Warhammer III

Chapter 17 Alien Pets

Taiyue and Mansha both held their breath at this moment, concentrating on guarding against the coming of danger.

At this moment, some of the mechanical servants in the tower lost their signals one after another, and the marking points displayed by the tracer detection auspicious instrument also began to move.

The skull ate the meat with anesthetics and tracer radioactive elements specially prepared for it. After eating, it quickly came to the top of the tower and approached the bedroom.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck from outside the door and directly penetrated the door. Taiyue hugged the countess and rolled to the bed.

The smell of burnt silk fabrics drifted into the noses of the two people, and at the same time, the electronic lock of the door made a hissing sound.

After a moment of silence, the alien outside the door used its tail to open the door, and the slight sound of walking indicated that it had entered the room.

The electric shock gun placed in the room was triggered by the signal voltage of the detector and instantly began to counterattack. Four electric lights passed through the air and shot at the skull together. The direction of advance was blocked, and it had nowhere to escape.

But the electric light was deflected a few centimeters away from the brain of the skull, as if the light passed through a glass container filled with water, and it was unharmed.

One of the electric lights was deflected to Taiyue's side, and Mansha blocked it. After the current hit her insulating anti-electric suit, it spread out to the surroundings, but the high temperature generated instantly made her hum softly.

The skull immediately locked onto Mansha, and the current on the exposed brain became dense again. At the critical moment, the second wave of attack suddenly stopped.

There is no doubt that this is because Taiyue's consciousness touched the θ switch of the anti-psychic collar, entering the subconscious state and stimulating psychic energy.

Just now in his dream, Taiyue had found the θ switch, which was located in the middle of the back of the collar.

But he had not yet trained proficiently, and could only enter the subconscious state instantly, and then release the psychic energy from the confinement of the anti-psychic collar through the white dot of the δ switch.

Psychic energy can only be released from the white spot, which requires 100% concentration. If there is any mistake, the effort will be wasted. He tried many times, but only this time he succeeded.

The familiar psychic signal made the skull stop attacking. It was confused in the dark for a while and then started to act again.

Mansha took advantage of this gap to let the three combat servitors from the tower come in and restrain the skull through the gems she wore.

The metal shell of the combat servitor was sprayed with electromagnetic coating in advance. It was mainly equipped with mechanical arms and net guns, and no powerful shooting weapons were equipped.

They soon got entangled with the skull. The combat servitor waved a mechanical arm weighing several tons and tried to capture it with a net gun.

The skull evaded flexibly and began to counterattack with psychic lightning, but they were all shielded by the electromagnetic coating on the shell and could not destroy the internal circuit of the servitor.

Taiyue looked at the stalemate and triggered the θ switch again to enter the subconscious state to interfere with the skull.

But this time it completely ignored the interference of the psychic signal, and jumped onto the chandelier on the roof at the same time, avoiding the encirclement of the servitor.

While the robot servants hadn't reacted yet, the electric light on the skull began to gather at the tail, and the spikes on the tail vibrated and released electromagnetic pulses.

The three robot servants were immediately paralyzed on the ground after being hit, and the chandelier in the house also flickered under the powerful pulse, and then slowly dimmed.

Then the electric light on the skull disappeared, and it hid in the darkness again to accumulate strength.

Tai Yue saw that the psychic interference was ineffective, and he had already picked up the special net gun sent by the black market. When the electric light on the skull disappeared and he relaxed his guard, he pulled the trigger of the net gun.

There was a collision sound, and after the metal net bound the skull, it fell to the ground and looked around for enemies to attack it.

The trapped skull then began to attack the metal net with psychic lightning, and the high temperature generated by the current flowing through the metal net burned it instead.

It stopped the psychic lightning attack and tried to open the metal net with its claws and tail.

At this time, Mansha concentrated on launching psychic hypnosis to hypnotize the skull, and the skull's movements began to slow down, and then it was motionless.

Mansha's face lit up, and when she was about to go over, Taiyue pulled her back.

