Warhammer III

Chapter 9 The Knight Family and the Martian Knights

The news of the Ninth Brotherhood of Gray Knights annihilating the Demonic Primarch has been informed by the higher-ups of the Inquisition. The background of the creation of the Ninth Brotherhood and their special metal organs naturally attracted the attention of the Inquisition.

Sylvia was the Inquisitor of the Heretic Tribunal who came to investigate. She contacted Elvis, the Tribunal representative resident in Titan, and planned to conduct an investigation on Titan as a Tribunal representative.

But then she discovered that Taiyue's mentor had gone to Mars to study as a technical sergeant on Mars, so she also came to Mars.

After arriving on the surface of Mars, Sylvia went directly to the genetic laboratory of the Great Sage Caul and decided to start the investigation from the person in charge of manufacturing the metal organs. However, the Great Sage did not reveal any information and left the genetic laboratory midway. This made Sylvia a little annoyed, so she used the Emperor's Tarot to perform divination.

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"Your Majesty the God Emperor, I am Judge Sylvia, and you must be Taiyue's mentor!"

Tai Yue nodded. He knew that the other party was here to investigate metal organs. As a loyal warrior of the emperor, facing him directly was the best choice.

When Sylvia came to Taiyue, she put away the Emperor Tarot cards in her hands, crossed her hands and performed the Empire's Sky Eagle Salute, and Taiyue also responded to the Sky Eagle Salute.

"Any hints from the Emperor Tarot?"

Tai Yue asked curiously that Sylvia had probably used tarot cards to divine metal seeds, and she was very concerned about the results so she kept holding tarot cards.

Sylvia didn't expect Taiyue's question to be so direct. She was stunned and answered:

"The shattered world above the God-Emperor's throne turned upside down."

"What does it mean?"

"Heralds catastrophe!"

The two looked at each other. The Emperor's Tarot is a collection of seventy-eight cards composed of subspace crystals. The diviner believes that it is connected to the will of the God Emperor. The future can be predicted through the interpretation of psychics. The content of Sylvia's divination is It is the future of people with metal organs.

"Proud to be the God of All Machines. Psychic predictions may not be accurate. Precise calculations are the only way to peek into the future."

Della stepped forward at this moment. Believers of the God of All Machines would calculate the probability of something happening in the future, but would not directly believe the results of the prophecy.

"That's true. I am also a prophecy psyker myself, so there will be inaccuracies."

Tai Yue coughed a few times and followed Della's words.

"Teacher Taiyue, if it's convenient, let's go to the secret room next to us to talk. I want to know what happened on Prospero."

Sylvia stared at Taiyue and said. She did not continue the previous topic, but wanted to ask about the details of the death of the Demon Primarch. After all, in addition to the Ninth Brotherhood, the Astartes of the Space Wolves were present at the time. The latter The relationship with the Inquisition is on fire and water.

Tai Yue did not refuse. Instead of letting Judge Sylvia guess, it would be better to tell her directly.

The two then went to the secret room. Tai Yue recounted his experience of annihilating the demonic original body one by one, while Sylvia carefully recorded every word he said and raised some doubts from time to time.

The two talked like this until the great sage Kaul returned to the genetic laboratory, and Della immediately went to the secret room to inform Taiyue.

Tai Yue left the secret room, and he saw the Great Sage Caul again. Next to the Great Sage was Baron Dranta of the Taranis Knight Family.

As the name suggests, the Knight Family is the family that controls the Knight Titans. Their history can be traced back to the Dark Age of Technology. Huge colonial starships carried humans to settle in isolated worlds. They used STC templates to produce bipedal mechas to protect the colonies. safety. With the warp storm created by the birth of Slaanesh, the connections between the colonies were interrupted, and some colonies became feudal societies and gave birth to nobles who piloted the bipedal mechas-Knight Titans. These worlds were also called Knight Worlds.

After the Emperor launched the Great Crusade to regain the Galaxy, Knight Worlds and Knight Families returned to the Human Empire one after another. They were divided into two factions according to the different parties who signed the covenant. One faction was still loyal to the Mechanicus. The Knight Titan had the gears and servos of the Mechanicus. The other faction directly signed an alliance with the Empire. The Knight Titan has the double-headed eagle symbol of the Empire.

The Taranis family, known as the 'Knights of Mars', was the first knight family established on Mars and in the Milky Way. They were called the 'Knight Chiefs'. They had only two pilots left after the Horus Heresy. , eventually grew again with the support of the Loyal Mechanicus, and now the sage of the Mechanicum they swore allegiance to is the Great Sage Caul.

Baron Delanta was wearing a Knight Titan pilot suit and a neural link helmet in his hand. This time he brought a big news:

"The Founding General Uldia Raskian, the Great Sage, decided to send a force deep into the Labyrinth of Night! He has used the wreckage of the invading Necron ship to analyze some of the Necron technology, and his action this time is said to be Inspired by the God of All Machines, at the same time, the Titan Legion and the Knight Family under the direct command of General Forge also began to take action. "

Tai Yue frowned. The great sage Caul brought Baron Delanta to explain the situation. This was obviously to let him go together!

(Previously, it was said that during the exploration of the stars by the followers of the God of All Machines, Knight Titans were provided to the feudal world, and the Knight World was asked to protect the Mechanicus, thus forming the Knight World. This is not discussed here. For relevant background information, this book is based on the fandom website.)

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