of the things Taiyue needed.

After breakfast, the skull capture operation plan began.

Taiyue obtained the catalog of black market weapons through Mansha and began to select some weapons and armor that could target the skull's psychic lightning.

A few hours later, all the necessary things were delivered to the tower, and Taiyue spent most of his time welding a metal helmet with horns. Mansha felt that this helmet was much larger than a human brain and did not seem like something Taiyue would wear himself.

Time soon came to night, and everything was ready. Now they just had to wait for the skull to fall into the trap.

In the bedroom at the top of the tower, Taiyue installed electric shock weapons, and the control of the weapons was handed over to the servitor. Mansha put on a special insulated anti-electric suit, held a tracer detection auspicious instrument and lay on the bed waiting for the monster to arrive.

At this moment, Taiyue placed a piece of meat injected with anesthetic on the floor of the restaurant.

He tamed the skull in his dream through psychic power, firstly to make it respond to commands and then to teach it not to eat people.

It has been a few days since the skull was released, and it wanted to attack pedestrians to satisfy its hunger.

Even if the anesthetics in these foods cannot make it unconscious, it can reduce the activity of its brain nerves, which is more conducive to catching it.

Taiyue also put tracer radioactive elements in the food, which can be accurately located by the matching auspicious instrument.

After setting up these traps, Taiyue came to Mansha's bedroom. Not knowing whether the skull wanted to attack him or Mansha before, Taiyue decided to stay with Mansha.

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