Warhammer III

Chapter 43 Support

The battle continued for another day. The first layer of defense built at the outer gate of the factory had been lost. The enemy continued to attack the second layer of defense by bypassing the tanks and broken corpses that had turned into scrap metal.

The Exorcist missile launcher stands in the middle of the factory's inner door as a bunker for the Battle Sisters team. Its weapons and ammunition have been exhausted, and now it can only serve as an iron wall to block the enemy, otherwise a large number of Chaos believers will easily rush in.

Grand Sister Lyudmilla stopped pulling the trigger of the plasma pistol, and the shining plasma instantly cleared half of the passage, leaving only the charred corpses of Chaos followers.

The storm bolters, heavy flamethrowers and other weapons in the hands of other battle sisters intertwined with the fire net, and the explosion, heat and flames purified the enemy.

The armed servitors on both sides rushed forward, trying to push the enemy back to the first layer of defense. More and more corpses and mechanical parts were piled up, and then they were vaporized by the weapons. The air was filled with black mist and disgusting fumes. odor.


Suddenly, a burst of explosive shells shattered half of a battle nun's head. The battle nun died immediately and then fell to the ground. Brutal enemies wearing power armor joined the battlefield.

Lyudmila was about to step forward to check whether her sisters were alive or dead, but was suppressed by more intensive bombs and could not raise her head.

"Chaos Warband!"

Lyudmila recognized her enemy, and the Sisters of Battle squad was horrified. Chaos Space Marines, fallen Angels of Death, appeared among the Chaos Cultists.

Members of the Blind Hand warband dispatched the servitors at close range in the blink of an eye, then used armor-piercing grenades to reduce the armored bunker to rubble.

"God's blessing, sisters, hold on, support troops will be here soon!"

Virginia, the court official next to Lyudmila, announced loudly that the support troops of the Nonavore Iron Guard had just arrived at the food synthesis factory on a freight train.

Without a bunker, the Battle Sisters team quickly came into close combat with the enemy. They faced the enemy silently, and the scream of the weapons in their hands was their unspoken words.

"Death to heretics!"

Lyudmila took the initiative to confront a warband member armed with a chain axe, and swung the power sword in her hand at the enemy.

The chain ax and the power sword kept colliding, and Lyudmila shattered the enemy's shoulder armor, but the enemy finally drove Lyudmila back with brute force.

"Haha, the support troops you are waiting for do not believe in the Emperor!"

The Chaos Space Marine mocked that he had also heard the news of the arrival of Imperial reinforcements, and instead smiled. The Battle Sister in front of him was very powerful, and it was not necessarily possible after being distracted.

Lyudmila's face darkened after hearing this, and she couldn't help but wonder whether the support troops had also been infiltrated by the enemy, but before she had time to think about it, the enemy's heavy attack struck again.


A bolt flew past Lyudmilla, shattering the Chaos Space Marine's helmet and stopping the enemy's attack.

"Don't hide your head and show your tail, let me see your face!"

Tai Yue walked towards Lyudmila as he spoke. He and Bruce were now fully armed and came together to support the Battle Sisters team.

"Instructor Taiyue, the support troops may be the enemy, and the factory is in danger now!"

Lyudmila said loudly. She had long been accustomed to silence, but now she had to warn Taiyue loudly.

"Don't worry, Brother Jerome and Brother Nelson have already gone to intercept."

Taiyue patted Lyudmila on the shoulder and walked past her, his eyes fixed on the enemy who showed his true face.

The enemy in front of him had deep features, slightly bronzed skin, and a strong forehead under his bald head. Blood flowed from his injured temple to his chin, and then dripped on the power armor, dyeing the Chaos Eight-Pointed Star with blood.

"I heard that the traitors of the Alpha Legion all look like their Primarch. Alpharius doesn't just look like this."

Bruce curled his lips, and then swung the double-headed hammer. The powerful psychic field was like an invisible palm, grabbing the enemy's neck and lifting the enemy in the air.

The enemy wielded his chainsword and slashed at random, but it had no effect.


As soon as Bruce exerted his strength, the psychic field contracted, and the enemy's head was crushed directly, with blood splattering everywhere.

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