Warhammer III

Chapter 67: The Hand of Darkness and the Eye of Darkness

Taiyue's proposal made everyone think deeply. The action of jumping to the Blackstone Fortress was too risky. On the one hand, the Blackstone Fortress was far more tightly defended than the largest star fort in the empire. On the other hand, even if the gang-hopping was successful, the vast internal space of the Blackstone Fortress It cannot be occupied by the current troops.

Moreover, the Empire's emphasis on Blackstone Fortress and other Blackstone creations only started after the fall of Cadia. At present, the great sage Caul is mainly conducting research on Blackstone near the Maelstrom, but the research results are still very few.

Tai Yue saw everyone's hesitation, and he then used his second trump card:

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, when Brother Jerome of the Ninth Brotherhood and I destroyed the demonic original body, we obtained a psychic prophecy about the Blackstone Fortress."

Everyone's curiosity was completely piqued by Tai Yue, and they pricked up their ears and listened carefully to the psychic prophecies in Tai Yue's mouth.

"The Hand of Darkness, the artifact that controls the Blackstone Fortress, is on top of this Blackstone Fortress!"

Taiyue packaged asymmetric information into psychic prophecies, so that he did not have to reveal his secrets and could increase the credibility of the information. After all, everyone should pay attention to the psychic prophecies of the Gray Knight Grand Master who possesses Alpha psychic power. .

But this also laid the foundation for the long-term investigation of him by Sylvia, the conservative Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus.

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, is this true?"

"Have you seen the hand of darkness?"

Dolores and Grand Master Waldus asked at the same time. They were shocked by this information. Controlling the Blackstone Fortress requires the Hand of Darkness and the Eye of Darkness.

Currently, Inquisitor Katarina Greyfax of the Ordo Hereticus has obtained the Eye of Night in the demonic world of the Eye of Terror. This is the top secret of the Ordo and the Gray Knights Chapter, and now the prophecy of Taiyue mentions control. Another artifact of Blackstone Fortress, the Hand of Darkness!

Greyfax was a well-known inquisitor who participated in the Battle of Cadia. She was previously stored in the stasis field by Trazin, the overlord of the Necron, and was released by Trazin during the Battle of Cadia. After the fall of Cadia She participated in the operation to resurrect the Primarch Guilliman, and followed Guilliman to participate in the Terran Expedition. The task of finding the Eye of Shadow was arranged by Guilliman for Greyfax.

Tai Yue nodded, and Phoenix told him that the activation of Blackstone Fortress requires the control of the square stone and the mental core. After the mental core activates the Blackstone Fortress, it is no longer needed, and the control of the square stone is the controller of the Blackstone Fortress. Only with this can the activation of the Blackstone Fortress be controlled. Attack, he compared the intelligence of the Tribunal and guessed that the core of the mind was the Eye of Shadow in the Tribunal's records, and that the control of the square stone was the Hand of Darkness.

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, my sisters and I will follow the Great Master of Tai to the Blackstone Fortress to purify the Chaos Heresy!"

Sister Selina was the first to agree to the plan to jump into a gang and fight. Selina, who was usually calm, was also inspired by the news of the complete death of the demon primarch. Many demon-promoted genetic primarchs have harmed the empire for more than 10,000 years. Now, Finally one of the daemon primarchs was destroyed.

This news was as much a boost to the morale of the Imperial troops who had been secretly resisting the Daemons as the return of Lord Robert Guilliman, the Primarch.

Selina looked at the young Gray Knight Grand Mentor who had performed miracles many times, and couldn't help but think of the living saint she had seen with her own eyes - Lord Saint Celestine.

St. Celestine was once a member of the Sisters of the Martyrs (that is, the Sisters of the Heart of Fire. After the death of St. Catherine, who led the order, the order was renamed the Sisters of the Martyrs in memory of her). Sister of the Atonement, who was resurrected many times by the power of the Emperor.

St. Celestine led the Empire's troops to many victories and eliminated countless enemies of the Emperor, including Daemon Princes. As long as she appeared on the battlefield, she became the hope of the Imperial warriors.

During the battle of the fall of Cadia, Saint Celestine wounded the Chaos warrior Abaddon, forcing Abaddon to smash the Blackstone Fortress into Cadia. After that, Saint Celestine and Inquisitor Greyfa Together with X, he participated in the Resurrection of Guilliman and the Crusade to Terra.

Faced with the evidence provided by Thailand and Vietnam, Chapter Commander Hadan Battle finally chose to believe it, but he made a request:

"Please ask Master Tai to return the Demon Primarch's weapon, the Blade of Magnus, to Holy Terra. This weapon needs to be personally inspected by the Imperial Regent Guilliman."

Taiyue did not refuse this proposal, and Hardan Bartel's caution and loyalty to the Primarch also impressed him.

After thinking for a moment, Dolores also began to express her position:

"The Inquisition Stormtroopers and I will also follow the actions of Taiyue Mentor!"

Captain Stern of the Third Brotherhood whispered a few words to Grand Master Waldus beside him, then stood up and announced the follow-up action plan:

"The entire fleet has entered a state of war preparation. Only elite troops will participate in this gang-hopping operation. The mission goal is to seize the hand of darkness on the Blackstone Fortress and seal the functions of the Blackstone Fortress!"

At the end of the meeting, Captain Stern identified the personnel who would join the gang:

Inquisition of Demons: Inquisitor Dolores and 2 companies of Inquisition Stormtroopers;

Gray Knights Chapter: Third Brotherhood Grand Master Voldus and 1 Terminator Squad, Ninth Brotherhood Taiyue and Brother Jerome;

Sisters of the Holy Rose: Grand Sister Selena and a team of Clean Angels;

Storm Reaper Chapter: Chapter Master Hardan Bartel and 1 Raider Squad;

After the meeting, Taiyue and Jerome went to the location of the airdrop pod. In this battle, they will use the airdrop pod to jump into gangs.

This operation was very dangerous. Tai Yue considered that the other brothers of the Ninth Brotherhood were participating in the battle for the first time and were not experienced, so he asked them to stay on the Uruk, and only he and Jerome participated in the operation.

One day later, the joint fleet began to take the initiative to go to the space domain where the Blackstone Fortress is located.

(Author: The golden child Kong on the protagonist's left hand is the blessing of Tzeentch. Now he has been affected and has some Tzeentch behavior, but his loyalty to the Emperor is beyond doubt.

Reader: I heard that the protagonist will have the blessing of Slaanesh in the future. Will there be Slaanesh behavior?

Author: Ahem, it depends on what the blessing of Slaanesh is. The next few chapters will continue to be high energy, please recommend and vote!)

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