Warhammer III

Chapter 25: The Word Bearers and the Dark Apostles

The outer orbital area of ​​the galaxy where the Red Earth star is located is dead silent. The light of the star is so far away. In the cold and dim space, the energy of the warp begins to fluctuate.

"Alert! A large number of fleets are preparing to jump out of Mandeville Point!"

The alarm sounded on the bridge of the Uruk strike cruiser, breaking the tranquility inside the ship.

"God Emperor, the traitors are finally here, activate the light spear array"

Captain Nelson of the Ninth Brotherhood immediately issued an order. After a long wait, he was relieved when the enemy appeared.

The energy of the Uruk began to converge on the light spear turret to charge the light spear array, and the Broken Claw frigate on the other side of Mandeville Point also immediately loaded torpedoes.

As the barrier between the warp and the real universe was torn apart, the 'Dread Messenger', one of the three major Chaos vanguards, drove warships to leave the warp and come to this galaxy.

The first warship to leave the warp was the battleship Fury of the Abyss of the Word Bearers Legion Saints Warband.

The Word Bearers are the 17th Legion of the Great Crusade. As one of the nine Space Marine Legions that betrayed the Emperor of Mankind during the Horus Heresy, their Daemon Primarch is Lorgar Aurelian, Chaos Undivided.

The Word Bearers were also the first Legion to join Chaos. They corrupted the Warmaster Horus through covert actions, which led to the Horus Heresy. After the Horus Heresy, the Word Bearers and other traitorous Legions fled into the Eye of Terror, but they did not split into loose warbands. Instead, they were led by the Dark Council of the Legion. They now have only one goal: to overthrow the rule of the Corpse Emperor and spread the "truth" of Chaos to all mankind!

"From the flames of betrayal to the blood of revenge,

God brought us the name of Lorgar Aurelian,

The bearer of the Tao, the son of Chaos, all glory should belong to him,

Starting from those who disobeyed, we praise those who obeyed,

Let God turn his eyes to us and grant us endless grace,

And we will dye the galaxy red with blood to satisfy the hunger of the gods"

On the bridge of the Abyss's Fury, the dark apostle Targro recited the chapters in "The Book of Lorgar", which was written by the demon primarch himself to promote the book of the God of Chaos.

Targro wore a scarlet power armor like dried blood, the edge of the armor was decorated with a silver frame, forming a silver arrow inward, and on his shoulder armor was a long-horned demon head wrapped in flames roaring.

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"Humanity must follow the path of chaos, otherwise it will die."

Talgro's armor is also covered with blasphemous prayers, written on human skin, and the content is also taken from the Book of Lorgar.

The Dark Apostles are priests of the Word Bearers. They used to fanatically preach the divinity of the Emperor, but now they praise the Chaos God.

The most pious and powerful Dark Apostles form the Dark Council to rule the Word Bearers, executing the will of the demon primarch Lorgar and the God of Chaos.

Lorgar himself meditated for 10,000 years in a temple on the demon world of Sicaros in the depths of the Eye of Terror to seek enlightenment of the power of destruction. After the Great Rift opened, Lorgar and his legion began to act.

At the same time, Nelson ordered the Broken Claw frigate to launch torpedoes, while the Uruk's light spear array waited for more enemy ships to leave the warp before firing a salvo.

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