Warhammer III

Chapter 54: The Month of Shame

The muscles and gears drive the bipedal hell beasts gradually closer to the defensive position built by the vehicles of the Iron Wolf Dalian Company. These horizontally arranged hell beasts are like moving walls more than 3 meters high, walls of flesh and metal.

As the fearless mecha replacement unit of the Chaos Legion, the production process of the Hell Beast is simpler. The Hell Beast, filled with corrupted energy, is more of a killing instrument than a weapon. No Chaos Space Marine is willing to become the pilot of the Hell Beast.

The main long-range weapons used by the hell beasts of the Thousand Sons Legion are plasma cannons and double-barrel melta, while the main melee weapons are power hammers and power whips.

The plasma cannons of these hell beasts shot out dense spherical plasma, or plasma, and the terrifying energy contained in it instantly turned the area into a high-temperature hell. The melting ground was like magma seeping out of the ground, making it impossible to distinguish between enemy and friend attacks. Let the battlefield wail.

Faced with these terrifying and twisted enemies, the Space Wolves began to fight back. Chariots, tanks, and Dreadnought mechas took the initiative to attack the enemies, so as to avoid being surrounded by hell beasts and losing space to move, and then falling into passivity.

The killing machines of both sides soon engaged in a melee. The hot melt emitted by the Hellbeast melted the ceramite armor of the vehicle, and the swinging power hammer tore the body of the vehicle. The Leman Russ tank's main gun penetrated the Hellbeast's armor. On the chest, the power claws of the Dreadnaught Mecha cut off the flesh and blood arm of the hell beast.

Worric, the wolf lord, led the Sons of Fenris towards the hell beast. He deftly avoided the fiery plasma shot by the hell beast, and the power ax in his hand tore the armor on the hell beast's feet.

He did not slow down, but directly knocked down the staggering Hell Beast, and then jumped up, splitting the Chaos Space Marine in half among the Hell Beasts who had already gone crazy and fused with the metal of the mecha.

"For Ruth and Allfather!"

Warric raised his power ax and shouted loudly, as more Space Wolves Astartes rushed towards the hell beast.

Magnus looked at the crazy wolves, and then threw the Scarab Terminator of the Thousand Sons Legion into the battlefield, while the Chaos Sorcerer used psychic powers from behind to attack the Space Wolves, and the battlefield became more chaotic and bloody!

"God-Emperor, Brother Jerome goes to deal with the Chaos Sorcerer, and the others use gravity weapons to attack the hell beast's feet and the Chaos Space Marines inside!"

After Tai Yue finished speaking, he led the Terminators and Fearless of the Ninth Brotherhood to rush to the battlefield.

"Is this just a small amount of support for the troops?"

Magnus dismissed this and did not send anyone to stop the actions of Taiyue and others.

After arriving at the battle area, Tai Yue pulled the trigger of the gravity blade and directly cut off the Chaos Beast in front of him and the Chaos Space Marines inside.


Looking at the twisted fusion of flesh and metal at the incision, Tai Yue immediately used psychic explosives to replenish his gun, completely wiping out the chaotic beast.

The gravity hammer in Gary's hand hit another Chaos Beast. The Chaos Beast and the Chaos Space Marine inside were crushed by its own gravity under the power of gravity collapse and turned into a dense sphere composed of flesh and blood machinery.

Other Gray Knights also use gravity weapons to harvest the blasphemous life of the Chaos Beast, if this can be counted as life.

Tai Yue discovered that Warrick, the wolf lord of the Iron Wolf Company, was not far from him. He was not wearing a helmet. He had a rough appearance, his beard and hair had turned white, and the power armor stained red by blood could no longer be seen from its original appearance. blue.

But the amulets decorated on the armor are particularly eye-catching. These amulets are carefully forged from the bones and teeth of beasts as raw materials. They are like pieces of art. They are trophies he obtained after killing ferocious beasts in battle.

Tai Yue looked away from Warwick and focused on the battle in front of him. Soon the Chaos Beasts were all killed and wounded.

The Space Wolves who took the initiative shrunk their formation to the previous range, and Taiyue and others also retreated behind their armored vehicles.

Warrick did not show much enthusiasm for the supporting Gray Knight team. In the conflict known as the Moon of Shame in the 41st millennium, the Wolf Group and the Inquisition had a direct conflict. At that time, the Gray Knights were on the side of the Inquisition. , or in other words, the Gray Knights have always been on the side of the Tribunal.

Logan, the leader of the Space Wolves Fenris Champions, killed Malos, Grand Master of the Eighth Brotherhood of Gray Knights, on the spot during negotiations. Many Gray Knights were killed in that conflict.

Facing a common enemy this time, Warwick deliberately commanded the fleet to avoid the Inquisition's troops. He didn't even show any gratitude to the Gray Knights for support.

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