"Let the other servitors check the situation!" Taiyue said, and then asked the non-combat servitors outside the door to approach the skull to find out the situation.

The servitor, which had undergone brain removal and transformation, had no fear, and it slowly approached the skull.

3 meters,

2 meters,

1 meter,

Until it came to the skull without being attacked, Mansha then let the servitor lean over to touch the skull.

At this time, lightning instantly appeared outside the metal net, hitting the power core of the servitor, causing the servitor to crash and fall directly.

There was still lightning flashing on the collapsed servitor. The attack power of psychic lightning was too high, and it might die at any time if it was hit.

After knocking down the servitor, it began to struggle again, tearing the metal net desperately, and the metal net began to make a cracking sound.

"We can't capture it alive, so we can only kill it!" Although Taiyue couldn't bear it, this was the only choice at the moment.

Mansha took out her trump card, a plasma pistol for self-defense.

The gun body of this plasma pistol is half the size of the standard plasma pistol, and its power is only one-third of the standard plasma pistol. It uses high-energy capacitors for power supply, but it can only fire one plasma at a time. It can only be used again after replacing the capacitor battery.

Mansha aimed at the skull without hesitation and fired directly. The plasma of more than 3000c flew straight to the skull.

One meter away from it, the plasma plasma that was originally a ball spread into a sphere, and the surrounding buildings began to melt.

The high-temperature plasma eventually dissipated, and the metal mesh also cracked more than half.

"The electromagnetic force field shields the plasma!" Mansha's face turned pale, and she was at a loss at this time.

Originally, she thought that the combat servant and electric shock weapons could subdue this monster, but its attack methods are diverse, and it also has defensive capabilities. The special type of plasma pistol that Mansha bought on the black market is also helpless against it!

At this moment, Mansha can only rely on Taiyue, a man who is half her age. For the first time, she placed her hopes on someone else.

Taiyue stared at the skull and analyzed its possible weaknesses.

Based on the situation of the mechanical servant being knocked down just now, he speculated that the skull can generate psychic lightning at a distance from the brain, so as to avoid the metal net that binds it.

It is necessary to be close enough to the skull's brain to attack its exposed brain. Must it be close to it?

Taiyue suddenly realized:

From the beginning of discovering the skull, it did not attack itself specifically, as if it deliberately ignored Taiyue, and it seemed that Taiyue was not a big threat to it! This is also the reason why I used the net gun to hit it.

Taiyue touched the collar on his neck. The skull probably sensed the surrounding situation through psychic energy and electromagnetic waves.

Thinking of this, Taiyue asked Mansha to hypnotize the skull again, and he entered an unconscious state and approached it carefully. He was also very nervous. Even if its psychic energy was suppressed, its claws and tail covered with spikes could tear him to pieces.

After Mansha activated her psychic energy, she bit her lips nervously. Taiyue was already close to the skull, but the skull in front of him did not attack.

Taiyue took his only weapon, the laser iron, aimed at the weakness of the skull's brain and activated the switch. At the same time, he concentrated his consciousness to release psychic energy fluctuations through the δ switch to induce its attack.

The skull, sensing the danger, immediately released psychic lightning to attack Taiyue.

"Be careful!" Mansha shouted, and her face turned pale.

The skull rolled on the ground in pain, and its body twisted. The fresh memory of the pain and unique psychic characteristics made it know that the master was in front of it, and it lay on the ground ready to accept the master's reprimand.

The lightning struck the anti-psychic collar on Taiyue's neck and then dissipated, without hurting Taiyue.

Afterwards, Taiyue found that the piece of meat with anesthetic had taken effect, otherwise its attack could have directly shattered the anti-psychic collar!

Mansha looked at this scene in disbelief. The monster was like a docile pet in front of Taiyue.

After training the skull, Taiyue turned to the countess and said, "This is the secret I want to tell you. I used psychic power in my subconscious state in my dream to tame this monster and gave it a name: Skull!"

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